So long.

So long." Tiffany greeted with pout

So long." Tiffany greeted with pouting lips. I want to kiss her red lips.
"Hehehe... Mianhe .."
"Here... You should also replace your wet clothes." Tiffany gave me clothes to me.
I took it and put it on my body. I just wanted to know what this shirt fit me. This shirt was quite large. Why Tiffany has a shirt like this? She seems like something big. Euhehehe...
"That’s my brother's clothes. Quickly change your clothes before there is lightning again." Tiffany like reading my mind. She pushed me back into the bathroom.
After changing the clothes, I came out from the bathroom. Tiffany immediately pulled me out again. We went back into the living room and sat down on the couch. But she still did not let go of my hand. I'm actually not a problem. Moreover, now her pressed my arm. Euhehe...
"It looks like the rain will be a long to stop." she muttered.
"Yes. But thunder also has begun rarely heard."
"You'd better stay here."
"Huh? But..." what’s wrong with her? She was not afraid if I will do anything bad to her later?
"Please, Tae... At least you could wait until the rain stopped."
Finally I did not go straight at home. I send a short message to dad that I'll be home late. Turn out daddy just not going home tonight. I and Tiffany converse-talk along waiting for the rain to subside. Tiffany occasionally kept screaming at the sound of thunder. I continue to accompany Tiffany until the rain subsided slightly and thunder rarely heard.
Until I felt something on my arm. Tiffany turns out already asleep leaning on my body. I chuckled when I saw her very funny face.
Her mouth opened a little. I want to slip my tongue between her mouth. I want to explore every cavity of her mouth. Kekeke...
I want to leave the apartment. But I can’t possibly leave her sleeping on the couch like this. Finally I decided to take her to her room.
I carry her in bridal style. I smiled as I touched her smooth thighs. Somehow I was so bold like this.
Arriving at the Tiffany room, I put her on the bed slowly. Then I covered her with blanket so that she was not got cold. I smoothed her hair who little messy. Her pretty face was so clearly visible.
I did not directly come out of her room. I just looked at her. But then I remembered that I'd better get out of here before I acted stupid thing again.
I started to walk out of her room. But something made me stop my pace. I saw a laptop that was on the table. Then I looked back at Tiffany who was still sleeping soundly.
I'm really curious if Tiffany was Stephi or not. I should be sure before she woke up. I crept walked to her desk and then I turn on the laptop.
I was quite startled when the distinctive sound of a laptop that was powered audible. I immediately saw Tiffany. Luckily she was still in her position were asleep. I have to do this quickly.
I opened the browser on her laptop. I opened the e-mail. My heart beating loudly. On the other hand I was afraid of getting caught opens her laptop without permission. But on the other hand I am also very curious about it all. Luckily, Tiffany did not log out her e-mail so that I can open it easily.
"What the-" I stood up. My heart beat more loudly when I saw the incoming e-mail in her e-mail.
There were e-mails from my blog. It was usually there was e-mail if I replied to a comment on my blog to the person concerned. I carefully checked back to see if I'm wrong view or not. But it feels like useless because what I saw never changed. So far Tiffany indeed was Stephi?
"T-Taeyeon? What are you doing with my laptop?"
It felt like my heart stopped beating. I turned my body. Tiffany already standing behind me. Her eyes saw my body backward. ! I died.
"Y-you're S-Stephi?" I said softly. I still can’t believe it. How can yeoja like Tiffany visited the blog like that.
"Huh?" Tiffany frowned and walked over to me.
"I-I have to go."
