The BSC is relatively costly to develop1 so the net benefits gained in terjemahan - The BSC is relatively costly to develop1 so the net benefits gained in Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The BSC is relatively costly to dev

The BSC is relatively costly to develop1 so the net benefits gained in adopting the BSC
depend on the extent to which it improves managers’ decisions. In this study, we explore
how managers’ cognitive limitations may prevent an organization from fully benefiting from
the BSC’s information. We examine observable characteristics of the BSC (i.e., measures
common to multiple units vs. measures unique to particular units) that may limit managers’
ability to fully exploit the information found in a diverse set of performance measures.
Each business unit in the organization develops its own BSC measures to reflect its
goals and strategy. While some of these measures are likely to be common across all
subsidiaries or units, other measures will be unique to each business unit (Kaplan and
Norton 1996b). Judgment and decision-making research suggests that decision makers faced
with both common and unique measures may place more weight on common measures
than unique measures (Slovic and MacPhillamy 1974). Therefore, managers evaluating
multiple subordinate units (i.e., superior managers) may underuse or even ignore the unique
measures designed for each unit. Judgmental difficulties in using unique measures may be
compounded when the manager who carries out a unit’s performance evaluation does not
actively participate in developing that unit’s scorecard and, consequently, may not appreciate
the significance of the unique measures. Underuse of unique measures reduces the
potential benefits of the BSC because the unique measures are important in capturing the
unit’s business strategy.
To investigate whether common measures dominate BSC-based evaluations of subordinate
units, we develop an experiment where M.B.A. students evaluate two divisions of a
clothing firm. The two divisions sell to different markets and have different business
strategies. They have balanced scorecards with some common and some unique measures.
We manipulate the performance of the two divisions (relative to their targets) on their common
and unique measures in a crossed design. Division one may outperform (or underperform)
division two on common measures, and division one may also outperform (or
underperform) division two on unique measures. Our results show that the experimental
participants evaluate the divisions based solely on the common measures. Performance on
unique measures has no effect on the evaluation judgments.
Our study is the first to document a cognitive difficulty in using the BSC, and our
result that superior managers appear to disregard unique measures in performance evaluations
has implications for managers and firms using the BSC. If unique measures do not
affect subordinates’ ex post performance evaluations, then the subordinate manager is unlikely
to use unique measures in ex ante decision making (Holmstrom and Milgrom 1991).
In addition, Kaplan and Norton (1996b) note that measures that are common across units
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
BSC relatif mahal untuk develop1 sehingga memperoleh keuntungan bersih dalam mengadopsi BSC
tergantung pada sejauh mana meningkatkan manajer keputusan. Dalam studi ini, kami mengeksplorasi
bagaimana manajer kognitif keterbatasan mungkin mencegah organisasi dari sepenuhnya manfaat dari
BSC's informasi. Kita mengkaji diamati karakteristik BSC (yaitu, langkah-langkah
umum untuk beberapa unit vs. tindakan yang unik untuk unit tertentu) yang dapat membatasi manajer
kemampuan untuk sepenuhnya memanfaatkan informasi yang ditemukan dalam beragam set kinerja tindakan.
setiap unit bisnis dalam organisasi mengembangkan sendiri BSC langkah-langkah untuk mencerminkan yang
tujuan dan strategi. Sementara beberapa dari langkah-langkah ini cenderung menjadi umum di seluruh
anak perusahaannya atau unit, langkah-langkah lain akan menjadi unik untuk setiap unit bisnis (Kaplan dan
Norton 1996b). Penghakiman dan pengambilan keputusan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembuat keputusan menghadapi
dengan langkah-langkah yang unik dan umum dapat menempatkan lebih berat pada langkah-langkah umum
daripada langkah-langkah yang unik (Slovic dan MacPhillamy 1974). Oleh karena itu, manajer mengevaluasi
beberapa bawahan unit (yaitu, Kamar Superior manajer) mungkin underuse atau bahkan mengabaikan yang unik
langkah-langkah yang dirancang untuk setiap unit. Menghakimi kesulitan dalam menggunakan langkah-langkah yang unik mungkin
diperparah ketika manajer yang membawa keluar sebuah unit evaluasi kinerja tidak
berpartisipasi aktif dalam mengembangkan scorecard yang unit dan, akibatnya, mungkin tidak menghargai
pentingnya langkah-langkah yang unik. Underuse langkah-langkah yang unik mengurangi
potensi manfaat dari BSC karena langkah-langkah yang unik penting dalam menangkap
unit bisnis strategi.
