Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
“Well, you need to make up your mind soon, Sadie,” Jared said.“No,” Natascia snapped. “Her mind is already made up. She’s going.”I took a deep breath. “I—I need to go.” I rose from the table and headed for the door. When I reached the sidewalk, I felt Jared next to me. “I need to think.”“I don’t want you to walk home alone.”I said nothing. My mind was reeling with the decision before me. Do I lose this amazing opportunity, or do I lose Ethan? I didn’t have a lot of time to think about it. My mom was expecting me to make the move within a few days, probably earlier than that.We entered the building then rode the elevator. Jared walked me to my door but didn’t come in.“Good night,” he said.“Yeah.” I closed the door.Koku ran up to me and pawed my leg but I ignored him. I was too distracted to care. I sat down on the couch and stared at the blank television screen. My heart felt like it was going to burst. I didn’t know what to do.My phone started ringing.When I saw Ethan’s name, I moaned. I wasn’t ready to talk to him. I ignored his call.He called me a few minutes later. I knew he wanted to make sure I got home safely, and if I ignored his call, he would just come over because he was a crazy asshole like that.“Hello?”“Baby?” He heard the sadness in my voice. I tried to hide it but I was too upset. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Where are you?”“I’m fine,” I said.“What happened?”“I—I don’t want to talk about it right now.” I heard the sound of keys and the slamming of a door. He was coming.“Are you home?”I was quiet for a moment. “Yes. But please don’t come, Ethan.”“I’ll be there in five minutes.” He hung up.I sighed then dropped the phone on the table. He really pissed me off but I loved him so fucking much. What was I going to do? I couldn’t leave him.He knocked on the door a few minutes later, startling me. Koku ran for the door, excited to get some attention. When I unlocked the door, Ethan opened it and stepped into the room. He ignored Koku and stared at me, making sure I wasn’t hurt. “What’s going on? Why are you upset?”I shut the door behind him then walked away. “Everything is fine.”“Then why are you upset, baby?” He followed behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He turned me around and made me face him. His eyes, lips, and nose were beautiful. I couldn’t stand not to see them every day. “Tell me.”“I got a job.”He raised an eyebrow. “What?”“I was offered a job as the copy editor for Royal Magazine.”He smiled. “That sounds great, Sadie. Congratulations. You don’t need to be nervous. You’ll do great.”“That’s not what I’m worried about.”“I’m not following.”“It’s in London.”His smile dropped. The light in his eyes disappeared and his lips turned white. “London?”"ya."Dia mengangguk. "Yah, itu adalah kota yang indah. Anda akan cinta itu ada.""Apa?""Dan Anda akan melihat ibu Anda.""Anda ingin saya untuk pergi?"Mata masih tampak sedih. "Sadie, aku tahu ini adalah apa yang Anda inginkan. Tentu saja, saya ingin Anda untuk pergi.""Tapi kemudian aku harus meninggalkan Anda.""Saya menyadari bahwa.""Dan Anda ingin aku pergi?"Ia menatap saya sejenak. "Saya pikir ini adalah kesempatan besar. Anda tidak akan menemukan tawaran yang lain seperti itu, Sadie.""Tetapi apa tentang kami?""Kami akan melakukan hubungan jarak jauh. Bekerja di sana selama tahun kemudian berhenti. Dengan pengalaman kerja itu, Anda dapat menemukan pekerjaan lain di sini.""Tetapi — itu adalah waktu yang lama, dan Ethan."Dia menghela napas. "Saya ingin Anda untuk pergi, Sadie. Tidak ada solusi yang lebih baik daripada melakukan hubungan jarak jauh. Aku tidak bisa terbang luar sana karena saya tidak mampu membelinya, tapi Anda bisa datang ke sini sekali sebulan atau sesuatu.""Kedengarannya mengerikan."Dia tidak mengatakan apa-apa."Saya tidak berpikir aku bisa melakukan itu, Ethan.""Sadie, kau akan. Ada tidak ada diskusi. Aku tidak akan membiarkan Anda mengorbankan tawaran seperti ini karena saya. Anda sudah mencari pekerjaan untuk waktu yang lama dan tidak satupun dari mereka sebaik ini. ""Aku tahu tapi —""Ini bukan sebuah diskusi. Apakah Anda menerima pekerjaan belum?""Ya," bisikku.Dia memejamkan mata sejenak kemudian dibuka kembali mereka. "Maka itu adalah diselesaikan." Dia tampak di lantai. "Ketika Anda meninggalkan?"“As soon as I pack.”He nodded. “Well, I’ll get some boxes from work.”I hated it. I hated the pain on his face. “Ethan, I’ll stay.”“No.”We said nothing for a long time.Ethan pulled out his phone then looked at the time. “I have to go.”“What? Where?”“I—I need to make dinner for the kids.”“Don’t lie to me.”“Just give me some space,” he snapped. He turned around and left the apartment, slamming the door behind him.The tears fell from my eyes as I started to cry. Koku whimpered at my feet but I ignored him. It didn’t feel like I was doing the right thing. I felt like I was doing the wrong thing.
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