Cisco International Ltd. (UKH): Be Prepared for the 16 November 2014 C terjemahan - Cisco International Ltd. (UKH): Be Prepared for the 16 November 2014 C Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Cisco International Ltd. (UKH): Be

Cisco International Ltd. (UKH): Be Prepared for the 16 November 2014 Cisco International Ltd. Migration and Platform Upgrade

Dear Valued Customer, Distributor, or Partner,

This communication serves as a final reminder that on 16 November 2014, Cisco will transition one or more of your bill-to IDs (BIDs) on Cisco Systems International B.V. (NL) to the Cisco International Ltd. (UKH) business entity. Additionally, we will also be upgrading Cisco International Ltd. to our new global enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform.

This transition will require you, as a Cisco customer, distributor, or partner, to move from conducting business with Cisco Systems International B.V. to conducting business with Cisco International Ltd.

Below are key points relevant in ensuring that your company is operationally ready to begin doing business with Cisco International Ltd.

Key actions: Please take note of the changes below, as they are critical to the successful closing of an order after 16 November:

Modification to Sales Order Number
• Sales order numbers will be increasing from eight to nine digits under our new global ERP platform.
Reseller and Distributor BID Alignment
• A systems validation will be required to continue conducting business after 16 November. In summary, the systems validation requires business entities to be aligned to the same entity for distributor and reseller BIDs within Cisco Service Contract Center. This change will bring Cisco Service Contract Center into parity with other commerce tools, such as Cisco Commerce Workspace and Sales Order Work Bench (SOWB), in which the business entity between a distributor and a reseller is already aligned. For further information, click here.
Accounts with Active Bill-to IDs (BIDs) on Both B.V. and Cisco International Ltd.
• On 16 November, all accounts with a bill-to address in Cisco International Ltd. countries will have been completely migrated from Cisco Systems International B.V. to the Cisco International Ltd. business entity. All business will now be handled through your new Cisco International Ltd. BID, inclusive of all service ordering and renewals.
• If you have a BID address active in B.V. and active in Cisco International Ltd., for service delivery, your account has two options:
o For service renewals that are with B.V., there is no change to the way you order today
o For product orders as well as new Service-only orders, please use your new Cisco International Ltd. BID
Updating Cisco’s Vendor Information in Your Internal Procurement Tools
• Please remember to add Cisco International Ltd. (UKH) to your procurement tools as a vendor or supplier, if necessary.
Open Quotes and Orders
• We recommend that you submit and book all open, active, and unsubmitted valid Cisco quotes and orders in Cisco Commerce Workspace and Cisco Service Contract Center as soon as possible to reduce the amount of data requiring migration.
Key Changes

New Bill-to IDs (BIDs)
• Effective 16 November, begin using the new Cisco International Ltd. (UKH) BIDs available in Cisco Commerce Workspace and Cisco Service Contract Center. Your customer profile will automatically be updated.
Invoice Remittance Updates
• Effective 16 November, invoices will be received by the Cisco business entity with which the order was placed. Remittance must be made to the invoicing business entity. A communication with bank details has already been shared with your finance contact.
• Transactional data from Cisco Systems International B.V. (NL) will not be migrated, so all open legacy orders will continue to invoice and be collected out of Cisco Systems International B.V. (NL).
Invoice Format
• For the Cisco International Ltd. entity, a new invoice format will be presented with the tax rate displayed at the line item level.
Service Cancellation and Restocking Fees
• For the Cisco International Ltd. entity, if service cancellation and restocking fees are applied, they will be charged on a separate invoice, as opposed to being deducted from any outstanding credit amount. The invoice will reference the original purchase order number and corresponding credit memo number, to ensure that payment of the invoice is processed within the customer’s standard payment terms. Existing credits will not be affected.
• Service cancellation fees will continue to be applicable to “termination for convenience” requests only – excluding Brazil.
Export Controls
• As part of the UK government export requirements, if you purchase controlled equipment (5A002 or 5D002), you will be required to complete and submit additional paperwork. Below is the documentation you will need to sign and provide:
UK Consignee Undertaking (UKCU), found here
Cisco’s export team can give you the required support to complete this paperwork. For more information, please visit our Cisco Global Export Trade site.
If you have questions, please go to Partner Central. You can also contact your partner account manager, distributor account manager, partner services development manager, or customer and partner experience advisor, or email

For more information on the release, please see the Cisco International Limited Partner, Customer, and Distributor Handbook or watch a recorded informational session that covers the release in detail.

Successful and mutually beneficial relationships are a significant part of our future; we look forward to your continued support and collaboration.


