The strength of these two fellas is indeed shocking. Previously, if it terjemahan - The strength of these two fellas is indeed shocking. Previously, if it Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The strength of these two fellas is

The strength of these two fellas is indeed shocking. Previously, if it wasn’t for him tricking Luqian Sha with the Draconic Bombs, wanting to kill him in a fair fight would truly not be an easy task.

The moment Nie Li reappeared, two Draconic Bombs flew out from his hand.

“Duan Jian, dodge!” Nie Li barked.

Hearing Nie Li’s words, Duan Jian immediately moved sideways.

*Boom!* *Boom!*

The two Draconic Bombs exploded near Luqian Mo,creating a powerful shockwave.

Even though Luqian Mo was able to dodge in time, he suffered some minor injuries from the shockwave. He leaped and pounced towards Nie Li again.

“I’ll see how many you still have, die!” Countless spikes instantly grew from Luqian Mo’s right arm as he flew towards Nie Li. The mysterious small metal balls that Nie Li used seems to be some sort of hidden weapon forged by an inscriptionist. The difficulty of manufacturing these special hidden weapons must be very high; therefore, there shouldn’t be much left in Nie Li’s hand!

The instant Luqian Mo leaped, fifteen to sixteen metal balls appeared in Nie Li’s hand and were thrown towards Luqian Mo.

Seeing this, Luqian Mo’s heart trembled. He never thought that Nie Li would still have so much Draconic Bombs left. He quickly moved to the side, dodging them.

Seeing his movements, another batch of metal balls appeared in Nie Li’s right hand and threw them madly at him.

Batch after batch, the amount of Draconic bombs seems to be endless. They were pouring down towards Luqian Mo.

“What’s going on? How does this kid have so many of those things?” Luqian Mo’s face turned green as he quickly dodged those metal balls.

Some of the metal ball fell onto the ground, but did not explode.

Seeing that, Luqian Mo instantly understood what’s going on. Nie Li is trying to trick him, it’s simply impossible for him to have so many Draconic Bombs. Among those, there must be lots of fakes!

Luqian Mo threw a palm in the air and one of the Draconic Bomb were shattered into fragments, but nothing happened. Luqian Mo coldly laughed, ‘So that’s the case!’ as he pounced towards Nie Li once again.

*Woosh!* *Woosh!* *Woosh!*

The metal balls were still being thrown by Nie Li. Although Luqian Mo had intentionally dodged them, some of those metal balls still landed on his body.


When Luqian Mo’s defense was a little relaxed, a Draconic Bomb exploded beside him and the formidable power instantly broke through his defense, devouring his right forelimb.

Luqian Mo instantly issued a mournful shriek.

One finally hit the target. Nie Li’s eyebrow twitched, back then, when he was making the Draconic Bombs, he understood that the amount of Dragon’s Soul Stone was very limited. Therefore, he used some metal scraps to forge similar metal balls that had the same appearance as the Draconic Bombs.

Nie Li thought that if his opponent had their guard up around the Draconic Bombs, then these fake bombs would help lower it. However, he never imagined that Luqian Mo would fall for it so easily.

After Luqian Mo was hit, Nie Li took out a few authentic Draconic Bombs and madly threw them towards him.

Luqian Mo had just suffered an injury from a Draconic Bomb and couldn’t react when he saw more flying towards his direction.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

His shriek was drowned out in the exploding sounds and just like what happened with Luqian Sha, he was sent flying.

Once Luqian Mo’s aura disappeared, Nie Li let out a breath of relief. He finally got rid of those two troublesome fellows.

Raising his head, he realised that Yu Yan, Ye Ziyun and the rest were all looking at him with dumbfounded expressions. Nie Li rubbed his head as he wondered, ‘Is something wrong?’

