CONCLUSION This chapter provides broad discussion for both academics a terjemahan - CONCLUSION This chapter provides broad discussion for both academics a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

CONCLUSION This chapter provides br

This chapter provides broad discussion for both academics and human resource specialists to better understand the topic of international assignee selection and assignee training and development. The discussion of international assignee selection included the topics of individuallevel antecedents of global assignee success, such as personality characteristics, language skills, and prior experience living in a different country, and the process issues for effectively selecting global assignees, such as realistic previews, self-selection, and assessment. The discussion of assignee training and development discussed the various interventions used to prepare international assignees to live and work in new cultural environments – with special focus on cross-cultural training programs, still the most commonly used intervention for improving crossnational competence.
It is important to note, from a practical perspective, that many of the selection, training, and development practices described in this chapter are known but not often practiced in multinational firms. The most apparent reasons for multinational firms’ continued oversight of these practices are that HR (in most firms) manages international assignments after a selection has been made (Brewster & Harris, 1999) and then with a limited budget for cross-cultural training and development activities once selected. As such, the HR role in international assignment management has been relegated to administrative and tactical activities – rather than strategic ones. Using a scientist-practitioner frame of reference, it is important that the gap between theory and practice is closed through solid program evaluation studies providing concrete financial evidence for the strategic use of the practices described in this chapter.
We believe that the key to improving success of individuals on international assignments is to understand the interaction of selection and training and development, that is, to determine who benefits the most from international training and development activities. Future research should examine more accurate methods for identifying those individuals with the requisite individual characteristics (e.g., personality) to succeed in other countries, the optimal level of cross-cultural training needed for international assignment success, and the long-term development of global competence that could result from the international assignments. Clearly, this is an important area that will keep researchers and practitioners alike engaged for many years to come.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
CONCLUSION This chapter provides broad discussion for both academics and human resource specialists to better understand the topic of international assignee selection and assignee training and development. The discussion of international assignee selection included the topics of individuallevel antecedents of global assignee success, such as personality characteristics, language skills, and prior experience living in a different country, and the process issues for effectively selecting global assignees, such as realistic previews, self-selection, and assessment. The discussion of assignee training and development discussed the various interventions used to prepare international assignees to live and work in new cultural environments – with special focus on cross-cultural training programs, still the most commonly used intervention for improving crossnational competence. It is important to note, from a practical perspective, that many of the selection, training, and development practices described in this chapter are known but not often practiced in multinational firms. The most apparent reasons for multinational firms’ continued oversight of these practices are that HR (in most firms) manages international assignments after a selection has been made (Brewster & Harris, 1999) and then with a limited budget for cross-cultural training and development activities once selected. As such, the HR role in international assignment management has been relegated to administrative and tactical activities – rather than strategic ones. Using a scientist-practitioner frame of reference, it is important that the gap between theory and practice is closed through solid program evaluation studies providing concrete financial evidence for the strategic use of the practices described in this chapter. We believe that the key to improving success of individuals on international assignments is to understand the interaction of selection and training and development, that is, to determine who benefits the most from international training and development activities. Future research should examine more accurate methods for identifying those individuals with the requisite individual characteristics (e.g., personality) to succeed in other countries, the optimal level of cross-cultural training needed for international assignment success, and the long-term development of global competence that could result from the international assignments. Clearly, this is an important area that will keep researchers and practitioners alike engaged for many years to come.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bab ini memberikan diskusi yang luas untuk kedua akademisi dan spesialis sumber daya manusia untuk lebih memahami topik seleksi pengalihan internasional dan pelatihan pengalihan dan pengembangan. Pembahasan pilihan pengalihan internasional termasuk topik anteseden individuallevel keberhasilan pengalihan global, seperti karakteristik kepribadian, kemampuan bahasa, dan pengalaman sebelumnya tinggal di negara yang berbeda, dan isu-isu proses untuk secara efektif memilih assignees global, seperti preview realistis, self -Pemilihan, dan penilaian. Pembahasan pelatihan pengalihan dan pengembangan membahas berbagai intervensi yang digunakan untuk mempersiapkan assignees internasional untuk tinggal dan bekerja di lingkungan budaya baru -. Dengan fokus khusus pada program pelatihan lintas-budaya, masih intervensi yang paling umum digunakan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi crossnational
Hal ini penting untuk catatan, dari perspektif praktis, bahwa banyak dari seleksi, pelatihan, dan praktek-praktek pembangunan yang dijelaskan dalam bab ini dikenal tapi tidak sering dilakukan di perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional. Alasan yang paling jelas untuk pengawasan lanjutan perusahaan multinasional 'praktik ini adalah bahwa HR (di sebagian besar perusahaan) mengelola tugas internasional seleksi telah dibuat (Brewster & Harris, 1999) dan kemudian dengan anggaran yang terbatas untuk pelatihan lintas-budaya dan pengembangan kegiatan sekali dipilih. Dengan demikian, peran SDM dalam manajemen tugas internasional telah diturunkan ke kegiatan administrasi dan taktis - daripada yang strategis. Menggunakan kerangka ilmuwan-praktisi acuan, penting bahwa kesenjangan antara teori dan praktek ditutup melalui studi evaluasi program padat memberikan bukti keuangan konkret untuk penggunaan strategis praktek yang dijelaskan dalam bab ini.
Kami percaya bahwa kunci untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan individu pada tugas internasional adalah untuk memahami interaksi seleksi dan pelatihan dan pengembangan, yaitu, untuk menentukan siapa yang diuntungkan paling dari kegiatan pelatihan dan pengembangan internasional. Penelitian di masa depan harus memeriksa metode yang lebih akurat untuk mengidentifikasi orang-orang dengan karakteristik individu yang diperlukan (misalnya, kepribadian) untuk berhasil di negara lain, tingkat optimal dari pelatihan lintas-budaya yang dibutuhkan untuk sukses tugas internasional, dan pembangunan jangka panjang kompetensi global yang yang dapat hasil dari tugas internasional. Jelas, ini merupakan area yang penting yang akan membuat para peneliti dan praktisi yang terlibat selama bertahun-tahun yang akan datang.
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