I am grasp­ing the sword hilt, said lightly: „Bril­liant plan is far,  terjemahan - I am grasp­ing the sword hilt, said lightly: „Bril­liant plan is far,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I am grasp­ing the sword hilt, said

I am grasp­ing the sword hilt, said lightly: „Bril­liant plan is far, but we first should sphere the fire like the city, in­ter­rupts their reen­force­ment sup­ply lines, then sends a strength full main force reg­i­ment to go to the con­voy grain and fod­der, again, send­ing a cav­alry sol­dier to sneak at­tack fire Yun Cheng, the de­cep­tive at­tack, forc­ing the hot cloud em­pire main force reg­i­ment of fire in like city to run out of the city reen­force­ment, we in­ter­cept them in the halfway with the main force, de­stroys com­pletely them, can per­haps get it over and done.”
Luo child can­not bear sneer, hugs is break­ing the wrist say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao com­mands, you quite ruth­less heart!”
I look di­rectly to him, lets some­body cool off or calm down said: „My cold is to enemy, but you ban the mar­quis Luo child to let the Tian Ling Em­pire three ser­vices press­ing of­fense fire likely city, mak­ing them bring death in vain, more cruel-hearted?”
Luo child clenches jaws, his be­hind Rot­ter vis­its me vir­u­lent, said: „Li Xiao Yao, re­ally worthily is the em­pire pil­lars of the state, you look at your pre­sent ram­pant stance, which also likely is the young fel­low who ini­tially that ini­tially en­tered the palace guard!”
I im­plored the tone, said: „Be­fore your this per­son, I al­ways ar­ro­gant, if you are not feel­ing well, hits me?”
Rot­ter: „You”
Must ir­ri­tate one to com­mand with Yorozuo shortly is long, wears the princess un­able to bear say with a smile: „Was good, the idea of that de­pen­dence Li Xiao Yao com­mand­ing! Pur­ple spirit armed forces Gen­eral Xi­a­hou who Ren is re­spon­si­ble for the rear ser­vice per­son­ally leads the pur­ple spirit armed forces 5 W main force to re­turn to the city, goes to con­voy enough grain to come, other three ser­vices rapid break­through gaps, de­stroy east the fire likely city wall, forms the po­ten­tial of be­sieged city . More­over, is more fru­gal hot crag ar­tillery and shell of Long Jing ar­tillery, we also need to com­plete the de­ci­sive bat­tle with them.”
„Yes!” One group of mil­i­tary of­fi­cers salute to­gether.
I did not have to say any­thing, but hopes that pur­ple spirit armed forces com­manded Xi­a­hou Ren to be more in­tel­li­gent, this time must pro­tect the good grain and fod­der to come the front in­evitably, per­haps oth­er­wise the Tian Ling Em­pire army must starve to death first, but I can­not place too in a big way ex­pected that after all the gen­uine ad­vis­ers of hot dace armed forces were the clear pupil de­velop black ink, by her wis­dom, the or­di­nary NPC sin­cer­ity was not nec­es­sar­ily able to deal with.
One group of com­bat gen­er­als cleared, only wear stay be­hind me.
In the empty armed forces only re­main­ing both of us, wore min the red lip, said: „You know why I do leave be­hind you?”
I asked that non- an­swered, says with a smile: „I want to know that our Tian Ling Em­pire grain and fod­der can also sup­port for sev­eral days?”
Wears said: „An or­di­nary sol­dier day can eat 3 jin (0.5 kg) grain ap­prox­i­mately, the grain and fod­der of car­ry­ing we ac­com­pany had the 500 W jin (0.5 kg), per­haps can only sup­port 3 to 4 days.”
I said: „Is this place that you worry?”
Wears the long sigh, said: „If Xi­a­hou Ren can­not trans­port the front the grain and fod­der, per­haps we can only with­draw troops to re­turn to the city.”
I have a look at the fire likely city that the rocket of dis­tant place rises from all di­rec­tions, can­not bear say with a smile: „Ac­tu­ally, if can with­draw troops to re­turn to the city, pours is also a good deed, we stopped over here for a long time are too too long.”
Wears the cor­ners of the mouth to trem­ble: „You were said that the Lin­hai city, did look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate to have an ac­tion?”
