8.What is the different function between Machine Bolt and Stud Bolt?-  terjemahan - 8.What is the different function between Machine Bolt and Stud Bolt?-  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

8.What is the different function be

8.What is the different function between Machine Bolt and Stud Bolt?
- Machine bolt has a head on one side and nut on other side but stud bolt have nuts on both sides.
- guessing…. stud bolt is used to install two flanges. stud bolt can be tightened from two side.
9.When do we need Dampener, Expansion Joint and Mechanical Snubber? and Why?
- guessing…. dampener & mech snubber are used when calculation meet unstable supporting.
- Expansion Joint can be used in very limited space. Basically it will absorb thermal Expansion of the pipe. Application : Piping around Pump. As my understanding dampener and Snubber is used to reduced the piping vibration (CMIIW)
10. Do you know the rule of thumb for piping stress analysis around the pump? Please describe
- nope. i know only the design criteria of piping system around pump..
11. Do you know the rule of thumb for piping stress analysis around compressors, turbine and heat exchanger? Please describe.
12. Do you know the rule of thumb for piping stress analysis aroound tower or pressure vessel? Please describe.
- check of piping settlement between header line and tank/vessel nozzle
13. What is Steam Tracing?
- same as heat insulation. to keep the delta temperature inside the pipe.
- steam tracing is a steam line which is used to maintain the temperature of the fluid in the main line. From the steam header, basically we will design distribution manifold for the steam tracing, and after specific distance we have to collect the condensate and provide new steam tracing line for the main line. The condensate can be open or close system. If it is open system then the condensate will be drain-off, if it is close system the condensate will be routed back to condensate header for recycling)
14. Why Full Bore Pipe is using in connecting pipeline of launcher?
- in order to avoid locking-trip of pigging
15. When checking Piping Stress Sketch, what parameter you normaly need to check?
- a. line routing & number b. dimensions & support locations c. design/operating temperature & pressure d. pipe specification e. code & standard
- Pipe properties, des and ope condition, pipe route
16. What Code you normaly use for checking the Nozzle load on Compressors, Turbine, Heat Exchanger, Pump, Air Cooler?
- Do you mean standard ? TurbineàAPI Std 611 = NEMA SM23 Centrifugal CompressoràAPI Std 617 Reciprocating CompressoràAPI Std 618 Air Fin CooleràAPI Std 661 PumpàAPI Std 610
17. What is the ANSI/ASME Code for dimensional Steel Flanges and Fittings?
- ANSI B16.9
- Flange 24Inch and below : ASME B16.5 ; 26inch and larger ASME B16.47 Fittings : ASME B16.11)
18. Name the Flange Facing
- Raised-Face, Flat-Face & Ring-type Joint
- (Rise Face, Flat Face, and Ring Joint).
19. Do you know the flange facing called as AARH?
20. If you would like to make a branch connection, from which side pipe normaly take the branch connection?
- gas, vertical 90deg. liquid, horizontal 90deg
- from top; For liquid àFor gas or vapour from side
21. Control Valve. What kind of support arangement on Control Valve?
- put supports closer to the valve. add guide on both supports. add stopper on one of the supports
- 2 support for control valve, one of them is fix, while the other is slide (can be guided)
22. Why do wee need to provide HPV (High Point Vent) and LPD (Low Point Drain) in Piping?
- to avoid hammer. this usually happening in pocket line
23. Do you know about Weldolet, Sockolet? Please Explain.
- weldolet connects header & branch, welded on the surface, with no pipe branch plug into inside pipe; than that is used in sockolet
- weldolet connects brach and header for buttweld pipe (BE) and the size 2″ and above (common) and sockolet for socket welded pipe (PE) and the size 2″ and under. (pl. correction)
- Weldolet is fitting for Butt End Pipe, while sockolet is fitting for Plain End Pipe ( Brancing )
24. What is the normal upstream and downstream straight length of orifice flow meter?
- 5D – 10D ?
- That’s depend on the Beta ratio of the orifice plate. But normally we used the biggest beta ratio ( more safe ). 20D for downstream and 5D for upstream
25. What is composite flange?
- flange made from non-metal material ?
