Chapter 1The First Task of the Philosophyof Nature—The Problem of Elem terjemahan - Chapter 1The First Task of the Philosophyof Nature—The Problem of Elem Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter 1The First Task of the Phil

Chapter 1
The First Task of the Philosophy
of Nature—The Problem of Elementarity

European philosophy began with a philosophy of nature. At the turn of the sixth centuries BC, on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor, and then in Magna Graecia and Sicily, some dozen or so thinkers dared to try to understand the world using only their own powers, without recourse to religious beliefs. The attempt exceeded all expectations: not with respect to success in understanding, but with respect to a certain kind of chain reaction that could not be stopped. Thus began one of the greatest of human adventures—the process of coming to understand the world by means of thought and experience.
The Greeks preserved their fascination with the order and harmony reigning in nature by extending the word cosmos1 to mean the whole universe. Unusual har- mony can also be found in the structure of living organisms. So, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the Greeks felt the world to be rather an organism than any- thing else. One should then explain the “functioning of the world” in the same way that one explains the functioning of organisms. It is no coincidence that philosophers of nature have sometimes been called physiologists.
The desire to decompose a functioning whole into its simplest parts is almost a reflex. We will understand the mode of action when we find out what is “at the bottom.” That is how the physiologists responded. “The property of being most ele- mentary of all would seem to belong to the first thing from which they are produced by combination.”2 Shortly afterwards, the technical term arche arose in place of the phrase “most elementary.” In ordinary language, that term meant a beginning in the temporal sense (e.g., the beginning of the day); in philosophy it acquired the meaning of principle or material, but the most basic.
The first physiologists’ answers to the question of arche were based on the naïve generalization of simple observations: heat, water and air are necessary for life, so the principle of nature is fire (Heraclitus of Ephesus), water (Thales of Miletus) or air (Anaximenes). But the Greeks very quickly made the transition from “crude observations” to attempts to capture the unobservable factor which

1 Initially, the Greek word “cosmos” meant “beautiful, ornate” (compare the English cosmetics).
2 Aristotle, Metaphysics I.8, 988b, trans. W. D. Ross, in Richard McKeon, ed., The Basic Works of
Aristotle (New York: Random House, 1941).

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Chapter 1The First Task of the Philosophyof Nature—The Problem of Elementarity philosophy began with a philosophy of nature. At the turn of the sixth centuries BC, on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor, and then in Magna Graecia and Sicily, some dozen or so thinkers dared to try to understand the world using only their own powers, without recourse to religious beliefs. The attempt exceeded all expectations: not with respect to success in understanding, but with respect to a certain kind of chain reaction that could not be stopped. Thus began one of the greatest of human adventures—the process of coming to understand the world by means of thought and experience.The Greeks preserved their fascination with the order and harmony reigning in nature by extending the word cosmos1 to mean the whole universe. Unusual har- mony can also be found in the structure of living organisms. So, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the Greeks felt the world to be rather an organism than any- thing else. One should then explain the “functioning of the world” in the same way that one explains the functioning of organisms. It is no coincidence that philosophers of nature have sometimes been called physiologists.The desire to decompose a functioning whole into its simplest parts is almost a reflex. We will understand the mode of action when we find out what is “at the bottom.” That is how the physiologists responded. “The property of being most ele- mentary of all would seem to belong to the first thing from which they are produced by combination.”2 Shortly afterwards, the technical term arche arose in place of the phrase “most elementary.” In ordinary language, that term meant a beginning in the temporal sense (e.g., the beginning of the day); in philosophy it acquired the meaning of principle or material, but the most basic.The first physiologists’ answers to the question of arche were based on the naïve generalization of simple observations: heat, water and air are necessary for life, so the principle of nature is fire (Heraclitus of Ephesus), water (Thales of Miletus) or air (Anaximenes). But the Greeks very quickly made the transition from “crude observations” to attempts to capture the unobservable factor which1 Initially, the Greek word “cosmos” meant “beautiful, ornate” (compare the English cosmetics).2 Aristotle, Metaphysics I.8, 988b, trans. W. D. Ross, in Richard McKeon, ed., The Basic Works ofAristotle (New York: Random House, 1941).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bab 1
Tugas Pertama Filsafat
Alam-Masalah Elementarity

filsafat Eropa dimulai dengan filsafat alam. Pada pergantian abad keenam SM, di pantai Ionia Asia Kecil, dan kemudian di Magna Graecia dan Sisilia, beberapa selusin pemikir berani untuk mencoba memahami dunia hanya menggunakan kekuatan mereka sendiri, tanpa bantuan keyakinan agama. Upaya melebihi semua harapan: tidak dengan hormat untuk sukses dalam pemahaman, tetapi sehubungan dengan jenis tertentu reaksi berantai yang tidak bisa dihentikan. Jadi mulai salah satu yang terbesar dari petualangan-manusia proses datang untuk memahami dunia dengan cara pemikiran dan pengalaman.
Orang Yunani diawetkan daya tarik mereka dengan keteraturan dan keselarasan memerintah di alam dengan memperluas cosmos1 kata berarti seluruh alam semesta. Tidak biasa mony dipanen juga dapat ditemukan dalam struktur organisme hidup. Jadi, tidak ada yang mengejutkan dalam kenyataan bahwa orang-orang Yunani merasa dunia menjadi agak organisme dari ada- hal lain. Satu kemudian harus menjelaskan "fungsi dunia" dengan cara yang sama yang satu menjelaskan fungsi organisme. Bukan suatu kebetulan bahwa para filsuf alam kadang-kadang disebut ahli fisiologi.
Keinginan untuk menguraikan seluruh fungsi menjadi bagian-bagian yang paling sederhana hampir refleks. Kami akan memahami modus tindakan ketika kita mencari tahu apa yang "di bagian bawah." Itu adalah bagaimana fisiologi merespons. "Properti menjadi mentary paling unsur dari semua tampaknya akan menjadi milik hal pertama yang mereka diproduksi oleh kombinasi." 2 Tak lama setelah itu, arche istilah teknis muncul di tempat frase "yang paling dasar." Dalam bahasa sehari , istilah yang berarti awal dalam arti temporal (misalnya, awal hari); dalam filsafat mengakuisisi makna prinsip atau materi, tapi yang paling dasar.
Jawaban fisiologi pertama 'untuk pertanyaan dari arche didasarkan pada generalisasi naif dari pengamatan sederhana: panas, air dan udara yang diperlukan untuk kehidupan, sehingga prinsip alam adalah api (Heraclitus dari Efesus), air (Thales dari Miletus) atau udara (Anaximenes). Namun Yunani sangat cepat membuat transisi dari "pengamatan mentah" upaya untuk menangkap faktor teramati yang

1 Awalnya, kata Yunani "kosmos" berarti "indah, hiasan" (membandingkan kosmetik Inggris).
2 Aristoteles, Metafisika I.8, 988b, trans. WD Ross, di Richard McKeon, ed, Dasar Karya.
Aristoteles (New York: Random House, 1941).

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