HERITAGE ACT 1995 - SECT 159A Confidentiality  (1) An inspector must n terjemahan - HERITAGE ACT 1995 - SECT 159A Confidentiality  (1) An inspector must n Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

HERITAGE ACT 1995 - SECT 159A Confi

(1) An inspector must not, except to the extent necessary—
(a) to carry out functions or to exercise powers under this Act or the regulations; or
(b) in connection with the administration or enforcement of this Act or the regulations; or
(c) to give any information the inspector is authorised, permitted or required to give under this Act or any other Act or the regulations under this Act—
give to any other person, whether directly or indirectly, any information gained in the exercise of the powers as an inspector.
Penalty: 20 penalty units.
(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent the giving of information—
(a) for the purpose of any legal proceedings arising out of this Act or the regulations, or of any report of those proceedings; or
(b) with the consent of the Minister.

Division 2--Repair Orders

Registered place or object—disrepair and failure to maintain
The owner of a registered place or registered object must not—
(a) allow that place or object to fall into disrepair; or
(b) fail to maintain that place or object to the extent that its conservation is threatened.

Notices to show cause why works should not be carried out
(1) If the Executive Director believes that a person has—
(a) allowed a registered place or registered object to fall into disrepair; or
(b) failed to maintain a registered place or registered object to the extent that its conservation is threatened—
the Executive Director may, with the consent of the Heritage Council, serve written notice on the owner of the registered place or registered object requiring the owner to show cause, within 21 days after the date of the notice, why the Executive Director should not make an order requiring the owner to carry out the works specified in the notice within the period specified in the notice.
(2) In a notice under subsection (1), the Executive Director must only specify works which, in his or her opinion, are necessary to prevent further deterioration in the condition of the registered place or registered object.
(3) A notice under subsection (1) must inform the owner on whom it is served of the provisions of sections 162 to 164.

Orders for the carrying out of works
(1) If the owner of a registered place or registered object on whom notice is served under section 161 fails to show cause in respect of all or any one or more of the works specified in that notice, the Executive Director, with the consent of the Minister, may order that those works be carried out within a period specified in the order.
(2) The Executive Director must cause a copy of an order made under subsection (1) to be served on the owner of the registered place or registered object.
S. 163 substituted by No. 52/1998
s. 311(Sch. 1 item 38.11).

Review of order to carry out works
(1) An owner of a registered place or registered object may apply to the Tribunal for review of an order served on the owner under section 162.
(2) The application must be made within one month after the service of the order.
(3) The Tribunal may grant an extension of time for compliance with the order pending the hearing of the application.
(4) An extension under subsection (3) may be subject to any conditions the Tribunal thinks fit.
(5) On a review of an order, the Tribunal must quash the order if satisfied that the owner of the registered place or registered object has not—
(a) allowed it to fall into disrepair; or
(b) failed to maintain it to the extent that its conservation is threatened.
(6) If the Tribunal is not satisfied as set out in subsection (3) it must confirm the order.
S. 164 amended by No. 74/2003 ss 5(6)(a)(b), 9 (ILA s. 39B(1)).

Failure to comply with order under section 162
(1) An owner on whom an order under section 162(1) is served must comply with that order within the period specified—
(a) in that order; or
S. 164(1)(b) amended by No. 52/1998
s. 311(Sch. 1 item 38.12).
(b) in any extension of that period granted by the Executive Director or the Tribunal.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person: 2400 penalty units or 5 years imprisonment or both.
In the case of a body corporate: 4800 penalty units.
S. 164(2) inserted by No. 74/2003 s. 9.
(2) An offence against subsection (1) is an indictable offence.

Executive Director may carry out works
If an owner on whom an order under section 162(1) is served fails to comply with that order within the period required under this Division, the Executive Director, with the consent of the Minister, at the end of that period—
(a) may carry out or cause to be carried out any works which that repair order required to be carried out and which were not carried out within that period; and
(b) may recover the costs of works carried out under paragraph (a) from the owner on whom the repair order was served in any court of competent jurisdiction as a debt.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
(1) An inspector must not, except to the extent necessary—
(a) to carry out functions or to exercise powers under this Act or the regulations; or
(b) in connection with the administration or enforcement of this Act or the regulations; or
(c) to give any information the inspector is authorised, permitted or required to give under this Act or any other Act or the regulations under this Act—
give to any other person, whether directly or indirectly, any information gained in the exercise of the powers as an inspector.
Penalty: 20 penalty units.
(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent the giving of information—
(a) for the purpose of any legal proceedings arising out of this Act or the regulations, or of any report of those proceedings; or
(b) with the consent of the Minister.

Division 2--Repair Orders

Registered place or object—disrepair and failure to maintain
The owner of a registered place or registered object must not—
(a) allow that place or object to fall into disrepair; or
(b) fail to maintain that place or object to the extent that its conservation is threatened.

