Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
RAGE system could be a promising target for prophylaxisand therapy.Changes in polyol pathway flux, induced by hypergly-cemia, have been implicated in Schwann cell and pericyteinjury where sorbitol accumulation is thought to disrupt ionpumps such as the NA+/K+ ATPase (Raccah et al. 1998)and in overhydration of the lens due to osmotic changes(Giusti 2003). Several alterations in vascular cells inducedby activation of the diacylglycerol-PKC pathway also ap-pear to be important in explaining micro-and macrovascularcomplications in diabetes. These alterations include the fol-lowing: changes in renal and retinal blood flow (Ishii et al.1996), increased vascular permeability and contractility,and thickening of capillary basement membranes as well asincreased cell proliferation (Lang and Kampmeier 2002).Finally, the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway has been hy-pothesized to be involved in the development of diabeticvascular complications, particularly diabetic nephropathy(Schleicher and Weigert 2000), by inducing various changesin gene expression and protein activity in addition to thestimulation of matrix production via glucose-induced trans-forming growth factor-beta release by mesangial cells(Kolm-Litty et al. 1998). These findings underscore the im-portance of glycemic control and emphasize the need foradditional studies to increase our understanding of the de-velopment of the disease in an effort to identify new pre-ventive or corrective strategies.Several exciting recent discoveries have the potentialof paving the way for the prevention of hyperglycemia-induced micro- and macrovascular alterations. Current stud-ies have established a common link between the fourdiscussed pathways: Overproduction of superoxide by themitochondrial electron transport chain is found in each path-way (Brownlee 2001; Hammes 2003). Cell culture experi-ments now demonstrate promising results on the ability tointerfere with at least three of the pathways by administra-tion of a drug that activates the pentose phosphate enzymetransketolase (Hammes et al. 2003). Studies in animals and,if proven safe, clinical trials are still necessary to establishthe applicability of this important finding. Inhibition of thePKC pathway, however, has already proven successful inimproving various aspects of renal function. After admin-istration of a PKC-inhibitor, researchers have observed thenormalization of glomerular hyperfiltration, a decrease inpermeability of the glomerular network as evidenced by areduced albumin excretion, decreased production of glo-merular transforming growth factor-beta-1, and diminishedextracellular matrix production in various animal modelsof diabetes (Tuttle and Anderson 2003). Clinical trialswill determine whether these improvements hold promise asa novel strategy to ameliorate micro- and macrovascularoutcome.
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