Such a disturbance thus ended just like that.
Some of the students that had abandoned the Taoxuan pavilion were able to observe everything from the outside. Seeing the scene, they were so regretful that they could die. They knew better than anyone that they had missed a golden opportunity. Even though Ye Qingyu said that he would still welcome them back to practice martial arts at the Taoxuan pavilion, but compared to Lin Tian and the two others that did not abandon or leave they were found lacking. From now on, to obtain Ye Qingyu’s complete trust was an impossible matter.
And some people who were not students of Taoxuan pavilion at this time, could not wait to rush in to become a disciple and learn.
Apart from the Taoxuan pavilion, which martial art dojo in the Northern district was able to do this? Who could casually sit on the steps, drinking wine and only one sentence was needed to force the Capture barracks to retreat?
This was the most naked and real symbol of strength. Entering Taoxuan pavilion was equivalent to finding a great patron. From then on, as long as they said they were the students of Taoxuan pavilion it was very likely that they would be able to walk horizontally* across the entire North city district. Even the normally tyrannical gangs and the little sects, would not dare to harm them in the slightest.
One could easily imagine at what sort of crazy rate the news of what happened here today would spread out at. From now on, Taoxuan pavilion did not need to fret over not making a living.
No matter what the place, for a business like a dojo, the best glittering character signboard was strength and background.
Ye Qingyu seemed to have fully demonstrated these two attributes in the conflict today.
“For today, close the dojo, and find someone to repair the entrance. From tomorrow onwards, the dojo will open like usual.” Ye Qingyu gave Tang San a signal.
Tang San understood tacitly. Coming to the entrance, he greeted the gathering crowd outside by raising his clasped hands in greeting. Then he announced loudly: “Everyone of this neighbourhood, friends of the same way, today Taoxuan pavilion will be closed, and will not receive visitors. Everyone should disperse, from tomorrow the Taoxuan pavilion will reopen officially. If you want to formally become a student and learn, then come tomorrow morning……Disperse, everyone should disperse.”
The crowd gradually left.
Ye Qingyu lowered his head to look at the jar of wine in his hands. There was only a tiny bit left. He was about to lift it up and drink the last drops when the silent Li Shizen that had always sat beside him coughed. “Young man, such a way of drinking alcohol, is not good for your body.”
Ye Qingyu smiled. “I am drowning my sorrows.”
“And what sorrows do you have?” Li Shizen stroked his silver long beard and slapped his own thigh with a laugh. “Young, extraordinary innate talent, success when you are young with no need to worry about your next meal. You don’t know how many people are envious of you. For example, for a rotten old man like me, you don’t know how envious I am of young people like you.”
Ye Qingyu let out a loud laugh. “ Fine, according to this old man’s word, I really shouldn’t be sad.”
Li Shizen also chuckled loudly. “Of course you shouldn’t.”
Ye Qingyu nodded his head, considering. He turned his head and said to the Tang San beside him: “When we return, send someone to buy more alcohol like this, the taste is not bad. I’ve decided, from now on if someone make’s things difficult for me, then I’ll drink myself drunk before taking care of them. Haha, since at that time I’ll be drunk and don’t know anything, I’ll have a excuse for going crazy.”
Li Shizen and Tang San was speechless for a moment.
“Young master, such a thing, just leave it for me and my brothers. Let us run your errands.” Lin Tian could not bear remaining silent any longer, stepping forwards and volunteering himself.
