How To: Fix SecuLauncher: Failed to start application [2000]GTAIV PC E terjemahan - How To: Fix SecuLauncher: Failed to start application [2000]GTAIV PC E Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

How To: Fix SecuLauncher: Failed to

How To: Fix SecuLauncher: Failed to start application [2000]
GTAIV Was working fine on my 32-Bit XP harddrive, but
once I tryed 64-Bit, all hell broke loose. So if you're
getting the error "Seculauncher: Failed to start
application [2000], this may help you.
Step 1: Install GTAIV and get the error stated above.
Step 2: Navigate to Control panel > Add/Remove
Step 3: Locate Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
Redistributable, more importantly, one's that say
something with x64 on end. Apparently this game runs
on 32-bit? Im not completely sure, but 32-bit installer
comes in the downloaded package once GTAIV is
Step 4: Uninstall any Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
items listed in Add/Remove programs.
Step 5: Navigate to the GTAIV main folder, and locate
the installers folder. (In my case its Program files >
Steam > Steamapps >Common > Grand theft auto iv >
installers. People using a disk it would be to right click
on your DVD/CD drive in My computer, click explore,
and find the folder named "Redistributable"
Step 6: Find "vcredist_x86.exe"
Step 7: Run this installer, complete the installation.
Step 8: Check Add/Remove programs to see that the
new 2005 C++ was installed.
Step 9: Attempt to load GTAIV once more, through Social
club Play button. This is as far as I got before I got a
new error, the above got rid of my seculaunch error
Step 10: If you're receiving a new error titled "GTAIV
FATAL ERROR: RMN40", continue these steps, if not,
play the game (Hopefully this worked for you, I could
NOT find a solution until I tryed this reccomended by
"theunknownsd" on He was the one who
I found the above solution from, but I figured I would re-
do these steps and post them as many places as I could
to help other people in the same place I was.
Step 11: If you did get the "GTAIV FATAL ERROR:
RMN40" after doing the above, right click on
LaunchGTAIV.exe in the main GTAIV folder, and
GTAIV.exe in the main GTAIV folder, and make sure that
under the Compatibility tab that "run this program in
compatibility mode for:" is not checked on all of the
launchers. At this point, I got a NEW error once I solved
that one, so if you had the RMN40 error, and unchecking
compatibility mode fixed it, you may have now received
the error "GTAIV FATAL ERROR: WS10", if so continue
Step 12: If you got the "GTAIV FATAL ERROR: WS10",
check Add/Remove programs to make sure you have
"Microsoft Games for Windows Live Redistributable
installed, if you do and you still get the error, uninstall
the program at this time.
Step 13: Navigate to Program files > Steam > Steamapps
>Common > Grand theft auto iv > installers
>xliveredist.msi (Or the redistributable folder when
exploring the CD for people using a CD.
Step 14: WS10 error supposibly has to do with windows
live, so you want to uninstall and reinstall if you already
had it, or install it from the folders in step 13 if you
didnt have it at all. After uninstalling run xliveredist.msi
(Or if your just now installing) and complete the setup.
Step 15: If you still get the WS10 error, download the
following GTAIV Patch (Normally downloaded through
social club, but at the time it wouldnt let me login to
social club, this way is probably faster anyway) http://
Step 16: Unzip the GTAIV_PC_Patch folder, and run the
Step 17: Hopefully now, when you launch GTA through
social club, it will load up with no errors. In my case,
all of the above got me up and going, there needs to be
a hardfix patch for all this BS but I took the time to write
this up since I was so mad over it.
Hope this helps some people.
