“Nicola Price, you’re fired,” my boss says to me in his most Donald Tr terjemahan - “Nicola Price, you’re fired,” my boss says to me in his most Donald Tr Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Nicola Price, you’re fired,” my bo

“Nicola Price, you’re fired,” my boss says to me in his most Donald Trump-like expression. Only he’s not smiling like it’s a joke and his coif is so shellacked with hair goop that it would put Mr. Trump to shame.
Also, I’m pretty sure he actually said, “Nicola, we’re so sorry to tell you this, but we’re going to have to let you go.” But what’s the difference when they pretty much mean the same thing? In one damn second I’ve lost my job. My income. My stability.
My future.
It’s a wonder I don’t have a meltdown like the ones Ava throws when she can’t find her favorite plush toy, Snuffy. Or even leak a single tear. Instead, I just sit there like an idiot, a frozen, slack-jawed failure, while my boss, Ross (ex-boss now, I guess), prattles on about how sorry he is and how he wished they could have kept me but the company is downsizing and they’re removing one of the stores and yadda, yadda, yadda.
But none of that matters whatsoever since I know I’m one week shy of having worked for them for three months. In one week, I would have finished my probationary period and my health insurance would have rolled in. I would have gotten a raise. I would have gotten piece of mind and a career in the field I’ve been striving for.
And now I’m angry because I realize these assholes knew they’d never offer me a permanent position, they just wanted the cheap fucking labor. This had been their plan all along, to string me along under false pretences and then kick me to the curb before it became serious.
Sounds a lot like my love life, come to think about it.
“Is there anything we can do for you?” he asks, peering at me with concern, perhaps watching my face for signs of an imminent explosion.
Ava, it always comes back to my daughter. If it weren’t for her, I probably would have just nodded at the dismissal. Take it graciously like I try to do with everything life throws my way, like I’d been taught at a young age. Never let them see you cry; never let them see you as anything but perfectly appropriate. Suck it up and carry on, a vision of cool.
But my life at the moment isn’t cool and there isn’t a single appropriate thing about it. My rent at my shitty apartment recently increased. My car needs a part I can’t afford, so it just sits on the curb collecting rust from San Francisco’s eternal mist, and Ava has been increasingly sick lately. Nothing to worry about, the doctor says, just lethargic on some days but I’ve got an endless supply of worry for my kiddo and not always enough money to pay for a doctor’s visit. Not to mention a pretty useless doctor at that. I was counting on that goddamn medical insurance for her, not for me.
And so, like Bruce Banner when he turns into the Hulk – minus the shirt-ripping – I let it all unleash on my unsuspecting ex-boss. For three months I have been prim and proper and yes sir, no sir, running around all the stores like an overworked slave, all while keeping a big smile on my face. Never let them see you sweat. Always keep your cool.
Fuck that.
I’m not even sure what to say. It’s like I go into some deep, black pit of pent-up resentment. I think I even blackout for a moment. All I know is that when I realize what I’m doing, I’m standing up, my finger jabbing in the air towards my ex-boss, and I’m spewing a load of obscenities.
“You know if you had just fucked me over sideways, that would have been fine. But you’re hurting my daughter by doing this. How dare you just toss me aside a week before my health insurance kicked in!” I yell at him. “Don’t you have a damn heart?”
But from the way Ross calmly picks up his phone and asks his assistant, Meredith, to come in the room as if I need to be escorted out, I can see he doesn’t have a heart at all.
Meredith has never liked me and the last thing I need is her gloating, so I hightail it out of his office before she can get a glimpse of my red and distraught face. I quickly gather my purse from my cubby in the staffroom, grateful for once that while I was the company’s visual stylist for the past three months, I never had a desk of my own. What a pain that would be to clean out.
I don’t even say goodbye to Priscilla, the buyer whom I’d become somewhat close with, or Tabby, the regional merchandiser, someone whose job I hoped to have one day. I’m just too ashamed to tell them what just happened and I feel worse when I suspect maybe they knew all along.
When I first got the job for the popular yoga clothing chain, Rusk, I thought I’d finally made it. I’d spent enough time taking two steps forward and one step backward. The city doesn’t always make it easy on you, no matter what industry you’re in. And fashion is definitely one of the more challenging ones.
