“If you’re calling me to discuss Elisa, then just hang up,” I snapped. terjemahan - “If you’re calling me to discuss Elisa, then just hang up,” I snapped. Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“If you’re calling me to discuss El

“If you’re calling me to discuss Elisa, then just hang up,” I snapped. “And if you say her name, I’ll hang up.”
Sadie said nothing for a moment. “Uh—how are you?”
“Fine,” I snapped.
“You wanna get something to eat?”
“I have a date.”
“I said I have a date.”
“With who?”
“A girl.”
“Isn’t it a little early to be dating?”
“Wasn’t it a little early for her to lie to me?”
“Since you mentioned her, can I talk about her now?”
“No,” I snapped.
She sighed. “Jared, please give her a chance.”
I hung up.
She called me back.
“Don’t hang up on me.”
“Don’t talk about her.”
“When can I talk about her?”
“I never want to discuss her again.”
She sighed.
“You’re my fucking sister. You are supposed to be on my side.”
“I am.”
“It doesn’t sound like it.”
“Well, I am. I think Elisa was wrong, but I also understand it.”
“That’s like saying Ethan cheated on you, and even though it was wrong, I understand it.”
“Not the same thing at all. Elisa didn’t cheat on you.”
“She still betrayed me.”
“And she was wrong for that.”
“She’s just scared, Jared.”
“No! She’s just never seen me as a serious boyfriend. I was just there to sleep with her and make her feel better about herself.”
“So it’s really over?”
“That wasn’t clear? Don’t you want me to be with someone who actually loves me?”
“Of course I do.”
“Then you should hate her as much as I do.”
“You don’t hate her.”
“Yes, I fucking do.”
“You’re a horrible liar.”
“So is she.”
“Jared, you really loved this girl.”
“And she didn’t love me.”
“I think she does.”
“Do you want me to hang up again?”
“Then knock it off.”
“I want to see you.”
“You can’t hide forever.”
“Leave me alone, Sadie.”
“Does Dad know?”
I was quiet for a moment. “No. Can you tell him for me?”
“Are you sure you want me to? Maybe I should wait.”
“No, don’t wait. She and I are done.”
“Okay,” she said quietly.
I heard a knock on the door. “I have to go.”
“I love you and I’m on your side.”
I took a deep breath. “I love you too.”
I hung and returned the phone to my pocket.
I went to the door and answered it. I had a date with Layla, the girl I met at the bar, but I was supposed to meet at her place. She didn’t even know where I lived.
When I saw Elisa on the other side of the door, I felt the anger return. I didn’t want to see her. We hadn’t spoken in a week. I would let myself think about her. “What?”
She tucked her hair behind her ear. She looked beautiful like usual. She wore a black cardigan that clung to her body. The necklace I got her hung around her neck. “Can we talk for a second?” Her voice was weak.
“There’s nothing to talk about. Now go away.”
“Please,” she begged. “Just give me a minute.”
“It won’t change anything.”
“Please.” She stared at me with wide eyes.
“Hurry. I’m on my way out.”
“Can I come in?”
I ignored her question.
“You’re right. I didn’t treat you right and I regret it. I didn’t invite you to my birthday dinner because I was scared about how serious we had become. I lied to you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. When I broke up with you, I was just scared—I love you so much and it makes me feel guilty.”
I said nothing for a moment. “Or you were never serious about me and you always wanted to keep me as your dirty little secret.”
“Not at all, Jared.”
“If you weren’t ready then why did you act like you were?? I would have understood all of that if we hadn’t moved forward. You made me believe that you loved me when you didn’t. I thought we were serious together. You’ve never been serious about me. You’ve never wanted me.”
“Jared, I love you so much. I slept with you because I loved you. You’re right. We shouldn’t have done that since I haven’t overcome the guilt I feel, but I want to be with you. I don’t want this to end.”
“You lied to me.”
“I was going to tell you the truth when I saw you.”
“I’m sure,” I said sarcastically.
“It’s true.”
