Results and discussionThe results from Table I show that HRM practices terjemahan - Results and discussionThe results from Table I show that HRM practices Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Results and discussionThe results f

Results and discussion

The results from Table I show that HRM practices are positively correlated to organisational performance (r = 0.38, p = 0.000 for foreign sample and r = 0.11, p = 0.000 for Indian sample). HR and job capabilities are also found to be positively correlated to organisational performance (r = 0.18, p = 0.000 for foreign sample and r = 0.14, p = 0.000 for Indian sample). The results of the study are consistent with the work of Yeung and Berman (1997), who used Eastman Kodak as a case study. In that study, they identified three paths through which HR practices contribute towards business performance, i.e. by building organisational capabilities through HR, improving employees' satisfaction and shaping customer and shareholder satisfaction, firms can influence business performance. They propose internal operational HR measures, internal strategic HR measures, and external strategic HR measures for measuring business performance. Wright et al. (1998) examine the impact of strategy, core competence, and involvement of HR executives in strategic decision-making, evaluation of the effectiveness on refinery performance among 86 US petrochemical refineries. Their study indicates that higher involvement of HR in organisational strategy was strongly related to the extent that refineries pursued a product innovation strategy and viewed skilled employees as their core competence. This further supports the findings of Huselid and Becker (1997) and DeSaà-Perez and Garcià-Falcon (2002), who found that HRC influenced by the existence of an HR system encourages the development of organisational capabilities and hence organisational performance. Consistent with the theoretical propositions, our study shows that the firms that have combined their HRC with their HR practices and dimensions of strategic HRM for developing superior human capital have shown better levels of organisational performance. There are many aspects of HRM, organisational culture, motivation, commitment, empowerment, and organisational learning that influence HRC. Through a combination of these practices and dimensions, organisations can develop human capital to achieve their strategic goals.

In both the samples we found the significant correlation between HRC and organisational performance. So we decided to conduct a one-way ANOVA test with the help of Snedecor's F statistics, to identify the existence of significant differences in the scores for each of the sample in relation to HRC if any. Significant differences were found in HRC (F = 36.9219, F probability = 0.000) (Table II) as evident from the sample belonging to Indian and foreign global organisations.

This could be explained partly be their HR policies. Two out of three Indian global firms do not see compensation as a motivator for better employees performance and thereby, higher performance. The results of this study are well supported by the study of Sharma (2001), which reported significant difference in ANOVA of foreign and Indian firms functioning in terms of HR practices and organisational performance. Karami's (2002) study also reported that the large and big organisations perform better as they focus more on human and organisational capabilities. Therefore, based on HRM literature, we can say that HRM practices influence the capabilities and behaviour of the employees in the organisations and that has great impact on the performance of the company (e.g. Ulrich, 1997; Guest, 1997; and recent work of Jackson et al., 2004, for behavioural model).
View Image - Table I. Mean, standard deviations, and Pearson correlation coefficient of HR and organisational variables Table II. Summary of one-way ANOVA of variable HRC in Indian and foreign global organisations

To analyse the predictive value of the HRC variable for sustainable competitive advantage in the study, a stepwise regression analysis was carried out (Table III). The stepwise regression analysis shows that HRM practices and HR and job capabilities have appeared as predictors for sustainable competitive advantage in Indian global organisations. The results of the study support our second hypothesis. Our findings add to previous works that have suggested that HRC constitute a source of sustainable competitive advantage (for example, see Arthur, 1994; Becker and Huselid, 1999; Jackson and Schuler, 1995). The four prerequisites for ensuring SCA include human capabilities and commitment (Analoui, 1998a); strategic importance of HR (Kakabadse et al., 1998); integration of HRM in business strategy (Boxall, 1992); and the needed behaviour of employees (Jackson et al., 2004). Employees contribute to a firm's competitive advantage based on the knowledge they possess and the jobs they perform. Firms must understand the knowledge base of their employees and establish mechanism whereby these employees can apply and share that knowledge (Lepak and Snell, 2004). HRC enhances the firm's competitive position by creating superior human capital skills, experience and knowledge that contribute to firm's economic value (Snell and Dean, 1992). Boxall (1996) points out that by hiring and developing talented staff and synergising their contribution within the resource bundle of the firm, HRM may lay the basis for sustained competitive advantage. DeSaà-Perez and Garcià-Falcon (2002) pointed out that human resources are valuable because they are different in their capacities and abilities and therefore, in their contribution to the firm. They are rare because it is difficult to find people who guarantee high performance levels. Their inimitability emerges form the difficulty in duplicating people's knowledge, abilities, experience etc. Lastly, they are difficult to replace because not everybody has the same capacity to adapt to the different environment and technologies. Therefore, we can conclude that a strategy built around HR competencies with a rigorously maintainable strategic focus and long-term flexibility can result in competitive advantage (Fulmer et al., 1998; Sharma, 2001).