I went to college with Stephanie at the Art Institute in downtown San Francisco, connecting with her after being decades apart. I grew up near Steph in Petaluma, a town north of the city, and I knew her in grade school until my parents got divorced and I moved with my mom to the Pacific Heights in San Francisco to live with her terribly rich new husband. Long story short, after spending high school with the rich kids – and being one of the rich kids – I enrolled myself in college, wanting to do something with my passion for fashion. After all, the garments I designed and made in my spare time, ones with screen-printed graphics and kooky phrases, would never grant me an income or a career. They were good but not “that good” (as my ex-stepfather had pointed out). So, I thought a career in fashion merchandising would be the next best thing.
And it was. I mean, school was amazing. I finally felt in my element, surrounded by people who understood my passion, who “got” me. But finding jobs after school wasn’t so easy. And even though I managed to snag a few internships in some pretty important places (Banana Republic being one of them), I struggled to find a job that was related to my field and paid enough to give Ava everything she needed.
That’s usually what it came down to, my daughter. Her arrival was a curveball to my perfectly crafted life but I took it in stride, determined to love her. And I do, with all my heart. I never regretted keeping her for a second. But it was Phil, my baby daddy’s leaving that really undid me. And after that, everything just kind of kept falling apart. Me and Ava against the world.
One day, though, while I was still with Phil, I thought my prayers had been answered. I had gotten a job at an online jewelry store as the copywriter and buyer. It was actually pretty amazing. The pay was excellent and all signs pointed to a long and promising career. But online retail is a cutthroat and fickle industry, so after a couple of years the site went bankrupt. I was out of a job. Then I was out of a boyfriend. Then my mother cheated on her new husband and, thanks to the indemnity clause, I was out of any extra financial support as I bounced around the city from a nice apartment to a so-so studio to a run-down in the sketchy Tenderloin district trying to find work again in the industry.
Finally, after a yearlong maternity leave stint as a sales clerk in the Nordstrom shoe department (not at all what I wanted to do but it paid the bills), I came across the position at Rusk. I thought I found something that would kindle my passion while providing the financial support I wanted for Ava. It’s not that she asked for anything, but I wanted to be able to give her whatever she desired. I’d do anything for her including working my ass off just so she could have all of life’s opportunities.
Rusk promised a great career in visual merchandising and an amazing paycheck with fabulous benefits. Even though my probationary salary was barely above minimum wage, I was fueled by their beautiful promises. I quit Nordstrom and jumped at the chance. I really thought everything would change.
And it did. For the worst. Now…now I’m hurrying past the people on Sutter Street on the verge of a panic attack. Every person’s face is a blank blur and my vision occasionally clouds over as tears swarm my eyes, hot and potent. They never fall, though. That has to mean something. That I’m a trooper. That I will get past this.
I will find another job. I will find another chance.
Sometimes I feel life is just one episode after another of trying to find another way. I wonder what happens when you discover there is no other way this time.
I make my way down Leavenworth as the streets become a little less clean and the people a little less friendly. Or too friendly, depending on how you look at it. The same man with his toothless smile asks me for change outside a liquor store, but today I don’t spare him a cent. I just keep my head down and brush through the riff raff of the neighborhood, a place I’ve resented ever since it became my only option in this high-priced city until I’m unlocking the door into the lobby of the apartment building.