“Coming from the queen of liars.”
She started to cry and wiped her tears away. I watched for a moment without any pity. When I saw her alone in the hallway, I got angry again.
“You came here by yourself? What the hell were you thinking?” I grabbed my jacket then walked out the door. “I’ll take you home but don’t come back here. I mean it.” When I turned down the hall, I saw Ethan leaning against the wall.
“She asked me to bring her here,” he said.
I said nothing for a moment. “Well, that makes up for everything,” I said sarcastically.
Ethan ran his fingers through his hair as he looked me. “Elisa was wrong for what she did. I admit it and she admits it. But please give her another chance. You love her and she loves you.”
I laughed. “Wow. Talk about a 180.”
He didn’t laugh or smile. “Jared, please give her another chance. The situation is complicated and you know it.”
Elisa looked at me. “I was wrong and I’ve changed. It won’t happen again. I’m ready to commit to you in every way. I—I just made a mistake. I love you, Jared.”
I didn’t look at her. “No.”
Ethan sighed. “Don’t do this. I know you love her.”
“That wasn’t enough then and it isn’t enough now.”
Elisa grabbed my arm. “Please, Jared. I don’t want you to leave.”
“I’m already gone,” I whispered. I pulled my arm away. “Excuse me. I have a date.”
Elisa dropped her arm then covered her face. She started to sob as she stepped away. “A—date?”
I didn’t say anything.
She sobbed quietly to herself.
“Goodbye,” I said. “Don’t bother me ever again.”
Ethan grabbed me. “Don’t do this.”
I pushed him back. “You were always riding my ass about hurting your sister but I treated her with nothing but respect and love. I put her on a pedestal and treated her like a fucking goddess, and you have the goddamn nerve to expect me to put up with her bullshit? What about me? She ripped my heart out of my chest, broke up with me, lied to me, and you expect me to just let that go?” He said nothing. “If the situations were reversed, you would beat the shit out of me. And you definitely wouldn’t let her give me another chance. So as your brother-in-law, give me that same respect.” I turned away then walked down the hallway. I took the stairs two at a time until I reached the street. I pushed the thought of Elisa to the back of my mind. She and I were done. I wasn’t going to waste my time thinking about her.
When I arrived at Layla’s apartment, I plastered a smile on my face and pretended everything was fine.
“You look great,” I said as she opened the door. She was wearing a tight fitting dress that fit her body perfectly.
“Thanks. You do too.”
“Are you ready?”
We left then walked down the sidewalk. She was wearing a jacket that reached her knees but she still looked cold. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. She smiled at me as we walked. I didn’t put my arm around her or touch her.
When we arrived at the restaurant, we sat by the window. She looked beautiful as she stared at me. I could tell she was seriously interested in me by the way she was looking at me.
“Have you finished all your Christmas shopping?” she asked.
“Yeah. Have you?”
“I always do mine on black Friday.”
I shivered. “That sounds horrible. People actually die doing that.”
She laughed. “I always bring my bullet proof vest and my gun.”
I laughed. “At least you take it seriously.”
“So, where do you work?”
“I’m a bartender.”
“Oooh. I like bars. You’ll have to make me a drink.”
“I could make you something special.”
“I look forward to it. As long as you don’t get me drunk.”
“I can’t promise anything,” she said with a wink. “So what do you do?”
“I work on Wall Street.”
“Wow.” I heard her ovaries pop. “That’s impressive.”
I shrugged. “It’s alright.”
“So you must be smart.”
“You would think.”
“You’re humble. I like it.”
I didn’t say anything.
“I’m surprised a catch like you is single.”
I immediately thought of Elisa but then I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. “Not everyone thinks I’m a catch.”
“I seriously doubt that.”
I said nothing.
