In this time, is wield­ing a sword cut down to chop to trans­mit „bit­ terjemahan - In this time, is wield­ing a sword cut down to chop to trans­mit „bit­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In this time, is wield­ing a sword

In this time, is wield­ing a sword cut down to chop to trans­mit „bit­ing” sud­denly, the long sword cut down to cut in sil­ver iron ore, one cuts at least half meter depth, the rock was not hard, I have bro­ken the zenith dome!
Sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You en­tered the map 【Storm abyss】!
Re­ally, I left the storm pur­ga­tory, broke the pur­ga­tory with every knot, orig­i­nally tied broke by the ex­ca­va­tion tech­nol­ogy, this was com­pletely big my to be un­ex­pected!
The trial fierce voice of con­veys: „Does boy, which you want to run away to goes?”
I have a look at him, his blood strip fell 71%, is I links the merit that the dis­ap­pear­ing belt hits, there­fore up­ward un­earths, while started to deal with trial with sin­gle-hearted de­vo­tion, since ar­rived every, that this dif­fer­ent demon king do not want to walk!
Opens the map sys­tem, 3 D sur­veys, I from sur­face about 7000 me­ters re­mote, um, that be­fore en­ter­ing the sur­face solves trial, to Huppe, has if pos­si­ble cap­tures alive her, brings her Hui­long ter­ri­tory, Frost will cer­tainly have the means that nat­u­rally, this plan dif­fi­culty is too big, is very dif­fi­cult to im­ple­ment, in any event, mas­sacres trial first is al­ways right.
Turns round is one time rides the wind to cut, chops trial to be torn to pieces, my this time strik­ing power was too high, rides the wind to cut the con­sec­u­tively 15 swords, in ad­di­tion mur­ders the god and des­tiny card sign the dam­age that the strong monomer at­tack ef­fect, each sword causes cer­tainly has sur­passed 150 W, this set rode the wind the com­plete at­tack out­put that cut al­ready to cross 2500 W, king BOSS HP were most also on 10 E, how many com­plete sets can he with­stand rid­ing the wind of my to cut?
Trial as if also felt strength per­haps bad, on the face passed over gen­tly and swiftly star­tled, said: „Wears your high­ness, this boy as if ob­tained any su­per­nat­ural power to be com­mon, un­ex­pect­edly the strength mul­ti­plied, end end pos­si­bly is not his match!”
Wears is nar­row­ing the eye: „Does not need to be wor­ried that I in you be­hind, I ex­pand this road im­me­di­ately, with you by two en­e­mies one, this boy must die today here!”
Re­ally, does not leave for sev­eral sec­onds, wears pur­ple thun­der to wreak havoc in the small and nar­row space, ex­plodes a big hole to come this un­der­ground rock layer di­rectly, one on the left and other on the right at­tacks from both sides me with trial start.
No mat­ter I also that many, great die , to con­tinue to re­ac­ti­vate is, fo­cused my fire­power on trial com­pletely is right.
Cooldown passes bit by bit, the fierce­ness of trial roars trans­for­ma­tion grad­u­ally for the mis­er­able howl­ing sound, he could not re­sist my at­tack, but I de­pend upon the re­turn­ing blood of at­tack trial to pro­vide own restora­tion, re­sists at­tack that wears, un­ex­pect­edly will can main­tain this to bal­ance, so long as I stop the hand to start all-out at­tack trial, a sec­ond of out­put at least in 300 W above, is very ter­ri­fy­ing!
Quick, HP of trial less than 15%, has roared to start the big move, prob­a­bly is the skill that Wan Jian re­turns to the birth fam­ily and so on, but is also very or­di­nary to my out­put, dis­re­gards it , to con­tinue main­tains my swift and fierce at­tack!
„Your high­ness, I am not per­haps good” trial face whiten.
Wears one to grasp the sword, is grasp­ing Lei Guang, to I cause a ton dam­age at the same time, said: „Do not give up, the re­in­force­ments ar­rived im­me­di­ately, don't worry, you will cer­tainly not die here!”
„Yes, Your high­ness!”