untuk menyelidiki Apakah langkah-langkah umum mendominasi berbasis BSC evaluasi dari bawahan
unit, kami mengembangkan sebuah eksperimen yang mana siswa M.B.A. mengevaluasi dua Divisi
perusahaan pakaian. Dua Divisi menjual ke pasar yang berbeda dan memiliki bisnis yang berbeda
strategi. Mereka memiliki balanced scorecard dengan beberapa kesamaan dan beberapa tindakan unik.
kita memanipulasi kinerja dua Divisi (relatif terhadap target mereka) pada bersama mereka
dan langkah-langkah yang unik dalam desain menyeberang. Divisi Satu dapat mengungguli (atau lebih)
Divisi dua pada langkah-langkah umum, dan divisi satu juga dapat mengungguli (atau
lebih) Divisi dua pada langkah-langkah yang unik. Hasil kami menunjukkan bahwa percobaan
peserta mengevaluasi Divisi semata-mata berdasarkan langkah-langkah umum. Kinerja pada
langkah-langkah yang unik tidak berpengaruh pada evaluasi penilaian.
penelitian kami adalah yang pertama untuk mendokumentasikan kesulitan kognitif dalam menggunakan BSC, dan kami
hasil yang unggul manajer tampaknya mengabaikan langkah-langkah yang unik di evaluasi kinerja
memiliki implikasi untuk manajer dan perusahaan menggunakan BSC. Jika langkah-langkah yang unik tidak
mempengaruhi bawahan ex post kinerja evaluasi, maka Manajer bawahan mungkin
menggunakan langkah-langkah yang unik di ex ante pengambilan keputusan (Holmstrom dan Milgrom 1991).
, Kaplan dan catatan Norton (1996b) yang mengukur itu yang umum di seluruh unit
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The BSC is relatively costly to develop1 so the net benefits gained in adopting the BSC
depend on the extent to which it improves managers’ decisions. In this study, we explore
how managers’ cognitive limitations may prevent an organization from fully benefiting from
the BSC’s information. We examine observable characteristics of the BSC (i.e., measures
common to multiple units vs. measures unique to particular units) that may limit managers’
ability to fully exploit the information found in a diverse set of performance measures.
Each business unit in the organization develops its own BSC measures to reflect its
goals and strategy. While some of these measures are likely to be common across all
subsidiaries or units, other measures will be unique to each business unit (Kaplan and
Norton 1996b). Judgment and decision-making research suggests that decision makers faced
with both common and unique measures may place more weight on common measures
than unique measures (Slovic and MacPhillamy 1974). Therefore, managers evaluating
multiple subordinate units (i.e., superior managers) may underuse or even ignore the unique
measures designed for each unit. Judgmental difficulties in using unique measures may be
compounded when the manager who carries out a unit’s performance evaluation does not
actively participate in developing that unit’s scorecard and, consequently, may not appreciate
the significance of the unique measures. Underuse of unique measures reduces the
potential benefits of the BSC because the unique measures are important in capturing the
unit’s business strategy.
To investigate whether common measures dominate BSC-based evaluations of subordinate
units, we develop an experiment where M.B.A. students evaluate two divisions of a
clothing firm. The two divisions sell to different markets and have different business
strategies. They have balanced scorecards with some common and some unique measures.
We manipulate the performance of the two divisions (relative to their targets) on their common
and unique measures in a crossed design. Division one may outperform (or underperform)
division two on common measures, and division one may also outperform (or
underperform) division two on unique measures. Our results show that the experimental
participants evaluate the divisions based solely on the common measures. Performance on
unique measures has no effect on the evaluation judgments.
Our study is the first to document a cognitive difficulty in using the BSC, and our
result that superior managers appear to disregard unique measures in performance evaluations
has implications for managers and firms using the BSC. If unique measures do not
affect subordinates’ ex post performance evaluations, then the subordinate manager is unlikely
to use unique measures in ex ante decision making (Holmstrom and Milgrom 1991).
In addition, Kaplan and Norton (1996b) note that measures that are common across units
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