Inborn errors of metabolism. Inborn errors of metabolism result from i terjemahan - Inborn errors of metabolism. Inborn errors of metabolism result from i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Inborn errors of metabolism. Inborn

Inborn errors of metabolism. Inborn errors of metabolism result from inherited deficiencies in enzymes used to metabolize basic substances in the body, such as amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, or trace elements (mideline plus,2007). One of the most common of these is phenylketonuria (PKU). PKU involves the inability of the body to convert a common dietary substance-phenylalanine-to tyrosine; the consequent accumulation of phenylalanine the leave the hospital. Babies with PKU are immediately put on a special diet, which prevents the the occurrence of intellectual disabilities. For example, milk, eggs, and the artificial sweetener aspartame are restricted because they contain significant amounts of phenylalanine. At one time, psysicians thought that the diet could be discontinued in middle childhood. However, authorities now recommend continuing the diet in definitely, for two important reasons: those who stop the diet are at risk for developing learning disabilities or other behavioral problems, and women with PKU who go off the diet are at very high risk of giving birth to children with PKU.
Developmental disorders of brain formation. A number of conditions can affect the structural development of brain and cause intellectual disabilities. Some of these are hereditary and accompany genetic syndromes, and some are caused by other conditions such as infections. Two examples of structural development affecting the brain are microcephalus and hydrocephalus. In microcephalus , the head is abnormally small and condical in shape. The intellectual disability that results usually ranges from severe to profound. No specific treatment is available for microcephaly, and life expectance is short (national institute of neurological disordes and storke, 2008).
Hydrocephalus results from an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid inside or outside the brain. The blockage of the circulation of the fluid result in abuildup of excessive pressure on the brain and enlargement of the skull. The degree of intellectual disability depends on how early the condition is diagnosed and treated. Two types of treatment are available; surgical placement of a shunt (tube) that drains the excess fluid away from the brain to abdomen or insertion of a device that causes the fluid to bypass the obstructed area of the brain.
Environmental influences. A variety of environmental factors can affect a women who is pregnant and thereby affect the development of the fetus she is carrying. One example is maternal malnutrition. If the mother-to-be doesn’t maintain a healthy diet, fetal brain development might be compromised.
We are also now much more aware of the harmful effects of a variety of substances, from obvious toxic agents, such as cocaine and heroin, to more subtle potential poisons, such as tobacco and alcohol. In particular, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) include a range of disorders in children born to women who have consumed excessive amounts of alcohol while pregnant. One of the most severe of those disordes is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Children wit FAS are characterized by a variety of abnormal facial features and growth retardation, as well as intellectual disabilities.
The hazards of radition to an un born fetus have been recognized for some time. For examples, physicians are cautious not to expose pregnant women to X-rays unless absolutely necessary, and the public has become concerned over the potential dangers of radition from improperly designed or supervised nuclear power plants.
Infections in the mother-to-be can also affect the developing fetus and result in intellectual disabilities. Rubella (german measles), in addition to being a potential cause of blindness, can also result in intellectual disabilities. Rubella is most dangerous during the first trimester (3 months) of pregnancy.
Perinatal causes. A variety of problems occurring while giving birth can result in brain injury and intellectual disabilities. For example, if the child is not positioned properly in the uterus, brain injury can result during delivery. One problem that sometimes occurs because of difficulty during delivery is anoxia (complete deprivation of oxygen).
Low Brithweight (LBW). Can result in a variety of behavioral and medical problems, incluiding intellectual disabilities (H.G Taylor, Klein, Minich, & Hack, 2000). Because most babies with LBW are premature, the two terms-LBW and premature-are often used synonymously. LBW is usually defined as 5.5 pounds or lower, and it is associated with a number of factors: poor nutrition, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, and excessive cigarette smoking. LWB is more common in mothers living in poverty. And surprisingly, worldwide, only Africa has a higher rate of premature births than North America (united States and Canada cmbined), with asia and latin America having a lower rate that the united states (beck et al., 2010).
