Lin Wan Er has not spo­ken, Wang Jian flushed, sword blade edge one ho terjemahan - Lin Wan Er has not spo­ken, Wang Jian flushed, sword blade edge one ho Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Lin Wan Er has not spo­ken, Wang Ji

Lin Wan Er has not spo­ken, Wang Jian flushed, sword blade edge one hor­i­zon­tal, ex­tremely in­ge­nious sweep­ing away at­tack, cas­trates is in­com­plete, con­ser­v­a­tive mo­men­tar­ily can sec­ond strike, is „clang”, Wang Jian's sword blade edge was struck to swing by the shield, but his rapid launch fights the spin of hal­berd, the dis­tance was so near, wipes the tea un­able to shunt.
How­ever wipes the tea form as if dis­place­ment gen­eral ap­proaches Wang Jian in­stan­ta­neously, sword blade edge „clang clang” surges twice, be­fore the shield pushes, „bang” must draw back sev­eral steps Wang Jian Zhuang con­tin­u­ally, big at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing jumps suc­cess­fully, at­tacks the skill in­stan­ta­neous twice, re­duces Wang Jian 4 W + HP, Wang Jian Shun­shi sink­ing body, fights the boots to ex­plode to tram­ple, wrong avoids, Wang Jian's sword blade edge ad­vance started im­me­di­ately, the sword blade edge ad­vance guides Cooldown , is less than 0.3 sec­ond, is the ex­tremely quick skill, how­ever in this short Cooldown, wipes the tea long sword to sweep away, under the shield presses., „Bang” one is one at­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully, the long sword passes Wang Jian's breast­plate, jumps the 3 W + vi­o­lent to strike the in­jury, Wang Jian Wuyan, al­most si­mul­ta­ne­ously poured with Song Han in one.
„Small mon­ster”
My throat some­what dry shouted, at this time who will not ques­tion that again the pre­sent woman was the small mon­ster.
„Fi­nally did agree ac­knowl­edge my sta­tus?”
Small mon­ster ridicule vis­its me with a smile, said: „El­dest child, you were good, is good to any peo­ple, you know that some peo­ple are not worth doing to her, for ex­am­ple my this per­son”
„Your this rebel!”
Li Mu roars, pro­gresses to over­run, he to was angry, to [Zhan Long] trea­sures him al­most to ex­ceed in me, be­cause after loyal and heroic was scat­tered, [Zhan Long] was his new fam­ily, he and I, Yue Qing Qian, Lin Wan Er et al. has com­pleted pre­sent this scale [Zhan Long], a be­fore­hand war, the Dragon’s den army made a great show of one's tal­ents, when we think when our dreams must be re­al­ized, wiped the tea is the fact of small mon­ster makes our dreams be in­stan­ta­neous.
„Li Mu, does not want!”
I ex­claimed loudly, was late, merely 11 sec­onds, Li Mu fell dead in bat­tle, three at­tacked and de­stroyed the suc­cess­ful still from the sky to re­ver­ber­ate.
Town Yue Dao in hand is shiv­er­ing slightly, I look to her, the sound shiv­ers slightly, ac­tu­ally in­com­pa­ra­bly gen­tle say­ing: „Wipes the tea, how many you must kill to love your per­son, will sat­isfy?”
Wipes tea sta­tic stand­ing there, has not spo­ken, but the tears flow co­pi­ously, on the long sword in hand was also lead­ing Li Mu, Wang Jian, Song Han the blood, she vis­its me silently, said: „Do not say again makes me work as a thor­ough rebel, lets me, when the thor­ough bad woman my I do not match to have every­body's love and cared that I did not want to wear the mask to live every day, mak­ing me change the small mon­ster, the Boss do not com­pel me again, ask­ing you to walk im­me­di­ately, do not com­pel me to kill peo­ple again!”
I have raised town Yue Dao, said lightly: „[Zhan Long], pre­pares to at­tack a city!”
Yue Qing Qian said in a low voice: „Ram­ble elder brother, be­hind came human, was the [Leg­end] per­son, are our we pre­sent start the in­ter­nal dis­putes?”