26. Do you know about Insulated Joint? Pleas explain.
- Insulated joint is used when metallic underground pipe connected to metallic aboveground pipe (connected by flanges). The purpose is to isolate the Cathodic Protection current so that the current is not flowing on above ground metallic pipe.
27. What are insulating gasket kits?
28. Have you done the analysis of Jacketed Piping? What do you normaly need to consider during analysis?
29. What do you need to take into account when performing stress analysis around Tank?
- pipe settlement. (data of land-lowering around tank.)
- The settlement of the ground due to tank weight
30. What is the relation between Brinnell Hardness Number and Rockwell Hardness Number?
31. What is the minimum distance between two welds in a pipe?
- as maximum pipe long per piece ? 6m ?
- the minimum distance is 50mm (2″) after welding. (pl. correction)
- 5times of the Thickness or 50mm which is the larger
32. During fabrication, you observed that one samll crack has appeared on a fresh plate, what type of measure you will take to obtain desired quality with minimum wastage?
33. Describe the different types of destructive and non-destructive tests?
- same as no. 32
- Destructive Test: a) Tensile test, we put axial tensile force to the specimen until it is failure b) hardness test, hard to describe, c) bending test, by using bending machine, we bend the specimen
- Non-Destructive: a) PE, using penetrate liquid b) MT, can be used for magnetic metallic c) RT, Radio graphic Testing d) UT,Ultra sonic test
34. What is PWHT? Why is it required?
- Post Weld Heat Treatment
- PWHT is a stress relieve process by using heat after the welding activity. It is required because we need to restore the mechanical properties of the pipe to its original state.
35. What is the minimum thickness of pipe that requires stress relieving to be done as per ASME B31.3?
- for carbon steel pipe 19MM, for low alloy pipe 13MM
36. What is NACE MR-0175 for?
- it is a standard that is used for sour service line
37. Hydrotest Pressure. Do you know how to calculate the test Pressure? Please describe.
- for B31.3 pipe, hydrotest pressure = 1.5 x MAOP/MAWP for rating 300 & below. for 400# & above, use 1.5 x design pressure. for B31.8 pipe, HT pressure = 1.1 to 1.5 x design pressure.
38. Do you know heat exchanger? What fluid in Shell Side and what fluid in Tube Side?
- hot gas or fire in shell and steam-water in tube
- On the shell side, there is a cool fluid, Tube side is used for the Hot one.
39. Do you know Glandless Piston Valves. Where these valves are used?
40. Have you done estimation of piping system during proposal? How do you do that?
- by separating first, all line number into critical lines and non-critical ones. then connect all critical lines into a system and made them in amount of calculation numbers.
- basically during Estimation, we received IFP document from the client. If the document is good, then you will get all the information you need, such as piping layout, plot plan, p&id, line list, specification,ect. On the basis of this IFP Document, we Piping Department prepare the BM and The BQ to estimate how much the material cost and how much the construction cost for Piping activity. After this activity has been finished then we also have to prepare MH estimation for this project. Schedule of the project I think will be done by the Project Management.
41. Why do we need to do Stress Analysis?
- 1. To ensure that the stresses in piping components in the system are within allowable limits 2. To solve dynamic problems developed due to mechanical vibration, fluid hammer, pulsation, relief valves, etc 3. To solve problems associated due to higher or lower operating temperature such as a) Displacement stress range b) Nozzle loading on connected equipments c) Pipe displacements d) Loads & moments on supporting structure
- to ensure safety in piping design, in its systems.
- To ensure that the Pipe System on the plant is in safe condition
42. What are the steps in piping stress analysis?
- 1. Identify the potential loads that the piping system would encounter during the life of the plant 2. Relate each of these loads to the stresses and strains developed 3. Get the cumulative effect of the potential loads in the system 4. Decide the allowable limits the system can withstand without failure as per code 5. After the system is designed to ensure that the stresses are within safe limits
- gather all data needed, make pipe stress sketch (put nodal numbers in it) as per critical line list, calculate to analyze, manually (simplified method) or by computer software, reporting.
