I held the head of Frost from the pack­age, out­side the ice layer con terjemahan - I held the head of Frost from the pack­age, out­side the ice layer con Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I held the head of Frost from the p

I held the head of Frost from the pack­age, out­side the ice layer con­gealed thick in­cor­rupt­ible, is al­most un­able to see the Frost ap­pear­ance.
Her­mit God hes­i­tates, said: „To guide the Frost soul to go to new body re­ac­ti­vat­ing, this is a very com­plex process, first, must build one charm for­mi­da­ble law, like this forces from her body the Frost soul . More­over, be­fore Frost dies, cer­tainly has filled des­per­ately, her soul rolls up in some po­ten­tial sur­face, cer­tainly is not will­ing to be found eas­ily.”
I deeply in­spire: „What to do do my I need?”
Her­mit God said: „Builds law al­to­gether to need 100 soul gems, sur- 1000 pages of sym­bol sta­tioner­ies . More­over, in today's 12 : 00 o'clock at night, that is the time that the gate of pur­ga­tory opens, all world of human be­ings wan­der­ing souls will be sum­moned, where no mat­ter the Frost soul hides, will re­ceive the at­trac­tion of strength of sam­sara, at that time was eas­i­est to find her.”
I said: „These are easy to do, then the Frost new body, did find?”
„This sim­plic­ity”
Her­mit God said with a smile slightly: „The mat­ter that dur­ing sev­eral thou­sand years, I most crave is prac­tices the feat of arms with going to sea to hit the fish­ing, about be­fore 3400, I hunted for in the mid­dle reaches of deep sea, gained an ex­tremely pure maiden stature, this stature was hid­den by me in the seabed grotto, from the words of sea-nymph clan, seemed the sea-nymph clan princess's stature, the spirit soul had been cap­tured, but truly was an ex­tremely per­fect stature, be­lieves that can match with the Frost pure soul.”
„Leads me to have a look, ok?” I asked.
The Her­mit God nod smiles: „Um, walks, this leads you to have a look!”
Her­mit God Alan towed step of limp­ing to move to­ward the Gobi Desert beach, after ap­proach­ing the seashore, stroked the ground the long stick sud­denly, „bang”, the en­ergy im­pact en­tered the deep sea to­gether, im­me­di­ately has been di­vided into two halves the sea water, and this en­ergy con­tin­u­ally was also sup­port­ing the ocean waves to form knot, a path also that ap­pears at pre­sent.
I am slightly as­ton­ished, Lin Wan Er is hold­ing my hand, hee hee said with a smile: „Walks fool”
Child and Aodiliya also fol­lowed, one group of peo­ple enter the seabed deep place, soon , a grotto ap­peared, Her­mit God en­ters, Lin Wan Er draws me to fol­low, in the grotto, a pen­e­trat­ing are cold, the red dragon flour queen vi­sion looks at all around, in­spires the arm, the roar­ing flame lingers, has il­lu­mi­nated the en­tire space in­stan­ta­neously.
In the grot­tos, a stature lies above the ice-cold cold bed, the body has not con­tacted the mega­lith, or is float there, this is an ex­tremely mag­nif­i­cent and ex­pen­sive fe­male, a pre­cious fine silks cloth­ing, the front pen­dant a gem neck­lace of twin­kle, is send­ing the silk to flut­ter slowly, is shut­ting tightly the dou­ble pupil, the twin peaks are tall and straight, such as the bowl backs off, how­ever under the women's cloth­ing, un­ex­pect­edly is one full is the tail lower part of the body of scale, NND, is this man­a­tee?
Her­mit God in side, to praise sighed: „This stature is the fe­male's of sea king body, my chance co­in­ci­dence can ob­tain, this is body of the maiden, is re­ally rare”
I im­plored the tone, in the mind to reap­pear Frost to sway from side to side the fish tail stature to fly to my ap­pear­ance, could not bear hit to trem­ble, said: „Sir Her­mit God, you de­ter­mined that this is the body of maiden? Her her lower part of the body is the fish, I want to ask how can let her is not maiden”
Lin Wan Er, Aodiliya, the red dragon flour queen have al­most smiled to­gether.