I lowered my head and I ran away out of her room. I quickly get out of her apartment and ran into my car. My head feels dizzy all. I did not thin
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
So long." Tiffany greeted with pouting lips. I want to kiss her red lips."Hehehe... Mianhe ..""Here... You should also replace your wet clothes." Tiffany gave me clothes to me.I took it and put it on my body. I just wanted to know what this shirt fit me. This shirt was quite large. Why Tiffany has a shirt like this? She seems like something big. Euhehehe..."That’s my brother's clothes. Quickly change your clothes before there is lightning again." Tiffany like reading my mind. She pushed me back into the bathroom.After changing the clothes, I came out from the bathroom. Tiffany immediately pulled me out again. We went back into the living room and sat down on the couch. But she still did not let go of my hand. I'm actually not a problem. Moreover, now her pressed my arm. Euhehe..."It looks like the rain will be a long to stop." she muttered."Yes. But thunder also has begun rarely heard.""You'd better stay here.""Huh? But..." what’s wrong with her? She was not afraid if I will do anything bad to her later?"Please, Tae... At least you could wait until the rain stopped.""O-okay..."Finally I did not go straight at home. I send a short message to dad that I'll be home late. Turn out daddy just not going home tonight. I and Tiffany converse-talk along waiting for the rain to subside. Tiffany occasionally kept screaming at the sound of thunder. I continue to accompany Tiffany until the rain subsided slightly and thunder rarely heard.Until I felt something on my arm. Tiffany turns out already asleep leaning on my body. I chuckled when I saw her very funny face.Her mouth opened a little. I want to slip my tongue between her mouth. I want to explore every cavity of her mouth. Kekeke...I want to leave the apartment. But I can’t possibly leave her sleeping on the couch like this. Finally I decided to take her to her room.I carry her in bridal style. I smiled as I touched her smooth thighs. Somehow I was so bold like this.Arriving at the Tiffany room, I put her on the bed slowly. Then I covered her with blanket so that she was not got cold. I smoothed her hair who little messy. Her pretty face was so clearly visible.I did not directly come out of her room. I just looked at her. But then I remembered that I'd better get out of here before I acted stupid thing again.I started to walk out of her room. But something made me stop my pace. I saw a laptop that was on the table. Then I looked back at Tiffany who was still sleeping soundly.I'm really curious if Tiffany was Stephi or not. I should be sure before she woke up. I crept walked to her desk and then I turn on the laptop.I was quite startled when the distinctive sound of a laptop that was powered audible. I immediately saw Tiffany. Luckily she was still in her position were asleep. I have to do this quickly.I opened the browser on her laptop. I opened the e-mail. My heart beating loudly. On the other hand I was afraid of getting caught opens her laptop without permission. But on the other hand I am also very curious about it all. Luckily, Tiffany did not log out her e-mail so that I can open it easily."What the-" I stood up. My heart beat more loudly when I saw the incoming e-mail in her e-mail.There were e-mails from my blog. It was usually there was e-mail if I replied to a comment on my blog to the person concerned. I carefully checked back to see if I'm wrong view or not. But it feels like useless because what I saw never changed. So far Tiffany indeed was Stephi?"T-Taeyeon? What are you doing with my laptop?"It felt like my heart stopped beating. I turned my body. Tiffany already standing behind me. Her eyes saw my body backward. ! I died."Y-you're S-Stephi?" I said softly. I still can’t believe it. How can yeoja like Tiffany visited the blog like that."Huh?" Tiffany frowned and walked over to me."I-I have to go."I lowered my head and I ran away out of her room. I quickly get out of her apartment and ran into my car. My head feels dizzy all. I did not thin
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Begitu lama. "Tiffany disambut dengan cemberut bibir. Aku ingin mencium bibir
merahnya." Hehehe ... Mianhe ..
"" Disini ... Anda juga harus mengganti pakaian Anda basah. "Tiffany memberi saya pakaian untuk saya.
Saya mengambil dan meletakkannya di tubuh saya. Saya hanya ingin tahu apa baju ini pas untuk saya. Baju ini cukup besar. Mengapa Tiffany memiliki kemeja seperti ini? Dia tampak seperti sesuatu yang besar. Euhehehe ...
"Itu baju kakakku. Cepat mengubah pakaian Anda sebelum ada petir lagi. "Tiffany seperti membaca pikiran saya. Dia mendorong saya kembali ke kamar mandi.
Setelah mengubah pakaian, aku keluar dari kamar mandi. Tiffany segera menarikku keluar lagi. Kami kembali ke hidup kamar dan duduk di sofa. Tapi dia masih tidak melepaskan tanganku. Aku sebenarnya tidak masalah. Apalagi, sekarang dia menekan lenganku. Euhehe ...
"Sepertinya hujan akan menjadi panjang untuk berhenti.
"gumamnya." Ya. Tapi guntur juga mulai jarang mendengar.
"" Kamu lebih baik tinggal di sini.