Last edited by itslogz; 01-18-2009 at 04:16 AM.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Cara: Memperbaiki SecuLauncher: Gagal memulai aplikasi [2000]GTAIV kesalahan PC.GTAIV bekerja baik pada saya harddisk XP 32-Bit, tetapisetelah saya mencoba 64-Bit, Semua neraka melanggar longgar. Jadi jika Andamendapatkan error "Seculauncher: Gagal memulaiaplikasi [2000], ini dapat membantu Anda.Langkah 1: Instal GTAIV dan mendapatkan error yang dinyatakan di atas.Langkah 2: Menavigasi ke Control panel > Add/RemoveProgram.Langkah 3: Menemukan Microsoft Visual C++ 2005Redistributable, lebih penting lagi, ada yang mengatakansesuatu dengan x 64 pada akhir. Rupanya permainan ini berjalanpada 32-bit? Im tidak benar-benar yakin, tetapi installer 32-bitdatang dalam paket download setelah GTAIVdiinstal.Langkah 4: Uninstall setiap Visual C++ 2005 Redistributableitem yang tercantum di Add/Remove programs.Langkah 5: Menavigasi ke folder utama GTAIV, dan menemukanfolder installer. (Dalam kasus saya file Program >Uap > Steamapps > Umum > Grand theft auto iv >installer. Orang-orang yang menggunakan disk akan klik kananpada drive DVD/CD di komputer saya, klik menjelajahi,dan menemukan folder bernama "Redistributable"Langkah 6: Menemukan "vcredist_x86.exe"Langkah 7: Jalankan installer ini, menyelesaikan instalasi.Langkah 8: Check Add/Remove program untuk melihat bahwaC++ 2005 baru dipasang.Langkah 9: Mencoba untuk memuat GTAIV sekali lagi, melalui sosialtombol Play Club. Ini adalah sejauh aku sebelum akukesalahan baru, atas menyingkirkan kesalahan seculaunch sayaMeskipun.Langkah 10: Jika Anda menerima kesalahan yang baru berjudul "GTAIVFATAL ERROR: RMN40 ", Lanjutkan langkah-langkah ini, jika tidak,memainkan permainan (mudah-mudahan ini bekerja untuk Anda, mungkinTIDAK menemukan solusi sampai saya mencoba ini menyarankan oleh"theunknownsd" pada Dia adalah orang yangSaya menemukan solusi di atas dari, tapi kupikir aku akan kembalilakukan langkah-langkah ini dan posting mereka tempat aku bisauntuk membantu orang lain di tempat yang sama saya.Langkah 11: Jika Anda mendapatkan "kesalahan FATAL GTAIV:RMN40 "setelah melakukan hal di atas, klik kanan padaLaunchGTAIV.exe dalam folder GTAIV utama, danGTAIV.exe dalam folder GTAIV utama, dan pastikan bahwadi bawah tab kompatibilitas yang "Jalankan program ini dalammodus kompatibilitas untuk: "tidak dicentang pada semuapeluncur. Pada titik ini, aku punya kesalahan baru setelah aku memecahkanyang satu, jadi jika Anda memiliki kesalahan RMN40, dan uncheckingmodus kompatibilitas tetap, Anda mungkin sekarang menerimakesalahan "GTAIV FATAL ERROR: WS10", jika demikian melanjutkanmembaca.Langkah 12: Jika Anda punya "GTAIV FATAL ERROR: WS10",Periksa Add/Remove programs untuk memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki"Microsoft Games untuk Windows Live Redistributablediinstal, jika Anda lakukan dan Anda masih mendapatkan error, uninstallprogram saat ini.Langkah 13: Arahkan ke file Program > uap > Steamapps> Umum > Grand theft auto iv > installer> xliveredist.msi (atau redistributable folder ketikamenjelajahi CD untuk orang-orang yang menggunakan CD.Langkah 14: Kesalahan WS10 supposibly ada hubungannya dengan windowshidup, sehingga Anda ingin uninstall dan menginstal ulang jika Anda sudahitu, atau menginstalnya dari folder dalam langkah 13 jika Andatidak memiliki sama sekali. Setelah menguninstall menjalankan xliveredist.msi(Atau jika Anda baru saja menginstal) dan menyelesaikan pengaturan.Langkah 15: Jika Anda masih mendapatkan WS10 error, downloadPatch GTAIV berikut (biasanya download melaluiKlub sosial, tetapi pada waktu itu tidak akan membiarkan saya login keKlub sosial, cara ini mungkin lebih cepat anyway) 16: Unzip GTAIV_PC_Patch folder, dan menjalankanSetup.exeLangkah 17: Mudah-mudahan sekarang, ketika Anda meluncurkan GTA melaluiKlub sosial, itu akan mengisi dengan tidak ada kesalahan. Dalam kasus saya,Semua di atas bangun saya dan pergi, ada kebutuhan untukhardfix patch untuk semua BS ini tapi aku mengambil waktu untuk menulisini up karena aku begitu marah atas hal itu.Semoga ini bisa membantu beberapa orang.Terakhir diedit oleh itslogz; 01-18-2009 at 04:16 AM.Q9650 L826A965 | 4.0Ghz 1.27VGigabyte EP45-UD3P F7 BioseVGA GTX 280CPU = D-Tek FuZion V2 / Laing D5 dasar / aluminium XSPC RX-240Corsair 2x2GB PC2-8500Corsair 1000HXAuzenTech X-Fi Prelude | Logitech Z-5500250GB WD SE / WD 1TB hijauAntec sembilan ratus
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