They had no idea that Nie Li had something like the Draconic Bomb up his sleeve. The power of that thing was simply too frightening. It killed two Legend rank pinnacle demon beasts! They originally thought that they wouldn’t be able to get any advantages in this battle. Who would have expected N
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The strength of these two fellas is indeed shocking. Previously, if it wasn’t for him tricking Luqian Sha with the Draconic Bombs, wanting to kill him in a fair fight would truly not be an easy task.The moment Nie Li reappeared, two Draconic Bombs flew out from his hand.“Duan Jian, dodge!” Nie Li barked.Hearing Nie Li’s words, Duan Jian immediately moved sideways.*Boom!* *Boom!*The two Draconic Bombs exploded near Luqian Mo,creating a powerful shockwave.Even though Luqian Mo was able to dodge in time, he suffered some minor injuries from the shockwave. He leaped and pounced towards Nie Li again.“I’ll see how many you still have, die!” Countless spikes instantly grew from Luqian Mo’s right arm as he flew towards Nie Li. The mysterious small metal balls that Nie Li used seems to be some sort of hidden weapon forged by an inscriptionist. The difficulty of manufacturing these special hidden weapons must be very high; therefore, there shouldn’t be much left in Nie Li’s hand!The instant Luqian Mo leaped, fifteen to sixteen metal balls appeared in Nie Li’s hand and were thrown towards Luqian Mo.Seeing this, Luqian Mo’s heart trembled. He never thought that Nie Li would still have so much Draconic Bombs left. He quickly moved to the side, dodging them.Seeing his movements, another batch of metal balls appeared in Nie Li’s right hand and threw them madly at him.Batch setelah batch, jumlah Draconic bom tampaknya tak ada habisnya. Mereka mengalir turun menuju Luqian Mo."Apa yang terjadi? Bagaimana Apakah anak ini memiliki begitu banyak hal-hal?" Luqian Mo wajah berubah hijau karena ia cepat menghindar bola logam tersebut.Beberapa bola logam tersebut jatuh ke tanah, tetapi tidak meledak.Melihat itu, Luqian Mo segera mengerti apa yang sedang terjadi. Nie Li mencoba menipu dia, itu tidak mungkin baginya untuk memiliki begitu banyak Draconic bom. Di antara mereka, harus ada banyak palsu!Luqian Mo melemparkan palm di udara dan salah satu bom Draconic kandas menjadi fragmen, tapi tidak ada yang terjadi. Luqian Mo dingin tertawa, 'sehingga kasus!' karena dia menerkam menuju Nie Li sekali lagi.* Woosh! * * Woosh! * * Woosh! *Bola logam masih sedang dilemparkan oleh Nie Li. Meskipun Luqian Mo telah sengaja menghindar mereka, beberapa bola logam tersebut masih mendarat di tubuhnya.* Boom! *Ketika Luqian Mo pertahanan yang sedikit santai, Draconic bom meledak di sampingnya dan kekuatan tangguh langsung menerobos pertahanan, melahap Tungkai depan nya benar.Luqian Mo langsung mengeluarkan jeritan sedih.Salah satu akhirnya mencapai target. Alis nie Li twitched, kembali kemudian, ketika dia membuat bom Draconic, dia mengerti bahwa jumlah naga jiwa batu adalah sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu, ia menggunakan beberapa potongan logam untuk membentuk bola logam yang sama yang memiliki penampilan yang sama sebagai Draconic bom.Nie Li thought that if his opponent had their guard up around the Draconic Bombs, then these fake bombs would help lower it. However, he never imagined that Luqian Mo would fall for it so easily.After Luqian Mo was hit, Nie Li took out a few authentic Draconic Bombs and madly threw them towards him.Luqian Mo had just suffered an injury from a Draconic Bomb and couldn’t react when he saw more flying towards his direction.*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*His shriek was drowned out in the exploding sounds and just like what happened with Luqian Sha, he was sent flying.Once Luqian Mo’s aura disappeared, Nie Li let out a breath of relief. He finally got rid of those two troublesome fellows.Raising his head, he realised that Yu Yan, Ye Ziyun and the rest were all looking at him with dumbfounded expressions. Nie Li rubbed his head as he wondered, ‘Is something wrong?’They had no idea that Nie Li had something like the Draconic Bomb up his sleeve. The power of that thing was simply too frightening. It killed two Legend rank pinnacle demon beasts! They originally thought that they wouldn’t be able to get any advantages in this battle. Who would have expected N