She reached across the table and ran her fingers over my knuckles. “So tell me something.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Jika Anda menelepon saya untuk membahas Elisa, kemudian hanya menutup," aku tersentak. "Dan jika Anda mengatakan namanya, saya akan menutup."Sadie mengatakan apa-apa untuk sejenak. "Eh — bagaimana kabarmu?""Baik," aku tersentak."Anda ingin mendapatkan sesuatu untuk dimakan?""Aku punya kencan.""Apa?""Saya mengatakan saya memiliki tanggal.""Dengan siapa?""Girl.""Bukankah itu sedikit lebih awal berkencan?""Bukan sedikit lebih awal untuk berbohong padaku?""Karena Anda disebutkan dia, dapat saya bicara tentang dia sekarang?""Tidak," aku tersentak.Dia menghela napas. "Jared, Harap berikan kesempatan padanya."Aku menutup telepon.Dia menelepon saya kembali."Apa?""Tidak menutup telepon pada saya.""Tidak berbicara tentang dirinya.""Kapan dapat saya bicara tentang dia?""Saya tidak pernah ingin mendiskusikan padanya lagi."Dia menghela napas."Kau adikku sialan. Anda diharapkan untuk berada di sisi saya.""Aku.""Itu tidak terdengar seperti itu.""Yah, aku. Saya pikir Elisa yang salah, tapi aku juga mengerti itu.""Itu adalah seperti mengatakan Ethan mengkhianati Anda, dan meskipun itu salah, aku mengerti.""Tidak sama sekali. Elisa tidak menipu Anda.""Dia masih mengkhianati saya.""Dan dia adalah salah untuk itu.""Tetapi?""Dia memiliki hanya takut, Jared.""Tidak! Dia hanya pernah melihat saya sebagai pacar serius. Aku adalah hanya ada untuk tidur dengan dia dan membuatnya merasa lebih baik tentang dirinya sendiri.""Jadi ini benar-benar atas?""Yang tidak jelas? Jangan Anda ingin saya untuk menjadi seseorang yang benar-benar mencintaiku?"“Of course I do.”“Then you should hate her as much as I do.”“You don’t hate her.”“Yes, I fucking do.”“You’re a horrible liar.”“So is she.”“Jared, you really loved this girl.”“And she didn’t love me.”“I think she does.”“Do you want me to hang up again?”“No.”“Then knock it off.”“I want to see you.”“No.”“You can’t hide forever.”“Leave me alone, Sadie.”“Does Dad know?”I was quiet for a moment. “No. Can you tell him for me?”“Are you sure you want me to? Maybe I should wait.”“No, don’t wait. She and I are done.”“Okay,” she said quietly.I heard a knock on the door. “I have to go.”“Okay.”“Bye.”“Jared?”“What?”“I love you and I’m on your side.”I took a deep breath. “I love you too.”“Bye.”I hung and returned the phone to my pocket.I went to the door and answered it. I had a date with Layla, the girl I met at the bar, but I was supposed to meet at her place. She didn’t even know where I lived.When I saw Elisa on the other side of the door, I felt the anger return. I didn’t want to see her. We hadn’t spoken in a week. I would let myself think about her. “What?”She tucked her hair behind her ear. She looked beautiful like usual. She wore a black cardigan that clung to her body. The necklace I got her hung around her neck. “Can we talk for a second?” Her voice was weak.“There’s nothing to talk about. Now go away.”“Please,” she begged. “Just give me a minute.”“It won’t change anything.”“Please.” She stared at me with wide eyes.“Hurry. I’m on my way out.”“Can I come in?”I ignored her question.“You’re right. I didn’t treat you right and I regret it. I didn’t invite you to my birthday dinner because I was scared about how serious we had become. I lied to you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. When I broke up with you, I was just scared—I love you so much and it makes me feel guilty.”I said nothing for a moment. “Or you were never serious about me and you always wanted to keep me as your dirty little secret.”“Not at all, Jared.”“If you weren’t ready then why did you act like you were?? I would have understood all of that if we hadn’t moved forward. You made me believe that you loved me when you didn’t. I thought we were serious together. You’ve never been serious about me. You’ve never wanted me.”“Jared, I love you so much. I slept with you because I loved you. You’re right. We shouldn’t have done that since I haven’t overcome the guilt I feel, but I want to be with you. I don’t want this to end.”“You lied to me.”“I was going to tell you the truth when I saw you.”