The significant relationship between HRC and organisational performance that we found in our study are consistent with the RBV of the firm. These findings also help us to know the key resource under the RBV. Firms that make greater use of HR capabilities are likely to gain a sustainable competitive advantage and enjoy superior performance too. The ability to attract the talent, select the best, developing and upgrading skills, motivating innovation and retaining the valued employees will be the key levers for firm success. The findings of this study provide statistical evidences that investment in HR capabilities of the firm for development of knowledge base, desired skills, and attitudes results in higher firm performance and the filed of HRD can play significant role in this direction. In the end, we would like to remark that Indian firms have a lot to learn from their foreign counterparts in facilitating and encouraging experimentation, tolerance, learning from mistakes and rewarding people handsomely for their efforts.
View Image - Table III. Stepwise regression analysis firm's HRC as predictors of

As the firm capabilities are embedded in the collective knowledge of its members, the findings suggest that HRD can play a very important role in impacting HR capabilities. By recognising, developing, and utilising these capabilities, HRD can play a role in developing these capabilities as a source of sustainable competitive advantage. It can also help in building a culture of sharing knowledge and experimentation that is sustainable.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hasil dan diskusiHasil dari meja saya menunjukkan bahwa praktek-praktek HRM positif berkorelasi kinerja organisasi (r = 0.38, p = 0.000 untuk sampel asing dan r = 0.11, p = 0.000 untuk sampel India). Kemampuan SDM dan pekerjaan juga ditemukan untuk positif berkorelasi kinerja organisasi (r = 0,18, p = 0.000 untuk sampel asing dan r = 0,14, p = 0.000 untuk sampel India). Hasil studi konsisten dengan karya Yeung dan Berman (1997), yang menggunakan omzet sebagai studi kasus. Bahwa penelitian, mereka mengidentifikasi tiga jalan melalui HR yang praktek berkontribusi terhadap kinerja bisnis, yakni dengan membangun kemampuan organisasi melalui HR, meningkatkan kepuasan karyawan dan membentuk pelanggan dan kepuasan pemegang saham, perusahaan dapat mempengaruhi kinerja bisnis. Mereka mengusulkan internal operasional HR tindakan, tindakan HR strategis internal dan eksternal HR langkah-langkah strategis untuk mengukur kinerja bisnis. Wright et al. (1998) mengkaji dampak dari strategi, kompetensi inti dan keterlibatan HR eksekutif dalam pengambilan keputusan strategis, evaluasi efektivitas pada kinerja kilang antara 86 kita kilang petrokimia. Studi mereka menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan yang lebih tinggi dari HR dalam organisasi strategi sangat terkait sejauh bahwa kilang mengejar strategi inovasi produk dan melihat terampil karyawan sebagai kompetensi inti mereka. Ini lebih lanjut mendukung temuan-temuan dari Huselid dan Becker (1997) dan DeSaà-Perez dan Garcià-Falcon (2002), yang menemukan bahwa HRC dipengaruhi oleh adanya sistem HR mendorong pengembangan kemampuan organisasi dan karenanya organisasi kinerja. Konsisten dengan dalil teoritis, penelitian kami menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan yang telah digabungkan HRC mereka dengan praktek-praktek HR dan dimensi HRM strategis untuk pengembangan modal manusia yang unggul telah menunjukkan tingkat kinerja organisasi yang lebih baik. Ada banyak aspek HRM, organisasi budaya, motivasi, komitmen, pemberdayaan, dan organisasi belajar yang mempengaruhi HRC. Melalui kombinasi praktek dan dimensi, organisasi dapat mengembangkan sumber daya manusia untuk mencapai tujuan strategis mereka.Dalam kedua sampel kami menemukan korelasi signifikan antara HRC dan kinerja organisasi. Jadi kami memutuskan untuk melakukan tes ANOVA sekali jalan dengan bantuan Snedecor's F statistik, untuk mengidentifikasi adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dalam nilai untuk masing-masing sampel dalam kaitannya dengan HRC jika ada. Perbedaan yang signifikan ditemukan di HRC (F = 36.9219, probabilitas F = 0.000) (tabel II) sebagai jelas dari sampel milik organisasi global India dan luar negeri.Hal ini dapat dijelaskan sebagian menjadi kebijakan HR mereka. Dua dari tiga perusahaan global India tidak melihat kompensasi sebagai motivator kinerja karyawan yang lebih baik dan dengan demikian, kinerja yang lebih tinggi. Hasil studi ini juga didukung oleh studi Sharma (2001), yang dilaporkan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam ANOVA perusahaan asing dan India yang berfungsi dalam hal praktik HR dan kinerja organisasi. Karami's (2002) studi juga melaporkan bahwa organisasi yang besar dan besar melakukan lebih baik karena mereka lebih berfokus pada kemampuan manusia dan organisasi. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan HRM sastra, kita dapat mengatakan bahwa praktek-praktek HRM mempengaruhi kemampuan dan perilaku karyawan dalam organisasi dan yang memiliki dampak besar pada kinerja perusahaan (misalnya Ulrich, 1997; Tamu, 1997; dan karya terbaru dari Jackson et al., 2004, untuk model perilaku).Lihat gambar - tabel I. berarti, deviasi standar dan Pearson korelasi koefisien SDM dan organisasi variabel meja II. Ringkasan sekali jalan ANOVA dari variabel HRC di India dan luar negeri organisasi globalTo analyse the predictive value of the HRC variable for sustainable competitive advantage in the study, a stepwise regression analysis was carried out (Table III). The stepwise regression analysis shows that HRM practices and HR and job capabilities have appeared as predictors for sustainable competitive advantage in Indian global organisations. The results of the study support our second hypothesis. Our findings add to previous works that have suggested that HRC constitute a source of sustainable competitive advantage (for example, see Arthur, 1994; Becker and Huselid, 1999; Jackson and Schuler, 1995). The four prerequisites for ensuring SCA include human capabilities and commitment (Analoui, 1998a); strategic importance of HR (Kakabadse et al., 1998); integration of HRM in business strategy (Boxall, 1992); and the needed behaviour of employees (Jackson et al., 2004). Employees contribute to a firm's competitive advantage based on the knowledge they possess and the jobs they perform. Firms must understand the knowledge base of their employees and establish mechanism whereby these employees can apply and share that knowledge (Lepak and Snell, 2004). HRC enhances the firm's competitive position by creating superior human capital skills, experience and knowledge that contribute to firm's economic value (Snell and Dean, 1992). Boxall (1996) points out that by hiring and developing talented staff and synergising their contribution within the resource bundle of the firm, HRM may lay the basis for sustained competitive advantage. DeSaà-Perez and Garcià-Falcon (2002) pointed out that human resources are valuable because they are different in their capacities and abilities and therefore, in their contribution to the firm. They are rare because it is difficult to find people who guarantee high performance levels. Their inimitability emerges form the difficulty in duplicating people's knowledge, abilities, experience etc. Lastly, they are difficult to replace because not everybody has the same capacity to adapt to the different environment and technologies. Therefore, we can conclude that a strategy built around HR competencies with a rigorously maintainable strategic focus and long-term flexibility can result in competitive advantage (Fulmer et al., 1998; Sharma, 2001).KesimpulanHubungan penting antara HRC dan kinerja organisasi yang kami menemukan dalam studi kami konsisten dengan RBV perusahaan. Temuan ini juga membantu kita untuk mengetahui sumber utama di bawah RBV. Perusahaan yang membuat penggunaan kemampuan SDM yang lebih besar kemungkinannya untuk memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan dan menikmati kinerja yang unggul juga. Kemampuan untuk menarik bakat, memilih yang terbaik, mengembangkan dan meningkatkan keterampilan, memotivasi inovasi dan mempertahankan karyawan saat akan tuas kunci bagi keberhasilan perusahaan. Temuan-temuan dari studi ini memberikan bukti-bukti statistik bahwa investasi kemampuan HR perusahaan pembangunan basis pengetahuan, keterampilan yang diinginkan, dan sikap hasil dalam kinerja perusahaan yang lebih tinggi dan diajukan dari HRD dapat memainkan peranan penting dalam arah ini. Pada akhirnya, kami ingin komentar bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan India memiliki banyak belajar dari mitra asing mereka dalam memfasilitasi dan mendorong eksperimen, toleransi, belajar dari kesalahan dan orang-orang yang berharga mahal untuk usaha mereka.Lihat gambar - tabel III. HRC bertahap regresi analisis perusahaan sebagai prediksiSeperti kemampuan perusahaan yang tertanam dalam pengetahuan kolektif anggotanya, temuan menyarankan bahwa HRD dapat memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam mempengaruhi kemampuan HR. Dengan mengakui, mengembangkan, dan memanfaatkan kemampuan ini, HRD dapat memainkan peran dalam mengembangkan kemampuan ini sebagai sumber keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan. Itu juga dapat membantu dalam membangun budaya berbagi pengetahuan dan percobaan yang berkelanjutan.
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