I have a look at be­hind the body, the mist and dust is bil­low­ing, truly, [Leg­end] trade union at least over ten thou­sand peo­ple speed away to come in our rear areas, I have a look at the city con­tact sur­face again, al­though Dragon’s den no longer is my city, but Chi Yu Han is cold, Chi Yu Qing and sev­eral thou­sand Longyan cav­al­ries, Flame Hawk Archers, the deep cold cav­alry be­long to my di­rec­tion as be­fore, there­fore clenches teeth, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Turns around the di­rec­tion, rushes ahead the [Leg­end] square for­ma­t
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Lin Wan Er has not spo­ken, Wang Jian flushed, sword blade edge one hor­i­zon­tal, ex­tremely in­ge­nious sweep­ing away at­tack, cas­trates is in­com­plete, con­ser­v­a­tive mo­men­tar­ily can sec­ond strike, is „clang”, Wang Jian's sword blade edge was struck to swing by the shield, but his rapid launch fights the spin of hal­berd, the dis­tance was so near, wipes the tea un­able to shunt.How­ever wipes the tea form as if dis­place­ment gen­eral ap­proaches Wang Jian in­stan­ta­neously, sword blade edge „clang clang” surges twice, be­fore the shield pushes, „bang” must draw back sev­eral steps Wang Jian Zhuang con­tin­u­ally, big at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing jumps suc­cess­fully, at­tacks the skill in­stan­ta­neous twice, re­duces Wang Jian 4 W + HP, Wang Jian Shun­shi sink­ing body, fights the boots to ex­plode to tram­ple, wrong avoids, Wang Jian's sword blade edge ad­vance started im­me­di­ately, the sword blade edge ad­vance guides Cooldown , is less than 0.3 sec­ond, is the ex­tremely quick skill, how­ever in this short Cooldown, wipes the tea long sword to sweep away, under the shield presses., „Bang” one is one at­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully, the long sword passes Wang Jian's breast­plate, jumps the 3 W + vi­o­lent to strike the in­jury, Wang Jian Wuyan, al­most si­mul­ta­ne­ously poured with Song Han in one.„Small mon­ster”My throat some­what dry shouted, at this time who will not ques­tion that again the pre­sent woman was the small mon­ster.„Fi­nally did agree ac­knowl­edge my sta­tus?”Small mon­ster ridicule vis­its me with a smile, said: „El­dest child, you were good, is good to any peo­ple, you know that some peo­ple are not worth doing to her, for ex­am­ple my this per­son”„Your this rebel!”Li Mu roars, pro­gresses to over­run, he to was angry, to [Zhan Long] trea­sures him al­most to ex­ceed in me, be­cause after loyal and heroic was scat­tered, [Zhan Long] was his new fam­ily, he and I, Yue Qing Qian, Lin Wan Er et al. has com­pleted pre­sent this scale [Zhan Long], a be­fore­hand war, the Dragon’s den army made a great show of one's tal­ents, when we think when our dreams must be re­al­ized, wiped the tea is the fact of small mon­ster makes our dreams be in­stan­ta­neous.„Li Mu, does not want!”I ex­claimed loudly, was late, merely 11 sec­onds, Li Mu fell dead in bat­tle, three at­tacked and de­stroyed the suc­cess­ful still from the sky to re­ver­ber­ate.Town Yue Dao in hand is shiv­er­ing slightly, I look to her, the sound shiv­ers slightly, ac­tu­ally in­com­pa­ra­bly gen­tle say­ing: „Wipes the tea, how many you must kill to love your per­son, will sat­isfy?”Wipes tea sta­tic stand­ing there, has not spo­ken, but the tears flow co­pi­ously, on the long sword in hand was also lead­ing Li Mu, Wang Jian, Song Han the blood, she vis­its me silently, said: „Do not say again makes me work as a thor­ough rebel, lets me, when the thor­ough bad woman my I do not match to have every­body's love and cared that I did not want to wear the mask to live every day, mak­ing me change the small mon­ster, the Boss do not com­pel me again, ask­ing you to walk im­me­di­ately, do not com­pel me to kill peo­ple again!”I have raised town Yue Dao, said lightly: „[Zhan Long], pre­pares to at­tack a city!”Yue Qing Qian said in a low voice: „Ram­ble elder brother, be­hind came human, was the [Leg­end] per­son, are our we pre­sent start the in­ter­nal dis­putes?”I have a look at be­hind the body, the mist and dust is bil­low­ing, truly, [Leg­end] trade union at least over ten thou­sand peo­ple speed away to come in our rear areas, I have a look at the city con­tact sur­face again, al­though Dragon’s den no longer is my city, but Chi Yu Han is cold, Chi Yu Qing and sev­eral thou­sand Longyan cav­al­ries, Flame Hawk Archers, the deep cold cav­alry be­long to my di­rec­tion as be­fore, there­fore clenches teeth, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Turns around the di­rec­tion, rushes ahead the [Leg­end] square for­ma­t
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Lin Wan Er belum berbicara, Wang Jian memerah, pedang pisau tepi horizontal, sangat cerdik menyapu serangan, mengebiri tidak lengkap, konservatif sejenak dapat teguran kedua, adalah "dentang", ujung pedang pisau Wang Jian disambar mampir perisai , namun peluncuran cepat nya perkelahian spin tombak, jarak itu begitu dekat, tisu teh dapat shunt.