Pausing, I stare at the door just as I’m about to close it behind me. The door is glass and there are long vertical bars on the windows, indicative of the neighborhood. I remember when Phil moved out and I lost my job at the online retailer, how I could no longer afford to live in Noe Valley, a gorgeous neighborhood next to the Castro. That apartment was everything to me but there was no way I could afford to live there on my own while supporting Ava. The two of us bounced from apartment to apartment, the standards of living slipping each time, until I found myself staring up at the bruised façade of this building, both hoping I could get an apartment and promising myself I’d move us out of there the first chance I got.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Nicola Price, you’re fired,” my boss says to me in his most Donald Trump-like expression. Only he’s not smiling like it’s a joke and his coif is so shellacked with hair goop that it would put Mr. Trump to shame.Also, I’m pretty sure he actually said, “Nicola, we’re so sorry to tell you this, but we’re going to have to let you go.” But what’s the difference when they pretty much mean the same thing? In one damn second I’ve lost my job. My income. My stability.My future.It’s a wonder I don’t have a meltdown like the ones Ava throws when she can’t find her favorite plush toy, Snuffy. Or even leak a single tear. Instead, I just sit there like an idiot, a frozen, slack-jawed failure, while my boss, Ross (ex-boss now, I guess), prattles on about how sorry he is and how he wished they could have kept me but the company is downsizing and they’re removing one of the stores and yadda, yadda, yadda.But none of that matters whatsoever since I know I’m one week shy of having worked for them for three months. In one week, I would have finished my probationary period and my health insurance would have rolled in. I would have gotten a raise. I would have gotten piece of mind and a career in the field I’ve been striving for.And now I’m angry because I realize these assholes knew they’d never offer me a permanent position, they just wanted the cheap fucking labor. This had been their plan all along, to string me along under false pretences and then kick me to the curb before it became serious.Sounds a lot like my love life, come to think about it.“Is there anything we can do for you?” he asks, peering at me with concern, perhaps watching my face for signs of an imminent explosion.Ava, it always comes back to my daughter. If it weren’t for her, I probably would have just nodded at the dismissal. Take it graciously like I try to do with everything life throws my way, like I’d been taught at a young age. Never let them see you cry; never let them see you as anything but perfectly appropriate. Suck it up and carry on, a vision of cool.But my life at the moment isn’t cool and there isn’t a single appropriate thing about it. My rent at my shitty apartment recently increased. My car needs a part I can’t afford, so it just sits on the curb collecting rust from San Francisco’s eternal mist, and Ava has been increasingly sick lately. Nothing to worry about, the doctor says, just lethargic on some days but I’ve got an endless supply of worry for my kiddo and not always enough money to pay for a doctor’s visit. Not to mention a pretty useless doctor at that. I was counting on that goddamn medical insurance for her, not for me.And so, like Bruce Banner when he turns into the Hulk – minus the shirt-ripping – I let it all unleash on my unsuspecting ex-boss. For three months I have been prim and proper and yes sir, no sir, running around all the stores like an overworked slave, all while keeping a big smile on my face. Never let them see you sweat. Always keep your cool.Fuck that.
I’m not even sure what to say. It’s like I go into some deep, black pit of pent-up resentment. I think I even blackout for a moment. All I know is that when I realize what I’m doing, I’m standing up, my finger jabbing in the air towards my ex-boss, and I’m spewing a load of obscenities.
“You know if you had just fucked me over sideways, that would have been fine. But you’re hurting my daughter by doing this. How dare you just toss me aside a week before my health insurance kicked in!” I yell at him. “Don’t you have a damn heart?”
But from the way Ross calmly picks up his phone and asks his assistant, Meredith, to come in the room as if I need to be escorted out, I can see he doesn’t have a heart at all.
Meredith has never liked me and the last thing I need is her gloating, so I hightail it out of his office before she can get a glimpse of my red and distraught face. I quickly gather my purse from my cubby in the staffroom, grateful for once that while I was the company’s visual stylist for the past three months, I never had a desk of my own. What a pain that would be to clean out.
I don’t even say goodbye to Priscilla, the buyer whom I’d become somewhat close with, or Tabby, the regional merchandiser, someone whose job I hoped to have one day. I’m just too ashamed to tell them what just happened and I feel worse when I suspect maybe they knew all along.
When I first got the job for the popular yoga clothing chain, Rusk, I thought I’d finally made it. I’d spent enough time taking two steps forward and one step backward. The city doesn’t always make it easy on you, no matter what industry you’re in. And fashion is definitely one of the more challenging ones.
