properties of rules, and institutions within which individuals interac terjemahan - properties of rules, and institutions within which individuals interac Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

properties of rules, and institutio

properties of rules, and institutions within which individuals interact, and the processes
through which these rules and institutions are chosen into being’, and assesses whether an
RIA’s success or failure depends on the economic constitution chosen by the participating
states. In particular, the article examines the EU’s achievement of the single market, a
frontier-free market with the objectives of the free movement of goods and services, labour
and capital, free of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, all constituent elements of RIAs.
As we illustrate in this article, the choice of an appropriate economic constitution has been
fundamental to the EU’s success in bringing about a single market. Drawing on the work
of constitutional economists, we argue that such an economic constitution is essential for
the success of an RIA that aims to create a single market.
The term economic constitution, which is the object of research of constitutional eco-
nomics, refers to sets of rules and their enforceability, and the contractual nature of the
‘constitution’ itself. We draw on the Freiburg School’s definition of an economic consti-
tution, namely the inclusive decision by a community about how its economic life is to
be ordered (Vanberg 1998). Considerable scholarly attention has been devoted to the EU’s
economic constitution (Streit and Mussler 1994, 1998, Vibert 1995, Buchanan 1996) and
our article draws on their contributions in order to comparatively analyse the EU and the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which aims to create a single market
by 2015 (ASEAN 2008).
We argue that the failure, to date, to bring about a single market in ASEAN is largely
due to its difficulty in constructing an economic constitution as a form of a social contract –
and not simply as a contract relating to the market. Vanberg defines a social contract in the
following way:
From a constitutional perspective, the – explicit or implicit – social contract . . . that underlies
any organization can be viewed as an exchange . . . namely an exchange of commitments
among the contracting parties to accept constraints on their future choice options . . . The
social contract establishes relations among the participants that are different in kind from
market exchange relations . . . (Vanberg 1994, p. 140)
We adopt the constitutional approach as an alternative to a market exchange paradigm,
whereby individuals (and nations) participate in an activity in terms of a type of advantage
(return) and cease to participate if the return is inferior to the opportunity cost of their
contribution (March and Simon 1958, p. 84). The constitutional approach insists less
on the existence of common interests or objectives than on the constraints which each
party undertakes to respect and which essentially determine the economic constitution of
the agreement. According to the constitutional approach, the constitution of a regional
agreement must specify its
modus operandi
by tackling two main problems: which rules
determine how decisions that are jointly taken by all members can be enforced and how
can distributive issues be addressed? Distributive issues are crucial because joint decisions
produce a single, indivisible result, which cannot be shared among members in proportion
to their contribution.
This article examines the factors that lead to the creation and sustainability of an eco-
nomic constitution for a RIA. Section 2 draws on the analytical instruments of constitutional
economics to evaluate the success of a regional agreement on the basis of the ‘quality’ of
its economic constitution. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to the comparative analysis of the
creation of the internal market in the EU and in ASEAN. The article concludes that it is
the commitment to the implementation of a social contract that determines the successful
establishment of a single market.
Downloaded by [Gadjah Mada University] at 06:51 02 February 2015
P. Murray and G. Orcalli
2. The economic constitution of a regional integration agreement
that establish a correlation between the complexity of individual trade relations – which are
linked to the level of specialisation – and the complexity of those institutions that allow for
trade to take place:
the greater the specialisation and the number and availability of valuable attributes (of com-
modities, services and the performance of agents) the more weight must be put on reliable
institutions that allow individuals to engage in complex contracting with a minimum of uncer-
tainty about whether the terms of the contract can be realised (North 1990, p. 34)
In our view, the economic constitution of a RIA, that is the sets of rules and their
in North’s sense.
An international or regional economic order created by an economic constitution could
result in this order becoming the structure and systematic pattern of economic activities,
given that, as Eucken (1992) argues, all economic activities take place within, and can be
understood in the context of, that order. Eucken (1992) and B
ohm (1989), for example,
orders have evolved over centuries, rather than being the result of constructive deliberation.
However, economic orders can be improved through reform. The challenge of achieving an
efficient economic order cannot be resolved by the spontaneous development of economic
shaped and applied to economic policy, trade policy, credit, monopoly, tax policy, company
These problems have been addressed, not without difficulty, by the WTO. Most agree-
ments that seek to successfully resolve the trade-off between trade liberalisation and the
national regulation of economic activities have met with insurmountable obstacles due to
the diverse nature of their constituent parts. In only a few cases has the WTO managed to
address such issues (such as TRIPs, Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights)
by satisfying enough interests in order to agree on international norms.