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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Cisco International Ltd (UKH): Bersiaplah untuk meng-Upgrade Platform dan 16 November 2014 Cisco International Ltd migrasiDear dihargai pelanggan, Distributor, atau mitra,Komunikasi ini berfungsi sebagai pengingat akhir bahwa pada 16 November 2014, Cisco akan transisi satu atau lebih dari tagihan-untuk ID Anda (tawaran) pada Cisco Systems International BV (NL) ke badan usaha Cisco International Ltd (UKH). Selain itu, kami akan juga upgrade Cisco International Ltd kami baru perusahaan global sumber daya perencanaan platform (ERP).Transisi ini akan mengharuskan Anda, sebagai pelanggan Cisco, distributor, atau mitra, bergerak dari melakukan bisnis dengan Cisco Systems International BV untuk melakukan bisnis dengan Cisco International LtdBerikut adalah poin kunci yang relevan dalam memastikan bahwa perusahaan Anda operasional siap untuk mulai melakukan bisnis dengan Cisco International Ltd.Kunci tindakan: silahkan mengambil catatan perubahan di bawah ini, karena mereka penting untuk sukses penutupan pesanan setelah 16 November:Modifikasi untuk penjualan memesan nomor • Nomor order penjualan akan meningkat dari delapan hingga sembilan angka di bawah kami platform ERP global yang baru.Reseller dan Distributor tawaran Alignment• Sistem validasi akan diperlukan untuk melanjutkan melakukan bisnis setelah 16 November. Singkatnya, sistem validasi memerlukan badan usaha untuk disesuaikan dengan entitas yang sama untuk distributor dan reseller tawaran Cisco Layanan kontrak pusat. Perubahan ini akan membawa Cisco pusat layanan kontrak ke paritas dengan alat-alat perdagangan lainnya, seperti Cisco Commerce Workspace dan penjualan urutan kerja bangku (SOWB), di mana badan usaha antara distributor dan reseller sudah sejajar. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, klik disini.Account dengan Bill-untuk aktif id (tawaran) pada kedua BV dan Cisco International Ltd • Pada 16 November, semua account dengan alamat tagihan-untuk di negara-negara Cisco International Ltd akan telah sepenuhnya dimigrasi dari Cisco Systems International BV ke badan usaha Cisco International Ltd. Semua bisnis akan sekarang ditangani melalui baru Cisco International Ltd tawaran, termasuk semua memesan layanan dan pembaruan. • Jika Anda memiliki alamat tawaran yang aktif dalam BV dan aktif di Cisco International Ltd., selama pengiriman layanan, akun Anda memiliki dua pilihan: o untuk layanan perpanjangan yang dengan BV, ada tidak ada perubahan dengan cara yang Anda pesan sekarango untuk produk pesanan juga pesanan khusus layanan yang baru, silakan gunakan Cisco International Ltd tawaran Anda baruMemperbarui informasi Vendor Cisco di Internal pengadaan alat • Harap ingat untuk menambahkan Cisco International Ltd (UKH) untuk pengadaan alat sebagai penjual atau pemasok, jika diperlukan.Buka harga dan order• Kami sarankan bahwa Anda mengirimkan semua buku terbuka, aktif dan unsubmitted Cisco berlaku mengutip dan pesanan di Cisco Commerce kerja dan Cisco Layanan kontrak pusat sesegera mungkin untuk mengurangi jumlah data yang memerlukan migrasi.Perubahan kunci Baru Bill-untuk ID (tawaran) • Efektif 16 November, mulai menggunakan Cisco International Ltd (UKH) tawaran baru tersedia di Cisco Commerce Workspace dan Cisco Layanan kontrak pusat. Profil pelanggan Anda akan secara otomatis diperbarui.Faktur Remittance update • Efektif 16 November, faktur akan diterima oleh badan usaha Cisco dengan mana pesanan ditempatkan. Pengiriman uang harus dilakukan ke badan usaha faktur. Komunikasi dengan rincian bank sudah telah berbagi dengan kontak keuangan Anda.• Data transaksi dari Cisco Systems International BV (NL) akan tidak dimigrasi, sehingga semua perintah warisan yang terbuka akan terus faktur dan dikumpulkan dari Cisco Systems International BV (NL).Faktur Format • Untuk entitas Cisco International Ltd, format faktur baru akan disajikan dengan tingkat pajak yang ditampilkan di tingkat item baris.Pembatalan layanan dan Restocking biaya • Untuk entitas Cisco International Ltd., jika pembatalan layanan dan restocking biaya diterapkan, mereka akan dikenakan pada faktur yang terpisah, sebagai lawan yang dipotong dari jumlah kredit yang luar biasa. Faktur akan referensi nomor pesanan pembelian asli dan jumlah memo kredit yang sesuai, untuk memastikan bahwa pembayaran faktur diproses dalam syarat-syarat standar pembayaran nasabah. Kredit yang sudah ada tidak akan terpengaruh.• Biaya pembatalan layanan akan terus berlaku "penghentian untuk kenyamanan" permintaan hanya-tidak termasuk Brasil.Kontrol ekspor• Sebagai bagian dari UK ekspor persyaratan pemerintah, jika Anda membeli dikendalikan peralatan (5A002 atau 5D 002), Anda akan diminta untuk melengkapi dan menyerahkan dokumen-dokumen tambahan. Berikut adalah dokumentasi Anda akan perlu untuk sign dan menyediakan:UK Consignee usaha (UKCU), yang ditemukan di siniTim ekspor Cisco dapat memberikan dukungan yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan dokumen ini. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi situs Cisco Global ekspor perdagangan kami.Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan pergi ke mitra pusat. Anda juga dapat menghubungi manajer akun mitra, distributor manajer account, manajer pengembangan mitra layanan, atau pelanggan dan mitra pengalaman penasihat, atau email informasi lebih lanjut tentang rilis, silakan lihat Cisco International terbatas mitra, pelanggan, dan Distributor buku atau menonton sesi informasi tercatat yang mencakup rilis secara rinci.Sukses dan saling menguntungkan hubungan adalah bagian penting dari masa depan kita; Kami berharap untuk melanjutkan dukungan dan kolaborasi.SalamCisco
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Cisco International Ltd. (UKH): Be Prepared for the 16 November 2014 Cisco International Ltd. Migration and Platform Upgrade