- Identification of critical line, preparing the stress sketch as per piping layout, preparing model using software, checking input, analyze the output, give recommendation if the routing is failed
43. Tell me about the type of the stressess during normal operation?
- Axial Stresses (Tensile / Compressive), Shear Stresses, Radial Stresses, Hoopes Stresses.
- primary (sustain) and secondary (thermal)
- There will be Hoop Stress, Bending Stress, and axial Stress
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
8. apa adalah fungsi berbeda antara mesin baut dan Stud Bolt?
- Machine bolt memiliki kepala pada satu sisi dan kacang di sisi lain tetapi stud bolt memiliki kacang pada kedua sisi.
-menebak... stud bolt digunakan untuk menginstal dua flensa. Stud bolt dapat diperketat dari dua sisi.
9.When kita perlu Dampener, Expansion Joint dan mekanik Snubber? dan mengapa?
- menebak... dampener & mech snubber digunakan ketika perhitungan bertemu stabil mendukung.
-Expansion Joint dapat digunakan dalam ruang yang sangat terbatas. Pada dasarnya akan menyerap ekspansi termal pipa. Aplikasi: Pipa di sekitar pompa. Sebagai dampener pemahaman dan Snubber saya digunakan untuk mengurangi getaran pipa (CMIIW)
10. Apakah Anda tahu aturan untuk pipa stres analisis di sekitar pompa? Jelaskan
- nope. Aku tahu hanya kriteria desain sistem perpipaan di sekitar pompa...
11. Apakah Anda tahu aturan untuk pipa stres analisis sekitar kompresor, turbin dan penukar panas? Jelaskan.
12. Apakah Anda tahu aturan untuk pipa stres analisis aroound tower atau bejana? Jelaskan.
-Periksa pipa penyelesaian antara header baris dan tangki kapal nozzle
13. apa adalah uap Tracing?
- sama seperti isolasi panas. untuk menjaga suhu delta di dalam pipa.
-uap tracing adalah baris uap yang digunakan untuk menjaga suhu dalam jalur utama. Dari header Uap, pada dasarnya kami akan merancang distribusi manifold untuk melacak Uap, dan setelah jarak tertentu kita harus mengumpulkan condensate dan menyediakan jalur pelacakan uap baru untuk jalur utama. Condensate dapat membuka atau menutup sistem. Jika ini adalah sistem yang terbuka maka condensate akan menguras-off, jika itu adalah sistem tertutup condensate akan diarahkan kembali ke kondensat header untuk daur ulang)
14. Mengapa penuh melahirkan pipa menggunakan dalam menghubungkan pipa peluncur?
-untuk menghindari mengunci-perjalanan dari pigging
15. Ketika memeriksa pipa stres sketsa, apa parameter normaly Anda perlu memeriksa?
-a. jalur routing & nomor b. dimensi & dukungan lokasi c. Desain/operasi suhu & d. pipa spesifikasi e. kode & standar tekanan
-pipa properti, des dan konek, kondisi, pipa rute
16. Apa kode Anda normaly digunakan untuk memeriksa beban Nozzle kompresor, turbin, Heat Exchanger, pompa, pendingin udara?
-maksudmu standar? TurbineàAPI Std 611 = NEMA SM23 sentrifugal CompressoràAPI Std 617 Reciprocating CompressoràAPI Std 618 udara Fin CooleràAPI Std 661 PumpàAPI Std 610
17. Apa ada kode ANSI ASME untuk dimensi baja flensa dan Fitting?
-ANSI B16.9
-Flange 24 inci dan di bawah: ASME B16.5; 26 inci dan lebih besar Fitting ASME B16.47: ASME B16.11)
18. Nama menghadap Flange
- dibesarkan-wajah, wajah datar & jenis dering Joint
- (meningkat wajah, wajah datar, dan cincin Joint).
