The Haves learned to use money to buy love—or at the very least to avoid abandonment. Such people are not usually into their work as a career or calling, but instead are motivated by money, which they equate with control.
They can heavily resent what they have to do to earn it, yet can overwork compulsively because they fear abandonment if they don’t have anything material to give to their partner, family, or friends. People with Pluto in Virgo (the adult children of the Baby Boomers) can especially resent having to earn money in jobs they consider menial.
People playing the opposite game (the Have Nots) don’t get their money act together because not doing so means some significant other has to keep rescuing them. (“See, you can’t abandon me, I won’t survive!”) They may give away their power, becoming deliberately though unconsciously self-destructive, so they can’t be expected to provide for themselves. In such cases, the person perennially messes up where money is concerned because of enmeshment in a relationship.
Failure as a Form of Revenge
Chronic financial failure can be a form of revenge in which a reduced or perilous financial status is an embarrassment to the family. In order to appear more affluent—and thus more important—they may also run up huge debts on luxury items and vacations they couldn’t possibly pay for and then declare bankruptcy. (That’s different from running into, say, huge medical or legal expenses that you couldn’t help.)
Plutonians who are hooked on playing this sort of game can find it difficult to give it up for a healthier pattern of self-support. My sense, from working with long term therapy or astrology clients, is that if they’re grown—e.g. in their thirties—and still receive regular financial supplements from their family, it may be quite difficult for them to change, though it can be done. There are simply too many perks for being broke.
Their benefactors’ seeming gifts have a shadow side, for there can be emotional blackmail on both parts. “Givers” wield control through money and manipulate in treacherous ways to undermine the receivers and keep them dependent so they won’t be able to leave the giver. “Takers” may involve themselves in increasingly self-destructive failures in order to justify their need for support. The interaction becomes more and more tainted, as the increasingly resentful and often abusive “Giver” has to keep paying the bills.
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Mereka belajar untuk menggunakan uang untuk membeli cinta- atau setidaknya untuk menghindari ditinggalkan. Orang-orang seperti yang tidak biasanya dalam pekerjaan mereka sebagai karir atau panggilan, tetapi sebaliknya termotivasi oleh uang yang mereka menyamakan dengan kontrol.Mereka dapat sangat membenci apa yang harus mereka lakukan untuk memperoleh itu, namun dapat terlalu banyak kompulsif karena mereka takut ditinggalkan jika mereka tidak memiliki apa-apa bahan untuk memberikan kepada mereka pasangan, keluarga atau teman. Orang-orang dengan Pluto di Virgo (dewasa anak-anak Baby Boomer) dapat terutama benci harus mendapatkan uang dalam pekerjaan mereka mempertimbangkan kasar.Orang-orang yang bermain permainan lawan (telah miskin) tidak mendapatkan uang bertindak bersama karena tidak melakukan begitu berarti beberapa penting lainnya harus tetap menyelamatkan mereka. ("Lihat, Anda tidak bisa meninggalkan saya, saya tidak akan bertahan!") Mereka mungkin memberikan kekuasaan mereka, menjadi sengaja meskipun tidak sadar merusak diri sendiri, sehingga mereka tidak dapat diharapkan untuk memberikan untuk diri mereka sendiri. Dalam kasus tersebut, orang terus-menerus mengacaukan mana uang yang bersangkutan karena enmeshment dalam sebuah hubungan.Kegagalan sebagai bentuk balas dendam Kronis kegagalan keuangan dapat menjadi bentuk balas dendam di mana status keuangan dikurangi atau berbahaya adalah memalukan untuk keluarga. Agar dapat tampil lebih makmur — dan dengan demikian lebih penting — mereka mungkin juga menjalankan atas utang besar pada barang-barang mewah dan liburan mereka tidak mungkin membayar dan kemudian menyatakan kebangkrutan. (Itu berbeda dari berjalan ke dalam, katakanlah, besar biaya medis atau hukum yang Anda tidak bisa membantu.)Plutonians who are hooked on playing this sort of game can find it difficult to give it up for a healthier pattern of self-support. My sense, from working with long term therapy or astrology clients, is that if they’re grown—e.g. in their thirties—and still receive regular financial supplements from their family, it may be quite difficult for them to change, though it can be done. There are simply too many perks for being broke.Their benefactors’ seeming gifts have a shadow side, for there can be emotional blackmail on both parts. “Givers” wield control through money and manipulate in treacherous ways to undermine the receivers and keep them dependent so they won’t be able to leave the giver. “Takers” may involve themselves in increasingly self-destructive failures in order to justify their need for support. The interaction becomes more and more tainted, as the increasingly resentful and often abusive “Giver” has to keep paying the bills.
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