I slightly stare, re­in­force­ments? What thing that is, we now in a place bot­tom 6000 + me­ters depth, what thing but also there is able to ar­rive here? Thou­sand strange are im­pos­si­ble, their ten­ta­cles ap­par­ently do not have my dou­ble sword to be sharp, can­not break through the zenith dome.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In this time, is wield­ing a sword cut down to chop to trans­mit „bit­ing” sud­denly, the long sword cut down to cut in sil­ver iron ore, one cuts at least half meter depth, the rock was not hard, I have bro­ken the zenith dome!„Drop!”Sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You en­tered the map 【Storm abyss】!Re­ally, I left the storm pur­ga­tory, broke the pur­ga­tory with every knot, orig­i­nally tied broke by the ex­ca­va­tion tech­nol­ogy, this was com­pletely big my to be un­ex­pected!The trial fierce voice of con­veys: „Does boy, which you want to run away to goes?”I have a look at him, his blood strip fell 71%, is I links the merit that the dis­ap­pear­ing belt hits, there­fore up­ward un­earths, while started to deal with trial with sin­gle-hearted de­vo­tion, since ar­rived every, that this dif­fer­ent demon king do not want to walk!Opens the map sys­tem, 3 D sur­veys, I from sur­face about 7000 me­ters re­mote, um, that be­fore en­ter­ing the sur­face solves trial, to Huppe, has if pos­si­ble cap­tures alive her, brings her Hui­long ter­ri­tory, Frost will cer­tainly have the means that nat­u­rally, this plan dif­fi­culty is too big, is very dif­fi­cult to im­ple­ment, in any event, mas­sacres trial first is al­ways right.Turns round is one time rides the wind to cut, chops trial to be torn to pieces, my this time strik­ing power was too high, rides the wind to cut the con­sec­u­tively 15 swords, in ad­di­tion mur­ders the god and des­tiny card sign the dam­age that the strong monomer at­tack ef­fect, each sword causes cer­tainly has sur­passed 150 W, this set rode the wind the com­plete at­tack out­put that cut al­ready to cross 2500 W, king BOSS HP were most also on 10 E, how many com­plete sets can he with­stand rid­ing the wind of my to cut?Trial as if also felt strength per­haps bad, on the face passed over gen­tly and swiftly star­tled, said: „Wears your high­ness, this boy as if ob­tained any su­per­nat­ural power to be com­mon, un­ex­pect­edly the strength mul­ti­plied, end end pos­si­bly is not his match!”Wears is nar­row­ing the eye: „Does not need to be wor­ried that I in you be­hind, I ex­pand this road im­me­di­ately, with you by two en­e­mies one, this boy must die today here!”„Yes!”Re­ally, does not leave for sev­eral sec­onds, wears pur­ple thun­der to wreak havoc in the small and nar­row space, ex­plodes a big hole to come this un­der­ground rock layer di­rectly, one on the left and other on the right at­tacks from both sides me with trial start.No mat­ter I also that many, great die , to con­tinue to re­ac­ti­vate is, fo­cused my fire­power on trial com­pletely is right.Cooldown passes bit by bit, the fierce­ness of trial roars trans­for­ma­tion grad­u­ally for the mis­er­able howl­ing sound, he could not re­sist my at­tack, but I de­pend upon the re­turn­ing blood of at­tack trial to pro­vide own restora­tion, re­sists at­tack that wears, un­ex­pect­edly will can main­tain this to bal­ance, so long as I stop the hand to start all-out at­tack trial, a sec­ond of out­put at least in 300 W above, is very ter­ri­fy­ing!
Quick, HP of trial less than 15%, has roared to start the big move, prob­a­bly is the skill that Wan Jian re­turns to the birth fam­ily and so on, but is also very or­di­nary to my out­put, dis­re­gards it , to con­tinue main­tains my swift and fierce at­tack!
„Your high­ness, I am not per­haps good” trial face whiten.
Wears one to grasp the sword, is grasp­ing Lei Guang, to I cause a ton dam­age at the same time, said: „Do not give up, the re­in­force­ments ar­rived im­me­di­ately, don't worry, you will cer­tainly not die here!”
„Yes, Your high­ness!”
I slightly stare, re­in­force­ments? What thing that is, we now in a place bot­tom 6000 + me­ters depth, what thing but also there is able to ar­rive here? Thou­sand strange are im­pos­si­ble, their ten­ta­cles ap­par­ently do not have my dou­ble sword to be sharp, can­not break through the zenith dome.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saat ini, yang menghunus pedang ditebang untuk memotong untuk mengirimkan "menggigit" tiba-tiba, pedang panjang ditebang untuk memotong di bijih besi perak, satu luka setidaknya setengah kedalaman meter, batu itu tidak sulit, saya telah rusak zenit kubah!
sistem sistem pemberitahuan: Anda memasuki 【jurang badai】 peta!
