Chapter 2: Deposition of Mudstones and Shales Deposition of Mudstones and Shales: Overview, Problems, and Challenges Jürgen Schieber, Department of Geology, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas - 76019
Bab 2: Endapan Mudstones dan serpihEndapan Mudstones dan serpih: Ikhtisar, masalah dan tantanganJürgen Schieber, Departemen geologi, University of Texas di Arlington, Arlington, Texas - 76019
Bab 2: Deposisi mudstones dan Shales Deposisi mudstones dan Shales: Sekilas, Masalah, dan Tantangan Jürgen Schieber, Departemen Geologi, The University of Texas di Arlington, Arlington, Texas - 76019