CONTRACTOR shall perform, with due diligence and in professional manne terjemahan - CONTRACTOR shall perform, with due diligence and in professional manne Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

CONTRACTOR shall perform, with due

CONTRACTOR shall perform, with due diligence and in professional manner site WORK or further here is also called as
"construction services" as required by COMPANY. The construction services shaH indude to provide all required
resources (e.g. Manpower, Equipment, and Tools), materials (e.g. pipe,fitting, valves, gravel,sand cement for concrete
work) and also all consumable (o.g.fuel, lube oil, welding rod, sand for sandblasting grinding disc,etc)
Unit rate for constructions services, as listed in Appendix XYZ, is 35 CONTRAGOR basis to form erR proposal as follow
up to the Service Request issued by COMPANY. The proposed CTR shall be reviewed and approved by COMPANY prior
CONTRACTOR commencement the WORK. In the event, there would be special material requested and it is
nowhere listed on Appendix -F then the actual cost will be applied.
Specific additional information, if required by Contractor, regarding the existing facilities and any required interface data
to existing facility shall be obtained CONTRACTOR thro relevant parties or department within COMPANY organization
e.g. production, maintenance, project and engineering depart Pents. .
CONTRACTOR shall have responsibility for the data verification to complete the WORK scope within the timeframe
allowed .site or field verification shall be conducted as part of data gathering and to confirm the data provided. In the
event, any conflict on data obtained by CONTRACTOR, then contractor shall bring to COMPANY for getting resolution.
COMPANY facility specification, philosophy, and norms shall be used as the basis of O&M works support.
3.1 General Requirements: Basis of Design philosophy, Code and Standard Requirements
The companies fadlities were designed and constructed under the following design standards, codes and recommended
practices. Repairs and design WORK must comply the latest revision of the appropriates standards or recommended
practice unless a written deviation is given by company.
• ASME B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping
• ASME B31.4 Liquid Transportation System For HC & LPG
• ASME B 16,5 Pipe, flange, and fittings
• ASME Sec V Non Destructive Examination
• ASME Sec VIII Unfired Pressure vessel Code Div-1
• ASME B36.1O Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe
• ASME B31.8 Gas transmission and distribution piping
• ASME B36.19 Stainless steel pipe
• ASME Sec IX Welding and brazing qualification
• ASME II Sec A Ferrous materials
• ASME II Sec B Nonferrous materials
• ASME II Sec C Welding rods, electrodes, and filter metals
• AWS Dl.1 Structural Welding code - steel
• NEC National electrical code
• NEMA National electrical manufacturing Assodation code
NFPA National fire protection code
• ASTM American Standard for Testing Materials
• API American Petroleum Institute
In addition, The WORK shall be performed by CONTRACTOR, in strict compliance to the requirements defined in this
Scope of Work, the Drawings, the COMPANY Specifications, Design Basis, Philosophy and all Industry Standards
including Documents referenced therein.
In case of conflict between this Scope of Work, Drawings, Spedfications, Industry Standards, and the other documents,
the most stringent requirements shall govern, unless COMPANY specifically approves otherwise. CONTRACTOR shall
bring all conflicts to COMPANY's attention for resolution. COMPANY Specification and Standards, are enclosed as part of
CONTRACTOR shall to ensure all heavy equipment’s and land/river/sea transportation shall be inspected by COMPANY
prior to mobilization to Site. The heavey equipments shall be furnished along with valid applicable MIGAS certificate. The
site work activity shall be performed with fully compliance to COMPANY standard procedure including Permit To Work
(PTW) and others HSSE requirements and procedure(s) .
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all WORK performed adopts a design philosophy which recognizes the requirement to
ensure that the facilities give as low as reasonably practical risk levels to operating personnel and the environment.