The young man next to him also quickly nodded h
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Seperti gangguan sehingga berakhir hanya seperti itu.Beberapa murid yang telah ditinggalkan di paviliun Taoxuan yang mampu mengamati segala sesuatu dari luar. Melihat adegan, mereka adalah sangat menyesal bahwa mereka bisa mati. Mereka tahu lebih baik daripada orang bahwa mereka telah kehilangan kesempatan emas. Meskipun kamu Qingyu mengatakan bahwa ia masih akan menyambut mereka kembali ke praktik seni bela diri di paviliun Taoxuan, tetapi dibandingkan dengan Lin Tian dan dua orang lain yang tidak meninggalkan atau meninggalkan mereka yang ditemukan kurang. Sekarang, untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan kamu Qingyu lengkap adalah hal yang mustahil.Dan beberapa orang yang tidak siswa dari Taoxuan pavilion saat ini, tidak bisa menunggu untuk terburu-buru dalam menjadi seorang murid dan belajar.Selain Taoxuan pavilion, yang dojo seni bela diri di distrik Utara mampu melakukan hal ini? Yang bisa santai duduk di tangga, minum anggur dan hanya satu kalimat yang diperlukan untuk memaksa Barak menangkap mundur?Ini adalah simbol paling telanjang dan nyata kekuatan. Memasuki Taoxuan pavilion adalah setara dengan menemukan pelindung besar. Selanjutnya selama mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka siswa dari Taoxuan pavilion itu sangat mungkin bahwa mereka akan mampu berjalan horizontal * di seluruh utara kota. Bahkan geng biasanya tirani dan mazhab-mazhab kecil, tidak akan berani untuk menyakiti mereka sedikit pun.Satu dapat dengan mudah membayangkan di jenis tingkat gila berita tentang apa yang terjadi di sini hari ini akan menyebar di. Sekarang Taoxuan pavilion tidak perlu khawatir atas tidak mencari nafkah.Tidak peduli apa tempat yang, untuk bisnis seperti sebuah dojo, papan nama karakter terbaik berkilauan adalah kekuatan dan latar belakang.Kamu Qingyu tampaknya telah sepenuhnya menunjukkan atribut ini dua dalam konflik kemarin."Hari ini, dekat dojo, dan menemukan seseorang untuk memperbaiki pintu masuk. Dari besok dan seterusnya, dojo akan terbuka seperti biasa. " Kamu Qingyu memberikan Tang San sinyal.Tang San dipahami secara diam-diam. Datang ke pintu masuk, ia disambut kerumunan orang berkumpul di luar dengan mengangkat tangannya tergenggam dalam ucapan. Kemudian ia mengumumkan keras: "semua orang dari lingkungan ini, teman-teman dengan cara yang sama, hari ini Taoxuan pavilion akan ditutup, dan tidak akan menerima pengunjung. Semua orang harus membubarkan, dari paviliun Taoxuan akan dibuka secara resmi kembali besok. Jika Anda ingin secara resmi menjadi mahasiswa dan belajar, kemudian datang besok pagi... Membubarkan, semua orang harus membubarkan."Kerumunan berangsur-angsur meninggalkan.Kamu Qingyu menurunkan kepalanya untuk melihat botol anggur di tangannya. Ada hanya sedikit kiri. Dia adalah mengangkat itu dan minum tetes terakhir ketika diam Li Shizen yang selalu duduk di samping dia batuk. "Pemuda, sedemikian minum alkohol, ini tidak baik untuk tubuh Anda."Kamu Qingyu tersenyum. "Aku tenggelam kesedihan saya."“And what sorrows do you have?” Li Shizen stroked his silver long beard and slapped his own thigh with a laugh. “Young, extraordinary innate talent, success when you are young with no need to worry about your next meal. You don’t know how many people are envious of you. For example, for a rotten old man like me, you don’t know how envious I am of young people like you.”Ye Qingyu let out a loud laugh. “ Fine, according to this old man’s word, I really shouldn’t be sad.”Li Shizen also chuckled loudly. “Of course you shouldn’t.”Ye Qingyu nodded his head, considering. He turned his head and said to the Tang San beside him: “When we return, send someone to buy more alcohol like this, the taste is not bad. I’ve decided, from now on if someone make’s things difficult for me, then I’ll drink myself drunk before taking care of them. Haha, since at that time I’ll be drunk and don’t know anything, I’ll have a excuse for going crazy.”Li Shizen and Tang San was speechless for a moment.“Young master, such a thing, just leave it for me and my brothers. Let us run your errands.” Lin Tian could not bear remaining silent any longer, stepping forwards and volunteering himself.The young man next to him also quickly nodded h
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