We often hear about solarcars, solar heating, and solarbatteries. But  terjemahan - We often hear about solarcars, solar heating, and solarbatteries. But  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

We often hear about solarcars, sola

We often hear about solar
cars, solar heating, and solar
batteries. But will solar energy ever
be a major source of energy for
Solar energy is cheaper than
other fossil fuels because we can get
an abundant source from the sun. in
sunny desert area, 50% of the sun’s
radiation that reach the ground
could be used to produce electricity
for businesses and industry and to
provide heat, light, and hot water for
homes. Experimental solar ponds can
also produce hot water to drive
Unfortunately, we can’t yet
power our homes entirely on
sunlight. Solar energy can only be
used effectively in bright light. Its
greatest potential therefore is in hot
countries that have clear skies for
most of the year. But, unfortunately
most houses are not in the sunniest
parts of the world. Moreover, in
order to harness solar power solar
cells are needed to convert sunlight
directly into electricity. Solar cells
are very cheap to run, but relatively
expensive to buy and many people
can’t afford them.
Needless to say, solar energy
is useful and non-pollution source of
energy. Unfortunately, solar cells,
the main to harness the sun’s energy
are still very expensive.
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Kita sering mendengar mengenai tenaga suryaMobil, solar pemanas, dan solarbaterai. Tapi akan energi surya pernahsumber utama energi untukmasyarakat?Energi matahari lebih murah daripadabahan-bakar fosil lainnya karena kita bisasumber yang berlimpah dari matahari. dalamkawasan gurun yang cerah, 50% dari matahariradiasi yang mencapai tanahdapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan listrikuntuk bisnis dan industri danmemberikan panas, cahaya dan air panas untukrumah. Eksperimental matahari kolam dapatjuga menghasilkan air panas ke driveGenerator.Sayangnya, kami belum dapatdaya rumah kita sepenuhnya padasinar matahari. Energi surya hanya dapatdigunakan secara efektif dalam terang. Nyapotensi terbesar karena itu adalah dalam panasnegara yang memiliki langit cerah untuksebagian besar tahun. Tapi, sayangnyakebanyakan rumah tidak di tercerahBagian dari dunia. Selain itu, dalamuntuk memanfaatkan tenaga surya suryasel-sel yang diperlukan untuk mengkonversi sinar mataharilangsung ke listrik. Sel suryasangat murah untuk menjalankan, tetapi relatifmahal untuk membeli dan banyak orangtidak dapat membelinya.Perlu dikatakan, energi suryasumber berguna dan bebas polusienergi. Sayangnya, sel surya,utama untuk memanfaatkan energi mataharimasih sangat mahal.Berbagi ini:Berbagi4 pikiran pada "KontroversiMemanfaatkan matahariEnergi"Silakan tulis komentar anda dikolom yg disediakanKALENDEROktober 2008M T W T F S S1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31«Agustus November»POSTING TERBARUNew but old trend in educationCharacter building through freereading the right step to takeGive teachers space under uniformeducation policyIndonesia needs to invest more inhuman resourcesAre international school studentsIndonesian enough?When testing matters morethan learningTo regain greatness, fix educationMaking Indonesia astudy destinationHow can ‘pesantren’ contribute tonational educationNew recruitment model for teachers:Toward competencyKELOMPOKArtikelCara MudahCerpenContoh2 TeksTeks DescriptiveTeks DiscussionTeks ExplanationTeks ExpositionTeks Exposition -AnalyticalTeks Exposition -HortatoryTeks NarrativeTeks News ItemTeks ProcedureTeks RecountTeks ReportTeks ReviewInformasiKomentarKOMENTAR TERBARUBunga permata sari on New but oldtrend in educationRiski Yulianto on New but old trendin educationgian febri adzani on New but oldtrend in educationAfrida on New but old trend ineducationLAMAN/POSTING PALING MENARIK5 Langkah Mudah Mengcopy File Textdari InternetThe Controversy of Harnessing SolarEnergyHow Photosynthesis WorksMaking Paper from Woodchips3 Strategi Jitu Menjawab Soal-SoalUjian NasionalLife Cycle of the Malaria ParasiteCloning of Animals: Allowed or notallowed?Abortion: Pro and ContraWhy do the Sun and the Moon live inthe sky?Human Respiratory SystemARSIPADMINRegisterLog inEntries RSSComments RSSWordPress.comBlog at WordPress.com.The Big Brother Theme.        YUSUF EFENDYKTSP, K-13, Guru, dan Pendidikan diIndonesia  About these ads
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