13 NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY13.1 Carcinogenes is , Mutagenes is , Impairm terjemahan - 13 NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY13.1 Carcinogenes is , Mutagenes is , Impairm Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


13.1 Carcinogenes is , Mutagenes is , Impairment of Fertility
There was no evidence of a tumorigenic effect when enalapril was administered for 106 weeks to male
and female rats at doses up to 90 mg/kg/day or for 94 weeks to male and female mice at doses up to
90 and 180 mg/kg/day, respectively. These doses are 26 times (in rats and female mice) and 13 times (in
male mice) the maximum recommended human daily dose (MRHDD) when compared on a body surface
area basis.
Neither enalapril maleate nor the active diacid was mutagenic in the Ames microbial mutagen test with
or without metabolic activation. Enalapril was also negative in the following genotoxicity studies: recassay,
reverse mutation assay with E. coli, sister chromatid exchange with cultured mammalian cells, and
the micronucleus test with mice, as well as in an in vivo cytogenic study using mouse bone marrow.
There were no adverse effects on reproductive performance of male and female rats treated with up to
90 mg/kg/day of enalapril (26 times the MRHDD when compared on a body surface area basis).
14.1 Heart Failure, Mortality Trials
In a multicenter, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 2,569 patients with all degrees of symptomatic heart
failure and ejection fraction ≤35 percent were randomized to placebo or enalapril and followed for up
to 55 months (SOLVD-Treatment). Use of enalapril was associated with an 11 percent reduction in all-
cause mortality and a 30 percent reduction in hospitalization for heart failure. Diseases that excluded
patients from enrollment in the study included severe stable angina (>2 attacks/day), hemodynamically
significant valvular or outflow tract obstruction, renal failure (creatinine >2.5 mg/dL), cerebral vascular
disease (e.g., significant carotid artery disease), advanced pulmonary disease, malignancies, active
myocarditis and constrictive pericarditis. The mortality benefit associated with enalapril does not
appear to depend upon digitalis being present.
A second multicenter trial used the SOLVD protocol for study of asymptomatic or minimally
symptomatic patients. SOLVD-Prevention patients, who had left ventricular ejection fraction ≤35% and
no history of symptomatic heart failure, were randomized to placebo (n=2117) or enalapril (n=2111) and
followed for up to 5 years. The majority of patients in the SOLVD-Prevention trial had a history of
ischemic heart disease. A history of myocardial infarction was present in 80 percent of patients, current
angina pectoris in 34 percent, and a history of hypertension in 37 percent. No statistically significant
mortality effect was demonstrated in this population. Enalapril-treated subjects had 32% fewer first
hospitalizations for heart failure, and 32% fewer total heart failure hospitalizations. Compared to
placebo, 32 percent fewer patients receiving enalapril developed symptoms of overt heart failure.
Hospitalizations for cardiovascular reasons were also reduced. There was an insignificant reduction in
hospitalizations for any cause in the enalapril treatment group (for enalapril vs. placebo, respectively,
1166 vs. 1201 first hospitalizations, 2649 vs. 2840 total hospitalizations), although the study was not
powered to look for such an effect.
The SOLVD-Prevention trial was not designed to determine whether treatment of asymptomatic patients
with low ejection fraction would be superior, with respect to preventing hospitalization, to closer
follow-up and use of enalapril at the earliest sign of heart failure. However, under the conditions of
follow-up in the SOLVD-Prevention trial (every 4 months at the study clinic; personal physician as
needed), 68% of patients on placebo who were hospitalized for heart failure had no prior symptoms
recorded which would have signaled initiation of treatment.
The SOLVD-Prevention trial was also not designed to show whether enalapril modified the
progression of underlying heart disease.
