Some peo­ple fall from the upper air un­ceas­ingly, but in the ground  terjemahan - Some peo­ple fall from the upper air un­ceas­ingly, but in the ground  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Some peo­ple fall from the upper ai

Some peo­ple fall from the upper air un­ceas­ingly, but in the ground al­most com­pletely bathes in the sea of fire, in the city the lava abyss and ice fire of Mage player roared un­ceas­ingly, every­body in blood, in ad­di­tion the at­tack of cross­bow car­riage, sim­ply aw­fully, nat­u­rally aw­fully still in next, soon , an all trades great ar­tillery was pushed up the city, crowd of next quar­ter shock-wave com­mon mush­room clouds under the city in erupted, this buckle was more se­ri­ous.
„Bang bang”
When two iron edges rode to drop from the clouds, fell to the ground turned into the corpse, I looked at creepy feel­ing, looked at the past from afar, the trial, [Hero’s Mound], Prague and other trade union of the losses is not in­fre­quent, NND, hits us dead like this re­ally cer­tainly here, more­over city not being able to rush slowly, their fire­power were re­ally too fierce.
The vi­sion sweeps the sur­round­ings, I clench teeth, come!
The dense and nu­mer­ous 100 god mil­i­tary tal­lies are lin­ger­ing around my arm, the next quar­ter, Mo­hist school five vol­umes of first pur­ple thun­der Ji Che sum­moned, „bang” thun­der­ous, pur­ple thun­der and light­ning but from out of the blue the falling place, ex­ploded there corpse and scal­ing lad­der frag­ment flies, a swarthy com­bat tank ap­peared, be­hind the com­bat tank was empty spir­its in pro­mot­ing Lei Chui on com­bat tank!
The pur­ple thun­der Ji Che first pur­ple thun­der bul­let weight heavy bom­bard­ment on the lower part of wall of fire city, the en­tire wall in­spires likely im­me­di­ately, after sev­eral sec­onds, is a bom­bard­ment, that wall has pro­duced cracks, the bang that 1 me­ters in depth red cop­per can­not re­sist pur­ple thun­der Ji Che pounds, Li Mu ac­cepts the blood at the same time, shows a faint smile say­ing: „Good, was hope­ful!”
At this time, the per­son on city as if also re­al­ized pur­ple thun­der Ji Che was fear­ful, the dis­tant place broad­cast the sound that the maple­wood has been drunk: „Must ruin that com­bat tank, comes the human, gives on me!”
The next quar­ter, the neigh­ing sound of warhorse is un­ceas­ing, above the top of the head, heavy cav­al­ries di­rectly flushed from the city, to ride to fight the con­di­tion to rush to the city, si­mul­ta­ne­ously day­break waited for the skill to flow swiftly to fall the sword air/Qi in the crowd, even, many archers and Mage also flushed, was sim­i­lar to Lin Wan Er had told me was the same, one group of peo­ple who went on an ex­pe­di­tion the world were the lu­natics, oth­er­wise they im­pos­si­ble, in the clear pupil de­vel­oped in the hand of black ink to cap­ture to the throne of fire Yun Cheng first trade union!
How­ever, the [Zhan Long] per­son same is very in­sane!
Wang Jian Yangjian roared, bring­ing the pro­ces­sion of lanterns to ride, the iron blade edge to ride has crashed in the sea of fire, to the wan­ton bomb­ing of lava abyss, sent in the sword blade edge the body of match, I was also open­ing thou­sand frost wings, the danc­ing in the air heaven, flies high the per­son heavy losses in land­ing process, the sword chaotic dance, mas­sa­cred many peo­ple in­stan­ta­neously, the city high and low has made into one piece!
„Ruins that com­bat tank!”
The maple­wood is drunk on the city is roar­ing, si­mul­ta­ne­ously is loud to NPC of dis­tant place shouts to clear the way: „Kills as pun­ish­ment, mak­ing your per­son aim at this with the cross­bow car­riage, hurry up, sup­presses them!”