namun tisu bentuk teh seakan perpindahan umum pendekatan Wang Jian instan, tepi pedang pisau "dentang dentang" lonjakan dua kali, sebelum perisai mendorong, "bang" harus menarik kembali beberapa langkah Wang Jian Zhuang terus, menyerang besar dan menghancurkan melompat berhasil, menyerang keterampilan seketika dua kali, mengurangi Wang Jian 4 W + HP, Wang Jian Shunshi tenggelam tubuh, perkelahian sepatu meledak untuk menginjak-injak , Menghindari salah, pedang pisau tepi muka Wang Jian mulai segera, kemajuan pedang pisau tepi panduan Cooldown, kurang dari 0,3 detik, adalah keterampilan yang sangat cepat, namun dalam Cooldown singkat ini, tisu pedang panjang teh untuk menyapu, di bawah perisai menekan., "Bang" satu adalah salah satu serangan dan menghancurkan berhasil, pedang panjang melewati dada Wang Jian, melompat 3 W + kekerasan untuk menyerang cedera, Wang Jian Wuyan, hampir bersamaan dituangkan dengan Song Han dalam satu.
"rakasa Kecil "
tenggorokan saya agak kering berteriak, saat ini yang tidak akan mempertanyakan itu lagi wanita ini adalah rakasa kecil.
" Akhirnya tidak setuju mengakui status saya "?
ejekan rakasa kecil kunjungan saya dengan senyum, mengatakan:" anak Sulung, kau baik, baik untuk setiap orang, Anda tahu bahwa beberapa orang tidak layak dilakukan padanya, misalnya saya orang ini "
" Anda pemberontak ini! "
Li Mu mengaum, berkembang menjadi dibanjiri, ia untuk marah, untuk [Zhan panjang] harta dia hampir melebihi di saya, karena setelah setia dan heroik tersebar, [Zhan panjang] adalah keluarga barunya, dia dan aku, Yue Qing Qian, Lin Wan Er et al. telah menyelesaikan hadir skala ini [Zhan Panjang], perang sebelumnya, tentara den Naga membuat acara besar bakat seseorang, ketika kita berpikir ketika impian kita harus menyadari, menyeka teh adalah fakta rakasa kecil membuat impian kita menjadi seketika .
"Li Mu, tidak mau!"
aku berseru keras, itu terlambat, hanya 11 detik, Li Mu jatuh mati dalam pertempuran, tiga menyerang dan menghancurkan sukses masih dari langit berkumandang.
Kota Yue Dao di tangan menggigil sedikit, aku melihat dia, menggigil suara sedikit, sebenarnya tak terbandingkan lembut pepatah: "? tisu teh, berapa banyak Anda harus membunuh untuk mencintai orang Anda, akan memuaskan"
wipes teh statis berdiri di sana, tidak berbicara, tapi air mata mengalir deras, pada pedang panjang di tangan juga memimpin Li Mu, Wang Jian, Lagu Han darah, dia mengunjungi saya diam-diam, mengatakan: "Jangan katakan lagi membuat saya bekerja sebagai pemberontak menyeluruh, memungkinkan saya, ketika wanita buruk menyeluruh saya tidak cocok untuk memiliki cinta semua orang dan peduli bahwa aku tidak ingin memakai masker untuk hidup setiap hari, membuat saya mengubah rakasa kecil, Bos tidak memaksa saya lagi, meminta Anda untuk berjalan segera, jangan memaksa saya untuk membunuh ! orang lagi "
aku telah mengangkat kota Yue Dao, mengatakan ringan:" [Zhan panjang], mempersiapkan untuk menyerang kota "!
Yue Qing Qian berkata dengan suara rendah:" mengoceh kakak, belakang datang manusia, adalah [Legenda] orang, yang kami hadir memulai perselisihan internal yang? "
aku lihat di belakang tubuh, kabut dan debu mengepul, benar-benar, [Legenda] serikat pekerja setidaknya lebih dari sepuluh ribu orang mempercepat jauh untuk datang di daerah belakang kami, saya lihat di permukaan kontak kota lagi, meskipun den Dragon tidak lagi merupakan kota saya, tapi Chi Yu Han dingin, Chi Yu Qing dan beberapa ribu cavalries Longyan, Flame Elang Pemanah, kavaleri dingin dalam milik arah saya seperti sebelumnya Oleh karena itu mengepalkan gigi, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah: "Ternyata di sekitar arah, bergegas ke depan yang [Legenda] Format persegi
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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