In another multicenter, placebo-controlled trial (CONSENSUS) limited to patients with NYHA Class IV
congestive heart failure and radiographic evidence of cardiomegaly, use of enalapril was associated
with improved survival. The results are shown in the following table.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
13 NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY13.1 Carcinogenes is , Mutagenes is , Impairment of FertilityThere was no evidence of a tumorigenic effect when enalapril was administered for 106 weeks to maleand female rats at doses up to 90 mg/kg/day or for 94 weeks to male and female mice at doses up to90 and 180 mg/kg/day, respectively. These doses are 26 times (in rats and female mice) and 13 times (inmale mice) the maximum recommended human daily dose (MRHDD) when compared on a body surfacearea basis.Neither enalapril maleate nor the active diacid was mutagenic in the Ames microbial mutagen test withor without metabolic activation. Enalapril was also negative in the following genotoxicity studies: recassay,reverse mutation assay with E. coli, sister chromatid exchange with cultured mammalian cells, andthe micronucleus test with mice, as well as in an in vivo cytogenic study using mouse bone marrow.There were no adverse effects on reproductive performance of male and female rats treated with up to90 mg/kg/day of enalapril (26 times the MRHDD when compared on a body surface area basis).14 CLINICAL STUDIES14.1 Heart Failure, Mortality TrialsIn a multicenter, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 2,569 patients with all degrees of symptomatic heartfailure and ejection fraction ≤35 percent were randomized to placebo or enalapril and followed for upto 55 months (SOLVD-Treatment). Use of enalapril was associated with an 11 percent reduction in all-14cause mortality and a 30 percent reduction in hospitalization for heart failure. Diseases that excludedpatients from enrollment in the study included severe stable angina (>2 attacks/day), hemodynamicallysignificant valvular or outflow tract obstruction, renal failure (creatinine >2.5 mg/dL), cerebral vasculardisease (e.g., significant carotid artery disease), advanced pulmonary disease, malignancies, activemyocarditis and constrictive pericarditis. The mortality benefit associated with enalapril does notappear to depend upon digitalis being present.A second multicenter trial used the SOLVD protocol for study of asymptomatic or minimallysymptomatic patients. SOLVD-Prevention patients, who had left ventricular ejection fraction ≤35% andno history of symptomatic heart failure, were randomized to placebo (n=2117) or enalapril (n=2111) andfollowed for up to 5 years. The majority of patients in the SOLVD-Prevention trial had a history ofischemic heart disease. A history of myocardial infarction was present in 80 percent of patients, currentangina pectoris in 34 percent, and a history of hypertension in 37 percent. No statistically significantmortality effect was demonstrated in this population. Enalapril-treated subjects had 32% fewer firsthospitalizations for heart failure, and 32% fewer total heart failure hospitalizations. Compared toplacebo, 32 percent fewer patients receiving enalapril developed symptoms of overt heart failure.Hospitalizations for cardiovascular reasons were also reduced. There was an insignificant reduction inhospitalizations for any cause in the enalapril treatment group (for enalapril vs. placebo, respectively,1166 vs. 1201 first hospitalizations, 2649 vs. 2840 total hospitalizations), although the study was notpowered to look for such an effect.The SOLVD-Prevention trial was not designed to determine whether treatment of asymptomatic patientswith low ejection fraction would be superior, with respect to preventing hospitalization, to closerfollow-up and use of enalapril at the earliest sign of heart failure. However, under the conditions offollow-up in the SOLVD-Prevention trial (every 4 months at the study clinic; personal physician asneeded), 68% of patients on placebo who were hospitalized for heart failure had no prior symptomsrecorded which would have signaled initiation of treatment.The SOLVD-Prevention trial was also not designed to show whether enalapril modified theprogression of underlying heart disease.In another multicenter, placebo-controlled trial (CONSENSUS) limited to patients with NYHA Class IVcongestive heart failure and radiographic evidence of cardiomegaly, use of enalapril was associatedwith improved survival. The results are shown in the following table.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
13 nonclinical TOKSIKOLOGI
13.1 Carcinogenes adalah, Mutagenes adalah, Penurunan Kesuburan
Tidak ada bukti dari efek tumorigenic ketika enalapril diberikan untuk 106 minggu untuk laki-laki
dan perempuan tikus pada dosis hingga 90 mg / kg / hari atau selama 94 minggu untuk laki-laki dan mencit betina pada dosis hingga
90 dan 180 mg / kg / hari, masing-masing. Dosis ini 26 kali (pada tikus dan tikus betina) dan 13 kali (dalam
tikus jantan) maksimum yang disarankan dosis harian manusia (MRHDD) bila dibandingkan pada permukaan tubuh
secara luas.
