within the community. To enhance trust in the community, these feeling terjemahan - within the community. To enhance trust in the community, these feeling Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

within the community. To enhance tr

within the community. To enhance trust in the community, these feelings must
be discussed openly. The co-created community is an important factor in the
ability to learn.
Person-centered expressive arts therapy utilizes the arts for spontaneous
creative expression that symbolizes deep and sometimes inaccessible feelings
and emotional states. Conditions that foster creativity occur both within
the participants and within the group environment. The conditions for free
expression require acceptance of the participants, a nonjudgmental setting,
empathy, psychological freedom, and the availability of stimulating and challenging
experiences. Participants respond with nondefensive openness to experience
and an internal locus of evaluation that receives but is not overly
concerned with the reactions of others. Offering guidelines to participants at
the beginning of the process is helpful and stays within the person-centered
framework because the guidelines place the responsibility and authority
with the participants. Using the person-centered philosophical base of Carl
Rogers, Natalie Rogers has developed an active group approach to personal
growth and emotional health.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
dalam masyarakat. Untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat, perasaan ini harusdibahas secara terbuka. Bersama menciptakan masyarakat adalah faktor penting dalamkemampuan untuk belajar.RINGKASAN KOMENTAROrang-berpusat ekspresif seni terapi yang memanfaatkan seni untuk spontanekspresi kreatif yang melambangkan perasaan yang mendalam dan kadang-kadang tidak dapat diaksesdan emosi. Kondisi yang mendorong kreativitas terjadi baik di dalamPara peserta dan dalam kelompok lingkungan. Kondisi untuk gratisekspresi memerlukan penerimaan peserta, suasana tidak menghakimi,empati, psikologis kebebasan dan ketersediaan merangsang dan menantangpengalaman. Peserta menanggapi dengan nondefensive keterbukaan untuk pengalamandan internal lokus evaluasi yang menerima tapi tidak terlaluberkaitan dengan reaksi dari orang lain. Menawarkan panduan untuk peserta diawal proses membantu dan tetap dalam orang-berpusatkerangka karena pedoman menempatkan tanggung jawab dan otoritasdengan para peserta. Menggunakan dasar filosofis berpusat pada orang dari CarlRogers, Natalie Rogers telah mengembangkan pendekatan kelompok aktif pribadipertumbuhan dan kesehatan emosional.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
within the community. To enhance trust in the community, these feelings must
be discussed openly. The co-created community is an important factor in the
ability to learn.
Person-centered expressive arts therapy utilizes the arts for spontaneous
creative expression that symbolizes deep and sometimes inaccessible feelings
and emotional states. Conditions that foster creativity occur both within
the participants and within the group environment. The conditions for free
expression require acceptance of the participants, a nonjudgmental setting,
empathy, psychological freedom, and the availability of stimulating and challenging
experiences. Participants respond with nondefensive openness to experience
and an internal locus of evaluation that receives but is not overly
concerned with the reactions of others. Offering guidelines to participants at
the beginning of the process is helpful and stays within the person-centered
framework because the guidelines place the responsibility and authority
with the participants. Using the person-centered philosophical base of Carl
Rogers, Natalie Rogers has developed an active group approach to personal
growth and emotional health.
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