“I’m sure,” I said sarcastically.“It’s true.”“Coming from the queen of liars.”She started to cry and wiped her tears away. I watched for a moment without any pity. When I saw her alone in the hallway, I got angry again.“You came here by yourself? What the hell were you thinking?” I grabbed my jacket then walked out the door. “I’ll take you home but don’t come back here. I mean it.” When I turned down the hall, I saw Ethan leaning against the wall.“She asked me to bring her here,” he said.I said nothing for a moment. “Well, that makes up for everything,” I said sarcastically.Ethan ran his fingers through his hair as he looked me. “Elisa was wrong for what she did. I admit it and she admits it. But please give her another chance. You love her and she loves you.”I laughed. “Wow. Talk about a 180.”He didn’t laugh or smile. “Jared, please give her another chance. The situation is complicated and you know it.”Elisa looked at me. “I was wrong and I’ve changed. It won’t happen again. I’m ready to commit to you in every way. I—I just made a mistake. I love you, Jared.”I didn’t look at her. “No.”Ethan sighed. “Don’t do this. I know you love her.”“That wasn’t enough then and it isn’t enough now.”Elisa grabbed my arm. “Please, Jared. I don’t want you to leave.”“I’m already gone,” I whispered. I pulled my arm away. “Excuse me. I have a date.”Elisa dropped her arm then covered her face. She started to sob as she stepped away. “A—date?”I didn’t say anything.She sobbed quietly to herself.“Goodbye,” I said. “Don’t bother me ever again.”Ethan grabbed me. “Don’t do this.”I pushed him back. “You were always riding my ass about hurting your sister but I treated her with nothing but respect and love. I put her on a pedestal and treated her like a fucking goddess, and you have the goddamn nerve to expect me to put up with her bullshit? What about me? She ripped my heart out of my chest, broke up with me, lied to me, and you expect me to just let that go?” He said nothing. “If the situations were reversed, you would beat the shit out of me. And you definitely wouldn’t let her give me another chance. So as your brother-in-law, give me that same respect.” I turned away then walked down the hallway. I took the stairs two at a time until I reached the street. I pushed the thought of Elisa to the back of my mind. She and I were done. I wasn’t going to waste my time thinking about her.When I arrived at Layla’s apartment, I plastered a smile on my face and pretended everything was fine.“You look great,” I said as she opened the door. She was wearing a tight fitting dress that fit her body perfectly.“Thanks. You do too.”“Are you ready?”“Yes.”We left then walked down the sidewalk. She was wearing a jacket that reached her knees but she still looked cold. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. She smiled at me as we walked. I didn’t put my arm around her or touch her.When we arrived at the restaurant, we sat by the window. She looked beautiful as she stared at me. I could tell she was seriously interested in me by the way she was looking at me.“Have you finished all your Christmas shopping?” she asked.“Yeah. Have you?”“I always do mine on black Friday.”I shivered. “That sounds horrible. People actually die doing that.”She laughed. “I always bring my bullet proof vest and my gun.”I laughed. “At least you take it seriously.”“Yeah.”“So, where do you work?”“I’m a bartender.”“Oooh. I like bars. You’ll have to make me a drink.”“I could make you something special.”“I look forward to it. As long as you don’t get me drunk.”“I can’t promise anything,” she said with a wink. “So what do you do?”“I work on Wall Street.”“Wow.” I heard her ovaries pop. “That’s impressive.”I shrugged. “It’s alright.”“So you must be smart.”“You would think.”“You’re humble. I like it.”I didn’t say anything.“I’m surprised a catch like you is single.”I immediately thought of Elisa but then I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. “Not everyone thinks I’m a catch.”“I seriously doubt that.”I said nothing.She reached across the table and ran her fingers over my knuckles. “So tell me something.”
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