ordered Coca-Cola to close its major bottling plant. For years, villag terjemahan - ordered Coca-Cola to close its major bottling plant. For years, villag Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ordered Coca-Cola to close its majo

ordered Coca-Cola to close its major bottling plant. For years, villagers in the nearby
areas had accused Coke of depleting local groundwater and producing other local pollution. The village council president said, “We are happy that the government is finally
giving justice to the people who are affected by the plant.”
One of the worst environmental disasters in 2010 was the explosion of the
Deepwater Horizon, during which 11 people died. The British Petroleum (BP) catastrophe led to an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that contaminated a vast area of the
United States marine environment. It caused a serious impact on wildlife, the local fishing industry, and regional tourism. British Petroleum was held liable for property damaged by the oil spill and the cleanup efforts; loss of income or earning capacity; loss
of income to boat owners, hotel owners, and restaurant owners; removal and cleanup
costs of property; and claims of bodily injury caused by the spill. Under the settlement
in early 2012, British Petroleum expected to pay out $7.8 billion to settle the claims.
The task of water cleanup has proved to be extremely complicated and costly
because of pollution runoff and toxic contamination. Yet, improved water quality is
not only necessary, it is also achievable. Consider Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River. A few
years ago, the river was so contaminated by industrial wastes that it burst into flames
one hot summer day! Now, after a sustained community cleanup effort, the river is
pure enough for fish to thrive in.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ordered Coca-Cola to close its major bottling plant. For years, villagers in the nearbyareas had accused Coke of depleting local groundwater and producing other local pollution. The village council president said, “We are happy that the government is finallygiving justice to the people who are affected by the plant.”One of the worst environmental disasters in 2010 was the explosion of theDeepwater Horizon, during which 11 people died. The British Petroleum (BP) catastrophe led to an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that contaminated a vast area of theUnited States marine environment. It caused a serious impact on wildlife, the local fishing industry, and regional tourism. British Petroleum was held liable for property damaged by the oil spill and the cleanup efforts; loss of income or earning capacity; lossof income to boat owners, hotel owners, and restaurant owners; removal and cleanupcosts of property; and claims of bodily injury caused by the spill. Under the settlementin early 2012, British Petroleum expected to pay out $7.8 billion to settle the claims.The task of water cleanup has proved to be extremely complicated and costlybecause of pollution runoff and toxic contamination. Yet, improved water quality isnot only necessary, it is also achievable. Consider Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River. A fewyears ago, the river was so contaminated by industrial wastes that it burst into flamesone hot summer day! Now, after a sustained community cleanup effort, the river ispure enough for fish to thrive in.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
memerintahkan Coca-Cola untuk menutup pabrik utama pembotolan. Selama bertahun-tahun, penduduk desa di dekatnya
daerah menuduh Coke dari menipis air tanah lokal dan memproduksi polusi lokal lainnya. Presiden dewan desa mengatakan, "Kami sangat senang bahwa pemerintah akhirnya
memberikan keadilan kepada orang-orang yang terpengaruh oleh tanaman."
Salah satu bencana lingkungan terburuk di 2010 adalah ledakan
Deepwater Horizon, di mana 11 orang tewas. British Petroleum (BP) bencana menyebabkan tumpahan minyak di Teluk Meksiko yang terkontaminasi daerah yang luas dari
lingkungan laut Amerika Serikat. Hal ini menyebabkan dampak serius pada satwa liar, industri perikanan lokal, dan pariwisata daerah. British Petroleum telah dimintai tanggung jawab untuk properti rusak oleh tumpahan minyak dan upaya pembersihan; hilangnya pendapatan atau penghasilan kapasitas; kehilangan
pendapatan untuk pemilik kapal, pemilik hotel, dan pemilik restoran; penghapusan dan pembersihan
biaya properti; dan klaim dari cedera yang disebabkan oleh tumpahan. Di bawah penyelesaian
pada awal 2012, British Petroleum diharapkan untuk membayar $ 7800000000 untuk menyelesaikan klaim.
Tugas pembersihan air telah terbukti sangat rumit dan mahal
karena limpasan polusi dan kontaminasi beracun. Namun, kualitas air ditingkatkan adalah
tidak hanya diperlukan, juga dicapai. Pertimbangkan Cleveland Cuyahoga Sungai. Beberapa
tahun yang lalu, sungai itu begitu tercemar oleh limbah industri yang terbakar
satu hari musim panas! Sekarang, setelah upaya pembersihan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan, sungai ini
murni cukup bagi ikan untuk berkembang di.
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