The Tortoise and the Hare A traditional English tale retold by KidsOut terjemahan - The Tortoise and the Hare A traditional English tale retold by KidsOut Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Tortoise and the Hare A traditi

The Tortoise and the Hare
A traditional English tale retold by KidsOut and CBeebies

Once upon a time, in a field not too far from you, there was an energetic and happy hare and a sleepy tortoise.

The happy hare was called Noel and the sleepy tortoise was called Archibald. Archibald the tortoise liked to sit and munch his dinner slowly, whilst Noel the hare would gobble up his dinner and run round and round Archibald until he was dizzy.

One day, they had an argument…

“I am the fastest animal in the whole wide world,” said Noel. “I’m faster than a cheeky cheetah, a kicking kangaroo and a racing rabbit,” he boasted.

“Oh do be quiet,” sighed Archibald. “You are so full of yourself! If you’re not careful you’ll come to a sticky end…”

“Where’s sticky end then,” asked Noel. “Is it far from here?”

Archibald rolled his eyes and carried on munching on some tasty lettuce leaves.

“Oh you two do stop arguing,” said a blackbird as he flew past.

“No, this is serious,” said Noel the hare. “I will prove to you all that I’m the fastest animal in the whole wide world“

“OK,” said Archibald the tortoise. “I’ll race you then!”

Noel the hare laughed his head off.

“Just you wait and see,” said Archibald. “I’ll get Wallace the wise old owl to organise a race for us…”

Wallace the wise old owl arranged the race for the next day. All the animals in the field put on their best clothes, groomed their fur, picked up a flag to wave and got ready to cheer the tortoise and the hare on.

“On your marks… Get set… Go!” Called Wallace… And the race was off!

Slowly, slowly Archibald the tortoise set off and quickly, quickly Noel the hare raced off and soon he was out of sight. In fact, he was so far ahead that, when he looked back, Archibald the tortoise was nowhere to be seen.

“Gosh,” Noel thought. “I’ve more or less won all ready! I think I’ll just have a little nap under this tree, it’s such a hot day”. Noel the hare was soon fast asleep.

Meanwhile, Archibald the tortoise ambled along slowly enjoying the sun on his shell and taking the odd nibble of grass from time to time. On and on and on and on and on and on he plodded. He plodded past the oak tree, he plodded past the bridge, he plodded past the cow shed, he even plodded past Noel the hare who was still snoring under the tree. He plodded on until he came to the finishing line where Wallace the wise old owl and all the other animals in the field were gathered. All the animals clustered around Archibald cheering and shouting:

“Well done! Well done! You’re the winner!”

All the noise woke Noel the hare up with a start.

“Oh my! Oh my! What’s going on? What’s all that noise? Never mind. I’d better finish the race then I can go and have my dinner,” he thought.

Noel the hare raced off down the hill towards the finishing line. But when he got there, to his horror, he saw Archibald the tortoise with a gold winner’s medal around his neck.

“This can’t be right! He must have cheated,’ cried Noel the hare. “Everyone knows I’m faster than him!”

“Archibald the tortoise didn’t cheat,” said Wallace the wise old owl. “He has won fair and square. Slowly and surely, never giving up, Archibald passed the finishing line first. Sorry Noel old chap, but you’ve lost this race. Let that be a lesson to you – slow and steady wins the race!”

Noel the hare looked very unhappy and sulky. Archibald the tortoise felt sorry for him and tried to cheer him up…

“Cheer up Noel, it was only a race,” Archibald said. “I’m sure you’ll win the next one. And I’d rather we were still friends than win every race under the sun.”

And from that day on they became the best of friends and Noel the hare never boasted again.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kelinci dan kura-kura
kisah Inggris tradisional yang diceritakan oleh KidsOut dan CBeebies

Once upon a time, di lapangan tidak terlalu jauh dari Anda, ada energik dan bahagia kelinci dan kura-kura mengantuk.

senang kelinci bernama Noel dan mengantuk kura-kura disebut Archibald. Archibald kura-kura suka duduk dan mengunyah makan malam perlahan-lahan, Sementara Noel kelinci akan melahap sampai makan malam dan menjalankan Archibald bulat dan bulat sehingga dia pusing.

satu hari, mereka punya argumen...