I went to college with Stephanie at the Art Institute in downtown San Francisco, connecting with her after being decades apart. I grew up near Steph in Petaluma, a town north of the city, and I knew her in grade school until my parents got divorced and I moved with my mom to the Pacific Heights in San Francisco to live with her terribly rich new husband. Long story short, after spending high school with the rich kids – and being one of the rich kids – I enrolled myself in college, wanting to do something with my passion for fashion. After all, the garments I designed and made in my spare time, ones with screen-printed graphics and kooky phrases, would never grant me an income or a career. They were good but not “that good” (as my ex-stepfather had pointed out). So, I thought a career in fashion merchandising would be the next best thing.
And it was. I mean, school was amazing. I finally felt in my element, surrounded by people who understood my passion, who “got” me. But finding jobs after school wasn’t so easy. And even though I managed to snag a few internships in some pretty important places (Banana Republic being one of them), I struggled to find a job that was related to my field and paid enough to give Ava everything she needed.
That’s usually what it came down to, my daughter. Her arrival was a curveball to my perfectly crafted life but I took it in stride, determined to love her. And I do, with all my heart. I never regretted keeping her for a second. But it was Phil, my baby daddy’s leaving that really undid me. And after that, everything just kind of kept falling apart. Me and Ava against the world.
One day, though, while I was still with Phil, I thought my prayers had been answered. I had gotten a job at an online jewelry store as the copywriter and buyer. It was actually pretty amazing. The pay was excellent and all signs pointed to a long and promising career. But online retail is a cutthroat and fickle industry, so after a couple of years the site went bankrupt. I was out of a job. Then I was out of a boyfriend. Then my mother cheated on her new husband and, thanks to the indemnity clause, I was out of any extra financial support as I bounced around the city from a nice apartment to a so-so studio to a run-down in the sketchy Tenderloin district trying to find work again in the industry.
Finally, after a yearlong maternity leave stint as a sales clerk in the Nordstrom shoe department (not at all what I wanted to do but it paid the bills), I came across the position at Rusk. I thought I found something that would kindle my passion while providing the financial support I wanted for Ava. It’s not that she asked for anything, but I wanted to be able to give her whatever she desired. I’d do anything for her including working my ass off just so she could have all of life’s opportunities.
Rusk promised a great career in visual merchandising and an amazing paycheck with fabulous benefits. Even though my probationary salary was barely above minimum wage, I was fueled by their beautiful promises. I quit Nordstrom and jumped at the chance. I really thought everything would change.
And it did. For the worst. Now…now I’m hurrying past the people on Sutter Street on the verge of a panic attack. Every person’s face is a blank blur and my vision occasionally clouds over as tears swarm my eyes, hot and potent. They never fall, though. That has to mean something. That I’m a trooper. That I will get past this.
I will find another job. I will find another chance.
Sometimes I feel life is just one episode after another of trying to find another way. I wonder what happens when you discover there is no other way this time.
I make my way down Leavenworth as the streets become a little less clean and the people a little less friendly. Or too friendly, depending on how you look at it. The same man with his toothless smile asks me for change outside a liquor store, but today I don’t spare him a cent. I just keep my head down and brush through the riff raff of the neighborhood, a place I’ve resented ever since it became my only option in this high-priced city until I’m unlocking the door into the lobby of the apartment building.
Pausing, I stare at the door just as I’m about to close it behind me. The door is glass and there are long vertical bars on the windows, indicative of the neighborhood. I remember when Phil moved out and I lost my job at the online retailer, how I could no longer afford to live in Noe Valley, a gorgeous neighborhood next to the Castro. That apartment was everything to me but there was no way I could afford to live there on my own while supporting Ava. The two of us bounced from apartment to apartment, the standards of living slipping each time, until I found myself staring up at the bruised façade of this building, both hoping I could get an apartment and promising myself I’d move us out of there the first chance I got.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Nicola Harga, kau dipecat," bos saya mengatakan kepada saya dalam ekspresi paling Donald Trump-nya seperti. Hanya dia tidak tersenyum seperti itu lelucon dan coif nya begitu shellacked dengan rambut goop bahwa itu akan menempatkan Mr Trump untuk malu.
Juga, aku cukup yakin dia benar-benar mengatakan, "Nicola, kami sangat menyesal untuk memberitahu Anda ini , tapi kita akan harus membiarkan Anda pergi. "Tapi apa bedanya ketika mereka cukup banyak berarti hal yang sama? Dalam satu sialan kedua saya kehilangan pekerjaan saya. Penghasilan saya. Stabilitas saya.
