Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Rancho's house-satu-satunya rumah di seluruh lembah-berada diMahkota bukit rendah. Daripuncak bukit satu bisa melihatsungai mengalir cepat dan sebelahnya luasladang jagung matang di antara merahbunga kacang. Melihat satubisa meramalkan bahwa itu akan menjadipanen baik tetapi diperlukan curah hujan,Meskipun singkat.Sepanjang pagi Rancho terus pemindaian langit untuk tanda-tanda curah hujan dan iaitu cukup yakin bahwa itu akan hujan. "Kau tahu, wanita, sekarang kita akhirnyaakan mendapatkan beberapa hujan." Istrinya, yang sedang sibuk menyiapkan makanan, menjawab: "Ya, Tuhanbersedia."Segera Rancho's Keluarga, istri dan anak-anak, duduk untuk makan malam, seperti yang iadiperkirakan besar tetes hujan mulai jatuh. Di timur laut besar awan itumeliputi langit seperti selimut. Udara memiliki bau hujan yang dikombinasikan denganbau segar bumi. Suasana saat itu adalah benar-benar surgawi. Theanak laki-laki meninggalkan makanan mereka dalih mendapatkan satu hal dan satu lagi. Semua yang mereka inginkanadalah untuk basah dan bermain di tengah hujan.Rancho adalah sangat bahagia karena dia tampak di bidangnya, "Ah! Sekarang saya panenakan menjadi indah." Dia mulai bermimpi tentang segala sesuatu yang dia akan melakukansetelah dia menjual tanaman. Tiba-tiba berat angin mulai meniup disertai dengan besartetes hujan, yang tampak seperti mutiara besar es. "Oh Tuhan! Ini tidak dapatterjadi,"pikirnya. "TIDAK!! Tidak!! Saya akan dibinasakan. Ini adalah hujan,es. Saya berharap itu akan segera berlalu." Tetapi di depan keluarganya ia terus depan kuatdan berkata, "Aku yakin itu akan segera berlalu, jangan khawatir."Sayangnya itu tidak. Es berlangsung sepanjang malam. Ia dimusnahkanseluruh bidang tanaman nya berharga. Semuanya tampak begitu putih seolah-olah seseorang telahdilemparkan karung dan karung mutiara seluruh tempat.92 Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1Rancho dan istrinya khawatir sampai mati. Segala yang mereka harus dihancurkandan mereka tidak firasat tentang apa yang akan mereka lakukan.Anak laki-laki bertanya kepada mereka, "apa yang akan kita lakukan? Semua dihancurkan.Kita bahkan tidak memiliki beberapa potong jagung atau biji. Apakah ini berarti kita akan matikelaparan?"Rancho berkata, "anak-anakku, tidak ada mati kelaparan. Selalu ingat kita memilikiAllah. Saya yakin dia akan membantu kita."Sepanjang malam Rancho terus berpikir bagaimana untuk meminta bantuan dariAllah. "Tuhan tahu segala sesuatu tapi saya pikir saya harus menulis kepadanya dan meminta secara langsung apa yang sayaingin."Rancho adalah bersyukur untuk hari orangtuanya telah mengirimnya ke sekolah. BahkanMeskipun ia tidak tertarik dalam studi tetapi Dia enggan telah belajar membaca danmenulis. Jadi ia mengambil kertas dan pena dan mulai menulis.Rancho LucasViolet HillArgentina18 th Mei 1999Sayang TuhanHaiSaya menulis surat ini kepada Anda dari ekstrim urgensi, Sebaliknya sayatidak akan memiliki mengganggu Anda. Anda tahu tentang hari es ditempat saya. Yah, itu telah menghancurkan saya. Semuanya di peternakandestroyed. My corn and kidney beans were almost ready and all itneeded was a rainfall but instead of rainfall came a storm. If it hadlasted for short period it would have been OK, but unfortunately itlasted for an entire night. It has put me at a serious disadvantage, yousee God, my sole source of income is that farm and now it iscompletely destroyed. Nothing is left. If I leave it like this my familywill die of hunger, since we will not have anything to eat. I can't sitstill and do nothing about it. I need 100 pesos to buy the seeds andresow my field all over again and buy some food till the next harvest.So dear God, please help me. I know you will not disappoint me.Sincerely Yours,Rancho, the farmerBahasa Inggris 93th He put the letter inside an envelope and addressed it to “God, 7 Heaven”and placed a stamp on it and dropped it in the mailbox. The workers at the postoffice were preparing the letters to mail when they came across the letteraddressed to God. The postman who came across this letter became curiousbecause he had never seen a letter addressed to God. He wanted to open theletter but his job ethics stopped him from doing so. He decided to take the letter tothe Postmaster. The Postmaster was a very nice and kind gentleman. He alwayshelped people in any way he could. When the postman gave him the letter, helooked at it and said, “It takes a man with strong faith to start a communicationwith God. I wish I had such strong faith.”After much thought, he decided to read the letter and perhaps reply it. Heopened Rancho's letter. Little did he know that replying the letter would needmore than good intention, pen and paper. Rancho needed a lot of money but thepostmaster didn't have any. Since he had already decided to help Rancho, hedecided to give part of his salary, and he asked his friends and co-workers tocontribute. But it was impossible for him to collect 100 pesos. He was happy that atleast 70 pesos were collected. So he put the money in an envelope and signed it as“God” and asked the postman to deliver it to Rancho's house.When the postman arrived at Rancho's house and delivered the letter tohim, Rancho was exhilarated beyond means. And he kept repeating Thank youGod! Thank you God! I knew you wouldn't let me down.Rancho had very strong faith in God. He was not surprised when heopened the envelope. But as he was counting the money he became very angry.God couldn't have made mistake in sending the money. So he took out paper andwrote to God again. Then he placed a stamp on it and put it in the mailbox. Whenthe postman took the letter out, he immediately took it to the postmaster. ThePostmaster quickly opened the letter and everyone in the post office gatheredaround him wanting to know what Rancho wrote to God.Rancho LucasThe Violet HillArgentina20th May 1999Dear GodI am really grateful to you for sending the money. I knew you wouldn't let my familygo hungry. Of the money you send me I only received 70 pesos. Please send me therest. I really need the money. But, this time please, God don't send it through themail, because the people working here in this post office are all a bunch of thieves.sincerely yoursrancho, the farmer(inspired from "una carta a dios" by por gregorio lopez y fuente)
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