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kekuatan dua fellas ini memang mengejutkan. Sebelumnya, jika itu bukan karena dia menipu Luqian Sha dengan Bom Draconic, ingin membunuh dia dalam pertarungan yang adil akan benar-benar tidak menjadi tugas yang mudah. ​​Saat Nie Li muncul kembali, dua bom Draconic terbang keluar dari tangannya. "Duan jian, menghindar! "Nie Li membentak. Mendengar kata-kata Nie Li, Duan Jian segera pindah ke samping. * Boom! * * Boom! * dua Bom Draconic meledak di dekat Luqian Mo, menciptakan gelombang kejut yang kuat. meskipun Luqian Mo mampu menghindar dalam waktu, ia menderita beberapa luka ringan dari shockwave tersebut. Dia melompat dan menerkam ke arah Nie Li lagi. "Aku akan melihat berapa banyak Anda masih memiliki, mati!" Paku Tak terhitung langsung tumbuh dari lengan kanan Luqian Mo saat ia terbang menuju Nie Li. Bola logam kecil misterius yang Nie Li digunakan tampaknya menjadi semacam senjata tersembunyi ditempa oleh Inscriptionist. Kesulitan pembuatan senjata tersembunyi khusus ini harus sangat tinggi; Oleh karena itu, ada tidak boleh banyak yang tersisa di tangan Nie Li! Begitu Luqian Mo melompat, 15-16 bola logam muncul di tangan Nie Li dan dilemparkan ke arah Luqian Mo. Melihat ini, hati Luqian Mo bergetar. Dia tidak pernah berpikir bahwa Nie Li masih akan memiliki begitu banyak bom Draconic kiri. Dia cepat pindah ke samping, menghindari mereka. Melihat gerakannya, batch lain dari bola logam muncul di tangan kanan Nie Li dan melemparkan mereka liar padanya. Batch setelah batch, jumlah bom Draconic tampaknya tak ada habisnya. Mereka menuangkan ke bawah menuju Luqian Mo. "Apa yang terjadi? Bagaimana anak ini telah begitu banyak hal-hal? "Wajah Luqian Mo berubah hijau karena ia cepat mengelak mereka bola logam. Beberapa bola logam jatuh ke tanah, tapi tidak meledak. Melihat itu, Luqian Mo langsung mengerti apa yang terjadi . Nie Li sedang mencoba untuk mengelabui dia, itu tidak mungkin baginya untuk memiliki begitu banyak Bom Draconic. Di antara mereka, harus ada banyak palsu! Luqian Mo melemparkan telapak tangan di udara dan salah satu Draconic Bom hancur menjadi fragmen, tapi tidak ada yang terjadi. Luqian Mo dingin tertawa, "Jadi itu yang terjadi!" saat ia menerkam ke arah Nie Li sekali lagi. * Woosh! * * Woosh! * * Woosh! * The bola logam yang masih sedang dilemparkan oleh Nie Li. Meskipun Luqian Mo telah sengaja menghindari mereka, beberapa dari mereka bola logam masih mendarat di tubuhnya. * Boom! * Ketika pertahanan Luqian Mo adalah agak santai, Bom Draconic meledak di sampingnya dan kekuatan tangguh langsung menerobos pertahanannya, melahap nya tungkai depan yang tepat. Luqian Mo langsung mengeluarkan jeritan pilu. satu akhirnya mencapai target. Alis nie Li mengejang, saat itu, ketika ia membuat Bom Draconic, ia mengerti bahwa jumlah Dragon Jiwa Batu sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu, ia menggunakan beberapa potongan-potongan logam untuk menempa bola serupa logam yang memiliki penampilan yang sama seperti Bom Draconic. Nie Li berpikir bahwa jika lawannya memiliki penjaga mereka di sekitar Bom Draconic, maka ini bom palsu akan membantu menurunkan itu. Namun, ia tidak pernah membayangkan bahwa Luqian Mo akan jatuh untuk itu begitu mudah. ​​Setelah Luqian Mo dipukul, Nie Li mengambil beberapa Bom Draconic otentik dan liar melemparkan mereka ke arahnya. Luqian Mo baru saja mengalami cedera dari Draconic Bom dan Abdya 't bereaksi ketika ia melihat terbang lebih ke arah arahnya. * Boom! * * Boom! * * Boom! * jeritan-nya tenggelam dalam suara meledak dan seperti apa yang terjadi dengan Luqian Sha, ia dikirim terbang. Setelah Luqian Mo aura menghilang, Nie Li menghela napas lega. Dia akhirnya berhasil menyingkirkan dua rekan merepotkan. Mengangkat kepalanya, ia menyadari bahwa Yu Yan, Ye Ziyun dan sisanya semua menatapnya dengan ekspresi tercengang. Nie Li mengusap kepalanya sambil bertanya-tanya, 'Apakah ada yang salah? " Mereka tidak tahu bahwa Nie Li memiliki sesuatu seperti Draconic Bom lengan bajunya. Kekuatan hal yang terlalu menakutkan. Ini membunuh dua Legenda peringkat binatang puncak setan! Mereka awalnya berpikir bahwa mereka tidak akan bisa mendapatkan keuntungan apapun dalam pertempuran ini. Yang akan diharapkan N

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