Infection such as syphilis and harpes simplex can be passed from mother to child during childbirth. These venereal diseases can potentially result in intellectual disabilities. (harpes simplex, which shows as cold sores or fever blisters, is not usually classified as a venereal disease unless it affects the genitals).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Inborn errors of metabolism. Inborn errors of metabolism result from inherited deficiencies in enzymes used to metabolize basic substances in the body, such as amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, or trace elements (mideline plus,2007). One of the most common of these is phenylketonuria (PKU). PKU involves the inability of the body to convert a common dietary substance-phenylalanine-to tyrosine; the consequent accumulation of phenylalanine the leave the hospital. Babies with PKU are immediately put on a special diet, which prevents the the occurrence of intellectual disabilities. For example, milk, eggs, and the artificial sweetener aspartame are restricted because they contain significant amounts of phenylalanine. At one time, psysicians thought that the diet could be discontinued in middle childhood. However, authorities now recommend continuing the diet in definitely, for two important reasons: those who stop the diet are at risk for developing learning disabilities or other behavioral problems, and women with PKU who go off the diet are at very high risk of giving birth to children with PKU.Developmental disorders of brain formation. A number of conditions can affect the structural development of brain and cause intellectual disabilities. Some of these are hereditary and accompany genetic syndromes, and some are caused by other conditions such as infections. Two examples of structural development affecting the brain are microcephalus and hydrocephalus. In microcephalus , the head is abnormally small and condical in shape. The intellectual disability that results usually ranges from severe to profound. No specific treatment is available for microcephaly, and life expectance is short (national institute of neurological disordes and storke, 2008).Hydrocephalus results from an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid inside or outside the brain. The blockage of the circulation of the fluid result in abuildup of excessive pressure on the brain and enlargement of the skull. The degree of intellectual disability depends on how early the condition is diagnosed and treated. Two types of treatment are available; surgical placement of a shunt (tube) that drains the excess fluid away from the brain to abdomen or insertion of a device that causes the fluid to bypass the obstructed area of the brain.Environmental influences. A variety of environmental factors can affect a women who is pregnant and thereby affect the development of the fetus she is carrying. One example is maternal malnutrition. If the mother-to-be doesn’t maintain a healthy diet, fetal brain development might be compromised.We are also now much more aware of the harmful effects of a variety of substances, from obvious toxic agents, such as cocaine and heroin, to more subtle potential poisons, such as tobacco and alcohol. In particular, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) include a range of disorders in children born to women who have consumed excessive amounts of alcohol while pregnant. One of the most severe of those disordes is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Children wit FAS are characterized by a variety of abnormal facial features and growth retardation, as well as intellectual disabilities.The hazards of radition to an un born fetus have been recognized for some time. For examples, physicians are cautious not to expose pregnant women to X-rays unless absolutely necessary, and the public has become concerned over the potential dangers of radition from improperly designed or supervised nuclear power plants.Infections in the mother-to-be can also affect the developing fetus and result in intellectual disabilities. Rubella (german measles), in addition to being a potential cause of blindness, can also result in intellectual disabilities. Rubella is most dangerous during the first trimester (3 months) of pregnancy.Perinatal causes. A variety of problems occurring while giving birth can result in brain injury and intellectual disabilities. For example, if the child is not positioned properly in the uterus, brain injury can result during delivery. One problem that sometimes occurs because of difficulty during delivery is anoxia (complete deprivation of oxygen).Low Brithweight (LBW). Can result in a variety of behavioral and medical problems, incluiding intellectual disabilities (H.G Taylor, Klein, Minich, & Hack, 2000). Because most babies with LBW are premature, the two terms-LBW and premature-are often used synonymously. LBW is usually defined as 5.5 pounds or lower, and it is associated with a number of factors: poor nutrition, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, and excessive cigarette smoking. LWB is more common in mothers living in poverty. And surprisingly, worldwide, only Africa has a higher rate of premature births than North America (united States and Canada cmbined), with asia and latin America having a lower rate that the united states (beck et al., 2010).
Infection such as syphilis and harpes simplex can be passed from mother to child during childbirth. These venereal diseases can potentially result in intellectual disabilities. (harpes simplex, which shows as cold sores or fever blisters, is not usually classified as a venereal disease unless it affects the genitals).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kesalahan metabolisme bawaan. Kesalahan bawaan dari hasil metabolisme dari kekurangan mewarisi enzim yang digunakan untuk metabolisme zat dasar dalam tubuh, seperti asam amino, karbohidrat, vitamin, atau elemen (mideline ditambah, 2007). Salah satu yang paling umum ini adalah fenilketonuria (PKU). PKU melibatkan ketidakmampuan tubuh untuk mengkonversi umum diet zat-fenilalanin-to tirosin; akumulasi akibat dari fenilalanin meninggalkan rumah sakit. Bayi dengan PKU segera menjalani diet khusus, yang mencegah terjadinya cacat intelektual. Sebagai contoh, susu, telur, dan pemanis aspartam buatan dibatasi karena mengandung sejumlah besar fenilalanin. Pada suatu waktu, psysicians berpikir bahwa diet bisa dihentikan di masa kecil menengah. Namun, pihak berwenang sekarang merekomendasikan melanjutkan diet pasti, karena dua alasan penting: mereka yang berhenti diet beresiko untuk mengembangkan ketidakmampuan belajar atau masalah perilaku lainnya, dan wanita dengan PKU yang pergi diet yang berisiko sangat tinggi melahirkan untuk anak-anak dengan PKU.
gangguan perkembangan pembentukan otak. Sejumlah kondisi dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan struktur otak dan menyebabkan cacat intelektual. Beberapa di antaranya adalah keturunan dan menemani sindrom genetik, dan beberapa disebabkan oleh kondisi lain seperti infeksi. Dua contoh pembangunan struktural yang mempengaruhi otak yang microcephalus dan hidrosefalus. Dalam microcephalus, kepala adalah abnormal kecil dan condical dalam bentuk. Cacat intelektual yang dihasilkan biasanya berkisar parah mendalam. Tidak ada pengobatan khusus yang tersedia untuk microcephaly, dan kehidupan harapan pendek (lembaga nasional disordes neurologis dan storke, 2008).
