In the past, a bookkeeper kept the books of accounts for an organizati terjemahan - In the past, a bookkeeper kept the books of accounts for an organizati Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the past, a bookkeeper kept the

In the past, a bookkeeper kept the books of accounts for an organization; the present-day accountant’s job developed from the bookkeeper’s job. Today, a sharp distinction is made between the relatively unchanged work performed by a bookkeeper and the more sophisticated duties of the accountant. The bookkeeper simply enters data in financial record books; the accountant must understand the entire system of record so that he or she can analyze and interpret business transactions. To explain the difference briefly, the accountant sets up a bookkeeping system and interprets the data in it, where as the bookkeeper performs the routine work of recording figures in the books. Because interpretation of the figures is such an important part of the accountant’s function, accounting has often been described as an art.
The field of accounting is divided into three broad divisions; public, private, and governmental. A certified public accountant, or CPA, as the term is usually abbreviated, must pass a series of examinations, after which he or she receives a certificate. In the United States, the certification examinations are prepared and administered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The various states or other major governmental jurisdictions set additional qualifications for residence, and so on. The British equivalent of a CPA is called a chartered accountant.
CPAs can offer their services to the public on an individual consultant basis for which they receive a fee. In this respect and many others, they are similar to doctors or lawyers. Like them, CPAs may be self-employed or partners in a firm; or they may be employed by an accounting firm. Some CPAs perform work for corporations or government offices and receive a salary like other members of management. Nevertheless, they are still considered to be accountants. It is not necessary to have a certificate in order to practice accounting. Junior employs in large firms, for example, are often acquiring sufficient experience to take the examinations.
Public accounting consists largely of auditing and tax services. An audit is a review of the financial records of an organization. It is usually performed at fixed intervals of time-perhaps quarterly, semiannually, or annually. And as the tax laws have grown increasingly complex, not only corporations but also individuals have had to utilize the services of accountants in preparing their tax forms and calculating their tax liability. Business enterprises, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations all employ public accountants either regularly or on a part-time basis.
Many accountants work in government offices or for nonprofit organizations. These two areas are often joined together under the term governmental and institutional accounting. The two are similar because of legal restrictions in the way in which they receive and spend funds. Therefore, a legal background is sometimes necessary for this type of accounting practice.
All branches of government employ accountants. In the United States, this includes federal, state, and local governments. In addition, government-owned corporations in the United States and in many other countries have accountants on their staffs. All of these accountants, like those in private industry, work on salary basis. They tend to become specialists in limited fields like transportation or public utilities.
Nonprofit organizations are of course in business for some purpose other than making money. They include cultural organizations, religious groups, or corporate-owned research organizations. Although they are limited in the manner in which they can raise and spend their funds, they usually benefit from special provisions in the tax laws.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In the past, a bookkeeper kept the books of accounts for an organization; the present-day accountant’s job developed from the bookkeeper’s job. Today, a sharp distinction is made between the relatively unchanged work performed by a bookkeeper and the more sophisticated duties of the accountant. The bookkeeper simply enters data in financial record books; the accountant must understand the entire system of record so that he or she can analyze and interpret business transactions. To explain the difference briefly, the accountant sets up a bookkeeping system and interprets the data in it, where as the bookkeeper performs the routine work of recording figures in the books. Because interpretation of the figures is such an important part of the accountant’s function, accounting has often been described as an art. The field of accounting is divided into three broad divisions; public, private, and governmental. A certified public accountant, or CPA, as the term is usually abbreviated, must pass a series of examinations, after which he or she receives a certificate. In the United States, the certification examinations are prepared and administered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The various states or other major governmental jurisdictions set additional qualifications for residence, and so on. The British equivalent of a CPA is called a chartered accountant. CPAs can offer their services to the public on an individual consultant basis for which they receive a fee. In this respect and many others, they are similar to doctors or lawyers. Like them, CPAs may be self-employed or partners in a firm; or they may be employed by an accounting firm. Some CPAs perform work for corporations or government offices and receive a salary like other members of management. Nevertheless, they are still considered to be accountants. It is not necessary to have a certificate in order to practice accounting. Junior employs in large firms, for example, are often acquiring sufficient experience to take the examinations. Public accounting consists largely of auditing and tax services. An audit is a review of the financial records of an organization. It is usually performed at fixed intervals of time-perhaps quarterly, semiannually, or annually. And as the tax laws have grown increasingly complex, not only corporations but also individuals have had to utilize the services of accountants in preparing their tax forms and calculating their tax liability. Business enterprises, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations all employ public accountants either regularly or on a part-time basis. Many accountants work in government offices or for nonprofit organizations. These two areas are often joined together under the term governmental and institutional accounting. The two are similar because of legal restrictions in the way in which they receive and spend funds. Therefore, a legal background is sometimes necessary for this type of accounting practice. All branches of government employ accountants. In the United States, this includes federal, state, and local governments. In addition, government-owned corporations in the United States and in many other countries have accountants on their staffs. All of these accountants, like those in private industry, work on salary basis. They tend to become specialists in limited fields like transportation or public utilities. Nonprofit organizations are of course in business for some purpose other than making money. They include cultural organizations, religious groups, or corporate-owned research organizations. Although they are limited in the manner in which they can raise and spend their funds, they usually benefit from special provisions in the tax laws.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Di masa lalu, pemegang buku terus Pembukuan untuk sebuah organisasi; pekerjaan masa kini akuntan dikembangkan dari pekerjaan pemegang buku. Hari ini, perbedaan yang tajam dibuat antara pekerjaan relatif tidak berubah yang dilakukan oleh pemegang buku dan tugas yang lebih canggih dari akuntan. Pembukuan hanya memasukkan data dalam buku rekor keuangan; akuntan harus memahami seluruh sistem catatan sehingga ia dapat menganalisis dan menginterpretasikan transaksi bisnis. Untuk menjelaskan perbedaan sebentar, akuntan set up sistem pembukuan dan menafsirkan data di dalamnya, di mana sebagai pemegang buku yang melakukan pekerjaan rutin tokoh rekaman dalam buku-buku. Karena interpretasi dari angka adalah bagian penting dari fungsi akuntan, akuntansi telah sering digambarkan sebagai sebuah seni.