I nod the head: „If I am they, I will not look on that the day of plume em­pire an­nexes the hot cloud em­pire to ac­com­plish noth­ing
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I am grasp­ing the sword hilt, said lightly: „Bril­liant plan is far, but we first should sphere the fire like the city, in­ter­rupts their reen­force­ment sup­ply lines, then sends a strength full main force reg­i­ment to go to the con­voy grain and fod­der, again, send­ing a cav­alry sol­dier to sneak at­tack fire Yun Cheng, the de­cep­tive at­tack, forc­ing the hot cloud em­pire main force reg­i­ment of fire in like city to run out of the city reen­force­ment, we in­ter­cept them in the halfway with the main force, de­stroys com­pletely them, can per­haps get it over and done.”Luo child can­not bear sneer, hugs is break­ing the wrist say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao com­mands, you quite ruth­less heart!”I look di­rectly to him, lets some­body cool off or calm down said: „My cold is to enemy, but you ban the mar­quis Luo child to let the Tian Ling Em­pire three ser­vices press­ing of­fense fire likely city, mak­ing them bring death in vain, more cruel-hearted?”„You!”Luo child clenches jaws, his be­hind Rot­ter vis­its me vir­u­lent, said: „Li Xiao Yao, re­ally worthily is the em­pire pil­lars of the state, you look at your pre­sent ram­pant stance, which also likely is the young fel­low who ini­tially that ini­tially en­tered the palace guard!”I im­plored the tone, said: „Be­fore your this per­son, I al­ways ar­ro­gant, if you are not feel­ing well, hits me?”Rot­ter: „You”
Must ir­ri­tate one to com­mand with Yorozuo shortly is long, wears the princess un­able to bear say with a smile: „Was good, the idea of that de­pen­dence Li Xiao Yao com­mand­ing! Pur­ple spirit armed forces Gen­eral Xi­a­hou who Ren is re­spon­si­ble for the rear ser­vice per­son­ally leads the pur­ple spirit armed forces 5 W main force to re­turn to the city, goes to con­voy enough grain to come, other three ser­vices rapid break­through gaps, de­stroy east the fire likely city wall, forms the po­ten­tial of be­sieged city . More­over, is more fru­gal hot crag ar­tillery and shell of Long Jing ar­tillery, we also need to com­plete the de­ci­sive bat­tle with them.”
„Yes!” One group of mil­i­tary of­fi­cers salute to­gether.
I did not have to say any­thing, but hopes that pur­ple spirit armed forces com­manded Xi­a­hou Ren to be more in­tel­li­gent, this time must pro­tect the good grain and fod­der to come the front in­evitably, per­haps oth­er­wise the Tian Ling Em­pire army must starve to death first, but I can­not place too in a big way ex­pected that after all the gen­uine ad­vis­ers of hot dace armed forces were the clear pupil de­velop black ink, by her wis­dom, the or­di­nary NPC sin­cer­ity was not nec­es­sar­ily able to deal with.
One group of com­bat gen­er­als cleared, only wear stay be­hind me.
In the empty armed forces only re­main­ing both of us, wore min the red lip, said: „You know why I do leave be­hind you?”
I asked that non- an­swered, says with a smile: „I want to know that our Tian Ling Em­pire grain and fod­der can also sup­port for sev­eral days?”
Wears said: „An or­di­nary sol­dier day can eat 3 jin (0.5 kg) grain ap­prox­i­mately, the grain and fod­der of car­ry­ing we ac­com­pany had the 500 W jin (0.5 kg), per­haps can only sup­port 3 to 4 days.”
I said: „Is this place that you worry?”
Wears the long sigh, said: „If Xi­a­hou Ren can­not trans­port the front the grain and fod­der, per­haps we can only with­draw troops to re­turn to the city.”
I have a look at the fire likely city that the rocket of dis­tant place rises from all di­rec­tions, can­not bear say with a smile: „Ac­tu­ally, if can with­draw troops to re­turn to the city, pours is also a good deed, we stopped over here for a long time are too too long.”
Wears the cor­ners of the mouth to trem­ble: „You were said that the Lin­hai city, did look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate to have an ac­tion?”