Hasil Hidrosefalus dari akumulasi cairan serebrospinal dalam atau di luar otak. Penyumbatan sirkulasi hasil cairan dalam abuildup tekanan yang berlebihan pada otak dan pembesaran tengkorak. Derajat kecacatan intelektual tergantung pada bagaimana awal kondisi ini didiagnosis dan diobati. Dua jenis pengobatan yang tersedia; penempatan bedah dari shunt (tabung) yang mengalir kelebihan cairan dari otak ke perut atau penyisipan perangkat yang menyebabkan cairan untuk memotong daerah terhambat otak.
Pengaruh lingkungan. Berbagai faktor lingkungan dapat mempengaruhi perempuan yang sedang hamil dan dengan demikian mempengaruhi perkembangan janin yang dikandungnya. Salah satu contoh adalah kekurangan gizi ibu. Jika ibu-to-be tidak menjaga pola makan yang sehat, perkembangan otak janin mungkin dikompromikan.
Kami juga sekarang jauh lebih sadar akan efek berbahaya dari berbagai zat, dari agen beracun yang jelas, seperti kokain dan heroin, untuk racun potensial yang lebih halus, seperti tembakau dan alkohol. Secara khusus, gangguan spektrum alkohol janin (FASD) mencakup berbagai gangguan pada anak-anak yang lahir dari ibu yang telah mengkonsumsi alkohol berlebihan saat hamil. Salah satu yang paling parah dari mereka disordes adalah sindrom alkohol janin (FAS). Anak-anak wit FAS dicirikan oleh berbagai fitur yang abnormal wajah dan retardasi pertumbuhan, serta cacat intelektual.
Bahaya radition ke un lahir janin telah diakui untuk beberapa waktu. Untuk contoh, dokter berhati-hati untuk tidak mengekspos wanita hamil sinar-X kecuali benar-benar diperlukan, dan masyarakat telah menjadi prihatin atas potensi bahaya dari radition dari benar dirancang atau diawasi pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir.
Infeksi pada ibu-to-be juga dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan janin dan mengakibatkan cacat intelektual. Rubella (campak Jerman), selain menjadi penyebab potensi kebutaan, juga dapat mengakibatkan cacat intelektual. Rubella adalah yang paling berbahaya selama trimester pertama (3 bulan) dari kehamilan.
penyebab perinatal. Berbagai masalah yang terjadi saat melahirkan dapat mengakibatkan cedera otak dan cacat intelektual. Misalnya, jika anak tidak diposisikan dengan benar di dalam rahim, cedera otak dapat mengakibatkan selama persalinan. Salah satu masalah yang kadang-kadang terjadi karena kesulitan saat melahirkan adalah anoksia (kekurangan oksigen lengkap).
Rendah Brithweight (BBLR). Dapat mengakibatkan berbagai masalah perilaku dan medis, incluiding cacat intelektual (HG Taylor, Klein, Minich, & Hack, 2000). Karena kebanyakan bayi dengan BBLR adalah prematur, dua istilah-BBLR dan prematur-sering digunakan secara sinonim. BBLR biasanya didefinisikan sebagai £ 5,5 atau lebih rendah, dan hal ini terkait dengan sejumlah faktor: gizi buruk, kehamilan remaja, penyalahgunaan narkoba, dan merokok berlebihan. LWB lebih sering terjadi pada ibu yang hidup dalam kemiskinan. Dan herannya, di seluruh dunia, hanya Afrika memiliki tingkat lebih tinggi dari kelahiran prematur dari Amerika Utara (Amerika Serikat dan Kanada cmbined), dengan asia dan Amerika latin memiliki tingkat yang lebih rendah bahwa negara bersatu (beck et al., 2010).
Infeksi seperti sifilis dan Harpes simpleks dapat ditularkan dari ibu ke anak saat melahirkan. Penyakit kelamin ini bisa berpotensi mengakibatkan cacat intelektual. (Harpes simplex, yang menunjukkan luka dingin atau lecet demam, biasanya tidak digolongkan sebagai penyakit kelamin kecuali hal itu mempengaruhi alat kelamin).
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