By the per­for­mance of Yun Che today, with the sta­tus of Yun Qing­ho terjemahan - By the per­for­mance of Yun Che today, with the sta­tus of Yun Qing­ho Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

By the per­for­mance of Yun Che tod

By the per­for­mance of Yun Che today, with the sta­tus of Yun Qing­hong ac­knowl­edg­ment, this Tyrant Em­peror Dan home to re­turn to is the name will fol­low re­al­ity, in the main hall peo­ple heart ad­mires per­son­ally in­com­pa­ra­bly, ac­tu­ally also knows that Yun Che def­i­nitely most has the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to ob­tain its per­son.
The Lit­tle Demon Em­press words let the per­son com­plex­ions of east­ern seat seven fam­ily and nu­mer­ous palace are dif­fi­cult to see pre­cious of ex­treme Tyrant Em­peror Dan, the world all knew. Its re­fine­ment is ex­tremely dif­fi­cult, the Bao blue palace av­er­age 50 years can prac­tice one, but its ef­fect, nat­u­rally is for­mi­da­ble in­com­pa­ra­ble pro­found, if to the Em­peror Pro­found peak, must only take next Tyrant Em­peror Dan, can then di­rectly break through the Tyrant Pro­found Realm bot­tle­neck, eas­ily achieve­ment Tyrant Em­peror!
Why this is also it calls „Tyrant Em­peror Dan”.
Bound­ary pro­found re­gard­ing Tyrant Em­peror as well as above Tyrant Em­peror, the func­tion of Tyrant Em­peror Dan is not re­mark­able, merely is pro­mo­tion Pro­found Strength of small scope. But re­gard­ing Tyrant Em­peror below, it re­ally not less than „day pill”. Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent is also good, Il­lu­sory Demon Realm is also good, the Throne pow­er­house is nu­mer­ous, but these Throne, in which 99% life can only the lie Em­peror Pro­found peak, un­able to break through to the bound­ary of Tyrant Em­peror. If Tyrant Em­peror Dan, can have a me­te­oric rise in­stan­ta­neously, is re­born.
Demon Im­pe­r­ial City Pro­found Strength plane/level is ex­tremely high, the pow­er­house are in­nu­mer­able, par­tic­u­larly seven big Guardian Clan and var­i­ous palaces, Tyrant Em­peror is not strange. But does not rep­re­sent them after reach­ing the Em­peror Pro­found peak can break through to Tyrant Pro­found Realm smoothly. Under the as­sis­tances of many for­mi­da­ble Sov­er­eign, Sky Pro­found and Em­peror Pro­found bot­tle­neck can break through eas­ily, but re­gard­ing Em­peror Pro­found to the Tyrant Pro­found bot­tle­neck, Sov­er­eign is also help­less. Nat­ural tal­ent ex­tremely high by the card for sev­eral years, sev­eral years, dozens years of even life is un­able to break through.
Guardian Clan and var­i­ous palaces have him to fight and rank darkly, if Tyrant Em­peror Dan, the next gen­er­a­tion of train­ing can after reach­ing the Em­peror Pro­found peak de­vot­edly breaks through to Tyrant Em­peror di­rectly, leads a bound­ary Duke Huai palace the Hui Ran King strength to be so more ter­ror­ist than the it tal­ent close con­tem­po­raries di­rectly, his tal­ent is ex­tremely high is its one, an­other im­por­tant rea­son, is he when Pro­found Strength ar­rives at the Sky Pro­found peak, took Tyrant Em­peror Dan. He is also pre­sent age light one gen­er­a­tion of all Guardian Clan and in palace, only took the Tyrant Em­peror Dan per­son thus until now, same gen­er­a­tion un­manned
But enemy.
There­fore, even if in the eye of Guardian Clan and palace, Tyrant Em­peror Dan sim­i­larly is the price­less trea­sure.