I nod the head: „If I am they, I will not look on that the day of plume em­pire an­nexes the hot cloud em­pire to ac­com­plish noth­ing
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya memegang gagang pedang, mengatakan ringan: "Brilliant rencana jauh, tapi pertama-tama kita harus sphere api seperti kota, mengganggu jalur pasokan reenforcement mereka, kemudian mengirimkan kekuatan penuh resimen kekuatan utama untuk pergi ke gandum konvoi dan pakan ternak, lagi, mengirimkan tentara kavaleri untuk menyelinap serangan api Yun Cheng, serangan menipu, memaksa kerajaan awan panas resimen kekuatan utama kebakaran di kota seperti kehabisan dari reenforcement kota, kita mencegat mereka di tengah jalan dengan kekuatan utama, menghancurkan benar-benar mereka, mungkin bisa mendapatkannya atas dan dilakukan ".
anak Luo tidak tahan mencibir, pelukan adalah melanggar pergelangan tangan mengatakan:"! Li Xiao Yao perintah, Anda jantung cukup kejam "
saya melihat langsung padanya, memungkinkan seseorang dingin atau tenang mengatakan: "dingin saya adalah musuh, tetapi Anda melarang marquis Luo anak untuk membiarkan Tian Ling Empire tiga layanan menekan pelanggaran api kemungkinan kota, membuat mereka membawa kematian sia-sia, lebih kejam-hati?"
Luo mengepalkan anak rahang, di belakang Rotter mengunjungi saya virulen, mengatakan: "Li Xiao Yao, benar-benar layak adalah pilar kerajaan negara, Anda melihat sikap merajalela saat ini Anda, yang juga mungkin adalah anak muda yang awalnya yang awalnya masuk pengawal istana! "
saya memohon nada, mengatakan:" Sebelum orang ini, saya selalu arogan, jika Anda tidak merasa baik, hits saya "?
Rotter:" Kamu "
Harus mengiritasi satu untuk perintah dengan Yorozuo lama panjang, memakai putri dapat beruang mengatakan dengan tersenyum: "Apakah yang baik, ide yang ketergantungan Li Xiao Yao memerintah! Semangat ungu angkatan bersenjata Jenderal Xiahou yang Ren bertanggung jawab untuk layanan belakang pribadi mengarah semangat ungu angkatan bersenjata 5 W kekuatan utama untuk kembali ke kota, pergi ke konvoi cukup biji-bijian untuk datang, tiga layanan lainnya yang cepat kesenjangan terobosan, menghancurkan timur api tembok kota besar, membentuk potensi kota yang terkepung. Selain itu, lebih hemat panas karang artileri dan shell dari Long Jing artileri, kami juga harus menyelesaikan pertempuran yang menentukan dengan mereka. "
" Ya! "Satu kelompok perwira militer salut sama.
Saya tidak perlu mengatakan apa-apa, tapi berharap bahwa semangat ungu angkatan bersenjata memerintahkan Xiahou Ren menjadi lebih cerdas, kali ini harus melindungi biji-bijian yang baik dan pakan ternak untuk datang depan mau tidak mau, mungkin kalau tentara Tian Ling Empire harus mati kelaparan pertama, tapi aku tidak bisa menempatkan terlalu di jalan besar diharapkan bahwa setelah semua penasihat asli angkatan bersenjata dace panas adalah murid yang jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam, dengan kebijaksanaan, NPC ketulusan biasa belum tentu mampu menghadapi.
satu kelompok jenderal tempur dibersihkan, hanya memakai tinggal di belakang saya.
dalam Angkatan bersenjata kosong hanya tersisa kami berdua, mengenakan min bibir merah, mengatakan: "Anda tahu mengapa saya meninggalkan Anda"
saya meminta non menjawab, sambil tersenyum: "saya ingin tahu bahwa kami Tian Ling Empire biji-bijian dan pakan ternak juga dapat mendukung selama beberapa hari "?
Wears mengatakan:" Sebuah hari prajurit biasa bisa makan 3 jin (0,5 kg) gandum sekitar, gandum dan pakan ternak membawa kami menemani memiliki 500 W jin (0,5 kg), mungkin bisa hanya mendukung 3 sampai 4 hari ".
aku berkata:"? Apakah tempat ini bahwa Anda khawatir "
" Ya! "
memakai napas panjang, mengatakan:" Jika Xiahou Ren tidak dapat mengangkut depan gandum dan pakan ternak, mungkin kita hanya bisa menarik pasukan . untuk kembali ke kota "
saya lihat di api kemungkinan kota bahwa roket dari tempat yang jauh naik dari segala arah, tidak tahan mengatakan dengan tersenyum:" Sebenarnya, jika dapat menarik pasukannya untuk kembali ke kota, menuangkan juga perbuatan baik, kami berhenti di sini untuk waktu yang lama terlalu terlalu lama ".
Wears sudut mulut gemetar:" Kau mengatakan bahwa kota Linhai, tidak melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama ? untuk memiliki tindakan "
aku mengangguk kepala:" Jika saya mereka, saya tidak akan terlihat pada bahwa hari kerajaan membanggakan menganeksasi awan kerajaan panas untuk mencapai apa-apa
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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