Notices to show cause why works should not be carried out
(1) If the Executive Director believes that a person has—
(a) allowed a registered place or registered object to fall into disrepair; or
(b) failed to maintain a registered place or registered object to the extent that its conservation is threatened—
the Executive Director may, with the consent of the Heritage Council, serve written notice on the owner of the registered place or registered object requiring the owner to show cause, within 21 days after the date of the notice, why the Executive Director should not make an order requiring the owner to carry out the works specified in the notice within the period specified in the notice.
(2) In a notice under subsection (1), the Executive Director must only specify works which, in his or her opinion, are necessary to prevent further deterioration in the condition of the registered place or registered object.
(3) A notice under subsection (1) must inform the owner on whom it is served of the provisions of sections 162 to 164.

Orders for the carrying out of works
(1) If the owner of a registered place or registered object on whom notice is served under section 161 fails to show cause in respect of all or any one or more of the works specified in that notice, the Executive Director, with the consent of the Minister, may order that those works be carried out within a period specified in the order.
(2) The Executive Director must cause a copy of an order made under subsection (1) to be served on the owner of the registered place or registered object.
S. 163 substituted by No. 52/1998
s. 311(Sch. 1 item 38.11).

Review of order to carry out works
(1) An owner of a registered place or registered object may apply to the Tribunal for review of an order served on the owner under section 162.
(2) The application must be made within one month after the service of the order.
(3) The Tribunal may grant an extension of time for compliance with the order pending the hearing of the application.
(4) An extension under subsection (3) may be subject to any conditions the Tribunal thinks fit.
(5) On a review of an order, the Tribunal must quash the order if satisfied that the owner of the registered place or registered object has not—
(a) allowed it to fall into disrepair; or
(b) failed to maintain it to the extent that its conservation is threatened.
(6) If the Tribunal is not satisfied as set out in subsection (3) it must confirm the order.
S. 164 amended by No. 74/2003 ss 5(6)(a)(b), 9 (ILA s. 39B(1)).

Failure to comply with order under section 162
(1) An owner on whom an order under section 162(1) is served must comply with that order within the period specified—
(a) in that order; or
S. 164(1)(b) amended by No. 52/1998
s. 311(Sch. 1 item 38.12).
(b) in any extension of that period granted by the Executive Director or the Tribunal.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person: 2400 penalty units or 5 years imprisonment or both.
In the case of a body corporate: 4800 penalty units.
S. 164(2) inserted by No. 74/2003 s. 9.
(2) An offence against subsection (1) is an indictable offence.

