As noted by Faraj and Sambamurthy (2006), how best to lead teams invol terjemahan - As noted by Faraj and Sambamurthy (2006), how best to lead teams invol Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

As noted by Faraj and Sambamurthy (

As noted by Faraj and Sambamurthy (2006), how best to lead teams involved with IS projects, such as ERPs, has remained an evolving issue. ERP/HRMS implementations are typically led and managed top down by a project manager or external leader who directs the implementation (Parr, Graeme, & Darke, 1999). Typically this leader's focus is on meeting project schedules and issues related to processes, systems, and technical aspects rather than on facilitating team functioning (Valacich, George, & Hoffer, 2006).
Sarker and Lee (2003) pointed out that, in spite of this modus operandi, there is a growing consensus that human factors (such as empowered ERP implementation teams) are critical to ERP implementation success, more so than technical or economic factors that are often viewed as the primary determinants.
Implementing ERP/HRMS requires managing teams composed of individuals with multidisciplinary skills who are brought
together from within and outside the organization. The ERP system implementation process usually involves multiple crossfunctional teams, representing various business functions. Teams are assigned to the different phases in the system development life cycle, to implement the various ERP modules, and have responsibilities such as to define the functional specifications, create the technical specifications, modify or customize the modules to meet the functional requirements, and integrate and test the modules.
Further, as IS project teams, these teams have to integrate their expertise, share their knowledge, operate in a highly coordinated fashion, and typically work under time pressures (Faraj & Sambamurthy, 2006; Yuan, Zhang, Chen, Vogel, & Chu, 2009). ERP/HRMS implementation success is heavily dependent on the effectiveness of implementation teams in performing interdependent and concurrent tasks, and communicating and collaborating both within and between the teams.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
As noted by Faraj and Sambamurthy (2006), how best to lead teams involved with IS projects, such as ERPs, has remained an evolving issue. ERP/HRMS implementations are typically led and managed top down by a project manager or external leader who directs the implementation (Parr, Graeme, & Darke, 1999). Typically this leader's focus is on meeting project schedules and issues related to processes, systems, and technical aspects rather than on facilitating team functioning (Valacich, George, & Hoffer, 2006).Sarker and Lee (2003) pointed out that, in spite of this modus operandi, there is a growing consensus that human factors (such as empowered ERP implementation teams) are critical to ERP implementation success, more so than technical or economic factors that are often viewed as the primary determinants.Implementing ERP/HRMS requires managing teams composed of individuals with multidisciplinary skills who are broughttogether from within and outside the organization. The ERP system implementation process usually involves multiple crossfunctional teams, representing various business functions. Teams are assigned to the different phases in the system development life cycle, to implement the various ERP modules, and have responsibilities such as to define the functional specifications, create the technical specifications, modify or customize the modules to meet the functional requirements, and integrate and test the modules.Further, as IS project teams, these teams have to integrate their expertise, share their knowledge, operate in a highly coordinated fashion, and typically work under time pressures (Faraj & Sambamurthy, 2006; Yuan, Zhang, Chen, Vogel, & Chu, 2009). ERP/HRMS implementation success is heavily dependent on the effectiveness of implementation teams in performing interdependent and concurrent tasks, and communicating and collaborating both within and between the teams.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Seperti dicatat oleh Faraj dan Sambamurthy (2006), cara terbaik untuk memimpin tim yang terlibat dengan proyek-proyek IS, seperti ERP, tetap merupakan masalah berkembang. Implementasi ERP / HRMS biasanya dipimpin dan dikelola top down oleh manajer proyek atau pemimpin eksternal yang mengarahkan pelaksanaan (Parr, Graeme, & Darke, 1999). Biasanya fokus ini pemimpin adalah pada pertemuan jadwal proyek dan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan proses, sistem, dan aspek teknis bukan pada memfasilitasi tim berfungsi (Valacich, George, & Hoffer, 2006).
Sarker dan Lee (2003) menunjukkan bahwa, terlepas dari modus operandi ini, ada konsensus yang berkembang bahwa faktor manusia (seperti tim implementasi ERP diberdayakan) sangat penting untuk keberhasilan pelaksanaan ERP, lebih daripada faktor teknis atau ekonomi yang sering dipandang sebagai penentu utama.
Pelaksana ERP / HRMS membutuhkan tim mengelola terdiri dari individu dengan keterampilan multidisiplin yang dibawa
bersama-sama dari dalam dan luar organisasi. Proses implementasi sistem ERP biasanya melibatkan beberapa tim crossfunctional, yang mewakili berbagai fungsi bisnis. Tim ditugaskan ke fase yang berbeda dalam siklus hidup pengembangan sistem, untuk melaksanakan berbagai modul ERP, dan memiliki tanggung jawab seperti untuk menentukan spesifikasi fungsional, membuat spesifikasi teknis, mengubah atau menyesuaikan modul untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fungsional, dan mengintegrasikan dan menguji modul.
Selanjutnya, sebagai IS tim proyek, tim ini harus mengintegrasikan keahlian mereka, berbagi pengetahuan, beroperasi dengan cara yang sangat terkoordinasi, dan biasanya bekerja di bawah tekanan waktu (Faraj & Sambamurthy, 2006; Yuan, Zhang, Chen, Vogel, & Chu, 2009). Keberhasilan implementasi ERP / HRMS sangat tergantung pada efektivitas tim implementasi dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang saling bergantung dan bersamaan, dan berkomunikasi dan berkolaborasi baik di dalam dan antara tim.
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