Chapter Three62A further point relevant to semantic theories of counte terjemahan - Chapter Three62A further point relevant to semantic theories of counte Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter Three62A further point rele

Chapter Three
A further point relevant to semantic theories of counterfactuals,
which has received less attention from those whose goal has
been philosophical analysis, is context sensitivity. Some proponents
of the Stalnaker-Lewis semantics for counterfactuals have,
plausibly, maintained that the standards of similarity used in evaluating
them vary from one context to another. The point is illustrated
by the contrast between (7a) and (7b).
7a. If Larry Bird’s height were the same as mine, he wouldn’t
have played in the NBA.
b. If my height were the same as Larry Bird’s, we both
would have played in the NBA.
Although the consequents of these conditionals are inconsistent
with one another, it is easy to imagine conversations in which
each is true. In a conversation correctly noting the importance
of Larry Bird’s height for his greatness in basketball, an utterance
of (7a) might plausibly be seen as expressing a truth. In a different
conversation correctly noting the effect of my much shorter
stature on my athletic career, an utterance of (7b) might (with
a some exaggeration of my actual ability) be seen as true. If we
further suppose (i) that any world-state at which ‘A’s height is the
same as B’s’ is true is a world-state at which ‘B’s height is the same
as A’s’ is also true, and (ii) that because of this the class of worldstates
at which the antecedent of (7a) is true is the same as the
class of world-states at which the antecedent of (7b) is true, then
the different truth values of the two sentences, as used in their
respective contexts, may naturally be attributed, on the Stalnaker-
Lewis semantics, to the incorporation of different presupposed
standards of similarity into the propositions expressed in those
contexts. In the former context, world-states in which I maintain
my actual height, and Larry Bird’s decreases to match it, count
as more similar to the actual world-state than do world-states in
which Bird maintains his actual height, and mine increases to
match it (or both change to some third height). In the latter context,
the relative similarity metric is reversed. Whereas those concerned
with philosophical analysis often follow Lewis in focusing
on what they regard as a “default” setting for the similarity relation,
those whose aim is more specifically linguistic need to inquire more closely into the ways in which contexts contribute to
the propositions expressed (or asserted) by (utterances of) counterfactual
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Chapter Three62A further point relevant to semantic theories of counterfactuals,which has received less attention from those whose goal hasbeen philosophical analysis, is context sensitivity. Some proponentsof the Stalnaker-Lewis semantics for counterfactuals have,plausibly, maintained that the standards of similarity used in evaluatingthem vary from one context to another. The point is illustratedby the contrast between (7a) and (7b).7a. If Larry Bird’s height were the same as mine, he wouldn’thave played in the NBA.b. If my height were the same as Larry Bird’s, we bothwould have played in the NBA.Although the consequents of these conditionals are inconsistentwith one another, it is easy to imagine conversations in whicheach is true. In a conversation correctly noting the importanceof Larry Bird’s height for his greatness in basketball, an utteranceof (7a) might plausibly be seen as expressing a truth. In a differentconversation correctly noting the effect of my much shorterstature on my athletic career, an utterance of (7b) might (witha some exaggeration of my actual ability) be seen as true. If wefurther suppose (i) that any world-state at which ‘A’s height is thesame as B’s’ is true is a world-state at which ‘B’s height is the sameas A’s’ is also true, and (ii) that because of this the class of worldstatesat which the antecedent of (7a) is true is the same as theclass of world-states at which the antecedent of (7b) is true, then
the different truth values of the two sentences, as used in their
respective contexts, may naturally be attributed, on the Stalnaker-
Lewis semantics, to the incorporation of different presupposed
standards of similarity into the propositions expressed in those
contexts. In the former context, world-states in which I maintain
my actual height, and Larry Bird’s decreases to match it, count
as more similar to the actual world-state than do world-states in
which Bird maintains his actual height, and mine increases to
match it (or both change to some third height). In the latter context,
the relative similarity metric is reversed. Whereas those concerned
with philosophical analysis often follow Lewis in focusing
on what they regard as a “default” setting for the similarity relation,
those whose aim is more specifically linguistic need to inquire more closely into the ways in which contexts contribute to
the propositions expressed (or asserted) by (utterances of) counterfactual
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Chapter Three
Titik selanjutnya yang relevan dengan teori semantik kontra,
yang kurang mendapat perhatian dari orang-orang yang tujuannya telah
menjadi analisis filosofis, sensitivitas konteks. Beberapa pendukung
dari semantik Stalnaker-Lewis untuk kontra miliki,
masuk akal, menyatakan bahwa standar kesamaan yang digunakan dalam mengevaluasi
mereka bervariasi dari satu konteks ke yang lain. Intinya diilustrasikan
oleh kontras antara (7a) dan (7b).
7a. Jika tingginya Larry Bird adalah sama dengan saya, dia tidak akan
bermain di NBA.
b. Jika tinggi saya adalah sama dengan Larry Bird, kami berdua
akan bermain di NBA.
Meskipun konsekuen dari conditional ini tidak konsisten
dengan satu sama lain, mudah untuk membayangkan percakapan di mana
masing-masing adalah benar. Dalam percakapan dengan benar mencatat pentingnya
tinggi Larry Bird untuk kebesarannya di basket, ucapan
dari (7a) mungkin masuk akal dilihat sebagai mengungkapkan kebenaran. Dalam berbagai
percakapan dengan benar mencatat efek saya jauh lebih pendek
perawakannya karir atletik saya, sebuah ucapan (7b) mungkin (dengan
sebuah beberapa berlebihan kemampuan saya yang sebenarnya) dilihat sebagai benar. Jika kita
lebih lanjut menduga (i) bahwa setiap negara di dunia di mana 'tinggi A adalah
sama dengan B 'adalah benar adalah negara dunia di mana' tinggi B adalah sama
dengan A 'juga benar, dan (ii) yang karena ini kelas worldstates
di mana anteseden (7a) benar adalah sama dengan
kelas dunia-negara di mana anteseden (7b) benar, maka
nilai-nilai kebenaran yang berbeda dari dua kalimat, seperti yang digunakan di mereka
konteks masing-masing, mungkin secara alami disebabkan, pada Stalnaker-
semantik Lewis, dengan penggabungan telah dikira berbeda
standar kesamaan dalam proposisi diungkapkan pada mereka
konteks. Di bekas konteks, dunia-negara di mana saya menjaga
tinggi saya yang sebenarnya, dan penurunan Larry Bird untuk mencocokkan, hitung
sebagai lebih mirip dengan dunia-keadaan yang sebenarnya daripada dunia-negara di
mana Bird mempertahankan ketinggian yang sebenarnya, dan meningkat tambang untuk
mencocokkan (atau keduanya perubahan beberapa ketinggian ketiga). Dalam konteks yang terakhir,
kesamaan metrik relatif dibalik. Sedangkan mereka yang peduli
dengan analisis filosofis sering mengikuti Lewis dalam memfokuskan
pada apa yang mereka anggap sebagai "default" pengaturan untuk hubungan kesamaan,
mereka yang bertujuan lebih spesifik kebutuhan linguistik untuk menanyakan lebih dekat ke cara-cara di mana konteks kontribusi pada
proposisi diungkapkan ( atau menegaskan) oleh (ucapan-ucapan) kontrafaktual
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