"" Hah? Tapi ... "apa yang salah dengan dia? Dia tidak takut jika aku akan melakukan sesuatu yang buruk untuk nanti?" Silakan, Tae ... Setidaknya Anda bisa menunggu sampai hujan berhenti. "" O-oke ... " Akhirnya saya tidak langsung di rumah. Aku mengirim pesan singkat ke ayah bahwa saya akan pulang terlambat. Hidupkan keluar papa tidak akan pulang malam ini. Saya dan Tiffany converse-talk sepanjang menunggu hujan mereda. Tiffany sesekali terus berteriak pada suara guntur. Aku terus menemani Tiffany sampai hujan mereda sedikit dan guntur jarang mendengar. Sampai aku merasakan sesuatu di lengan saya. Tiffany ternyata sudah tertidur bersandar pada tubuh saya. Saya tertawa saat melihat wajahnya yang sangat lucu. Mulutnya terbuka sedikit. Saya ingin menyelinap lidah saya di antara bibirnya. Saya ingin menjelajahi setiap rongga nya Kekeke mulut. ... Saya ingin meninggalkan apartemen. Tapi aku tidak mungkin meninggalkan dia tidur di sofa seperti ini. Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk membawanya ke kamarnya. Aku membawanya dalam gaya pengantin. Aku tersenyum saat aku menyentuh pahanya yang mulus. Entah bagaimana aku begitu berani seperti ini. Sesampainya di ruang Tiffany, saya menempatkan dia di tempat tidur perlahan. Lalu aku menutupi tubuhnya dengan selimut sehingga dia tidak mendapat dingin. Aku merapikan rambutnya yang sedikit berantakan. Wajahnya yang cantik itu begitu jelas terlihat. Aku tidak langsung keluar dari kamarnya. Aku hanya menatapnya. Tapi kemudian aku ingat bahwa aku akan lebih baik keluar dari sini sebelum aku bertindak bodoh lagi. Aku mulai berjalan keluar dari kamarnya. Tapi sesuatu membuat saya berhenti kecepatan saya. Saya melihat laptop yang ada di meja. Lalu aku kembali menatap Tiffany yang masih tidur nyenyak. Aku benar-benar ingin tahu apakah Tiffany adalah Stephi atau tidak. Aku harus yakin sebelum dia bangun. Aku merayap berjalan ke mejanya dan kemudian saya menyalakan laptop. Saya cukup terkejut ketika suara khas dari laptop yang bertenaga terdengar. Aku segera melihat Tiffany. Untungnya dia masih dalam posisinya yang tertidur. Saya harus melakukan ini dengan cepat. Aku membuka browser di laptop-nya. Aku membuka e-mail. Jantungku berdetak keras. Di sisi lain saya takut tertangkap membuka laptop tanpa izin. Tapi di sisi lain saya juga sangat ingin tahu tentang itu semua. Untungnya, Tiffany tidak log out e-mail-nya sehingga saya bisa membukanya dengan mudah. ​​"Apa yang-" Aku berdiri. Jantung saya berdetak lebih keras ketika aku melihat e-mail yang masuk dalam e-mail-nya. Ada e-mail dari blog saya. Itu biasanya ada e-mail jika saya membalas komentar di blog saya ke orang yang bersangkutan. Saya hati-hati diperiksa kembali untuk melihat apakah saya lihat salah atau tidak. Tapi rasanya seperti tidak berguna karena apa yang saya lihat tidak pernah berubah. Sejauh Tiffany memang adalah Stephi? "T-Taeyeon? Apa yang Anda lakukan dengan laptop saya?" Rasanya seperti hati saya berhenti berdetak. Aku berbalik tubuh saya. Tiffany sudah berdiri di belakang saya. Matanya melihat tubuh saya mundur. ! Aku mati. "Y-kau S-Stephi?" Aku berkata pelan. Aku masih tidak bisa percaya. Bagaimana bisa yeoja seperti Tiffany mengunjungi blog seperti itu. "Hah?" Tiffany mengerutkan kening dan berjalan ke saya. "II harus pergi." Aku menunduk dan saya lari keluar dari kamarnya. Aku segera keluar dari apartemennya dan berlari ke mobil saya. Kepalaku terasa pusing sekali. Saya tidak tipis

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