A Montana State University professor and a team of students have found terjemahan - A Montana State University professor and a team of students have found Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A Montana State University professo

A Montana State University professor and a team of students have found that drinking water with a high content of minerals might be beneficial to one's health.

MSU Health and Human Development professor Dan Heil and a team of graduate and undergraduate students conducted a study that found that individuals drinking mineral-based alkaline water, along with a water company's supplement, were better hydrated and had higher pH levels than those who consumed water without a high mineral content.

The findings suggest that certain mineralized water may impart some health benefits, Heil said.

"I was surprised at how dramatic the effect was on the body, and how quickly it reversed when (the study participants) stopped drinking the water," he added.

In the early 2010 study, the research team split 38 young adult volunteers into a control group and an experimental group.

Members of the control group drank only non-mineralized bottled water over the course of four weeks. Members of the experimental group drank alkaline water containing a naturally high mineral content, as well as a water company's supplement that is designed to stabilize pH and minerals, during the second and third weeks of the study. During the first and fourth weeks, experimental group members consumed non-mineralized bottled water in order to help measure results. The study participants received all of their water from the researchers and were not informed about which group they were in.

Throughout the study, the research team collected blood and urine samples from each individual three times each week to measure blood and urine pH and osmolality, a measurement method of mineral concentration. They also measured each participant's total daily urine volume. Study participants kept records of the food and water they consumed and maintained regular levels of exercise.

Part of why the research is important is because every chemical reaction in every part of the human body is highly sensitive to changes in both temperature and pH, Heil said. As a result, the body has tight control mechanisms in place to keep temperature and pH relatively constant. In general, pH is a measure of how acidic -- which equals a relatively low pH -- or alkaline -- which equals a relatively high pH -- a liquid or solution is. Human bodies work to maintain a fairly neutral pH, Heil said, because it is most conducive to chemical reactions that need to occur. However, diet and exercise choices, as well as certain diseases, are acidic influences, which the body must work to counter.

The researchers measured no significant changes in members of the control group, but the experimental group did show significant increases in both the blood and urine pH when they consumed highly mineralized water in the study's second and third weeks. The experimental group also showed a decreased blood and increased urine osmolality, as well as a decreased urine output during the second and third weeks of the study, which indicated higher levels of hydration. The changes measured in the experimental group reversed once its members switched back to non-mineralized water in the fourth week.

Kendra Anderson, an MSU exercise science student who participated in the study as part of the experimental group, said the results made sense to her when she reviewed the data after the study's conclusion.

"Once we started looking at the data, it clicked in my mind," she said, adding that during the second and third weeks, when she consumed the alkaline water, she drank half a liter to a full liter less of water every day.

"It makes sense, because it's more hydrating," she said. But, Anderson couldn't taste the difference in the water.

Heil noted that people participating in the study who had the largest, most consistent changes were those who drank more water. Those changes tended to appear in individuals who exercised a lot, too.

"For the average person who is fairly sedentary and drinks one to two liters of water per day, the impact is relatively small," he said.

Heil credited the MSU students - about eight graduate students and a large handful of undergraduate students - for their work on the study.

"It was great experience in research and data collection in a short period of time," Heil said.

Graduate student and research team member Eddie Davila said that the experience was valuable.

"It was good to see how an in-depth research study worked," he said. "It reinforced what I had learned in classes about research design and why things were done in a certain way... it was nice to apply and understand why things have to happen the way they do."

