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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Feline viral rhinotracheitis was a surprisingly severe disease in germfreecats. The pathogenicity of FRV is apparently not dependent uponthe synergistic activity of the respiratory microbial flora. Clinically andhistologically, experimental feline rhinotracheitis in germfree cats wassimilar to the disease in conventional cats. The ulcerative, fibrinopurulentrhinitis in conventional cats had been attributed chiefly to the activityof secondary bacterial invaders. In germfree cats, however, the virusrapidly destroyed virtually all intranasal epithelium. The initial neutrophilicinflammatory response which ensued was apparently elicited byproducts of epithelial necrosis. To our knowledge the lesions producedby FRV are the most severe of any viral disease reported thus far ingernfree animals. By contrast, the respiratory and gastrointestinal lesionswhich characterize viral diseases such as canine distemper and felineinfectious enteritis are completely absent in germfree animals.The distribution of lesions produced by FRV in germfree and in conventionalcats is identical, with two exceptions: (1) the bronchial andbronchiolar lesions, which occurred in germfree cats have not beenpreviously reported, (2) no lesions were observed in the lingual or oralmucosa of germfree cats suggesting that the ulcerative glossitis whichsometimes accompanies viral rhinotracheitis in conventional cats 7 maytidak disebabkan oleh FRV. Meskipun lesi hidung yang parah dan kelimpahanvirus dalam cairan hidung dan faring, laryngotracheal luka-luka ringandan paru lesi terbatas kepada Lungs dan bronchioles.Resorpsi tulang konka telah dijelaskan dalam percobaankucing rhinotracheitis di konvensional kucing ' 1 tapi osteolytic lesi simulasiterang-terangan nekrosis tulang tidak dilaporkan. Itu tidak mungkin untukmenentukan apakah lesi osteolytic di germfree kucing adalah karena(1) osteolysis diprovokasi oleh rhinitis necrotizing parah, (2) iskemiknekrosis sekunder untuk lesi vaskular, atau infeksi virus (3) osteogenicsel-sel dengan berikutnya nekrosis tulang. Studi awal menunjukkan bahwaFRV diinokulasi intravena menjadi rentan 8-minggu-tua kucing, menghasilkanlesi yang osteolytic di turbinates yang tidak didahului oleh nekrosisdari hidung epithelium.15 fokus necrotizing lesi juga terjadi di SDspongiosa tulang rusuk dan tulang panjang. Laporan mengenai virus lesidalam tulang langka. Hanya H-virus dan virus tikus sejauh ini telahditunjukkan untuk selektif mempengaruhi bone.16 perubahan jelas dalam patogenesisinfeksi berikut intravena inokulasi dan tropismevirus untuk tumbuh tulang yang saat ini sedang diselidiki.
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