Sungguh, aku meninggalkan api penyucian badai, memecahkan api penyucian dengan setiap simpul, awalnya terikat bangkrut oleh teknologi penggalian, ini benar-benar besar saya menjadi tak terduga !
persidangan suara sengit yang melekat: "? Apakah anak, yang Anda ingin lari ke pergi"
saya lihat dia, jalur darahnya turun 71%, adalah saya link jasa yang hits sabuk menghilang, karena menggali ke atas , sedangkan mulai menangani sidang dengan pengabdian single-hati, karena tiba setiap, bahwa raja setan yang berbeda ini tidak ingin berjalan!
Membuka sistem peta, 3 survei D, saya dari permukaan sekitar 7000 meter jarak jauh, um, bahwa sebelum memasuki permukaan memecahkan percobaan, untuk Huppe, memiliki jika mungkin menangkap hidup-nya, membawa wilayah Huilong nya, Frost tentu akan memiliki sarana yang secara alami, rencana kesulitan ini terlalu besar, sangat sulit untuk melaksanakan, dalam hal apapun, pembantaian sidang pertama adalah selalu benar.
Ternyata putaran adalah satu kali naik angin untuk memotong, daging percobaan untuk diterkam, saya kali ini kekuatan mencolok terlalu tinggi, naik angin untuk memotong berturut-turut 15 pedang, di pembunuhan selain dewa dan kartu takdir tanda kerusakan yang efek serangan monomer yang kuat, masing-masing pedang menyebabkan tentu telah melampaui 150 W, set ini naik angin output serangan lengkap yang dipotong sudah menyeberang 2500 W, raja BOSS HP yang paling juga 10 E, berapa banyak set lengkap bisa ia menahan mengendarai angin dari saya untuk memotong?
Percobaan seakan juga merasa kekuatan mungkin buruk, pada wajah melewati lembut dan cepat kaget, mengatakan: "Wears Mulia, anak ini seolah diperoleh kekuatan supranatural menjadi umum, tiba-tiba para kekuatan dikalikan, akhir akhir mungkin tidak pertandingan "!
Wears adalah penyempitan mata:" tidak perlu khawatir bahwa aku di dalam kamu balik, saya memperluas jalan ini segera, dengan Anda dengan dua musuh satu, anak ini harus mati hari ini di sini ! "
" Ya! "
benar-benar, tidak meninggalkan selama beberapa detik, memakai guntur ungu untuk melampiaskan malapetaka di ruang kecil dan sempit, meledak lubang besar untuk datang lapisan batuan bawah tanah ini secara langsung, satu di sebelah kiri dan lainnya di serangan yang tepat dari kedua sisi saya dengan awal percobaan.
Tidak peduli saya juga banyak, besar mati, untuk terus mengaktifkan adalah, fokus senjata saya diadili benar-benar yang benar.
Cooldown melewati sedikit demi sedikit, keganasan persidangan mengaum transformasi secara bertahap untuk lolongan sengsara terdengar, ia tidak bisa menahan serangan saya, tapi saya tergantung pada darah kembali dari percobaan serangan untuk memberikan pemulihan sendiri, menolak serangan yang memakai, tiba-tiba akan bisa mempertahankan ini untuk menyeimbangkan, selama aku berhenti tangan untuk memulai serangan habis-habisan sidang, kedua output setidaknya di 300 W di atas, sangat menakutkan!
Cepat, HP persidangan kurang dari 15%, telah mengaum untuk memulai langkah besar, mungkin adalah keterampilan yang Wan Jian kembali ke keluarga kelahiran dan sebagainya , tetapi juga sangat biasa untuk output saya, mengabaikan itu, untuk terus mempertahankan serangan cepat dan sengit saya!
"yang Mulia, saya tidak mungkin baik" trial wajah memutihkan.
Wears satu untuk memahami pedang, yang menggenggam Lei Guang, untuk saya menyebabkan satu ton kerusakan pada saat yang sama, mengatakan: "Jangan menyerah, bala bantuan tiba segera, jangan khawatir, Anda pasti tidak akan mati di sini!"
"Ya, yang Mulia"!
aku sedikit menatap, bala bantuan? Apa hal itu, kita sekarang di tempat bawah 6000 + meter kedalaman, hal apa tetapi juga ada dapat tiba di sini? Ribuan aneh tidak mungkin, tentakel mereka ternyata tidak memiliki pedang ganda saya menjadi tajam, tidak dapat menembus kubah puncak.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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