
No." Steve said firmly. "I mean it

No." Steve said firmly. "I mean it Tony."
He crossed his arms over his lightly clothed chest.
His t-shirt stretched lightly then flowed down just to the top of a course pair swim trunks. The only other thing on him was a newer style Clint had shown him called mandols. They contrast between the two's choice of dress was astounding considering their destination.
"You're not wearing the Iron Man suit to the beach." Steve insisted. Mechanical arms crossed to match the soldier's.
"Either I go as I am or I'm not going."
"Tony." Steve sighed. "Do you not want to go?" Today was supposed to be a nice day just for the two of them. The whole team was going to the beach but Steve had talked them all into giving him and his boyfriend some space. Tony uncrossed his arm immediately. "No I want to go. Really I do." Steve cocked his head and gave him the wide eyed, kicked puppy look.
"It's just." Tony shook his head. "I ….." He muttered under his breath.
"Tony." Steve whispered, silently asking him to speak up.
"I don't want to get a sunburn!" The man said furiously. Tony clenched his fist looking down at the ground. The blonde stared then chuckled lightly.
"Tony." He called. "Tony." He grabbed the mechanical shoulder. "Take the suit off then come talk to me." The business man nodded. He stalked away rather indignantly. Tony walked back in a pair of jeans and a Stark Industries t-shirt, clearly not
interested in going to the beach. Steve raised an eyebrow at him. "That much
confidence in me?" Tony grumbled. The inventor noticed that there
was an overly-supernatural sheen to Steve's skin.
"How did you rub it in so quickly?" Tony mumbled.
"It takes me forever."
"Rub it in?" Steve tilted his head.
"Yeah." Tony said accusingly. "That's all I remember from the beach. Rubbing that greasy yuck all over the place then ending up with a third degree sunburn even though I have tan skin."
The soldier laughed and held up a bottle. "You don't know about this stuff?"
"What is it?"
Steve handed it over. "Sunscreen. Fast drying and smooth to the touch. It's even aerosol like that other stuff you like."
Tony poked curiously at the soldier's skin. It wasn't extraordinarily tacky or stiff feeling.
"I guess." He drew out the words and reluctantly handed it back to Steve.
"Strip." Steve commanded playfully.
Tony pulled off his shirt and pushed off his jeans and socks.
Steve chuckled in amusement. "You had your swimwear on underneath your pants?"
The inventor blushed. "Shut up."
The blonde smiled and laughed. "Okay, spread your arms. Eyes closed."
The tanned male did as he was told. Cold spray skimmed over him and he shivered. Steve coated him with sunscreen. Then suddenly it stopped.
"That's it?" Tony looked up. Steve nodded. "All that's left is your face."
He took a tube of sunscreen and squeezed it onto his hand. He swiped it gently over the inventor's face. Then roughly chaffed the rest onto his own face.
Tony looked down at his arms then at the soldier and back again. "Wow."
"Wow is right." Steve agreed. "It's a lot better than what we had."
"What did you have?" The inventor asked.
"Nothing." Steve laughed. "Are you ready now?"
"Yeah." Tony said sliding his shirt back on. "Let's go.
Dari: -
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
No." Steve berkata tegas. "Aku berarti itu Tony."
Ia menyeberangi lengan atas dada nya ringan berpakaian.
kaosnya membentang ringan kemudian mengalir ke bawah hanya untuk bagian atas batang berenang pasangan lapangan. Satu-satunya hal dia adalah gaya baru Clint telah menunjukkan dia disebut mandols. Mereka kontras antara dua 's pilihan Dress adalah mengejutkan mengingat tujuan mereka.
"Anda tidak memakai setelan Iron Man ke pantai." Steve menegaskan. Senjata mekanis menyeberang untuk mencocokkan prajurit.
"Baik saya pergi sebagai saya atau saya tidak akan."
"Tony." Steve menghela napas. "Apakah Anda tidak ingin pergi?" Hari ini seharusnya menjadi hari yang bagus hanya untuk mereka berdua. Seluruh tim akan ke pantai tapi Steve telah berbicara mereka semua ke dalam memberikan kepadanya dan pacar beberapa ruang. Tony uncrossed lengannya segera. "Tidak, aku ingin pergi. Benar-benar saya lakukan." Steve mengokang kepalanya dan memberinya lebar bermata, menendang anak anjing terlihat.
"It's just." Tony menggelengkan kepala. "I ….." Ia bergumam di bawah napas.
"Tony." Steve berbisik, diam-diam meminta dia untuk berbicara up
"Saya tidak ingin mendapatkan sinar matahari!" Pria itu berkata marah. Tony mengepalkan tinjunya menatap tanah. Pirang menatap lalu terkekeh enteng.
"Tony." Ia memanggil. "Tony." Ia meraih bahu mekanis. "Lepas landas sesuai maka Ayo bicara dengan saya." Pria bisnis mengangguk. Ia berjalan pergi agak marah. Tony berjalan kembali di sepasang celana jeans dan t-shirt Stark Industries, jelas tidak
tertarik untuk pergi ke pantai. Steve mengangkat alis kepadanya. "Banyak
kepercayaan pada saya?" Tony menggerutu. Penemu menyadari bahwa ada
adalah terlalu-supranatural kemilau ke Steve's kulit.