19. Apakah Anda tahu menghadap flange disebut sebagai AARH?
20. Jika Anda ingin membuat sambungan cabang, dari sisi mana pipa normaly mengambil sambungan cabang?
-gas, vertikal 90deg. cairan, horisontal 90deg
- dari atas; Untuk gas cair àFor atau uap dari sisi
21. Katup kontrol. Apa jenis dukungan arangement pada Control Valve?
-menempatkan mendukung lebih dekat ke katup. Tambahkan panduan mendukung kedua. Tambahkan stopper pada salah satu dari mendukung
-2 mendukung kontrol katup, salah satunya adalah memperbaiki, sementara yang lain adalah slide (dapat dibimbing)
22. Mengapa wee kebutuhan untuk memberikan HPV (High Point ventilasi) dan LPD (rendah titik Tiriskan) di Piping?
- untuk menghindari palu. ini biasanya terjadi dalam garis saku
23. Apakah Anda tahu tentang Weldolet, Sockolet? Silahkan menjelaskan.
-weldolet menghubungkan header & cabang, dilas pada permukaan, dengan tidak ada pipa cabang plug ke dalam pipa; daripada yang digunakan dalam sockolet
-weldolet menghubungkan cabang dan header untuk pipa buttweld (akan) dan ukuran 2 dan di atas (common) dan sockolet untuk soket dilas pipa (PE) dan ukuran 2 dan di bawah. (pl. koreksi)
-Weldolet cocok untuk Butt akhir pipa, sementara sockolet pas untuk akhir polos pipa (Brancing)
24. Apa adalah normal hulu dan hilir lurus panjang orifice aliran meter?
- 5D – 10D?
-Itu tergantung pada rasio Beta pelat orifice. Tapi biasanya kami menggunakan rasio beta terbesar (lebih aman). 20D untuk hilir dan 5 D untuk hulu
25. Apakah komposit flange?
-flange yang terbuat dari bahan non-logam?
26. Apakah Anda tahu tentang terisolasi bersama? Permohonan menjelaskan.
-terisolasi bersama digunakan ketika logam pipa bawah tanah yang terhubung ke logam pipa tanah (terhubung oleh flensa). Tujuannya adalah untuk mengisolasi arus proteksi katodik sehingga saat ini tidak mengalir di atas tanah logam pipa.
27. Apa adalah isolasi paking kit?
28. Apakah Anda melakukan analisis jas pipa? Apa yang perlu Anda normaly mempertimbangkan selama analisis?
29. Apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk memperhitungkan saat melakukan analisis stres di sekitar tangki?
-pipa penyelesaian. (data penurun tanah di sekitar tangki.)
-Penyelesaian tanah karena berat tangki
30. Apakah hubungan antara Brinnell kekerasan nomor dan nomor kekerasan Rockwell?
31. Berapakah minimal jarak antara dua lasan pada pipa?
- sebagai maksimum pipa panjang per potong? 6m?
-jarak minimal adalah 50mm (2) setelah pengelasan. (pl. koreksi)
-5times ketebalan atau 50mm yang lebih besar
32. Selama fabrikasi, Anda mengamati crack satu samll yang telah muncul di piring segar, ukuran jenis apa yang akan Anda ambil untuk mendapatkan kualitas yang diinginkan dengan minimal pemborosan?
33. Menggambarkan jenis-jenis destruktif dan non-destruktif tes?
- sama seperti nomor 32
-destruktif tes:) uji tarik, kami menempatkan kekuatan tarik aksial spesimen sampai kegagalan b) tes kekerasan, sulit untuk menggambarkan, c) membungkuk tes, dengan menggunakan Mesin bending, kami menekuk spesimen
- Non-destruktif:) PE, menggunakan menembus cair b) MT, dapat digunakan untuk magnetik metalik c) RT, Radio grafis pengujian d) UT, Ultra sonic uji
34. Apa yang dimaksud dengan PWHT? Mengapa diperlukan?
-Post Weld Heat Treatment
-PWHT adalah proses menghilangkan stres dengan menggunakan panas setelah aktivitas pengelasan. Hal ini diperlukan karena kita perlu untuk mengembalikan sifat mekanik dari pipa ke negara asli nya.
