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SURVEY METHODOLOGY - PIPELAYThe HILONG 106 will be primarily positioned by the standard offshore positioningsystem consisting of Veripos LD4/ LD3 DGPS, Meridian Surveyor gyros and DMS-05MRU aided by accurate offset measurements.All the survey sensors will be interfaced to NaviPac navigation suite for acomprehensive real time positioning solution. The HILONG 106 will be runningNaviPac suite operating in Barge Management System (BMS) for anchor operations.The Fix point during the pipe lay will be the Beadstall / Line-Up Station offset for theHILONG 106The AHTs will be positioned by Hemisphere combined GPS and heading system fedwith RTCM GPS corrections from the main vessel (HILONG 106). All AHTs will haveNaviPac suite operating in Tug Management System (TMS).BMS and TMS are NaviPac’s internal rig/barge move modules. NaviPac BMS/ TMSenables simple barge/rig management through centralised command control bybarge master via remotely controlled tug navigation displays. NaviPac’s multiplexertelemetry enables two way position data relay between the HILONG 106 and itsPHE WMO SURVEY & POSITIONING PROCEDUREPHEWMO-PHE12-PHE24-CPP2-N-PRC-0002 Rev.0 Page 32 of 49AHTs. Communication to and from Barge and AHTs will be set up via Trio ER450radio link.Planning and designing of anchor pattern will be carried out by the barge master byutilising NaviPac Helmsman display that allows quick step target placement,coordinate measurement and range/bearing to destination. These anchor patternswill be then transferred in real time to the designated AHT as targets on the navigationdisplay. Surveyors stationed in the barge control room/ bridge will be monitoring andupdating the online navigation anchor status based on the communication to and frombarge master and AHT captain. An in depth anchor log will be maintainedautonomously by NaviPac’s RigMon and manually by the surveyor’s log.In the case of the HILONG 106 structures the pile guide centre will be the primaryoffset required.In the case of the DLB01 for Tie- In and Riser Installation Centre Stern centre will bethe primary “fixing point”.Offsets to a marked central location (CRP) on the ROVis the forward bumper bar.Vessel offset measurements shall be taken using the standard NaviPac conventionsas noted below:+X is to Starboard+Y is to the Forward+Z is Up Water depth is +ve relative to CRPOffset measurements will be carried out utilising total station and tape measure. Theoffsets will be measured independently by two (2) surveyors and also compared toprevious vessel offset diagrams.Full details on the methodology required for obtaining a sound velocity profile refer tothe SOP-008 Sound Velocity Procedure.The sound velocity profile unit will be wet tested during the mobilisation, by deployingthe unit to self record the sound velocity reading during down cast and up cast.8.8.5 ROVROV Gyro calibration shall be carried out using the ROV offset measurement method inaccordance with SOP-003 Gyro Calibration and Verification Procedure and resultsrecorded using MSF-049 Gyro Calibration Record.The ROV Gyro Calibration would only merit conducting if a precise Gyro Instrument isincluded.
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