Dear Valued Customer, Distributor, or Partner,

This communication serves as a final reminder that on 16 November 2014, Cisco will transition one or more of your bill-to IDs (BIDs) on Cisco Systems International B.V. (NL) to the Cisco International Ltd. (UKH) business entity. Additionally, we will also be upgrading Cisco International Ltd. to our new global enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform.

This transition will require you, as a Cisco customer, distributor, or partner, to move from conducting business with Cisco Systems International B.V. to conducting business with Cisco International Ltd.

Below are key points relevant in ensuring that your company is operationally ready to begin doing business with Cisco International Ltd.

Key actions: Please take note of the changes below, as they are critical to the successful closing of an order after 16 November:

Modification to Sales Order Number
• Sales order numbers will be increasing from eight to nine digits under our new global ERP platform.
Reseller and Distributor BID Alignment
• A systems validation will be required to continue conducting business after 16 November. In summary, the systems validation requires business entities to be aligned to the same entity for distributor and reseller BIDs within Cisco Service Contract Center. This change will bring Cisco Service Contract Center into parity with other commerce tools, such as Cisco Commerce Workspace and Sales Order Work Bench (SOWB), in which the business entity between a distributor and a reseller is already aligned. For further information, click here.
Accounts with Active Bill-to IDs (BIDs) on Both B.V. and Cisco International Ltd.
• On 16 November, all accounts with a bill-to address in Cisco International Ltd. countries will have been completely migrated from Cisco Systems International B.V. to the Cisco International Ltd. business entity. All business will now be handled through your new Cisco International Ltd. BID, inclusive of all service ordering and renewals.
• If you have a BID address active in B.V. and active in Cisco International Ltd., for service delivery, your account has two options:
o For service renewals that are with B.V., there is no change to the way you order today
o For product orders as well as new Service-only orders, please use your new Cisco International Ltd. BID
Updating Cisco’s Vendor Information in Your Internal Procurement Tools
• Please remember to add Cisco International Ltd. (UKH) to your procurement tools as a vendor or supplier, if necessary.
Open Quotes and Orders
• We recommend that you submit and book all open, active, and unsubmitted valid Cisco quotes and orders in Cisco Commerce Workspace and Cisco Service Contract Center as soon as possible to reduce the amount of data requiring migration.
Key Changes

New Bill-to IDs (BIDs)
• Effective 16 November, begin using the new Cisco International Ltd. (UKH) BIDs available in Cisco Commerce Workspace and Cisco Service Contract Center. Your customer profile will automatically be updated.
Invoice Remittance Updates
• Effective 16 November, invoices will be received by the Cisco business entity with which the order was placed. Remittance must be made to the invoicing business entity. A communication with bank details has already been shared with your finance contact.
• Transactional data from Cisco Systems International B.V. (NL) will not be migrated, so all open legacy orders will continue to invoice and be collected out of Cisco Systems International B.V. (NL).
Invoice Format
• For the Cisco International Ltd. entity, a new invoice format will be presented with the tax rate displayed at the line item level.
Service Cancellation and Restocking Fees
• For the Cisco International Ltd. entity, if service cancellation and restocking fees are applied, they will be charged on a separate invoice, as opposed to being deducted from any outstanding credit amount. The invoice will reference the original purchase order number and corresponding credit memo number, to ensure that payment of the invoice is processed within the customer’s standard payment terms. Existing credits will not be affected.
• Service cancellation fees will continue to be applicable to “termination for convenience” requests only – excluding Brazil.
Export Controls
• As part of the UK government export requirements, if you purchase controlled equipment (5A002 or 5D002), you will be required to complete and submit additional paperwork. Below is the documentation you will need to sign and provide:
UK Consignee Undertaking (UKCU), found here
Cisco’s export team can give you the required support to complete this paperwork. For more information, please visit our Cisco Global Export Trade site.
If you have questions, please go to Partner Central. You can also contact your partner account manager, distributor account manager, partner services development manager, or customer and partner experience advisor, or email

For more information on the release, please see the Cisco International Limited Partner, Customer, and Distributor Handbook or watch a recorded informational session that covers the release in detail.

Successful and mutually beneficial relationships are a significant part of our future; we look forward to your continued support and collaboration.


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