35. Apa adalah minimum ketebalan pipa yang memerlukan menghilangkan harus dilakukan sesuai dengan ASME B31.3 stres?
- untuk baja karbon pipa 19 MM, untuk paduan rendah pipa 13 MM
36. Apakah NACE MR-0175 untuk?
-itu adalah standar yang digunakan untuk asam saluran Layanan
37. Tekanan HYDROTEST. Apakah Anda tahu bagaimana menghitung tes tekanan? Jelaskan.
- untuk B31.3 pipa, tekanan hydrotest = 1.5 x MAOP/MAWP untuk peringkat 300 & di bawah ini. untuk & 400# di atas, gunakan 1.5 x desain tekanan. untuk B31.8 pipa, HT tekanan = 1.1-1,5 x desain tekanan.
38. Apakah Anda tahu penukar panas? Apa cairan di sisi Shell dan apa cairan dalam tabung sisi?
- hot gas atau kebakaran dalam shell dan uap air dalam tabung
-sisi shell, ada cairan dingin, tabung sisi adalah digunakan untuk Hot satu.
39. Apakah Anda tahu Glandless katup Piston. Mana katup ini digunakan?
40. Apakah Anda melakukan estimasi sistem perpipaan selama proposal? Bagaimana Anda melakukannya?
- dengan memisahkan pertama, Semua nomor baris ke jalur kritis dan orang-orang non-kritis. kemudian menghubungkan semua kritis baris ke sistem dan membuat mereka dalam jumlah perhitungan nomor.
-pada dasarnya selama estimasi, kami menerima dokumen IFP dari klien. Jika dokumen baik, maka Anda akan mendapatkan semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan, seperti tata letak pipa, plot rencana, p&id, daftar garis, spesifikasi, dll. Berdasarkan dokumen IFP ini, kami departemen pipa menyiapkan BM dan The BQ untuk memperkirakan berapa banyak biaya bahan dan berapa banyak biaya konstruksi untuk pipa aktivitas. Setelah kegiatan ini telah selesai maka kita juga harus Siapkan MH estimasi untuk proyek ini. Jadwal proyek yang saya pikir akan dilakukan oleh proyek manajemen
41. Mengapa kita perlu untuk melakukan analisis stres?
- 1. Untuk memastikan bahwa tekanan dalam pipa komponen sistem dalam batas-batas yang diijinkan, 2. Untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah yang dinamis berkembang karena getaran mekanis, cairan palu, pulsasi, relief valves, dll 3. Untuk memecahkan masalah yang terkait karena lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah suhu seperti berbagai stres) perpindahan b) Nozzle loading terhubung peralatan c) pipa perpindahan d) beban & saat mendukung struktur operasi
- untuk memastikan keselamatan dalam desain pipa, dalam sistem.
- untuk memastikan bahwa sistem pipa pada tanaman dalam kondisi aman
42. Apakah langkah-langkah dalam pipa stres analisis?
- 1. Mengidentifikasi potensi beban yang sistem perpipaan akan bertemu selama hidup tanaman 2. Setiap dari beban ini berkaitan dengan stres dan strain dikembangkan 3. Mendapatkan efek kumulatif dari beban potensial dalam sistem 4. Menentukan batas-batas yang diijinkan sistem dapat menahan tanpa kegagalan sesuai kode 5. Setelah sistem ini dirancang untuk memastikan bahwa tekanan dalam batas-batas aman
-mengumpulkan semua data yang diperlukan, membuat pipa stres sketsa (meletakkan nodal angka di dalamnya) sesuai jalur kritis daftar, menghitung untuk menganalisis, secara manual (disederhanakan metode) atau oleh perangkat lunak komputer, pelaporan.
-identifikasi jalur kritis, mempersiapkan sketsa stres per pipa tata letak, mempersiapkan model yang menggunakan perangkat lunak, memeriksa input, output, menganalisa memberikan rekomendasi jika routing gagal
43. Ceritakan tentang jenis stressess selama operasi normal?
-tegangan aksial (tarik / kompresi), tegangan Radial tekanan, Hoopes menekankan.
- utama (mempertahankan) dan menengah (thermal)
-akan ada Ring stres, stres membungkuk dan stres aksial
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
8.What is the different function between Machine Bolt and Stud Bolt?
- Machine bolt has a head on one side and nut on other side but stud bolt have nuts on both sides.
