Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
faire stood for government non-intervention in the operation of the market. This, however, raised the question of how order and harmony would be created in the economy, and how social interest would be protected in a laissez faire environment where everyone was totally free to do whatever he wishes to serve his/her self-interest. Say’s Law helped provide the needed rationale. It applied the law of Newtonian physics to economics and asserted that, just like the universe, the economy will work perfectly if left to itself. Competition would enable market forces to prevent excesses on the part of both individuals and firms and thus create ‘order’ in the economy and ‘harmony’ between self-interest and social interest. Any effort on the part of the state to intervene in the self-adjusting market could not but lead to distortion and inefficiency. Production will create its own demand and there will be no overproduction or unemployment. There was no need for imposing any moral or institutional constraints on human behavior.The great merit of laissez faire capitalism was that it promoted private ownership of property and recognized the profit motive, and, thus, enabled individuals to benefit from their creativity and entrepreneurship. It was also democratic; by their purchases of goods and services in the market place, individuals cast votes in favor of the production of those goods and services. However, since the contention that this would promote the well-being of all individuals was based on flawed logic, the system was unable to promote the well-being of all.Alasan untuk ini tidak sulit untuk menemukan. Pertama, karena kekuatan suara yang kaya dan miskin terlalu tidak seimbang, kaya mampu ayunan hasil dari kekuatan pasar menguntungkan mereka. Kedua, karena pengaruh penahanan moral filter diruntuhkan, materialisme mengambil tempatnya. Materialisme, namun, dipromosikan budaya konsumen yang membujuk individu melalui iklan untuk membeli jumlah maksimum barang dan jasa. Keinginan, dengan demikian, menjadi maksimal. Satu-satunya kendala adalah pendapatan pribadi. Namun, bahkan ini kendala diperlemah oleh sistem keuangan konvensional dimana Bank bertindak sebagai bius pinjaman dan terus-menerus mempromosikan tinggal di luar berarti oleh publik dan sektor swasta. Klaim pada sumber daya, oleh karena itu, dikalikan dan dihasilkan tidak hanya tekanan inflasi, tetapi juga pesat dalam utang dan utang-melayani beban.Ketiga, peningkatan klaim berlebihan tidak langsung sakit pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat miskin. Hal ini karena orang kaya mampu membeli apa pun yang mereka inginkan. Sejak mewah
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