In the light of these challenges, many countries have negotiated regional agreements
to resolve the trade-off through the adoption of common rules. The hypothesis underlying
our interpretation of the role and success of the RIAs is based on North’s argument: the
more the global economy integrates, the more rules and institutions become important at
both supranational and macro-regional levels. Further, the choice between a multilateral
solution and a regional one depends on the establishment and maintenance of common
rules among countries.
In constitutional economics, the ability of an economic system to adapt to changes
in the environment depends on its economic constitution: that is, on the set of rules and
institutions that bind the actions and transactions of actors within a jurisdiction and in
relations with actors of other jurisdictions. The effectiveness of an economic constitution
is determined by its ability to channel the choices made by private and public agents.
This ability, in turn, depends on the quality of the rules of the jurisdiction. Constitutional
economics distinguishes between two levels where choices can be made: the constitutional
level where the rules defining the jurisdiction are chosen, and the sub-constitutional level
where choices are made within the rules. In the case of an RIA, a distinction is made
between the choice of an economic constitution (general rules) and the choices made by
private and public individuals within these general rules. The success of an RIA needs to
Downloaded by [Gadjah Mada University] at 06:51 02 February 2015
Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy
be assessed on the basis of whether it can build an efficient economic institution for a ‘new’
type of jurisdiction and choose the ‘rules of the game under which the citizens of a polity
may wish to live’ (Vanberg 2001, p. 34).
An RIA can be understood as a constitution-based organisation, that is, a decision-
making and acting unit, or corporate actor (Coleman 1974). Coleman has extensively
analysed the procedures of collective and organised actions and Vanberg (1994), drawing
on Coleman, provides a model to explain organisations: individuals (or the state) set up an
used jointly according to established procedural rules. The collective use of joint resources
is therefore subject to those procedural rules that serve to identify the organisation itself
rather than its objectives. In Vanberg’s interpretation, procedural rules are constitutions,
in that they constitute the organisation as a corporate actor: ‘The very essence of being a
member of an organisation is to give up separate control over certain of one’s resources, and
to submit them to an organisational decision-making procedure in which one may have –
or may not have – a vote’ (Vanberg 1994, p. 136).
A constitution, therefore, specifies the operational criteria of an organisation, particu-
larly in order to resolve any fundamental issues that (inevitably) arise from joint actions,
ter problems arise because the action of an organisation cannot distinguish among members
on the basis of their input. Therefore, outputs of collective actions cannot be proportionally
redistributed. This results in a constitutional problem, as it gives rise to rules or principles
governing distribution. Solutions to these issues relate to the constitution’s ‘quality’. The
greater the collective action, the greater the
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
properties of rules, and institutions within which individuals interact, and the processesthrough which these rules and institutions are chosen into being’, and assesses whether anRIA’s success or failure depends on the economic constitution chosen by the participatingstates. In particular, the article examines the EU’s achievement of the single market, afrontier-free market with the objectives of the free movement of goods and services, labourand capital, free of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, all constituent elements of RIAs.As we illustrate in this article, the choice of an appropriate economic constitution has beenfundamental to the EU’s success in bringing about a single market. Drawing on the workof constitutional economists, we argue that such an economic constitution is essential forthe success of an RIA that aims to create a single market.The term economic constitution, which is the object of research of constitutional eco-nomics, refers to sets of rules and their enforceability, and the contractual nature of the‘constitution’ itself. We draw on the Freiburg School’s definition of an economic consti-tution, namely the inclusive decision by a community about how its economic life is tobe ordered (Vanberg 1998). Considerable scholarly attention has been devoted to the EU’seconomic constitution (Streit and Mussler 1994, 1998, Vibert 1995, Buchanan 1996) andour article draws on their contributions in order to comparatively analyse the EU and theAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which aims to create a single marketby 2015 (ASEAN 2008).We argue that the failure, to date, to bring about a single market in ASEAN is largelydue to its difficulty in constructing an economic constitution as a form of a social contract –and not simply as a contract relating to the market. Vanberg defines a social contract in thefollowing way:From a constitutional perspective, the – explicit or implicit – social contract . . . that underliesany organization can be viewed as an exchange . . . namely an exchange of commitmentsamong the contracting parties to accept