The following text is for questions 8 and 9 Once upon a time, there li terjemahan - The following text is for questions 8 and 9 Once upon a time, there li Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The following text is for questions

The following text is for questions 8 and 9
Once upon a time, there lived an old lady crow that was
mean and ugly.One day, Miss Crow had stolen a big piece
of cheese. And then, she flew on to a branch to enjoy it.
On the ather place, under the three, a sly creature, Mr.Fox,
who wanted the cheese for himself, came up and spoke
politely to her. "Oh, Miss Crow, how beautiful you are!
What a lovely beak, what lovely feathers you have! What
pretty eyes! If only you could sing, you would be the most
beautiful bird in the world!"
Very pleased to hear all of this about her, Miss Crow gave
a loud croak to show that she could aing. Of Course, the
moment she opened her beak, the cheese fell down,
and Mr. Fox ran away with it, laughing loudly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The following text is for questions 8 and 9
Once upon a time, there lived an old lady crow that was
mean and ugly.One day, Miss Crow had stolen a big piece
of cheese. And then, she flew on to a branch to enjoy it.
On the ather place, under the three, a sly creature, Mr.Fox,
who wanted the cheese for himself, came up and spoke
politely to her. "Oh, Miss Crow, how beautiful you are!
What a lovely beak, what lovely feathers you have! What
pretty eyes! If only you could sing, you would be the most
beautiful bird in the world!"
Very pleased to hear all of this about her, Miss Crow gave
a loud croak to show that she could aing. Of Course, the
moment she opened her beak, the cheese fell down,
and Mr. Fox ran away with it, laughing loudly.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Teks berikut ini untuk pertanyaan 8 dan 9
Sekali waktu, hiduplah seorang wanita gagak tua yang
berarti dan ugly.One hari, Miss Gagak telah mencuri sepotong besar
keju. Dan kemudian, ia terbang ke cabang untuk menikmatinya.
Pada tempat ather, di bawah tiga, makhluk licik, Mr.Fox,
yang ingin keju untuk dirinya sendiri, datang dan berbicara
dengan sopan padanya. "Oh, Miss Gagak, betapa indah Anda!
Apa paruh indah, apa bulu indah yang Anda miliki! Apa
mata cantik! Kalau saja Anda bisa menyanyi, Anda akan menjadi yang paling
burung yang indah di dunia! "
Sangat senang mendengar semua ini tentang dia, Miss Gagak memberi
suara serak keras untuk menunjukkan bahwa dia bisa Aing. Tentu saja,
saat ia membuka paruhnya, keju jatuh,
dan Mr. Fox lari dengan itu, tertawa keras.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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