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letter to god Rancho's house – thelone house in the entire valley – was onthe crown of a low hill. From thepinnacle of the hill one could see therapid flowing stream and next to it vastfields of ripe corn in between the redkidney bean flowers. Looking at it onecould predict that it was going to begood harvest but it needed a rainfall,however brief.All through the morning Rancho kept scanning the sky for signs of rainfall and hewas quite confident that it would rain. “You know, woman, now we are finallygoing to get some rain.” His wife, who was busy preparing food, replied: “Yes, Godwilling.”As soon as Rancho's family, his wife and sons, sat for dinner, just as he hadpredicted big drops of rain started falling. In the Northeast huge clouds werecovering the sky like a blanket. The air had the smell of rain combined with thesmell of fresh earth. The atmosphere at that time was absolutely heavenly. Theboys left their food on pretext of getting one thing and another. All they wantedwas to get wet and play in the rain.Rancho was very happy as he looked at his field, “Ah! now my harvest isgoing to be wonderful.” He started dreaming about all the things he will be doingonce he sells the crops. Suddenly heavy winds began to blow accompanied by bigdrops of rain, which looked like huge pearls of ice. “Oh my God! This can't behappening,” he thought. “NO!! NO!! I will be destroyed. This is no rain, it is ahailstorm. I hope it will pass soon.” But in front of his family he kept a strong frontand said, “I am sure it will pass soon, don't worry.”Unfortunately it didn't. The hailstorm lasted the whole night. It destroyedentire field of his precious crops. Everything looked so white as if someone hadthrown sacks and sacks of pearls all over the place.92 Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1Rancho and his wife were worried to death. Everything they had was destroyedand they had no inkling as to what they will do.The boys asked them, “What are we going to do? Everything is destroyed.We don't even have few pieces of corn or beans. Does this mean we are going to dieof hunger?”Rancho said, “ My sons, nobody dies of hunger. Always remember we haveGod. I am sure he will help us.”All through the night Rancho kept on thinking how to ask for help fromGod. “God knows everything but I think I should write to Him and ask directly what Iwant.”Rancho was thankful for the day his parents had sent him to school. Eventhough he wasn't interested in studies but he had grudgingly learned to read andwrite. So he took out paper and pen and started writing.Rancho LucasThe Violet HillArgentina18 th May 1999Dear GodHi,I am writing this letter to you out of extreme urgency, otherwise Iwouldn't have disturbed you. You know about the recent hailstorm inmy place. Well, it has destroyed me. Everything in my farm washancur. Jagung dan kacang saya sudah hampir siap dan semua inidiperlukan curah hujan tapi bukan curah hujan datang badai. Jika ituberlangsung selama periode singkat itu pasti sudah OK, tapi sayangnyaberlangsung selama satu malam. Ia telah menempatkan saya pada sebuah kerugian serius, AndaLihat Tuhan, saya satu-satunya sumber pendapatan adalah pertanian dan sekarangbenar-benar hancur. Tidak ada yang tersisa. Jika aku meninggalkan seperti ini keluarga sayaakan mati kelaparan, karena kita tidak akan memiliki apa-apa untuk makan. Aku tidak bisa dudukmasih dan melakukan apa-apa tentang hal itu. Saya membutuhkan 100 peso untuk membeli benih danresow bidang saya dan membeli beberapa makanan hingga tuaian berikutnya.Jadi sayang Tuhan, tolong bantu saya. Saya tahu Anda tidak akan mengecewakan saya.Hormat kami,Rancho, petaniBahasa Inggris 93th dia meletakkan surat di dalam sebuah amplop dan ditujukan kepada "Tuhan, 7 surga"dan ditempatkan Cap di atasnya dan menjatuhkannya di kotak surat. Para pekerja di postKantor sedang mempersiapkan Surat-surat untuk e-mail ketika mereka datang di Suratditujukan kepada Allah. Tukang pos yang datang di Surat ini menjadi penasarankarena ia belum pernah melihat sebuah surat yang ditujukan kepada Allah. Dia ingin membukaSurat tapi etika kerja nya berhenti padanya dari melakukannya. Dia memutuskan untuk mengambil Surat kepadaPostmaster. Postmaster adalah seorang pria yang sangat bagus dan baik. Dia selalumembantu orang dengan cara apapun yang dia bisa. Ketika tukang pos memberinya surat, iamemandangnya dan berkata, "itu membutuhkan seorang pria dengan iman yang kuat untuk memulai komunikasiwith God. I wish I had such strong faith.”After much thought, he decided to read the letter and perhaps reply it. Heopened Rancho's letter. Little did he know that replying the letter would needmore than good intention, pen and paper. Rancho needed a lot of money but thepostmaster didn't have any. Since he had already decided to help Rancho, hedecided to give part of his salary, and he asked his friends and co-workers tocontribute. But it was impossible for him to collect 100 pesos. He was happy that atleast 70 pesos were collected. So he put the money in an envelope and signed it as“God” and asked the postman to deliver it to Rancho's house.When the postman arrived at Rancho's house and delivered the letter tohim, Rancho was exhilarated beyond means. And he kept repeating Thank youGod! Thank you God! I knew you wouldn't let me down.Rancho had very strong faith in God. He was not surprised when heopened the envelope. But as he was counting the money he became very angry.God couldn't have made mistake in sending the money. So he took out paper andwrote to God again. Then he placed a stamp on it and put it in the mailbox. Whenthe postman took the letter out, he immediately took it to the postmaster. ThePostmaster quickly opened the letter and everyone in the post office gatheredaround him wanting to know what Rancho wrote to God.Rancho LucasThe Violet HillArgentina20th May 1999Sayang TuhanSaya sangat berterima kasih kepada Anda untuk mengirim uang. Saya tahu Anda tidak akan membiarkan keluarga sayakelaparan. Uang Anda mengirimkan saya saya hanya menerima 70 peso. Kirimkan sayaistirahat. Aku benar-benar butuh uang. Namun, kali ini, Allah tidak kirimkan melaluimail, karena orang-orang yang bekerja di sini di kantor pos ini semua sekelompok pencuri.
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