Summary1 A commitment to equality may take one of three contrasting fo terjemahan - Summary1 A commitment to equality may take one of three contrasting fo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Summary1 A commitment to equality m

1 A commitment to equality may take one of three contrasting forms. Formal
or foundational equality holds that all human beings are of equal moral
worth and is reflected in a commitment to legal and political equality.
Equality of opportunity is concerned with equalising the starting point of life
in order to allow natural inequalities to flourish. Equality of outcome seeks to
achieve equal, or at least more equal, circumstances of life, social equality.
2 Social justice refers to a defensible or just distribution of material rewards.
Fundamental differences exist between those who believe that distribution
should be broadly egalitarian because it aims to satisfy human needs; those
who argue that it should reflect individual merits, rights based upon talent
and the willingness to work; and those who suggest that it is determined by
innate and unchangeable factors, the natural deserts of individuals and
3 Welfare is the idea of a basic level of equal well-being for all citizens, a
minimum quality of life for all. Although some believe that this goal can
best be achieved through individual self-reliance and hard work or by a system
of private charity, it is invariably achieved in practice through collectively
provided welfare services delivered by government, the welfare state.
Forms of welfare provision however vary considerably.
4 Among the virtues that have been identified with welfare are that it promotes
national efficiency, fosters social cohesion, helps individuals to develop
their potential, and tends to narrow social inequalities. Critics, however,
have attacked welfare, on the one hand, for creating dependency and promoting
inefficiency. Third-way welfare thinking is based upon a rights-andresponsibilities
agenda, which at heart reflects the desire to improve access
to education and skills, and thus to work.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1 komitmen untuk kesetaraan dapat mengambil salah satu dari tiga bentuk kontras. Formal
atau dasar kesetaraan berpendapat bahwa semua manusia yang sama moral
layak dan ini tercermin dalam komitmen terhadap hukum dan politik kesetaraan.
kesetaraan peluang berkaitan dengan perlawanan titik awal dari kehidupan
untuk memungkinkan alami ketidaksetaraan berkembang. Kesetaraan hasil berusaha
mencapai keadaan-keadaan yang sama, atau setidaknya lebih sama, hidup, sosial kesetaraan.
2 keadilan sosial mengacu pada distribusi yang dipertahankan atau hanya bahan imbalan.
ada perbedaan mendasar antara mereka yang percaya bahwa distribusi
harus luas egaliter karena ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia; yang
yang berpendapat bahwa itu harus mencerminkan manfaat individu, hak berdasarkan bakat
dan kemauan untuk bekerja; dan orang-orang yang menyarankan bahwa itu ditentukan oleh
faktor bawaan dan tidak dapat diubah, padang pasir yang alami individu dan
3 kesejahteraan adalah gagasan untuk tingkat dasar rasa kesejahteraan sama bagi semua warga negara,
minimum kualitas hidup untuk semua. Meskipun beberapa percaya bahwa tujuan ini dapat
terbaik dicapai melalui individu kemandirian dan kerja keras atau oleh sistem
pribadi amal, selalu dicapai dalam prakteknya melalui kolektif
disediakan layanan kesejahteraan yang disampaikan oleh pemerintah, negara kesejahteraan.
bentuk penyediaan kesejahteraan namun bervariasi.
4 antara kebajikan yang telah diidentifikasi dengan kesejahteraan adalah bahwa hal itu mempromosikan
efisiensi nasional, menumbuhkan kohesi sosial, membantu individu untuk mengembangkan
potensi mereka, dan cenderung untuk mempersempit kesenjangan sosial. Para kritikus, namun,
menyerang kesejahteraan, di satu sisi, untuk menciptakan ketergantungan dan mempromosikan
inefisiensi. Jalan ketiga kesejahteraan berpikir berdasarkan hak-andresponsibilities
agenda, yang di jantung mencerminkan keinginan untuk meningkatkan akses
pendidikan dan keterampilan, dan dengan demikian untuk bekerja.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1 A commitment to equality may take one of three contrasting forms. Formal
or foundational equality holds that all human beings are of equal moral
worth and is reflected in a commitment to legal and political equality.
Equality of opportunity is concerned with equalising the starting point of life
in order to allow natural inequalities to flourish. Equality of outcome seeks to
achieve equal, or at least more equal, circumstances of life, social equality.
2 Social justice refers to a defensible or just distribution of material rewards.
Fundamental differences exist between those who believe that distribution
should be broadly egalitarian because it aims to satisfy human needs; those
who argue that it should reflect individual merits, rights based upon talent
and the willingness to work; and those who suggest that it is determined by
innate and unchangeable factors, the natural deserts of individuals and
3 Welfare is the idea of a basic level of equal well-being for all citizens, a
minimum quality of life for all. Although some believe that this goal can
best be achieved through individual self-reliance and hard work or by a system
of private charity, it is invariably achieved in practice through collectively
provided welfare services delivered by government, the welfare state.
Forms of welfare provision however vary considerably.
4 Among the virtues that have been identified with welfare are that it promotes
national efficiency, fosters social cohesion, helps individuals to develop
their potential, and tends to narrow social inequalities. Critics, however,
have attacked welfare, on the one hand, for creating dependency and promoting
inefficiency. Third-way welfare thinking is based upon a rights-andresponsibilities
agenda, which at heart reflects the desire to improve access
to education and skills, and thus to work.
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