Her­mit God is very calm, hes­i­tates a sound track: „Stature had not been blas­phemed, is vir­gin's body”
Aodiliya said with a smile: „You de­ter­mined you ini­tially to not to ob­tain this fe­male, there­fore robbed from the sea-nymph clan her?”,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I held the head of Frost from the pack­age, out­side the ice layer con­gealed thick in­cor­rupt­ible, is al­most un­able to see the Frost ap­pear­ance.Her­mit God hes­i­tates, said: „To guide the Frost soul to go to new body re­ac­ti­vat­ing, this is a very com­plex process, first, must build one charm for­mi­da­ble law, like this forces from her body the Frost soul . More­over, be­fore Frost dies, cer­tainly has filled des­per­ately, her soul rolls up in some po­ten­tial sur­face, cer­tainly is not will­ing to be found eas­ily.”I deeply in­spire: „What to do do my I need?”Her­mit God said: „Builds law al­to­gether to need 100 soul gems, sur- 1000 pages of sym­bol sta­tioner­ies . More­over, in today's 12 : 00 o'clock at night, that is the time that the gate of pur­ga­tory opens, all world of human be­ings wan­der­ing souls will be sum­moned, where no mat­ter the Frost soul hides, will re­ceive the at­trac­tion of strength of sam­sara, at that time was eas­i­est to find her.”I said: „These are easy to do, then the Frost new body, did find?”„This sim­plic­ity”Her­mit God said with a smile slightly: „The mat­ter that dur­ing sev­eral thou­sand years, I most crave is prac­tices the feat of arms with going to sea to hit the fish­ing, about be­fore 3400, I hunted for in the mid­dle reaches of deep sea, gained an ex­tremely pure maiden stature, this stature was hid­den by me in the seabed grotto, from the words of sea-nymph clan, seemed the sea-nymph clan princess's stature, the spirit soul had been cap­tured, but truly was an ex­tremely per­fect stature, be­lieves that can match with the Frost pure soul.”„Leads me to have a look, ok?” I asked.The Her­mit God nod smiles: „Um, walks, this leads you to have a look!”Her­mit God Alan towed step of limp­ing to move to­ward the Gobi Desert beach, after ap­proach­ing the seashore, stroked the ground the long stick sud­denly, „bang”, the en­ergy im­pact en­tered the deep sea to­gether, im­me­di­ately has been di­vided into two halves the sea water, and this en­ergy con­tin­u­ally was also sup­port­ing the ocean waves to form knot, a path also that ap­pears at pre­sent.I am slightly as­ton­ished, Lin Wan Er is hold­ing my hand, hee hee said with a smile: „Walks fool”Child and Aodiliya also fol­lowed, one group of peo­ple enter the seabed deep place, soon , a grotto ap­peared, Her­mit God en­ters, Lin Wan Er draws me to fol­low, in the grotto, a pen­e­trat­ing are cold, the red dragon flour queen vi­sion looks at all around, in­spires the arm, the roar­ing flame lingers, has il­lu­mi­nated the en­tire space in­stan­ta­neously.In the grot­tos, a stature lies above the ice-cold cold bed, the body has not con­tacted the mega­lith, or is float there, this is an ex­tremely mag­nif­i­cent and ex­pen­sive fe­male, a pre­cious fine silks cloth­ing, the front pen­dant a gem neck­lace of twin­kle, is send­ing the silk to flut­ter slowly, is shut­ting tightly the dou­ble pupil, the twin peaks are tall and straight, such as the bowl backs off, how­ever under the women's cloth­ing, un­ex­pect­edly is one full is the tail lower part of the body of scale, NND, is this man­a­tee?
Her­mit God in side, to praise sighed: „This stature is the fe­male's of sea king body, my chance co­in­ci­dence can ob­tain, this is body of the maiden, is re­ally rare”
I im­plored the tone, in the mind to reap­pear Frost to sway from side to side the fish tail stature to fly to my ap­pear­ance, could not bear hit to trem­ble, said: „Sir Her­mit God, you de­ter­mined that this is the body of maiden? Her her lower part of the body is the fish, I want to ask how can let her is not maiden”
Lin Wan Er, Aodiliya, the red dragon flour queen have al­most smiled to­gether.
Her­mit God is very calm, hes­i­tates a sound track: „Stature had not been blas­phemed, is vir­gin's body”
Aodiliya said with a smile: „You de­ter­mined you ini­tially to not to ob­tain this fe­male, there­fore robbed from the sea-nymph clan her?”,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku memegang kepala Frost dari paket, luar lapisan es beku tebal yang tidak fana, hampir tidak dapat melihat penampilan Frost.