constraints on their future choice options . . . Thesocial contract establishes relations among the participants that are different in kind frommarket exchange relations . . . (Vanberg 1994, p. 140)We adopt the constitutional approach as an alternative to a market exchange paradigm,whereby individuals (and nations) participate in an activity in terms of a type of advantage(return) and cease to participate if the return is inferior to the opportunity cost of theircontribution (March and Simon 1958, p. 84). The constitutional approach insists lesson the existence of common interests or objectives than on the constraints which eachparty undertakes to respect and which essentially determine the economic constitution ofthe agreement. According to the constitutional approach, the constitution of a regionalagreement must specify itsmodus operandiby tackling two main problems: which rulesdetermine how decisions that are jointly taken by all members can be enforced and howcan distributive issues be addressed? Distributive issues are crucial because joint decisionsproduce a single, indivisible result, which cannot be shared among members in proportionto their contribution.This article examines the factors that lead to the creation and sustainability of an eco-nomic constitution for a RIA. Section 2 draws on the analytical instruments of constitutionaleconomics to evaluate the success of a regional agreement on the basis of the ‘quality’ ofits economic constitution. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to the comparative analysis of thecreation of the internal market in the EU and in ASEAN. The article concludes that it isthe commitment to the implementation of a social contract that determines the successfulestablishment of a single market.Downloaded by [Gadjah Mada University] at 06:51 02 February 2015428P. Murray and G. Orcalli2. The economic constitution of a regional integration agreementThekeychallengefortheestablishmentofanRIAistoinstitutionaliseregulatoryproceduresthat establish a correlation between the complexity of individual trade relations – which arelinked to the level of specialisation – and the complexity of those institutions that allow fortrade to take place:the greater the specialisation and the number and availability of valuable attributes (of com-modities, services and the performance of agents) the more weight must be put on reliableinstitutions that allow individuals to engage in complex contracting with a minimum of uncer-tainty about whether the terms of the contract can be realised (North 1990, p. 34)In our view, the economic constitution of a RIA, that is the sets of rules and theirenforceabilitythatpermitindividualtraderelations,canberegardedasa’reliableinstitution’in North’s sense.An international or regional economic order created by an economic constitution couldresult in this order becoming the structure and systematic pattern of economic activities,given that, as Eucken (1992) argues, all economic activities take place within, and can beunderstood in the context of, that order. Eucken (1992) and B̈ohm (1989), for example,claimthateconomicordersaresubjecttocollective,politicalchoices,whereasmarket-basedorders have evolved over centuries, rather than being the result of constructive deliberation.However, economic orders can be improved through reform. The challenge of achieving anefficient economic order cannot be resolved by the spontaneous development of economicsystems.Rather,asEucken(1992,p.314)argues,theeconomicsystemhastobeconsciouslyshaped and applied to economic policy, trade policy, credit, monopoly, tax policy, companyorbankruptcylaw,andindeedtotheentireeconomy,nationalandinternational,anditsrules.These problems have been addressed, not without difficulty, by the WTO. Most agree-ments that seek to successfully resolve the trade-off between trade liberalisation and thenational regulation of economic activities have met with insurmountable obstacles due tothe diverse nature of their constituent parts. In only a few cases has the WTO managed toaddress such issues (such as TRIPs, Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights)by satisfying enough interests in order to agree on international norms.In the light of these challenges, many countries have negotiated regional agreementsto resolve the trade-off through the adoption of common rules. The hypothesis underlyingour interpretation of the role and success of the RIAs is based on North’s argument: themore the global economy integrates, the more rules and institutions become important atboth supranational and macro-regional levels. Further, the choice between a multilateralsolution and a regional one depends on the establishment and maintenance of commonrules among countries.In constitutional economics, the ability of an economic system to adapt to changesin the environment depends on its economic constitution: that is, on the set of rules andinstitutions that bind the actions and transactions of actors within a jurisdiction and inrelations with actors of other jurisdictions. The effectiveness of an economic constitutionis determined by its ability to channel the choices made by private and public agents.This ability, in turn, depends on the quality of the rules of the jurisdiction. Constitutionaleconomics distinguishes between two levels where choices can be made: the constitutionallevel where the rules defining the jurisdiction are chosen, and the sub-constitutional levelwhere choices are made within the rules. In the case of an RIA, a distinction is madebetween the choice of an economic constitution (general rules) and the choices made byprivate and public individuals within these general rules. The success of an RIA needs toDownloaded by [Gadjah Mada University] at 06:51 02 February 2015Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy429be assessed on the basis of whether it can build an efficient economic institution for a ‘new’type of jurisdiction and choose the ‘rules of the game under which the citizens of a politymay wish to live’ (Vanberg 2001, p. 34).An RIA can be understood as a constitution-based organisation, that is, a decision-making and acting unit, or corporate actor (Coleman 1974). Coleman has extensivelyanalysed the procedures of collective and organised actions and Vanberg (1994), drawingon Coleman, provides a model to explain organisations: individuals (or the state) set up anorganisationwhenresourcesareshared,suchascommercialorregulatorypolicies.Theseareused jointly according to established procedural rules. The collective use of joint resourcesis therefore subject to those procedural rules that serve to identify the organisation itselfrather than its objectives. In Vanberg’s interpretation, procedural rules are constitutions,in that they constitute the organisation as a corporate actor: ‘The very essence of being amember of an organisation is to give up separate control over certain of one’s resources, andto submit them to an organisational decision-making procedure in which one may have –or may not have – a vote’ (Vanberg 1994, p. 136).A constitution, therefore, specifies the operational criteria of an organisation, particu-larly in order to resolve any fundamental issues that (inevitably) arise from joint actions,suchastherulesgoverningcollectivedecision-makinganddistributionproblems.Theselat-ter problems arise because the action of an organisation cannot distinguish among memberson the basis of their input. Therefore, outputs of collective actions cannot be proportionallyredistributed. This results in a constitutional problem, as it gives rise to rules or principlesgoverning distribution. Solutions to these issues relate to the constitution’s ‘quality’. Thegreater the collective action, the greater the
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sifat aturan, dan institusi di mana individu berinteraksi, dan proses
melalui mana aturan dan lembaga-lembaga ini dipilih menjadi ada ', dan menilai apakah
keberhasilan atau kegagalan RIA tergantung pada konstitusi ekonomi yang dipilih oleh peserta
negara. Secara khusus, artikel meneliti prestasi Uni Eropa dari pasar tunggal, sebuah
pasar perbatasan bebas dengan tujuan dari pergerakan bebas barang dan jasa, tenaga kerja
dan modal, bebas dari tarif dan non-tarif hambatan perdagangan, semua elemen penyusun RIA.
Seperti yang kita menggambarkan dalam artikel ini, pilihan konstitusi ekonomi yang sesuai telah
mendasar bagi keberhasilan Uni Eropa dalam mewujudkan pasar tunggal. Menggambar pada karya
ekonom konstitusi, kami berpendapat bahwa konstitusi ekonomi tersebut adalah penting untuk
keberhasilan suatu RIA yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan pasar tunggal.
Konstitusi ekonomi jangka, yang merupakan objek penelitian dari eko konstitusional
nomics, mengacu set aturan dan keberlakuan mereka, dan sifat kontrak dari
'konstitusi' itu sendiri. Kami menarik definisi Freiburg Sekolah dari consti- ekonomi
tution, yaitu keputusan yang inklusif dengan masyarakat tentang bagaimana kehidupan ekonomi adalah untuk
dipesan (Vanberg 1998). Perhatian ilmiah yang cukup telah dikhususkan untuk Uni Eropa
konstitusi ekonomi (Streit dan Mussler 1994, 1998, Vibert 1995, Buchanan 1996) dan
artikel kami mengacu pada kontribusi mereka untuk relatif menganalisis Uni Eropa dan
Perhimpunan Bangsa Asia Tenggara (ASEAN), yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan pasar tunggal
. 2015 (ASEAN 2008)
Kami berpendapat bahwa kegagalan, sampai saat ini, untuk membawa pasar tunggal di ASEAN sebagian besar
karena kesulitan dalam membangun sebuah konstitusi ekonomi sebagai bentuk kontrak sosial -
dan tidak hanya sebagai kontrak yang berkaitan dengan pasar. Vanberg mendefinisikan kontrak sosial dalam
cara berikut:
Dari perspektif konstitusi, - kontrak sosial - eksplisit atau implisit. . . yang mendasari
setiap organisasi dapat dilihat sebagai pertukaran. . . yaitu pertukaran komitmen
diantara pihak-pihak untuk menerima kendala pada pilihan pilihan masa depan mereka. . . The
kontrak sosial menetapkan hubungan antara para peserta yang berbeda dalam jenis dari
hubungan pertukaran pasar. . . (Vanberg 1994, p. 140)
Kami mengadopsi pendekatan konstitusional sebagai alternatif paradigma pasar pasar,
dimana individu (dan negara) berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan dalam hal jenis keuntungan
(pulang) dan berhenti untuk berpartisipasi jika pengembalian adalah kalah dengan biaya kesempatan dari mereka
kontribusi (Maret dan Simon 1958, p. 84). Pendekatan konstitusional bersikeras kurang
tentang keberadaan kepentingan bersama atau tujuan dari pada kendala yang masing-masing
pihak berjanji untuk menghormati dan yang pada dasarnya menentukan konstitusi ekonomi
perjanjian. Menurut pendekatan konstitusional, konstitusi dari daerah
perjanjian harus menentukan nya
modus operandi
dengan mengatasi dua masalah utama: yang mengatur
menentukan bagaimana keputusan yang diambil bersama-sama oleh semua anggota dapat ditegakkan dan bagaimana
dapat distributif masalah diatasi? Isu distributif sangat penting karena keputusan bersama
menghasilkan tunggal, hasilnya dibagi, yang tidak dapat dibagi di antara anggota sebanding
dengan kontribusinya.