Heil said more research is needed. One challenge of the study was that it was funded by and designed to test only one company's mineralized water, and the results may not apply to all mineralized water. The water tested comes from a river fed by glacial run-off and contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium and silica, as well as the company's suppleme
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A Montana State University professor and a team of students have found that drinking water with a high content of minerals might be beneficial to one's health.MSU Health and Human Development professor Dan Heil and a team of graduate and undergraduate students conducted a study that found that individuals drinking mineral-based alkaline water, along with a water company's supplement, were better hydrated and had higher pH levels than those who consumed water without a high mineral content.The findings suggest that certain mineralized water may impart some health benefits, Heil said."I was surprised at how dramatic the effect was on the body, and how quickly it reversed when (the study participants) stopped drinking the water," he added.In the early 2010 study, the research team split 38 young adult volunteers into a control group and an experimental group.Members of the control group drank only non-mineralized bottled water over the course of four weeks. Members of the experimental group drank alkaline water containing a naturally high mineral content, as well as a water company's supplement that is designed to stabilize pH and minerals, during the second and third weeks of the study. During the first and fourth weeks, experimental group members consumed non-mineralized bottled water in order to help measure results. The study participants received all of their water from the researchers and were not informed about which group they were in.Throughout the study, the research team collected blood and urine samples from each individual three times each week to measure blood and urine pH and osmolality, a measurement method of mineral concentration. They also measured each participant's total daily urine volume. Study participants kept records of the food and water they consumed and maintained regular levels of exercise.Part of why the research is important is because every chemical reaction in every part of the human body is highly sensitive to changes in both temperature and pH, Heil said. As a result, the body has tight control mechanisms in place to keep temperature and pH relatively constant. In general, pH is a measure of how acidic -- which equals a relatively low pH -- or alkaline -- which equals a relatively high pH -- a liquid or solution is. Human bodies work to maintain a fairly neutral pH, Heil said, because it is most conducive to chemical reactions that need to occur. However, diet and exercise choices, as well as certain diseases, are acidic influences, which the body must work to counter.The researchers measured no significant changes in members of the control group, but the experimental group did show significant increases in both the blood and urine pH when they consumed highly mineralized water in the study's second and third weeks. The experimental group also showed a decreased blood and increased urine osmolality, as well as a decreased urine output during the second and third weeks of the study, which indicated higher levels of hydration. The changes measured in the experimental group reversed once its members switched back to non-mineralized water in the fourth week.Kendra Anderson, an MSU exercise science student who participated in the study as part of the experimental group, said the results made sense to her when she reviewed the data after the study's conclusion."Once we started looking at the data, it clicked in my mind," she said, adding that during the second and third weeks, when she consumed the alkaline water, she drank half a liter to a full liter less of water every day."It makes sense, because it's more hydrating," she said. But, Anderson couldn't taste the difference in the water.Heil noted that people participating in the study who had the largest, most consistent changes were those who drank more water. Those changes tended to appear in individuals who exercised a lot, too."For the average person who is fairly sedentary and drinks one to two liters of water per day, the impact is relatively small," he said.Heil credited the MSU students - about eight graduate students and a large handful of undergraduate students - for their work on the study."It was great experience in research and data collection in a short period of time," Heil said.Graduate student and research team member Eddie Davila said that the experience was valuable."It was good to see how an in-depth research study worked," he said. "It reinforced what I had learned in classes about research design and why things were done in a certain way... it was nice to apply and understand why things have to happen the way they do."Heil said more research is needed. One challenge of the study was that it was funded by and designed to test only one company's mineralized water, and the results may not apply to all mineralized water. The water tested comes from a river fed by glacial run-off and contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium and silica, as well as the company's suppleme