Ragu-ragu Hermit Allah, mengatakan: "Untuk memandu jiwa Frost untuk pergi ke tubuh baru mengaktifkan kembali, ini adalah sangat proses yang kompleks, pertama, harus membangun satu pesona hukum yang tangguh, seperti pasukan ini dari tubuhnya Frost jiwa. Selain itu, sebelum Frost meninggal, tentu telah diisi putus asa, jiwanya gulungan di beberapa permukaan potensial, tentu tidak mau ditemukan dengan mudah ".
Saya sangat menginspirasi:" Apa yang harus dilakukan lakukan saya butuhkan "?
Hermit Allah berkata:" Membangun hukum sama sekali membutuhkan 100 jiwa permata, sur- 1000 halaman Stationery simbol. Selain itu, dalam 12 hari ini: pukul 00 malam, itu adalah waktu yang gerbang api penyucian terbuka, semua dunia manusia berkeliaran jiwa akan dipanggil, di mana tidak peduli jiwa Frost menyembunyikan, akan menerima tarik kekuatan samsara, pada waktu itu adalah yang paling mudah untuk menemukannya ".
saya berkata:"? ini adalah mudah dilakukan, maka Frost badan baru, tidak menemukan "
" kesederhanaan ini "
kata Hermit Allah sambil tersenyum sedikit:" masalah yang selama beberapa ribu tahun, saya paling mendambakan adalah praktik prestasi senjata dengan pergi ke laut untuk memukul memancing, tentang sebelum 3400, saya diburu untuk dalam mencapai tengah laut dalam, memperoleh perawakan gadis yang sangat murni, perawakan ini disembunyikan oleh saya di dasar laut gua, dari kata-kata laut nimfa klan, tampak bertubuh laut-nimfa klan putri, semangat jiwa telah ditangkap, tapi benar-benar adalah perawakannya sangat sempurna, percaya bahwa dapat cocok dengan jiwa murni Frost. "
" Memimpin ? saya untuk melihat-lihat, ok ". aku bertanya
The Hermit Allah mengangguk tersenyum:" Um, berjalan, ini membawa Anda untuk melihat "!
Hermit Allah Alan digandeng langkah pincang bergerak menuju Gurun Gobi pantai, setelah mendekati pantai, membelai tanah tongkat panjang tiba-tiba, "bang", dampak energi memasuki laut dalam bersama-sama, segera telah dibagi menjadi dua bagian air laut, dan energi ini terus juga mendukung gelombang laut untuk membentuk simpul, jalan . juga yang muncul saat ini
saya sedikit heran, Lin Wan Er memegang tangan saya, hee hee berkata sambil tersenyum: "Walks bodoh"
anak dan Aodiliya juga diikuti, satu kelompok orang memasuki dasar laut tempat dalam, segera, sebuah gua muncul, Hermit Allah masuk, Lin Wan Er menarik saya untuk mengikuti, di gua, penetrasi yang dingin, naga merah tepung queen visi melihat sekitar, mengilhami lengan, api menderu tetap hidup, telah menerangi seluruh ruang seketika.
dalam gua, perawakan yang terletak di atas tempat tidur dingin dingin, tubuh belum menghubungi megalit tersebut, atau mengambang ada, ini adalah perempuan yang sangat megah dan mahal, pakaian sutra halus yang berharga, liontin depan kalung permata binar, mengirimkan sutra bergetar perlahan, adalah menutup erat murid ganda, puncak kembar tinggi dan lurus, seperti mangkuk mundur, namun di bawah pakaian perempuan, tiba-tiba adalah salah satu penuh bagian ekor bawah tubuh skala, NND, adalah manatee ini?
Hermit Allah di sisi, untuk memuji mendesah: "perawakannya ini adalah betina raja laut tubuh, kebetulan kesempatan saya dapat memperoleh, ini adalah tubuh gadis itu, benar-benar langka"
saya memohon nada , dalam pikiran muncul kembali Frost untuk bergoyang dari sisi ke sisi ikan ekor bertubuh terbang ke penampilan saya, tidak bisa menanggung memukul gemetar, mengatakan: "Sir Hermit Allah, Anda memutuskan bahwa ini adalah tubuh gadis? Dia bagian bawahnya tubuh adalah ikan, saya ingin bertanya bagaimana bisa membiarkan dia tidak perawan "
" Puff "
Lin Wan Er, Aodiliya, naga merah queen tepung hampir tersenyum bersama-sama.
Hermit Allah sangat tenang, ragu-ragu a sound track: "Perawakan belum menghujat, tubuh perawan"
Aodiliya berkata sambil tersenyum: "Kamu ditentukan Anda awalnya tidak untuk mendapatkan wanita ini, karena dirampok dari laut-nimfa klan-nya?",
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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