Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
1. The term morality refers to social conventions about right and wrong that are so widely shared that they becomes the basis for an established consensus.2. Ethics Is a set of beliefs about right and wrong behavor withim a society.3. Virtues Are habits of acceptable behavor.4. A person who acts with integrity acts in accordance with a personal code of principles.5. Morals Are one’s personal beliefs about right and wrong.6. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Is the concept that an organization should at ethically by taking responsibility for impact of its actions on the environment, the community, and the welface of its employees.7. Supply chain sustainability that Focuses on developing and maintaining a supply chain that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.8. The public reputation of an organization strongly influences the value of its stock, how consumers regard its products and services, the degree of oversight it receives from goverment agencies , and the amount of support and coorperation it receives frokmits business partners.9. The corporate ethics officer provides the organization with vision and leadership in the area of business conduct.10. Law Is a system of rules that tells us what we can and cannot do.11. Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Requires public companies to disclose whether they have codes of ethics and disclose any waiver to their code of ethics for certain members of senior management.12. tujuan dari UU Sarbanes-oxley adalah untuk memperbaharui kepercayaan investor dalam isi dan persiapan dokumen pengungkapan oleh perusahaan publik.13. kode etika menyoroti organisasi kunci etika masalah dan mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai yang menyeluruh dan prinsip-prinsip yang penting bagi organisasi dan proses pengambilan keputusan.14. A(n) audit sosial memungkinkan suatu organisasi untuk meninjau bagaimana baik itu bertemu dengan tujuan etika dan tanggung jawab sosial, dan berkomunikasi tujuan baru untuk tahun mendatang.15. formal etika pelatihan membuat karyawan lebih menyadari perusahaan kode etik dan bagaimana menerapkan itu, serta menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan yang berniat untuk beroperasi secara etis.16. yang paling penting dari proses pengambilan keputusan adalah definisi permasalahan.17. pendekatan pendekatan baik umum untuk pengambilan keputusan etis didasarkan pada visi masyarakat sebagai sebuah komunitas yang anggotanya bekerja sama untuk mencapai suatu set umum nilai-nilai dan tujuan.18. masalah definisi adalah jelas, ringkas tentang masalah yang perlu ditangani.
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