"Saya hewan tercepat di seluruh penjuru dunia," kata Noel. "Saya lebih cepat daripada cheetah nakal, kanguru menendang dan kelinci balap," dia membual.

"Oh menjadi tenang," mendesah Archibald. "Begitu penuh dengan diri sendiri! Jika Anda tidak berhati-hati Anda akan datang ke sebuah akhir lengket..."

"mana 's lengket akhir kemudian,"meminta Noel. "Adalah jauh dari sini?"

Archibald digulung matanya dan meneruskan mengunyah daun selada yang lezat beberapa.

"Oh Anda dua berhenti berdebat," kata burung hitam saat ia terbang masa lalu.

"tidak, ini serius," kata Noel kelinci. "Saya akan membuktikan kepada Anda semua yang saya PM hewan tercepat di seluruh penjuru dunia"

"OK," kata Archibald kura-kura. "Aku akan ras Anda kemudian!"

Noel kelinci tertawa off kepala Nya

"hanya Anda menunggu dan melihat," kata Archibald. "Aku akan mendapatkan Wallace burung hantu tua bijaksana untuk menyelenggarakan sebuah perlombaan untuk kita..."

Wallace si burung hantu tua yang bijaksana diatur perlombaan untuk hari berikutnya. Semua binatang di bidang mengenakan pakaian mereka yang terbaik, dipersiapkan bulu mereka, mengambil bendera untuk gelombang dan bersiap-siap untuk menghibur kelinci dan kura-kura di.

"pada tanda... Dapatkan ditetapkan... Pergi!" Wallace disebut... Dan perlombaan adalah off!

perlahan-lahan, perlahan-lahan Archibald kura-kura menetapkan off dan cepat, cepat Noel kelinci berlari lepas dan segera dia adalah dari pandangan. Bahkan, dia adalah begitu jauh ke depan, ketika ia menoleh ke belakang, Archibald kura-kura ini tidak terlihat.

"Wah," Noel berpikir. "Aku sudah lebih atau kurang memenangkan semua siap! Saya pikir saya akan hanya memiliki sedikit tidur di bawah pohon ini, itu adalah hari yang panas". Noel kelinci adalah segera cepat tertidur.

sementara Archibald kura-kura melenggang sepanjang perlahan-lahan menikmati matahari di dalam tempurung dan mengambil aneh menggigit rumput dari waktu ke waktu. Di dan di dan pada dan pada dan seterusnya ia plodded. Ia plodded melewati pohon oak, ia plodded melewati jembatan, ia plodded melewati gudang sapi, ia bahkan plodded melewati Noel kelinci yang masih mendengkur di bawah pohon. Dia plodded pada hingga ia sampai ke garis akhir mana Wallace si burung hantu tua yang bijaksana dan semua binatang lain di bidang berkumpul. Semua binatang yang berkerumun di sekitar Archibald bersorak dan berteriak:

"Well done! Bagus! Kau Pemenang!"

Semua kebisingan terbangun Noel Kelinci dengan memulai.

"Oh my! Oh saya! Apa yang terjadi? Apa itu semua suara itu? Lupakan saja. Aku lebih baik akan menyelesaikan perlombaan maka saya dapat pergi dan makan malam saya,"dia berpikir.

Noel kelinci berlari pergi menuruni bukit menuju garis akhir. Tetapi ketika ia tiba di sana, dengan ngeri, ia melihat Archibald kura-kura dengan medali emas pemenang lehernya.

"ini tidak dapat benar! Ia harus sudah menipu,' menangis Noel kelinci. "Semua orang tahu aku lebih cepat daripada dia!"

"Archibald kura-kura tidak menipu," kata Wallace si burung hantu tua yang bijaksana. "Ia telah memenangkan jujur dan adil. Perlahan dan pasti, tidak pernah menyerah, Archibald melewati garis akhir pertama. Maaf Noel tua chap, tetapi Anda sudah kehilangan lomba ini. Biarkan bahwa menjadi pelajaran untuk Anda-lambat dan mantap memenangkan perlombaan!"