CONTRACTOR shall employ a specialist to perform the safety review studies prior perform actual site work in duding
Constructability and Operability study,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
CONTRACTOR shall perform, with due diligence and in professional manner site WORK or further here is also called as"construction services" as required by COMPANY. The construction services shaH indude to provide all requiredresources (e.g. Manpower, Equipment, and Tools), materials (e.g. pipe,fitting, valves, gravel,sand cement for concretework) and also all consumable (o.g.fuel, lube oil, welding rod, sand for sandblasting grinding disc,etc)Unit rate for constructions services, as listed in Appendix XYZ, is 35 CONTRAGOR basis to form erR proposal as followup to the Service Request issued by COMPANY. The proposed CTR shall be reviewed and approved by COMPANY priorCONTRACTOR commencement the WORK. In the event, there would be special material requested and it isnowhere listed on Appendix -F then the actual cost will be applied.Specific additional information, if required by Contractor, regarding the existing facilities and any required interface datato existing facility shall be obtained CONTRACTOR thro relevant parties or department within COMPANY organizatione.g. production, maintenance, project and engineering depart Pents. .CONTRACTOR shall have responsibility for the data verification to complete the WORK scope within the timeframeallowed .site or field verification shall be conducted as part of data gathering and to confirm the data provided. In theevent, any conflict on data obtained by CONTRACTOR, then contractor shall bring to COMPANY for getting resolution.COMPANY facility specification, philosophy, and norms shall be used as the basis of O&M works support.3.1 General Requirements: Basis of Design philosophy, Code and Standard RequirementsThe companies fadlities were designed and constructed under the following design standards, codes and recommendedpractices. Repairs and design WORK must comply the latest revision of the appropriates standards or recommendedpractice unless a written deviation is given by company.• ASME B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping• ASME B31.4 Liquid Transportation System For HC & LPG• ASME B 16,5 Pipe, flange, and fittings• ASME Sec V Non Destructive Examination• ASME Sec VIII Unfired Pressure vessel Code Div-1• ASME B36.1O Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe• ASME B31.8 Gas transmission and distribution piping• ASME B36.19 Stainless steel pipe• ASME Sec IX Welding and brazing qualification• ASME II Sec A Ferrous materials• ASME II Sec B Nonferrous materials• ASME II Sec C Welding rods, electrodes, and filter metals• AWS Dl.1 Structural Welding code - steel• NEC National electrical code• NEMA National electrical manufacturing Assodation codeNFPA National fire protection code• ASTM American Standard for Testing Materials• API American Petroleum InstituteIn addition, The WORK shall be performed by CONTRACTOR, in strict compliance to the requirements defined in thisScope of Work, the Drawings, the COMPANY Specifications, Design Basis, Philosophy and all Industry Standardsincluding Documents referenced therein.In case of conflict between this Scope of Work, Drawings, Spedfications, Industry Standards, and the other documents,the most stringent requirements shall govern, unless COMPANY specifically approves otherwise. CONTRACTOR shallbring all conflicts to COMPANY's attention for resolution. COMPANY Specification and Standards, are enclosed as part of"Appendix-E".CONTRACTOR shall to ensure all heavy equipment’s and land/river/sea transportation shall be inspected by COMPANYprior to mobilization to Site. The heavey equipments shall be furnished along with valid applicable MIGAS certificate. Thesite work activity shall be performed with fully compliance to COMPANY standard procedure including Permit To Work(PTW) and others HSSE requirements and procedure(s) .CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all WORK performed adopts a design philosophy which recognizes the requirement toensure that the facilities give as low as reasonably practical risk levels to operating personnel and the environment.CONTRACTOR shall employ a specialist to perform the safety review studies prior perform actual site work in dudingConstructability and Operability study,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
KONTRAKTOR wajib melakukan, dengan due diligence dan di situs secara profesional KERJA atau lebih lanjut di sini juga disebut sebagai
"jasa konstruksi" seperti yang dipersyaratkan oleh PERUSAHAAN. Jasa konstruksi Shah indude untuk menyediakan semua yang diperlukan
sumber daya (misalnya Tenaga Kerja, Peralatan, dan Alat), bahan (misalnya pipa, fitting, katup, kerikil, semen pasir untuk beton
kerja) dan juga semua habis (ogfuel, minyak pelumas, batang las, pasir untuk sandblasting disc grinding, dll)
tingkat unit layanan konstruksi, seperti yang tercantum dalam Lampiran XYZ, adalah 35 CONTRAGOR dasar untuk membentuk usulan berbuat salah sebagai tindak
hingga Permintaan Layanan yang dikeluarkan oleh PERUSAHAAN. RKT yang diusulkan harus ditinjau dan disetujui oleh PERUSAHAAN sebelum
KONTRAKTOR dimulainya PEKERJAAN. Dalam acara tersebut, akan ada materi khusus yang diminta dan itu
tempat terdaftar di Appendix F maka biaya yang sebenarnya akan diterapkan.