Baik maleat enalapril maupun asam bervalensi dua yang aktif adalah mutagenik di Ames uji mutagen mikroba dengan
atau tanpa aktivasi metabolik. Enalapril juga negatif dalam studi genotoxicity berikut: recassay,
membalikkan assay mutasi dengan E. coli, adik pertukaran kromatid dengan sel mamalia berbudaya, dan
tes mikronukleus dengan tikus, serta dalam studi cytogenic in vivo menggunakan sumsum tulang tikus.
Ada tidak ada efek samping terhadap kinerja reproduksi tikus jantan dan betina diperlakukan dengan sampai
90 mg / kg / hari enalapril (26 kali MRHDD bila dibandingkan secara luas permukaan tubuh).
14,1 Heart Failure, Trials Kematian
dalam multicenter, percobaan klinis terkontrol plasebo, 2.569 pasien dengan semua derajat jantung gejala
gagal dan fraksi ejeksi ≤35 persen diacak untuk plasebo atau enalapril dan diikuti selama
55 bulan (SOLVD-Treatment). Penggunaan enalapril dikaitkan dengan penurunan 11 persen dalam semua
penyebab kematian dan 30 persen pengurangan rawat inap untuk gagal jantung. Penyakit yang dikecualikan
pasien dari pendaftaran dalam studi termasuk angina berat yang stabil (> 2 serangan / hari), hemodinamik
signifikan katup atau obstruksi saluran keluar, gagal ginjal (kreatinin> 2,5 mg / dL), pembuluh darah otak
penyakit (misalnya, penyakit arteri karotid yang signifikan ), maju penyakit paru, keganasan, aktif
miokarditis dan perikarditis konstriktif. Manfaat kematian terkait dengan enalapril tidak
muncul untuk bergantung pada digitalis hadir.
Sebuah percobaan multicenter kedua menggunakan protokol SOLVD untuk studi asimtomatik atau minimal
gejala pasien. Pasien SOLVD-Pencegahan, yang telah meninggalkan fraksi ejeksi ventrikel ≤35% dan
tidak ada riwayat gagal jantung simptomatik, diacak untuk plasebo (n = 2117) atau enalapril (n = 2111) dan
diikuti hingga 5 tahun. Sebagian besar pasien dalam sidang SOLVD-Pencegahan memiliki riwayat
penyakit jantung iskemik. Sebuah riwayat infark miokard hadir di 80 persen pasien, saat
angina pectoris di 34 persen, dan riwayat hipertensi di 37 persen. Tidak ada yang signifikan secara statistik
efek kematian ditunjukkan pada populasi ini. Subyek enalapril-diperlakukan memiliki 32% lebih sedikit pertama
rawat inap untuk gagal jantung, dan 32% lebih sedikit jumlah rawat inap gagal jantung. Dibandingkan dengan
plasebo, 32 persen lebih sedikit pasien yang menerima gejala enalapril dikembangkan dari gagal jantung terbuka.
Perawatan di rumah sakit karena alasan jantung juga berkurang. Ada pengurangan signifikan di
rumah sakit karena alasan pada kelompok perlakuan enalapril (untuk enalapril vs plasebo,
1166 vs 1201 rawat inap pertama, 2649 vs 2840 jumlah rawat inap), meskipun penelitian ini tidak
didukung untuk mencari seperti efek.
persidangan SOLVD-Pencegahan tidak dirancang untuk menentukan apakah pengobatan pasien asimtomatik
dengan fraksi ejeksi yang rendah akan unggul, sehubungan dengan mencegah rawat inap, untuk lebih dekat
tindak lanjut dan penggunaan enalapril pada tanda awal dari gagal jantung. Namun, di bawah kondisi
tindak lanjut dalam sidang SOLVD-Pencegahan (setiap 4 bulan di klinik studi; dokter pribadi sebagai
diperlukan), 68% dari pasien plasebo yang dirawat di rumah sakit untuk gagal jantung tidak memiliki gejala sebelumnya
yang tercatat yang akan memiliki inisiasi mengisyaratkan pengobatan.
persidangan SOLVD-Pencegahan juga tidak dirancang untuk menunjukkan apakah enalapril memodifikasi
perkembangan penyakit jantung yang mendasarinya.
dalam multicenter lain, percobaan terkontrol plasebo (Konsensus) terbatas pada pasien dengan NYHA kelas IV
gagal jantung kongestif dan bukti radiografi kardiomegali, penggunaan enalapril dikaitkan
dengan ketahanan hidup. Hasilnya ditunjukkan pada tabel berikut.
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Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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