With the advancement of technology and use of internet in financial an terjemahan - With the advancement of technology and use of internet in financial an Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

With the advancement of technology

With the advancement of technology and use of internet in financial
and fiscal affairs globally has necessitated the e-filing of Income Tax
in India also.
Considering its benefits and urgency, the e-filing has become mandatory for major chunk of tax payers in India. Present paper focuses on the reasons for making the e-filing mandatory for a selected class of assessee. The paper further takes into consideration the benefits accruing from e-filing along with
some bottlenecks that encounter in the process of such transformation. The data source has been secondary with regard to number of intermediaries
performing this function in various cities throughout India.
The data has been processed and analyzed to find out the growth of e-filing in India. The researcher discusses the role of government and intermediaries such as
TRPs in this direction and offers some suggestions to overcome the
problems for smooth working of e-filing in India. The paper concludes
that the major challenge ahead is regarding system security, mass
awareness is needed in order to make e-filing more successful, TRPs
have to play a very catalytic role and the Government would have
more revenue with global integration through technological
advancement of e-filing. Present study is beneficial for tax authorities,
policy makers, present and prospective tax payers, e-filing intermediaries, financial software engineers and academicians as the
paper attempts to focus on the crucial aspects of e-filing in Indi
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
With the advancement of technology and use of internet in financial and fiscal affairs globally has necessitated the e-filing of Income Taxin India also. Considering its benefits and urgency, the e-filing has become mandatory for major chunk of tax payers in India. Present paper focuses on the reasons for making the e-filing mandatory for a selected class of assessee. The paper further takes into consideration the benefits accruing from e-filing along withsome bottlenecks that encounter in the process of such transformation. The data source has been secondary with regard to number of intermediariesperforming this function in various cities throughout India. The data has been processed and analyzed to find out the growth of e-filing in India. The researcher discusses the role of government and intermediaries such as TRPs in this direction and offers some suggestions to overcome the problems for smooth working of e-filing in India. The paper concludes that the major challenge ahead is regarding system security, mass awareness is needed in order to make e-filing more successful, TRPs have to play a very catalytic role and the Government would have more revenue with global integration through technological advancement of e-filing. Present study is beneficial for tax authorities, policy makers, present and prospective tax payers, e-filing intermediaries, financial software engineers and academicians as the paper attempts to focus on the crucial aspects of e-filing in Indi
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dengan kemajuan teknologi dan penggunaan internet di keuangan
urusan dan fiskal global telah mengharuskan e-filing Pajak Penghasilan
di India juga.
Mengingat manfaatnya dan urgensi, e-filing telah menjadi wajib bagi sebagian besar wajib pajak di India. Makalah ini berfokus pada alasan untuk membuat e-filing wajib untuk kelas yang dipilih asesee. Kertas lanjut mempertimbangkan manfaat yang diperoleh dari e-filing bersama dengan
beberapa hambatan yang hadapi dalam proses transformasi tersebut. Sumber data telah sekunder berkaitan dengan jumlah perantara
melakukan fungsi ini di berbagai kota di seluruh India.
Data yang telah diolah dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan e-filing di India. Peneliti membahas peran pemerintah dan perantara seperti
TRPS arah ini dan menawarkan beberapa saran untuk mengatasi
masalah bagi kelancaran e-filing di India. Makalah ini menyimpulkan
bahwa tantangan utama ke depan adalah mengenai sistem keamanan, massa
kesadaran diperlukan untuk membuat e-filing lebih sukses, TRPS
harus memainkan peran yang sangat katalitik dan Pemerintah akan memiliki
lebih banyak pendapatan dengan integrasi global melalui teknologi
kemajuan e -filing. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi otoritas pajak,
pembuat kebijakan, hadir dan calon wajib pajak, e-filing perantara, insinyur perangkat lunak keuangan dan akademisi sebagai
kertas mencoba untuk fokus pada aspek-aspek penting dari e-filing di Indi
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