"Bagaimana Apakah Anda menggosok begitu cepat?" Tony pasrah.
"Dibutuhkan saya selamanya."
"Gosok di?" Steve miring kepala Nya.
"ya." Tony mengatakan telunjuknya. "Itulah yang saya ingat dari pantai. Menggosok yang berminyak yuck seluruh tempat kemudian berakhir dengan gelar ketiga sunburn meskipun saya memiliki kulit cokelat."
Prajurit tertawa dan mengangkat botol. "Anda tidak tahu tentang hal ini?"
"Apa itu?"
Steve menyerahkannya. "Sunscreen. Cepat kering dan halus sentuhan. Itu memiliki bahkan aerosol hal-hal seperti yang lain yang Anda suka."
Tony anehnya mempermainkan prajurit kulit. Bukan perasaan luar biasa norak atau kaku.
"Kurasa." Dia menarik keluar kata-kata dan enggan memberikannya kembali kepada Steve.
"Strip."Steve memerintahkan bercanda.
Tony melepas kemejanya dan mendorong off nya jins dan kaus kaki.
Steve tertawa di hiburan."Anda memiliki pakaian renang Anda di bawah celana Anda?"
Penemu tersipu. "Shut up."
Pirang tersenyum dan tertawa. "Oke, tersebar di lengan Anda. Mata ditutup."
Kecokelatan laki-laki melakukan seperti yang diperintahkan. Dingin semprot skim atas dirinya dan ia menggigil. Steve dilapisi nya tabir surya. Kemudian tiba-tiba berhenti.
"Yang itu?" Tony mendongak. Steve mengangguk. "Semua yang tersisa adalah wajah Anda."
Ia mengambil sebuah tabung tabir surya dan diperas ke tangannya. Dia mengusap itu lembut di inventor wajah. Kemudian kira-kira chaffed sisanya ke wajah sendiri.
Tony menunduk di tangannya kemudian prajurit dan kembali lagi. "Wow."
"Wow benar." Steve setuju. "Jauh lebih baik daripada apa yang kita miliki."
"Apa yang Anda miliki?" Penemu bertanya.
"Tidak." Steve tertawa. "Apakah Anda siap sekarang?"
"ya." Tony mengatakan geser kemejanya kembali. "Mari kita pergi.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
No." Steve said firmly. "I mean it Tony."
He crossed his arms over his lightly clothed chest.
His t-shirt stretched lightly then flowed down just to the top of a course pair swim trunks. The only other thing on him was a newer style Clint had shown him called mandols. They contrast between the two's choice of dress was astounding considering their destination.
"You're not wearing the Iron Man suit to the beach." Steve insisted. Mechanical arms crossed to match the soldier's.
"Either I go as I am or I'm not going."
"Tony." Steve sighed. "Do you not want to go?" Today was supposed to be a nice day just for the two of them. The whole team was going to the beach but Steve had talked them all into giving him and his boyfriend some space. Tony uncrossed his arm immediately. "No I want to go. Really I do." Steve cocked his head and gave him the wide eyed, kicked puppy look.
"It's just." Tony shook his head. "I ….." He muttered under his breath.
"Tony." Steve whispered, silently asking him to speak up.
"I don't want to get a sunburn!" The man said furiously. Tony clenched his fist looking down at the ground. The blonde stared then chuckled lightly.
"Tony." He called. "Tony." He grabbed the mechanical shoulder. "Take the suit off then come talk to me." The business man nodded. He stalked away rather indignantly. Tony walked back in a pair of jeans and a Stark Industries t-shirt, clearly not
interested in going to the beach. Steve raised an eyebrow at him. "That much
confidence in me?" Tony grumbled. The inventor noticed that there
was an overly-supernatural sheen to Steve's skin.
"How did you rub it in so quickly?" Tony mumbled.
"It takes me forever."
"Rub it in?" Steve tilted his head.
"Yeah." Tony said accusingly. "That's all I remember from the beach. Rubbing that greasy yuck all over the place then ending up with a third degree sunburn even though I have tan skin."
The soldier laughed and held up a bottle. "You don't know about this stuff?"
"What is it?"
Steve handed it over. "Sunscreen. Fast drying and smooth to the touch. It's even aerosol like that other stuff you like."
Tony poked curiously at the soldier's skin. It wasn't extraordinarily tacky or stiff feeling.
"I guess." He drew out the words and reluctantly handed it back to Steve.
"Strip." Steve commanded playfully.
Tony pulled off his shirt and pushed off his jeans and socks.
Steve chuckled in amusement. "You had your swimwear on underneath your pants?"
The inventor blushed. "Shut up."
The blonde smiled and laughed. "Okay, spread your arms. Eyes closed."
The tanned male did as he was told. Cold spray skimmed over him and he shivered. Steve coated him with sunscreen. Then suddenly it stopped.
"That's it?" Tony looked up. Steve nodded. "All that's left is your face."
He took a tube of sunscreen and squeezed it onto his hand. He swiped it gently over the inventor's face. Then roughly chaffed the rest onto his own face.
Tony looked down at his arms then at the soldier and back again. "Wow."
"Wow is right." Steve agreed. "It's a lot better than what we had."
"What did you have?" The inventor asked.
"Nothing." Steve laughed. "Are you ready now?"
"Yeah." Tony said sliding his shirt back on. "Let's go.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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