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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
kreditor kontrol hak bagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang beroperasi di pasar non-AS dan perjanjian. Kreditor memiliki insentif yang kuat untuk mengendalikan pengambilan-keputusan perusahaan melaluiPerjanjian kredit pribadi ketika mereka beroperasi di lingkungan dengan perlindungan kreditor yang lemah. Dalam keadaan demikian, kreditor dan manajer yang lebih mungkin untukagree to dividend restrictions as a counterbalance to poor creditor rights.We test the substitute hypothesis for the agency costs of debt by constructing a large sample of 120,507 firm years from 16,525 unique firms across 52 countries. The sample period spans from 1990 to 2006. We begin by examining the impact of creditor rights on the likelihood of paying dividends while controlling for firm maturity,leverage, profitability, sales growth, size, cash holdings,and shareholder rights. As hypothesized, we find a positive and significant relation between creditor rights and the probability of paying dividends. In addition to payout probabilities, we examine payout amounts. Our Tobit regression results show that creditor rights are positively related to divided payouts.Weak creditor rights lead to dividend restrictions, all else equal. We find similar results for most of the individual components of the creditor rights index, including the: (1) right to repossess collateralized assets, (2) right to absolute priority over non-secured creditors, (3) right to restrict the debtor from unilaterally seeking court protection, and(4) right to replace management.We analyze the economic significance of our results and find that a reduction in the creditor rights index from its highest value (four) to its lowest value (zero) leads to a 41% reduction in the probability of paying a dividend. A similar reduction in creditor rights leads to a 60% reduction in dividend amounts (as a percent of sales). In contrast, an increase in minority shareholder rights from its lowest to its highest value leads to a 25% increase in the probability of paying a dividend and a 32% increase in dividend amounts. Cross-country variations in creditor rights have more explanatory power than cross-country variations in shareholder rights both in terms of statistical significance and economic significance
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