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Workplace stress is a growing conce

Workplace stress is a growing concern for human resource managers. Although
considerable scholarly and practical attention has been devoted to stress management
over the years, the time has come for new perspectives and research.
Drawing from the emerging fi eld of positive organizational behavior, this
study offers research fi ndings with implications for combating occupational
stress. Specifi cally, data from a large sample of working adults across a variety
of industries suggest that psychological capital (the positive resources of
effi cacy, hope, optimism, and resilience) may be key to better understanding
the variation in perceived symptoms of stress, as well as intentions to quit
and job search behaviors. The article concludes with practical strategies aimed
at leveraging and developing employees’ psychological capital to help them
better cope with workplace stress.
he World Health Organization has
declared occupational stress to be
a worldwide epidemic. Certainly
the impact of an increasingly pressured
work environment is evident
throughout American industry. One
recent analysis noted that 20% of payroll
of a typical company goes toward dealing
with stress-related problems (Riga, 2006),
and Americans identify work as their most
significant source of stress because of heavy
workloads, uncertain job expectations, and
long hours (American Psychological Association,
2007). Extensive research over the
years has focused on identifying stressors
(e.g., Colligan & Higgins, 2006), coping
mechanisms (e.g., Nelson & Sutton, 1990),
and ways that both individual employees
and organizations can effectively manage
stress (e.g., Kram & Hall, 1989). Yet, despite
this attention, remedies to combat occupational
stress remain elusive.
Taking a new approach, this study draws
from both positive psychology and the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Stres di tempat kerja adalah kekhawatiran untuk manajer sumber daya manusia. Meskipunperhatian ilmiah dan praktis telah setia manajemen stresselama bertahun-tahun, waktunya telah tiba untuk perspektif baru dan penelitian.Menggambar dari eld fi muncul perilaku organisasi yang positif, inibelajar menawarkan penelitian fi ndings dengan implikasi untuk memerangi kerjastres. Cally, olah data dari sampel besar orang dewasa bekerja di berbagaiindustri menyarankan modal psikologis (positif sumber dayaberkisar bukan cacy, harapan, optimisme, dan ketahanan) dapat menjadi kunci untuk pemahaman yang lebih baikvariasi dalam dirasakan gejala stres, serta niat untuk berhentidan perilaku pencarian pekerjaan. Artikel diakhiri dengan strategi praktis yang bertujuanmeningkatkan dan mengembangkan karyawan psikologis modal untuk membantu merekalebih baik mengatasi stres di tempat kerja.Dia organisasi kesehatan duniamenyatakan kerja stres menjadiepidemi di seluruh dunia. Tentu sajadampak dari semakin tertekanlingkungan kerja jelasseluruh industri Amerika. Salah satuAnalisis terbaru mencatat bahwa 20% dari gajikhas perusahaan berjalan menuju berurusandengan stres yang berhubungan dengan masalah (Riga, 2006),dan Amerika mengidentifikasi bekerja sebagai mereka yang palingsumber penting dari stres karena beratbeban kerja, harapan tidak pasti pekerjaan, danwaktu berjam-jam (American Psychological Association,2007). ekstensif penelitian atastahun telah difokuskan pada identifikasi stres(misalnya, Colligan & Higgins, 2006), mengatasimekanisme (misalnya, Nelson & Sutton, 1990),dan cara yang kedua individu karyawandan organisasi dapat secara efektif mengelolastres (misalnya, Kram & Hall, 1989). Namun, meskipunperhatian, obat untuk memerangi kerjastres tetap sulit dipahami.Mengambil pendekatan baru, studi ini menarikdari kedua psikologi positif dan
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Workplace stress is a growing concern for human resource managers. Although
considerable scholarly and practical attention has been devoted to stress management
over the years, the time has come for new perspectives and research.
Drawing from the emerging fi eld of positive organizational behavior, this
study offers research fi ndings with implications for combating occupational
stress. Specifi cally, data from a large sample of working adults across a variety
of industries suggest that psychological capital (the positive resources of
effi cacy, hope, optimism, and resilience) may be key to better understanding
the variation in perceived symptoms of stress, as well as intentions to quit
and job search behaviors. The article concludes with practical strategies aimed
at leveraging and developing employees’ psychological capital to help them
better cope with workplace stress.
he World Health Organization has
declared occupational stress to be
a worldwide epidemic. Certainly
the impact of an increasingly pressured
work environment is evident
throughout American industry. One
recent analysis noted that 20% of payroll
of a typical company goes toward dealing
with stress-related problems (Riga, 2006),
and Americans identify work as their most
significant source of stress because of heavy
workloads, uncertain job expectations, and
long hours (American Psychological Association,
2007). Extensive research over the
years has focused on identifying stressors
(e.g., Colligan & Higgins, 2006), coping
mechanisms (e.g., Nelson & Sutton, 1990),
and ways that both individual employees
and organizations can effectively manage
stress (e.g., Kram & Hall, 1989). Yet, despite
this attention, remedies to combat occupational
stress remain elusive.
Taking a new approach, this study draws
from both positive psychology and the
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