Artikel ini membahas faktor-faktor yang mengarah pada penciptaan dan keberlanjutan sebuah eco
konstitusi eko- untuk RIA. Bagian 2 mengacu pada instrumen analitis konstitusi
ekonomi untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan suatu kesepakatan regional atas dasar 'kualitas' dari
konstitusi ekonomi. Bagian 3 dan 4 yang dikhususkan untuk analisis komparatif dari
penciptaan pasar internal di Uni Eropa dan ASEAN. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa itu adalah
komitmen untuk pelaksanaan kontrak sosial yang menentukan sukses
pembentukan pasar tunggal.
download berdasarkan [Universitas Gadjah Mada] di 06:51 2 Februari 2015
P. Murray dan G. Orcalli
2. Konstitusi ekonomi dari perjanjian integrasi regional
yang membangun korelasi antara kompleksitas hubungan perdagangan individu - yang
terkait dengan tingkat spesialisasi - dan kompleksitas lembaga-lembaga yang memungkinkan untuk
perdagangan berlangsung:
semakin besar spesialisasi dan jumlah dan ketersediaan atribut berharga (dari com-
modities, layanan dan kinerja agen) yang lebih berat harus diletakkan pada diandalkan
lembaga yang memungkinkan individu untuk terlibat dalam kontrak yang kompleks dengan minimal diandaikan
ketidakmenentuan tentang apakah syarat-syarat kontrak dapat direalisasikan (Utara 1990, hal. 34)
Dalam pandangan kami, konstitusi ekonomi dari RIA, yang merupakan set aturan dan mereka
enforceabilitythatpermitindividualtraderelations, canberegardedasa'reliableinstitution '
dalam arti Utara.
Sebuah tata ekonomi internasional atau regional yang diciptakan oleh ekonomi konstitusi bisa
menghasilkan urutan ini menjadi struktur dan pola yang sistematis kegiatan ekonomi,
mengingat bahwa, sebagai Eucken (1992) berpendapat, semua kegiatan ekonomi berlangsung dalam, dan dapat
dipahami dalam konteks, urutan itu. Eucken (1992) dan B
ohm (1989), misalnya,
claimthateconomicordersaresubjecttocollective, politicalchoices, berbasis whereasmarket
pesanan telah berkembang selama berabad-abad, bukannya hasil musyawarah konstruktif.
Namun, pesanan ekonomi dapat ditingkatkan melalui reformasi. Tantangan untuk mencapai suatu
tatanan ekonomi yang efisien tidak dapat diselesaikan oleh perkembangan spontan ekonomi
systems.Rather, asEucken (1992, p.314) berpendapat, theeconomicsystemhastobeconsciously
dibentuk dan diterapkan untuk kebijakan ekonomi, kebijakan perdagangan, kredit, monopoli, kebijakan pajak, perusahaan
orbankruptcylaw, andindeedtotheentireeconomy, nationalandinternational, anditsrules.
Masalah ini telah ditangani, bukan tanpa kesulitan, oleh WTO. Kebanyakan setuju-
KASIH yang berusaha untuk berhasil menyelesaikan trade-off antara liberalisasi perdagangan dan
peraturan nasional kegiatan ekonomi telah bertemu dengan hambatan dapat diatasi karena
sifat beragam bagian penyusunnya. Dalam hanya beberapa kasus telah WTO berhasil
mengatasi masalah tersebut (seperti TRIPs, Aspek Trade-Related Hak Kekayaan Intelektual)
dengan memenuhi kepentingan yang cukup untuk menyepakati norma-norma internasional.