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Seorang profesor Montana State University dan tim mahasiswa telah menemukan bahwa air minum dengan kandungan tinggi mineral mungkin bermanfaat bagi kesehatan seseorang. Profesor MSU Kesehatan dan Pembangunan Manusia Dan Heil dan tim sarjana dan sarjana siswa melakukan studi yang menemukan bahwa individu minum air alkali berbasis mineral, bersama dengan suplemen perusahaan air, lebih baik terhidrasi dan memiliki kadar pH yang lebih tinggi daripada mereka yang mengkonsumsi air tanpa kandungan mineral yang tinggi. temuan menunjukkan bahwa air mineral tertentu dapat memberi beberapa manfaat kesehatan, kata Heil. "saya terkejut melihat betapa dramatis efeknya pada tubuh, dan seberapa cepat itu terbalik ketika (peserta studi) berhenti minum air," tambahnya. dalam studi awal 2010, tim peneliti membagi 38 sukarelawan dewasa muda menjadi kelompok kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen. Anggota kelompok kontrol hanya minum non-mineralisasi air kemasan selama empat minggu. Anggota kelompok eksperimen minum air alkali yang mengandung kandungan mineral alami yang tinggi, serta suplemen perusahaan air yang dirancang untuk menstabilkan pH dan mineral, selama minggu kedua dan ketiga penelitian. Selama minggu-minggu pertama dan keempat, anggota kelompok eksperimen dikonsumsi non-mineralisasi air kemasan untuk membantu mengukur hasil. Para peserta penelitian menerima semua air dari para peneliti dan tidak diberitahu tentang kelompok yang mereka berada di. Selama studi, tim peneliti mengumpulkan sampel darah dan urin dari masing-masing individu tiga kali setiap minggu untuk mengukur darah dan urin pH dan osmolalitas, metode pengukuran konsentrasi mineral. Mereka juga mengukur volume urin harian masing-masing peserta. Peserta penelitian menyimpan catatan dari makanan dan air yang mereka konsumsi dan mempertahankan tingkat rutin latihan. Bagian dari mengapa penelitian ini penting karena setiap reaksi kimia di setiap bagian dari tubuh manusia sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan suhu dan pH, Heil kata . Akibatnya, tubuh memiliki mekanisme kontrol yang ketat di tempat untuk menjaga suhu dan pH relatif konstan. Secara umum, pH adalah ukuran dari seberapa asam - yang sama dengan pH relatif rendah - atau alkali - yang sama dengan pH yang relatif tinggi - cairan atau larutan adalah. Tubuh manusia bekerja untuk mempertahankan pH yang cukup netral, Heil mengatakan, karena hal ini sangat kondusif untuk reaksi kimia yang perlu terjadi. Namun, diet dan olahraga pilihan, serta penyakit tertentu, adalah pengaruh asam, yang tubuh harus bekerja untuk melawan. Para peneliti mengukur ada perubahan signifikan dalam anggota kelompok kontrol, tetapi kelompok eksperimen memang menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan di kedua darah dan pH urin ketika mereka dikonsumsi air yang sangat mineralisasi di minggu kedua dan ketiga studi tersebut. Kelompok eksperimen juga menunjukkan darah menurun dan meningkatkan osmolalitas urine, serta output urin menurun selama minggu kedua dan ketiga dari studi, yang menunjukkan tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari hidrasi. Perubahan diukur dalam kelompok eksperimen terbalik setelah anggotanya beralih kembali ke air non-mineral pada minggu keempat. Kendra Anderson, seorang MSU mahasiswa ilmu olahraga yang berpartisipasi dalam studi sebagai bagian dari kelompok eksperimen, mengatakan hasil itu masuk akal baginya saat membaca data setelah kesimpulan studi tersebut. "Begitu kita mulai melihat data, itu diklik dalam pikiran saya," katanya, menambahkan bahwa selama minggu kedua dan ketiga, ketika dia mengkonsumsi air alkali, dia minum setengah liter untuk satu liter penuh kurang air setiap hari. "masuk akal, karena lebih hydrating," katanya. Tapi, Anderson tidak bisa merasakan perbedaan di dalam air. Heil mencatat bahwa orang yang berpartisipasi dalam studi yang memiliki terbesar, perubahan yang paling konsisten adalah mereka yang minum lebih banyak air. . Perubahan tersebut cenderung muncul pada individu yang dilakukan banyak, terlalu "Untuk rata-rata orang yang cukup menetap dan minuman 1-2 liter air per hari, dampaknya relatif kecil," katanya. Heil dikreditkan siswa MSU - sekitar delapan mahasiswa pascasarjana dan beberapa besar mahasiswa -. untuk pekerjaan mereka pada studi ini . "itu adalah pengalaman besar dalam penelitian dan pengumpulan data dalam waktu singkat," kata Heil Graduate siswa dan anggota tim peneliti Eddie Davila mengatakan bahwa pengalaman itu berharga. "itu bagus untuk melihat bagaimana sebuah studi penelitian mendalam bekerja," katanya. "Ini diperkuat apa yang telah saya pelajari di kelas tentang desain penelitian dan mengapa hal itu dilakukan dengan cara tertentu ... itu bagus untuk menerapkan dan memahami mengapa hal harus terjadi dengan cara yang mereka lakukan." Kata Heil penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan. Salah satu tantangan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa itu didanai oleh dan dirancang untuk menguji air mineral hanya satu perusahaan, dan hasilnya mungkin tidak berlaku untuk semua air mineral. Air yang diuji berasal dari sungai diberi makan oleh glasial run-off dan mengandung kalium, magnesium, kalsium, selenium dan silika, serta suppleme perusahaan

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