Masa depan saya.
Ini adalah keajaiban saya tidak memiliki krisis seperti yang Ava melempar ketika dia tidak dapat menemukan mainan mewah favoritnya, Snuffy. Atau bahkan bocor setetes air mata. Sebaliknya, saya hanya duduk di sana seperti idiot, beku, kegagalan ternganga, sementara bos saya, Ross (ex-bos sekarang, saya kira), mengoceh tentang betapa menyesalnya dia dan bagaimana dia berharap mereka bisa membuat saya tapi perusahaan tersebut perampingan dan mereka menghapus salah satu toko dan yadda, yadda, yadda.
Tapi tidak ada yang penting apapun karena aku tahu aku satu minggu malu setelah bekerja untuk mereka selama tiga bulan. Dalam satu minggu, saya akan selesai masa percobaan saya dan asuransi kesehatan saya akan digulung dalam. Saya akan mendapatkan kenaikan gaji. Saya akan mendapatkan bagian dari pikiran dan karir di bidang saya telah berjuang untuk.
Dan sekarang aku marah karena aku menyadari bajingan ini tahu mereka tidak akan pernah menawarkan saya posisi permanen, mereka hanya menginginkan tenaga kerja murah sialan. Ini telah rencana mereka semua bersama, ke string saya bersama dengan alasan palsu dan kemudian menendang saya ke pinggir jalan sebelum menjadi serius.
Kedengarannya banyak seperti kehidupan cinta saya, datang untuk berpikir tentang hal itu.
"Apakah ada yang bisa kita lakukan untuk Anda ? "ia bertanya, menatap saya dengan keprihatinan, mungkin menonton wajahku untuk tanda-tanda ledakan dekat.
Ava, selalu datang kembali ke anak saya. Jika bukan karena dia, saya mungkin akan hanya mengangguk pemecatan. Bawa anggun seperti saya mencoba untuk melakukan segala sesuatu dengan kehidupan melempar cara saya, seperti saya telah diajarkan di usia muda. Jangan biarkan mereka melihat Anda menangis; tidak pernah membiarkan mereka melihat Anda sebagai sesuatu tetapi sempurna sesuai. Menyedot itu dan melanjutkan, visi keren.
Tapi hidup saya saat ini adalah tidak keren dan tidak ada satu hal yang tepat tentang hal itu. Iklan saya di apartemen menyebalkan saya baru-baru ini meningkat. Mobil saya perlu bagian saya tidak mampu, sehingga hanya duduk di pinggir jalan mengumpulkan karat dari kabut abadi San Francisco, dan Ava telah semakin sakit akhir-akhir ini. Tidak perlu khawatir, kata dokter, hanya lesu pada beberapa hari tapi aku punya pasokan tak berujung khawatir untuk kiddo saya dan tidak selalu cukup uang untuk membayar kunjungan dokter. Belum lagi dokter cukup berguna pada saat itu. Aku sedang menghitung bahwa asuransi kesehatan sialan untuknya, bukan untuk saya.
Dan, seperti Bruce Banner ketika ia berubah menjadi Hulk - minus kemeja-ripping - saya biarkan semua melepaskan pada curiga mantan bos saya. Selama tiga bulan saya telah formal dan tepat dan ya Pak, tidak ada Pak, berlarian semua toko seperti seorang budak yang bekerja terlalu keras, sambil menjaga senyum lebar di wajah saya. Jangan biarkan mereka melihat Anda berkeringat. Selalu tetap tenang.
Persetan itu.
Saya bahkan tidak yakin apa yang harus dikatakan. Ini seperti aku pergi ke beberapa dalam, lubang hitam kebencian terpendam. Saya pikir saya bahkan pemadaman sejenak. Yang aku tahu adalah bahwa ketika saya menyadari apa yang saya lakukan, saya berdiri, jari menusuk saya di udara menuju mantan bos, dan aku memuntahkan beban kata-kata kotor.