- guessing…. stud bolt is used to install two flanges. stud bolt can be tightened from two side.
9.When do we need Dampener, Expansion Joint and Mechanical Snubber? and Why?
- guessing…. dampener & mech snubber are used when calculation meet unstable supporting.
- Expansion Joint can be used in very limited space. Basically it will absorb thermal Expansion of the pipe. Application : Piping around Pump. As my understanding dampener and Snubber is used to reduced the piping vibration (CMIIW)
10. Do you know the rule of thumb for piping stress analysis around the pump? Please describe
- nope. i know only the design criteria of piping system around pump..
11. Do you know the rule of thumb for piping stress analysis around compressors, turbine and heat exchanger? Please describe.
12. Do you know the rule of thumb for piping stress analysis aroound tower or pressure vessel? Please describe.
- check of piping settlement between header line and tank/vessel nozzle
13. What is Steam Tracing?
- same as heat insulation. to keep the delta temperature inside the pipe.
- steam tracing is a steam line which is used to maintain the temperature of the fluid in the main line. From the steam header, basically we will design distribution manifold for the steam tracing, and after specific distance we have to collect the condensate and provide new steam tracing line for the main line. The condensate can be open or close system. If it is open system then the condensate will be drain-off, if it is close system the condensate will be routed back to condensate header for recycling)
14. Why Full Bore Pipe is using in connecting pipeline of launcher?
- in order to avoid locking-trip of pigging
15. When checking Piping Stress Sketch, what parameter you normaly need to check?
- a. line routing & number b. dimensions & support locations c. design/operating temperature & pressure d. pipe specification e. code & standard
- Pipe properties, des and ope condition, pipe route
16. What Code you normaly use for checking the Nozzle load on Compressors, Turbine, Heat Exchanger, Pump, Air Cooler?
- Do you mean standard ? TurbineàAPI Std 611 = NEMA SM23 Centrifugal CompressoràAPI Std 617 Reciprocating CompressoràAPI Std 618 Air Fin CooleràAPI Std 661 PumpàAPI Std 610
17. What is the ANSI/ASME Code for dimensional Steel Flanges and Fittings?
- ANSI B16.9
- Flange 24Inch and below : ASME B16.5 ; 26inch and larger ASME B16.47 Fittings : ASME B16.11)
18. Name the Flange Facing
- Raised-Face, Flat-Face & Ring-type Joint
- (Rise Face, Flat Face, and Ring Joint).
19. Do you know the flange facing called as AARH?
20. If you would like to make a branch connection, from which side pipe normaly take the branch connection?
- gas, vertical 90deg. liquid, horizontal 90deg
- from top; For liquid àFor gas or vapour from side
21. Control Valve. What kind of support arangement on Control Valve?
- put supports closer to the valve. add guide on both supports. add stopper on one of the supports
- 2 support for control valve, one of them is fix, while the other is slide (can be guided)
22. Why do wee need to provide HPV (High Point Vent) and LPD (Low Point Drain) in Piping?
- to avoid hammer. this usually happening in pocket line
23. Do you know about Weldolet, Sockolet? Please Explain.
- weldolet connects header & branch, welded on the surface, with no pipe branch plug into inside pipe; than that is used in sockolet
- weldolet connects brach and header for buttweld pipe (BE) and the size 2″ and above (common) and sockolet for socket welded pipe (PE) and the size 2″ and under. (pl. correction)
- Weldolet is fitting for Butt End Pipe, while sockolet is fitting for Plain End Pipe ( Brancing )
24. What is the normal upstream and downstream straight length of orifice flow meter?
- 5D – 10D ?
- That’s depend on the Beta ratio of the orifice plate. But normally we used the biggest beta ratio ( more safe ). 20D for downstream and 5D for upstream
25. What is composite flange?
- flange made from non-metal material ?
26. Do you know about Insulated Joint? Pleas explain.
- Insulated joint is used when metallic underground pipe connected to metallic aboveground pipe (connected by flanges). The purpose is to isolate the Cathodic Protection current so that the current is not flowing on above ground metallic pipe.