Can­not look, the maple­wood is drunk in the sta­tus of hot cloud em­pire is very high, that kills as pun­ish­ment, al­though as if re­fuses to ac­cept, but or­dered the cross­bow car­riage to turn around the di­rec­tion as be­fore, under the next quar­ter, sev­eral cross­bow car­riages al­most si­mul­ta­ne­ously aimed at the [Zhan Long] po­si­tion, the vi­o­lent have shot, the pro­ces­sion of lanterns rode, the iron blade edge to ride the loss to be se­ri­ous, but the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Some peo­ple fall from the upper air un­ceas­ingly, but in the ground al­most com­pletely bathes in the sea of fire, in the city the lava abyss and ice fire of Mage player roared un­ceas­ingly, every­body in blood, in ad­di­tion the at­tack of cross­bow car­riage, sim­ply aw­fully, nat­u­rally aw­fully still in next, soon , an all trades great ar­tillery was pushed up the city, crowd of next quar­ter shock-wave com­mon mush­room clouds under the city in erupted, this buckle was more se­ri­ous.„Bang bang”When two iron edges rode to drop from the clouds, fell to the ground turned into the corpse, I looked at creepy feel­ing, looked at the past from afar, the trial, [Hero’s Mound], Prague and other trade union of the losses is not in­fre­quent, NND, hits us dead like this re­ally cer­tainly here, more­over city not being able to rush slowly, their fire­power were re­ally too fierce.The vi­sion sweeps the sur­round­ings, I clench teeth, come!„”The dense and nu­mer­ous 100 god mil­i­tary tal­lies are lin­ger­ing around my arm, the next quar­ter, Mo­hist school five vol­umes of first pur­ple thun­der Ji Che sum­moned, „bang” thun­der­ous, pur­ple thun­der and light­ning but from out of the blue the falling place, ex­ploded there corpse and scal­ing lad­der frag­ment flies, a swarthy com­bat tank ap­peared, be­hind the com­bat tank was empty spir­its in pro­mot­ing Lei Chui on com­bat tank!„Bang!”The pur­ple thun­der Ji Che first pur­ple thun­der bul­let weight heavy bom­bard­ment on the lower part of wall of fire city, the en­tire wall in­spires likely im­me­di­ately, after sev­eral sec­onds, is a bom­bard­ment, that wall has pro­duced cracks, the bang that 1 me­ters in depth red cop­per can­not re­sist pur­ple thun­der Ji Che pounds, Li Mu ac­cepts the blood at the same time, shows a faint smile say­ing: „Good, was hope­ful!”At this time, the per­son on city as if also re­al­ized pur­ple thun­der Ji Che was fear­ful, the dis­tant place broad­cast the sound that the maple­wood has been drunk: „Must ruin that com­bat tank, comes the human, gives on me!”The next quar­ter, the neigh­ing sound of warhorse is un­ceas­ing, above the top of the head, heavy cav­al­ries di­rectly flushed from the city, to ride to fight the con­di­tion to rush to the city, si­mul­ta­ne­ously day­break waited for the skill to flow swiftly to fall the sword air/Qi in the crowd, even, many archers and Mage also flushed, was sim­i­lar to Lin Wan Er had told me was the same, one group of peo­ple who went on an ex­pe­di­tion the world were the lu­natics, oth­er­wise they im­pos­si­ble, in the clear pupil de­vel­oped in the hand of black ink to cap­ture to the throne of fire Yun Cheng first trade union!How­ever, the [Zhan Long] per­son same is very in­sane!„Kills!”
Wang Jian Yangjian roared, bring­ing the pro­ces­sion of lanterns to ride, the iron blade edge to ride has crashed in the sea of fire, to the wan­ton bomb­ing of lava abyss, sent in the sword blade edge the body of match, I was also open­ing thou­sand frost wings, the danc­ing in the air heaven, flies high the per­son heavy losses in land­ing process, the sword chaotic dance, mas­sa­cred many peo­ple in­stan­ta­neously, the city high and low has made into one piece!
„Ruins that com­bat tank!”
The maple­wood is drunk on the city is roar­ing, si­mul­ta­ne­ously is loud to NPC of dis­tant place shouts to clear the way: „Kills as pun­ish­ment, mak­ing your per­son aim at this with the cross­bow car­riage, hurry up, sup­presses them!”
Can­not look, the maple­wood is drunk in the sta­tus of hot cloud em­pire is very high, that kills as pun­ish­ment, al­though as if re­fuses to ac­cept, but or­dered the cross­bow car­riage to turn around the di­rec­tion as be­fore, under the next quar­ter, sev­eral cross­bow car­riages al­most si­mul­ta­ne­ously aimed at the [Zhan Long] po­si­tion, the vi­o­lent have shot, the pro­ces­sion of lanterns rode, the iron blade edge to ride the loss to be se­ri­ous, but the
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Beberapa orang jatuh dari udara atas tanpa henti, tapi di tanah hampir sepenuhnya menggenangi dalam lautan api, di kota lava jurang dan es api Mage pemain raung tanpa henti, semua orang di dalam darah, selain serangan dari kereta panah, hanya sangat, secara alami sangat masih di depan, segera, semua perdagangan artileri besar itu mendorong kota, kerumunan kuartal berikutnya gelombang kejut awan jamur yang umum di bawah kota di meletus, gesper ini lebih serius.