"Kau tahu jika Anda baru saja kacau saya ke samping, yang akan baik-baik saja. Tapi kau menyakiti putriku dengan melakukan hal ini. Beraninya kau hanya melemparkan ke samping seminggu sebelum asuransi kesehatan saya ditendang! "Aku berteriak padanya. "Apa kau tidak punya hati sialan?"
Tapi dari cara Ross dengan tenang mengangkat telepon dan meminta asistennya, Meredith, untuk datang di ruang seperti jika saya harus dikawal keluar, aku bisa melihat dia tidak memiliki jantung sama sekali.
Meredith tidak pernah menyukai saya dan hal terakhir yang saya butuhkan adalah sombong, jadi aku hightail keluar dari kantornya sebelum dia bisa mendapatkan sekilas wajah merah dan bingung saya. Aku segera mengumpulkan tas saya dari cubby saya di ruang guru, bersyukur sekali bahwa sementara saya stylist visual perusahaan selama tiga bulan terakhir, saya tidak pernah punya meja saya sendiri. Apa rasa sakit yang akan membersihkan.
Aku bahkan tidak mengucapkan selamat tinggal Priscilla, pembeli aku menjadi yang agak dekat dengan, atau Tabby, merchandiser regional, seseorang yang pekerjaannya Saya berharap untuk memiliki satu hari. Aku terlalu malu untuk memberitahu mereka apa yang baru saja terjadi dan saya merasa lebih buruk ketika saya menduga mungkin mereka tahu selama ini.
Ketika saya pertama kali mendapat pekerjaan untuk rantai pakaian yoga populer, Rusk, saya pikir saya akhirnya akan berhasil. Saya telah menghabiskan cukup waktu mengambil dua langkah maju dan satu langkah mundur. Kota tidak selalu membuatnya mudah pada Anda, tidak peduli apa industri Anda berada di. Dan fashion adalah pasti salah satu yang lebih menantang.
Aku pergi ke perguruan tinggi dengan Stephanie di Institut Seni di pusat kota San Francisco, menghubungkan dengan dia setelah beberapa dekade terpisah. Aku dibesarkan dekat Steph di Petaluma, sebuah kota utara kota, dan aku tahu dia di sekolah dasar sampai orang tua saya bercerai dan saya pindah dengan ibu saya ke Pacific Heights di San Francisco untuk hidup dengan suami sangat kaya barunya. Singkat cerita, setelah menghabiskan SMA dengan anak-anak kaya - dan menjadi salah satu dari anak-anak kaya - Saya terdaftar di perguruan tinggi sendiri, ingin melakukan sesuatu dengan semangat saya untuk fashion. Setelah semua, pakaian saya dirancang dan dibuat di waktu luang saya, orang-orang dengan grafis layar-dicetak dan frase kooky, tidak akan pernah memberikan saya penghasilan atau karier. Mereka yang baik tetapi tidak "baik" (sebagai mantan ayah tiri telah menunjukkan). Jadi, saya pikir karir di dunia fashion merchandise akan menjadi hal terbaik berikutnya.
Dan itu. Maksudku, sekolah sangat mengagumkan. Saya akhirnya merasa dalam elemen saya, dikelilingi oleh orang-orang yang mengerti saya sukai, yang "punya" saya. Tapi menemukan pekerjaan setelah sekolah itu tidak begitu mudah. Dan meskipun aku berhasil merobek beberapa magang di beberapa tempat yang cukup penting (Banana Republic menjadi salah satu dari mereka), saya berjuang untuk menemukan pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan bidang saya dan cukup untuk memberikan Ava semua yang diperlukan dibayar.
Itu biasanya apa datang ke, putri saya. Kedatangannya adalah curveball untuk hidup saya sempurna dibuat tapi aku menerimanya dengan tenang, bertekad untuk mencintainya. Dan saya lakukan, dengan segenap hatiku. Saya tidak pernah menyesal menjaga dirinya untuk kedua. Tapi itu Phil, meninggalkan bayi saya ayah yang benar-benar meluruhkan saya. Dan setelah itu, semuanya hanya jenis terus berantakan. Saya dan Ava terhadap dunia.