27. What are insulating gasket kits?
28. Have you done the analysis of Jacketed Piping? What do you normaly need to consider during analysis?
29. What do you need to take into account when performing stress analysis around Tank?
- pipe settlement. (data of land-lowering around tank.)
- The settlement of the ground due to tank weight
30. What is the relation between Brinnell Hardness Number and Rockwell Hardness Number?
31. What is the minimum distance between two welds in a pipe?
- as maximum pipe long per piece ? 6m ?
- the minimum distance is 50mm (2″) after welding. (pl. correction)
- 5times of the Thickness or 50mm which is the larger
32. During fabrication, you observed that one samll crack has appeared on a fresh plate, what type of measure you will take to obtain desired quality with minimum wastage?
33. Describe the different types of destructive and non-destructive tests?
- same as no. 32
- Destructive Test: a) Tensile test, we put axial tensile force to the specimen until it is failure b) hardness test, hard to describe, c) bending test, by using bending machine, we bend the specimen
- Non-Destructive: a) PE, using penetrate liquid b) MT, can be used for magnetic metallic c) RT, Radio graphic Testing d) UT,Ultra sonic test
34. What is PWHT? Why is it required?
- Post Weld Heat Treatment
- PWHT is a stress relieve process by using heat after the welding activity. It is required because we need to restore the mechanical properties of the pipe to its original state.
35. What is the minimum thickness of pipe that requires stress relieving to be done as per ASME B31.3?
- for carbon steel pipe 19MM, for low alloy pipe 13MM
36. What is NACE MR-0175 for?
- it is a standard that is used for sour service line
37. Hydrotest Pressure. Do you know how to calculate the test Pressure? Please describe.
- for B31.3 pipe, hydrotest pressure = 1.5 x MAOP/MAWP for rating 300 & below. for 400# & above, use 1.5 x design pressure. for B31.8 pipe, HT pressure = 1.1 to 1.5 x design pressure.
38. Do you know heat exchanger? What fluid in Shell Side and what fluid in Tube Side?
- hot gas or fire in shell and steam-water in tube
- On the shell side, there is a cool fluid, Tube side is used for the Hot one.
39. Do you know Glandless Piston Valves. Where these valves are used?
40. Have you done estimation of piping system during proposal? How do you do that?
- by separating first, all line number into critical lines and non-critical ones. then connect all critical lines into a system and made them in amount of calculation numbers.
- basically during Estimation, we received IFP document from the client. If the document is good, then you will get all the information you need, such as piping layout, plot plan, p&id, line list, specification,ect. On the basis of this IFP Document, we Piping Department prepare the BM and The BQ to estimate how much the material cost and how much the construction cost for Piping activity. After this activity has been finished then we also have to prepare MH estimation for this project. Schedule of the project I think will be done by the Project Management.
41. Why do we need to do Stress Analysis?
- 1. To ensure that the stresses in piping components in the system are within allowable limits 2. To solve dynamic problems developed due to mechanical vibration, fluid hammer, pulsation, relief valves, etc 3. To solve problems associated due to higher or lower operating temperature such as a) Displacement stress range b) Nozzle loading on connected equipments c) Pipe displacements d) Loads & moments on supporting structure
- to ensure safety in piping design, in its systems.
- To ensure that the Pipe System on the plant is in safe condition
42. What are the steps in piping stress analysis?
- 1. Identify the potential loads that the piping system would encounter during the life of the plant 2. Relate each of these loads to the stresses and strains developed 3. Get the cumulative effect of the potential loads in the system 4. Decide the allowable limits the system can withstand without failure as per code 5. After the system is designed to ensure that the stresses are within safe limits
- gather all data needed, make pipe stress sketch (put nodal numbers in it) as per critical line list, calculate to analyze, manually (simplified method) or by computer software, reporting.
- Identification of critical line, preparing the stress sketch as per piping layout, preparing model using software, checking input, analyze the output, give recommendation if the routing is failed
43. Tell me about the type of the stressess during normal operation?
- Axial Stresses (Tensile / Compressive), Shear Stresses, Radial Stresses, Hoopes Stresses.
- primary (sustain) and secondary (thermal)
- There will be Hoop Stress, Bending Stress, and axial Stress
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