"Bang bang"
Ketika dua besi tepi naik turun dari awan, jatuh ke tanah berubah menjadi mayat, saya melihat perasaan menyeramkan, melihat masa lalu dari jauh, sidang, [Hero Mound], Praha dan serikat buruh lainnya dari kerugian tidak jarang, NND, memukul kami mati seperti ini benar-benar pasti di sini, kota apalagi tidak mampu untuk terburu-buru perlahan, senjata mereka benar-benar terlalu sengit.
visi menyapu lingkungan, saya mengepalkan gigi, datang!
The 100 dewa penghitungan militer padat dan banyak yang berlama-lama di sekitar lenganku, kuartal berikutnya, sekolah Mohist lima volume guntur ungu pertama Ji Che dipanggil, "bang" gemuruh, guntur ungu dan kilat tapi dari keluar dari biru tempat jatuh, meledak ada mayat dan skala lalat tangga fragmen, sebuah tank tempur berkulit gelap muncul, di balik tank tempur itu roh kosong dalam mempromosikan Lei Chui pada tangki tempur!
ungu guntur Ji Che pertama guntur ungu peluru berat pemboman di bagian bawah tembok kota api, seluruh mengilhami dinding mungkin segera, setelah beberapa detik, adalah pengeboman sebuah, dinding yang telah menghasilkan retakan, bang yang 1 meter di kedalaman merah tembaga tidak bisa menahan petir ungu Ji Che pound, Li Mu menerima darah pada saat yang sama, menunjukkan senyum samar mengatakan: "Baik, berharap!"
pada saat ini, orang di kota seakan juga menyadari thunder ungu Ji Che adalah takut, tempat yang jauh menyiarkan suara yang maplewood telah mabuk: "Harus merusak tangki tempur, datang manusia, memberi pada saya! "
kuartal berikutnya, suara meringkik kuda perang adalah terus-menerus, di atas puncak kepala, cavalries berat langsung memerah dari kota, naik untuk melawan kondisi terburu-buru ke kota, bersamaan fajar menunggu keterampilan mengalir cepat jatuh pedang udara / Qi dalam kerumunan, bahkan, banyak pemanah dan Mage juga memerah, mirip dengan Lin Wan Er telah mengatakan kepada saya adalah sama, satu kelompok orang yang melanjutkan ekspedisi dunia adalah orang gila , jika tidak mereka tidak mungkin, dalam pupil jelas dikembangkan di tangan tinta hitam untuk menangkap tahta api Yun Cheng serikat buruh pertama!
Namun, [Zhan panjang] orang yang sama sangat gila!
Wang Jian Yangjian meraung , membawa prosesi lentera untuk naik, tepi pisau besi untuk naik telah jatuh di lautan api, untuk pemboman nakal dari lava jurang, mengirim dalam bilah pedang tepi tubuh pertandingan, saya juga membuka seribu sayap es, menari di langit udara, lalat tinggi orang kerugian besar dalam proses pendaratan, pedang tari kacau, membantai banyak orang seketika, kota tinggi dan rendah telah dibuat menjadi satu bagian!
"Ruins bahwa tangki pertempuran!"
maplewood ini diminum pada kota ini menderu, secara bersamaan keras untuk NPC dari tempat yang jauh berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan: "! Tewaskan sebagai hukuman, membuat orang Anda bertujuan ini dengan kereta panah, cepatlah, menekan mereka"
tidak bisa melihat, maplewood diminum di status kerajaan awan panas sangat tinggi, yang membunuh sebagai hukuman, meskipun seolah-olah menolak untuk menerima, tapi memerintahkan kereta panah untuk berbalik arah seperti sebelumnya, di bawah kuartal berikutnya, beberapa gerbong panah hampir bersamaan ditujukan pada [Zhan panjang] posisi, kekerasan telah menembak, prosesi lentera naik, tepi pisau besi untuk naik kerugian menjadi serius, tetapi
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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