Informasi tambahan khusus, jika diperlukan oleh Kontraktor, mengenai fasilitas yang ada dan data antarmuka diperlukan
untuk fasilitas yang ada harus diperoleh CONTRACTOR thro pihak terkait atau departemen dalam organisasi PERUSAHAAN
mis produksi, pemeliharaan, proyek dan rekayasa pergi Pents. .
KONTRAKTOR harus memiliki tanggung jawab untuk verifikasi data untuk menyelesaikan lingkup WORK dalam jangka waktu yang
diperbolehkan .site atau lapangan verifikasi harus dilakukan sebagai bagian dari pengumpulan data dan mengkonfirmasi data yang disediakan. Dalam
acara, setiap konflik data yang diperoleh KONTRAKTOR, maka kontraktor harus membawa ke PERUSAHAAN untuk mendapatkan resolusi.
Fasilitas PERUSAHAAN spesifikasi, filsafat, dan norma-norma harus digunakan sebagai dasar dari O & M bekerja dukungan.
3.1 Persyaratan Umum: Dasar Desain filsafat, kode dan standar Kebutuhan
perusahaan-perusahaan fadlities dirancang dan dibangun di bawah standar desain berikut, kode dan direkomendasikan
praktek. Perbaikan dan desain KERJA harus sesuai revisi terbaru dari standar tersebut berisi atau direkomendasikan
praktek kecuali penyimpangan tertulis diberikan oleh perusahaan.
• ASME B31.3 Pabrik Kimia dan Kilang Minyak Piping
• ASME B31.4 Sistem Transportasi Cair Untuk HC & LPG
• ASME B 16,5 pipa, flange, dan peralatan
• ASME Sec V Non Pemeriksaan Merusak
• ASME Sec VIII unfired kapal Tekanan Kode Div-1
• ASME B36.1O Welded dan mulus pipa baja tempa
• ASME B31.8 transmisi dan distribusi Gas pipa
• ASME B36.19 stainless pipa baja
• ASME Sec IX Welding dan kualifikasi mematri
• ASME II Sec A Ferrous bahan
• bahan Nonferrous ASME II B Sec
• ASME II Sec C Welding batang, elektroda, dan logam penyaring
• kode AWS Dl.1 Struktural Welding - baja
• kode listrik NEC Nasional
• NEMA Nasional manufaktur listrik kode Assodation
NFPA Nasional kode proteksi kebakaran
• ASTM American Standard untuk Bahan Pengujian
• API American Petroleum Institute
Selain itu, KERJA tersebut harus dilakukan oleh KONTRAKTOR, sesuai ketat dengan persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam ini
Lingkup Kerja, Gambar, Spesifikasi PERUSAHAAN, Desain Dasar, Filsafat dan semua Standar Industri
termasuk dokumen dirujuk di dalamnya.
dalam kasus konflik antara Cakupan ini Kerja, Gambar, Spedfications, Standar Industri, dan dokumen-dokumen lainnya,
yang paling ketat persyaratan akan mengatur, kecuali PERUSAHAAN khusus menyetujui sebaliknya. KONTRAKTOR wajib
membawa semua konflik perhatian COMPANY untuk resolusi. PERUSAHAAN Spesifikasi dan Standar, tertutup sebagai bagian dari
KONTRAKTOR harus untuk memastikan semua peralatan berat dan tanah / sungai / transportasi laut harus diperiksa oleh PERUSAHAAN
sebelum mobilisasi ke Situs. Peralatan heavey harus dilengkapi bersama dengan sertifikat MIGAS berlaku valid. The
aktivitas tempat kerja harus dilakukan dengan penuh kepatuhan PERUSAHAAN prosedur standar termasuk Izin Kerja
(PTW) dan lain-lain persyaratan HSSE dan prosedur (s).
KONTRAKTOR harus memastikan bahwa semua KERJA dilakukan mengadopsi filosofi desain yang mengakui kebutuhan untuk
memastikan bahwa fasilitas memberikan serendah tingkat risiko cukup praktis untuk personil operasi dan lingkungan.
KONTRAKTOR wajib mempekerjakan seorang spesialis untuk melakukan studi keselamatan review sebelum melakukan pekerjaan situs sebenarnya di duding
Konstruksi gedung dan studi Operability,
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Bahasa lainnya
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