Suatu hari, meskipun, sementara aku masih dengan Phil, saya pikir doa saya telah menjawab. Saya sudah bekerja di sebuah toko perhiasan online sebagai copywriter dan pembeli. Itu benar-benar menakjubkan. Bayarannya sangat baik dan semua tanda menunjuk ke karir yang panjang dan menjanjikan. Tapi ritel online adalah industri yang kejam dan berubah-ubah, sehingga setelah beberapa tahun situs bangkrut. Saya keluar dari pekerjaan. Lalu aku keluar dari pacar. Kemudian ibuku berselingkuh suami barunya dan, berkat klausul ganti rugi, saya keluar dari dukungan keuangan tambahan seperti yang saya terpental sekitar kota dari apartemen yang bagus untuk begitu-begitu studio untuk lari-down di distrik Tenderloin samar mencoba untuk mencari pekerjaan lagi di industri.
Akhirnya, setelah selama setahun cuti bersalin bertugas sebagai petugas penjualan di departemen sepatu Nordstrom (tidak sama sekali apa yang ingin saya lakukan tetapi membayar tagihan), saya datang di posisi di Rusk. Saya pikir saya menemukan sesuatu yang akan menyalakan gairah saya sambil memberikan dukungan keuangan yang saya inginkan untuk Ava. Ini bukan berarti bahwa dia meminta apa-apa, tapi aku ingin bisa memberinya apa pun yang dia inginkan. Saya akan melakukan apa pun untuknya termasuk bekerja pantatku off hanya supaya dia bisa memiliki semua peluang hidup.
Rusk berjanji karir besar dalam visual merchandising dan gaji yang luar biasa dengan manfaat yang luar biasa. Meskipun gaji percobaan saya hampir di atas upah minimum, saya didorong oleh janji-janji mereka yang indah. Aku berhenti Nordstrom dan melompat pada kesempatan. Saya benar-benar berpikir segalanya akan berubah.
Dan itu. Untuk yang terburuk. Sekarang ... sekarang aku bergegas melewati orang di Sutter Street di ambang serangan panik. Wajah setiap orang adalah kabur kosong dan visi saya kadang-kadang awan lebih sebagai air mata kawanan mata saya, panas dan kuat. Mereka tidak pernah jatuh, meskipun. Yang harus berarti sesuatu. Bahwa aku seorang polisi. Bahwa saya akan bisa melewati ini.
Aku akan mencari pekerjaan lain. Aku akan menemukan kesempatan lain.
Kadang-kadang saya merasa hidup adalah salah satu episode demi satu mencoba untuk mencari cara lain. Aku ingin tahu apa yang terjadi ketika Anda menemukan tidak ada cara lain saat ini.
Aku membuat jalan saya turun Leavenworth seperti jalan-jalan menjadi sedikit kurang bersih dan orang-orang sedikit kurang ramah. Atau terlalu ramah, tergantung pada bagaimana Anda melihatnya. Orang yang sama dengan senyum ompong nya meminta saya untuk perubahan luar toko minuman keras, tapi hari ini saya tidak menghindarkannya sen. Aku terus menunduk dan sikat melalui riff raff dari lingkungan, tempat saya sudah dibenci sejak itu menjadi satu-satunya pilihan saya di kota harga tinggi ini sampai aku membuka pintu ke lobi gedung apartemen.
berhenti, aku menatap pintu seperti aku akan menutupnya di belakang saya. Pintu kaca dan ada vertikal bar panjang pada windows, indikasi dari lingkungan. Saya ingat ketika Phil pindah dan saya kehilangan pekerjaan saya di toko online, bagaimana aku tidak bisa lagi mampu untuk tinggal di Noe Valley, lingkungan cantik di sebelah Castro. Apartemen yang adalah segalanya bagi saya, tapi tidak ada cara saya mampu untuk tinggal di sana saya sendiri sementara mendukung Ava. Kami berdua bangkit dari apartemen ke apartemen, standar hidup tergelincir setiap kali, sampai aku menemukan diriku menatap façade memar bangunan ini, baik berharap aku bisa mendapatkan sebuah apartemen dan menjanjikan diri saya akan menggerakkan kita keluar dari sana kesempatan pertama aku.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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