Dalam terang tantangan ini, banyak negara telah dinegosiasikan perjanjian regional
untuk menyelesaikan trade-off melalui adopsi aturan umum. Hipotesis yang mendasari
penafsiran kita tentang peran dan keberhasilan RIA didasarkan pada argumen Utara: yang
lebih ekonomi global mengintegrasikan, semakin aturan dan lembaga-lembaga menjadi penting pada
kedua tingkat supranasional dan makro-daerah. Selanjutnya, pilihan antara multilateral
solusi dan satu daerah tergantung pada pembentukan dan pemeliharaan umum
. aturan antara negara-negara
Dalam ekonomi konstitusional, kemampuan sistem ekonomi untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan
dalam lingkungan tergantung pada konstitusi ekonomi: yaitu, pada seperangkat aturan dan
lembaga yang mengikat tindakan dan transaksi pelaku dalam yurisdiksi dan di
hubungan dengan aktor-aktor dari yurisdiksi lain. Efektivitas sebuah konstitusi ekonomi
ditentukan oleh kemampuannya untuk menyalurkan pilihan yang dibuat oleh agen-agen swasta dan publik.
Kemampuan ini, pada gilirannya, tergantung pada kualitas aturan yurisdiksi. Konstitusi
ekonomi membedakan antara dua tingkat di mana pilihan dapat dibuat: konstitusional
tingkat di mana aturan mendefinisikan yurisdiksi yang dipilih, dan tingkat sub-konstitusional
di mana pilihan yang dibuat dalam aturan. Dalam kasus RIA, perbedaan dibuat
antara pilihan konstitusi ekonomi (aturan umum) dan pilihan yang dibuat oleh
individu swasta dan publik dalam aturan-aturan umum. Keberhasilan sebuah RIA perlu
download berdasarkan [Universitas Gadjah Mada] di 06:51 2 Februari 2015
Journal of Ekonomi Asia Pasifik
dinilai atas dasar apakah itu dapat membangun sebuah lembaga ekonomi yang efisien untuk 'baru'
jenis yurisdiksi dan memilih 'aturan main di mana warga negara yang
mungkin ingin hidup '(Vanberg 2001, hal. 34).
Sebuah RIA dapat dipahami sebagai sebuah organisasi berbasis konstitusi, yaitu, keputusan
keputusan dan bertindak Unit, atau aktor perusahaan (Coleman 1974). Coleman telah secara ekstensif
menganalisis prosedur tindakan kolektif dan terorganisir dan Vanberg (1994), menggambar
di Coleman, menyediakan model untuk menjelaskan organisasi: individu (atau negara) mendirikan sebuah
organisationwhenresourcesareshared, suchascommercialorregulatorypolicies.Theseare
digunakan bersama-sama sesuai dengan aturan prosedural yang ditetapkan. Penggunaan kolektif sumber sendi
karena itu tunduk pada aturan-aturan prosedural yang berfungsi untuk mengidentifikasi organisasi itu sendiri
dan bukan tujuannya. Dalam interpretasi Vanberg ini, aturan prosedural konstitusi,
bahwa mereka merupakan organisasi sebagai aktor korporat: 'The esensi dari menjadi
anggota dari suatu organisasi adalah untuk menyerahkan kontrol terpisah selama beberapa sumber seseorang, dan
untuk menyerahkan mereka ke organisasi - prosedur di mana satu mungkin memiliki pengambilan keputusan
atau mungkin tidak memiliki -. suara '(. Vanberg 1994, hal 136)
konstitusi A, oleh karena itu, menentukan kriteria operasional organisasi, khususnya untuk para
larly untuk menyelesaikan setiap masalah mendasar yang (pasti) muncul dari aksi bersama,
masalah ter timbul karena tindakan organisasi tidak dapat membedakan antara anggota
atas dasar masukan mereka. Oleh karena itu, output dari tindakan kolektif tidak dapat secara proporsional
didistribusikan. Hal ini menyebabkan masalah konstitusional, karena menimbulkan aturan atau prinsip-prinsip
yang mengatur distribusi. Solusi untuk masalah ini berhubungan dengan konstitusi 'kualitas'. The
besar tindakan kolektif, semakin besar
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