Bidang akuntansi dibagi menjadi tiga divisi yang luas; publik, swasta, dan pemerintah. Seorang akuntan publik bersertifikat, atau CPA, seperti istilah ini biasanya disingkat, harus melewati serangkaian pemeriksaan, setelah itu ia menerima sertifikat. Di Amerika Serikat, ujian sertifikasi disusun dan dikelola oleh American Institute Akuntan Publik. Berbagai negara atau yurisdiksi pemerintah utama lainnya diatur kualifikasi tambahan untuk tempat tinggal, dan sebagainya. Setara Inggris CPA disebut akuntan.
CPA dapat menawarkan jasa mereka kepada publik secara konsultan individu yang mereka terima biaya. Dalam hal ini dan banyak lainnya, mereka mirip dengan dokter atau pengacara. Seperti mereka, CPA mungkin diri dipekerjakan atau mitra dalam suatu perusahaan; atau mereka dapat digunakan oleh sebuah perusahaan akuntansi. Beberapa CPA melakukan pekerjaan untuk perusahaan atau kantor-kantor pemerintah dan menerima gaji seperti anggota lain dari manajemen. Namun demikian, mereka masih dianggap akuntan. Hal ini tidak perlu untuk memiliki sertifikat untuk berlatih akuntansi. Junior mempekerjakan di perusahaan besar, misalnya, sering memperoleh pengalaman yang cukup untuk mengambil ujian.
Akuntan Publik sebagian besar terdiri dari audit dan pajak layanan. Audit adalah review catatan keuangan organisasi. Hal ini biasanya dilakukan pada interval waktu yang tetap-mungkin kuartalan, setengah tahunan, atau tahunan. Dan sebagai undang-undang pajak telah tumbuh semakin kompleks, tidak hanya perusahaan tetapi juga individu harus memanfaatkan jasa akuntan dalam mempersiapkan formulir pajak mereka dan menghitung kewajiban pajak mereka. Perusahaan bisnis, instansi pemerintah, dan organisasi nirlaba semua mempekerjakan akuntan publik baik secara teratur atau secara paruh waktu.
Banyak akuntan bekerja di kantor-kantor pemerintah atau untuk organisasi nirlaba. Kedua daerah sering bergabung bersama di bawah akuntansi pemerintahan dan kelembagaan jangka. Keduanya sama karena pembatasan hukum dalam cara di mana mereka menerima dan menghabiskan dana. Oleh karena itu, latar belakang hukum kadang-kadang diperlukan untuk jenis praktik akuntansi.
Semua cabang pemerintahan mempekerjakan akuntan. Di Amerika Serikat, ini termasuk federal, negara bagian, dan pemerintah daerah. Selain itu, perusahaan-perusahaan milik pemerintah di Amerika Serikat dan di banyak negara lain memiliki akuntan pada staf mereka. Semua akuntan ini, seperti di industri swasta, bekerja atas dasar gaji. Mereka cenderung menjadi spesialis di bidang tertentu seperti transportasi atau utilitas publik.
Organisasi nirlaba yang tentu saja dalam bisnis untuk beberapa tujuan lain selain membuat uang. Mereka termasuk organisasi budaya, kelompok agama, atau organisasi penelitian-perusahaan milik. Meskipun mereka terbatas dalam cara di mana mereka dapat meningkatkan dan menghabiskan dana mereka, mereka biasanya mendapatkan keuntungan dari ketentuan-ketentuan khusus dalam undang-undang pajak.
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