Noel kelinci tampak sangat bahagia dan sulky. Archibald kura-kura merasa kasihan padanya dan mencoba untuk menghibur dirinya Facebook...

"Bergembiralah Noel, itu hanya sebuah ras," Archibald mengatakan. "Saya yakin Anda akan menang berikutnya. Dan aku lebih suka kami masih teman daripada memenangkan setiap perlombaan di bawah matahari.

Dan sejak hari itu mereka menjadi yang terbaik dari teman-teman dan Noel kelinci tidak pernah membual lagi.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The Tortoise and the Hare
A traditional English tale retold by KidsOut and CBeebies

Once upon a time, in a field not too far from you, there was an energetic and happy hare and a sleepy tortoise.

The happy hare was called Noel and the sleepy tortoise was called Archibald. Archibald the tortoise liked to sit and munch his dinner slowly, whilst Noel the hare would gobble up his dinner and run round and round Archibald until he was dizzy.

One day, they had an argument…

“I am the fastest animal in the whole wide world,” said Noel. “I’m faster than a cheeky cheetah, a kicking kangaroo and a racing rabbit,” he boasted.

“Oh do be quiet,” sighed Archibald. “You are so full of yourself! If you’re not careful you’ll come to a sticky end…”

“Where’s sticky end then,” asked Noel. “Is it far from here?”

Archibald rolled his eyes and carried on munching on some tasty lettuce leaves.

“Oh you two do stop arguing,” said a blackbird as he flew past.

“No, this is serious,” said Noel the hare. “I will prove to you all that I’m the fastest animal in the whole wide world“

“OK,” said Archibald the tortoise. “I’ll race you then!”

Noel the hare laughed his head off.

“Just you wait and see,” said Archibald. “I’ll get Wallace the wise old owl to organise a race for us…”

Wallace the wise old owl arranged the race for the next day. All the animals in the field put on their best clothes, groomed their fur, picked up a flag to wave and got ready to cheer the tortoise and the hare on.

“On your marks… Get set… Go!” Called Wallace… And the race was off!

Slowly, slowly Archibald the tortoise set off and quickly, quickly Noel the hare raced off and soon he was out of sight. In fact, he was so far ahead that, when he looked back, Archibald the tortoise was nowhere to be seen.

“Gosh,” Noel thought. “I’ve more or less won all ready! I think I’ll just have a little nap under this tree, it’s such a hot day”. Noel the hare was soon fast asleep.

Meanwhile, Archibald the tortoise ambled along slowly enjoying the sun on his shell and taking the odd nibble of grass from time to time. On and on and on and on and on and on he plodded. He plodded past the oak tree, he plodded past the bridge, he plodded past the cow shed, he even plodded past Noel the hare who was still snoring under the tree. He plodded on until he came to the finishing line where Wallace the wise old owl and all the other animals in the field were gathered. All the animals clustered around Archibald cheering and shouting:

“Well done! Well done! You’re the winner!”

All the noise woke Noel the hare up with a start.

“Oh my! Oh my! What’s going on? What’s all that noise? Never mind. I’d better finish the race then I can go and have my dinner,” he thought.

Noel the hare raced off down the hill towards the finishing line. But when he got there, to his horror, he saw Archibald the tortoise with a gold winner’s medal around his neck.

“This can’t be right! He must have cheated,’ cried Noel the hare. “Everyone knows I’m faster than him!”

“Archibald the tortoise didn’t cheat,” said Wallace the wise old owl. “He has won fair and square. Slowly and surely, never giving up, Archibald passed the finishing line first. Sorry Noel old chap, but you’ve lost this race. Let that be a lesson to you – slow and steady wins the race!”

Noel the hare looked very unhappy and sulky. Archibald the tortoise felt sorry for him and tried to cheer him up…

“Cheer up Noel, it was only a race,” Archibald said. “I’m sure you’ll win the next one. And I’d rather we were still friends than win every race under the sun.”

And from that day on they became the best of friends and Noel the hare never boasted again.
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