Executive Director may carry out works
If an owner on whom an order under section 162(1) is served fails to comply with that order within the period required under this Division, the Executive Director, with the consent of the Minister, at the end of that period—
(a) may carry out or cause to be carried out any works which that repair order required to be carried out and which were not carried out within that period; and
(b) may recover the costs of works carried out under paragraph (a) from the owner on whom the repair order was served in any court of competent jurisdiction as a debt.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
(1) Seorang inspektur harus tidak, kecuali sejauh diperlukan-
(a) untuk melaksanakan fungsi atau melaksanakan kewenangan berdasarkan Undang-Undang ini atau peraturan; atau
(b) sehubungan dengan administrasi atau berlakunya Undang-Undang ini atau peraturan; atau
(c) untuk memberikan informasi inspektur berwenang, diizinkan atau diwajibkan untuk memberikan berdasarkan Undang-Undang ini atau UU lain atau peraturan di bawah ini ACT-
berikan kepada orang lain, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, setiap informasi yang diperoleh dalam pelaksanaan kekuasaan sebagai inspektur.
Penalti:. 20 unit penalti
(2) Ayat (1) tidak mencegah pemberian informasi-
(a) untuk tujuan apapun proses hukum yang timbul dari Undang-Undang ini atau peraturan, atau laporan apapun dari proses tersebut; atau
(b) dengan persetujuan dari Menteri. Divisi 2 - Pesanan Perbaikan HERITAGE ACT 1995 - SEKTE 160 tempat Terdaftar atau objek-rusak dan kegagalan untuk mempertahankan Pemilik tempat terdaftar atau benda yang terdaftar harus tidak- (a) memungkinkan bahwa tempat atau objek untuk jatuh ke dalam rusak; atau (b) gagal untuk mempertahankan tempat atau objek sejauh konservasi terancam. HERITAGE ACT 1995 - SEKTE 161 Pemberitahuan untuk menunjukkan penyebab mengapa karya tidak harus dilakukan (1) Jika Direktur Eksekutif percaya bahwa seseorang memiliki- (a) memungkinkan tempat terdaftar atau objek yang terdaftar jatuh ke dalam rusak; atau (b) gagal mempertahankan tempat terdaftar atau objek yang terdaftar sejauh konservasi adalah threatened- Direktur Eksekutif dapat, dengan persetujuan dari Dewan Warisan, melayani pemberitahuan tertulis pada pemilik tempat terdaftar atau objek yang terdaftar yang membutuhkan pemilik untuk menunjukkan penyebab, dalam waktu 21 hari setelah tanggal pemberitahuan, kenapa Direktur Eksekutif tidak harus membuat perintah yang membutuhkan pemilik untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan ditentukan dalam pemberitahuan dalam waktu yang ditentukan dalam pemberitahuan tersebut. (2) Dalam pemberitahuan dalam ayat (1), Direktur Eksekutif hanya harus menentukan karya yang, dalam pendapatnya, diperlukan untuk mencegah kerusakan lebih lanjut dalam kondisi tempat terdaftar atau objek yang terdaftar. (3) Sebuah pemberitahuan dalam ayat (1) harus memberitahukan pemilik pada siapa disajikan dari ketentuan bagian 162-164. HERITAGE ACT 1995 - SEKTE 162 Pesanan untuk melaksanakan karya (1) Jika pemilik tempat terdaftar atau objek yang terdaftar pada siapa pemberitahuan disajikan di bawah bagian 161 gagal untuk menunjukkan penyebab sehubungan dengan semua atau salah satu atau lebih dari karya-karya yang ditentukan dalam pemberitahuan itu, Direktur Eksekutif, dengan persetujuan Menteri, dapat memerintahkan bahwa karya-karya dilakukan dalam jangka waktu tertentu dalam urutan. (2 ) Direktur Eksekutif harus menyebabkan salinan pesanan yang dilakukan dalam ayat (1) yang akan disajikan pada pemilik tempat terdaftar atau objek yang terdaftar. S. 163 diganti dengan No. 52/1998 s. 311 (Sch 1 item 38,11.). HERITAGE ACT 1995 - SEKTE 163 Ulasan untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan (1) Seorang pemilik tempat terdaftar atau benda yang terdaftar dapat mengajukan permohonan kepada Pengadilan untuk meninjau perintah disajikan pada pemilik di bawah bagian 162. (2) Permohonan harus dilakukan dalam waktu satu bulan setelah layanan pesanan. (3) Majelis dapat memberikan perpanjangan waktu untuk memenuhi order tunggu sidang aplikasi. (4) Perpanjangan dalam ayat (3) dapat dikenakan kondisi Pengadilan berpikir fit. (5) Pada review perintah, Pengadilan harus membatalkan pesanan jika puas bahwa pemilik tempat terdaftar atau benda yang terdaftar memiliki tidak- (a) mengijinkannya jatuh ke dalam rusak; atau (b) gagal mempertahankan itu sampai-sampai konservasi terancam. (6) Jika Pengadilan tidak puas sebagaimana diatur pada ayat (3) harus mengkonfirmasi pesanan. S. 164 diubah dengan No. 74/2003 ss 5 (6) (a) (b), 9 (ILA s 39B (1).). HERITAGE ACT 1995 - SEKTE 164 Kegagalan untuk mematuhi perintah di bawah bagian 162 (1) Seorang pemilik pada siapa perintah di bawah bagian 162 (1) disajikan harus sesuai dengan urutan dalam waktu specified- (a) agar; atau S. 164 (1) (b) diubah dengan No. 52/1998 s. 311 (Sch 1 item 38,12.). (b) dalam perpanjangan waktu yang diberikan oleh Direktur Eksekutif atau Pengadilan. Hukuman: Dalam kasus orang perorangan:. 2400 unit hukuman atau 5 tahun penjara atau keduanya Dalam hal dari badan usaha:. 4800 unit penalti S. 164 (2) dimasukkan oleh No 74/2003 s. . 9 (2) Sebuah pelanggaran terhadap ayat (1) adalah pelanggaran dpt dituntut. ERITAGE ACT 1995 - SEKTE 165 Direktur Eksekutif dapat melaksanakan pekerjaan Jika pemilik pada siapa perintah di bawah bagian 162 (1) disajikan gagal mematuhi perintah itu dalam waktu yang dipersyaratkan dalam Divisi ini, Direktur Eksekutif, dengan persetujuan Menteri, pada akhir periode-itu (a) dapat melakukan atau menyebabkan harus dilakukan setiap karya yang bahwa perintah perbaikan yang diperlukan akan dilakukan dan yang tidak dilakukan dalam jangka waktu itu; dan (b) dapat memulihkan biaya pekerjaan dilakukan di bawah ayat (a) dari pemilik pada siapa urutan perbaikan disajikan dalam pengadilan yang berwenang sebagai utang.

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