Each Demon Em­peror main hall, Tyrant Em­peror Dan also only Tyrant Em­peror Dan will then be­stow, which in­flu­ence can ob­tain, in the next gen­er­a­tion, must leave one to dom­i­nate in the major part, even the char­ac­ters of all peers.
Pro­found Strength of Yun Che Sky Pro­found Realm peak, the strength then has shocked merely every­body, the break­through that if Tyrant Em­peror Dan, will not hin­der in the fu­ture into the bound­ary of Tyrant Em­peror, is un­able to imag­ine him to be for­mi­da­ble to what de­gree sim­ply.
Yun Fam­ily high and low all de­lighted, Mu Feiyan opens the mouth to laugh im­me­di­ately, Mu Yurou joy­ful [say / way]: „Che Er, is not quicker thanks the Lit­tle Demon Em­press kind­ness.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Oleh kinerja Yun Che hari ini, dengan status Yun Qinghong pengakuan, ini, Kaisar tiran Dan rumah untuk kembali ke adalah nama akan mengikuti kenyataan, di aula utama hati orang mengagumi pribadi terbandingkan, sebenarnya juga tahu bahwa Yun Che pasti paling memiliki kualifikasi untuk mendapatkan orang yang.Kata sedikit setan Permaisuri membiarkan orang berkulit Timur kursi tujuh keluarga dan banyak Istana sulit untuk melihat mulia ekstrim dan Kaisar tiran, dunia semua tahu. Perbaikan ini sangat sulit, Bao biru rata-rata palace 50 tahun dapat berlatih satu, tapi efeknya, secara alami Tangguh jika mendalam, yang tak tertandingi untuk puncak Kaisar Profound, harus hanya mengambil berikutnya Dan Kaisar tiran, dapat kemudian langsung menerobos hambatan alam mendalam tiran, mudah prestasi Kaisar tiran!Mengapa hal ini yang juga mereka sebut "Tiran Kaisar Dan".Batas mendalam mengenai Kaisar tiran serta di atas Kaisar tiran, fungsi Dan Kaisar tiran tidak luar biasa, hanya adalah promosi kekuatan mendalam lingkup kecil. Tetapi mengenai Kaisar tiran di bawah ini, itu benar-benar tidak kurang dari "hari pil". Mendalam Sky benua juga baik, ilusi dunia setan juga baik, powerhouse takhta banyak, tapi ini takhta yang 99% hidup dapat hanya kebohongan Kaisar Profound peak, mampu menembus ke batas dari Kaisar tiran. Jika Dan Kaisar tiran, dapat memiliki meroket seketika, yang dilahirkan kembali.Setan Imperial kota kekuatan mendalam pesawat tingkat sangat tinggi, powerhouse tak terhitung, sangat tujuh klan wali besar dan berbagai istana, Kaisar tiran tidak aneh. Tapi tidak mewakili mereka setelah mencapai puncak Kaisar Profound dapat menembus ke tiran mendalam alam lancar. Di bawah bantuan banyak tangguh Sovereign, Sky mendalam dan Kaisar Profound hambatan dapat menembus dengan mudah, tetapi mengenai Kaisar Profound untuk hambatan mendalam tiran, Sovereign juga tak berdaya. Bakat alami yang sangat tinggi oleh kartu untuk beberapa tahun, beberapa tahun, puluhan tahun kehidupan bahkan tidak mampu menembus.Guardian Clan and var­i­ous palaces have him to fight and rank darkly, if Tyrant Em­peror Dan, the next gen­er­a­tion of train­ing can after reach­ing the Em­peror Pro­found peak de­vot­edly breaks through to Tyrant Em­peror di­rectly, leads a bound­ary Duke Huai palace the Hui Ran King strength to be so more ter­ror­ist than the it tal­ent close con­tem­po­raries di­rectly, his tal­ent is ex­tremely high is its one, an­other im­por­tant rea­son, is he when Pro­found Strength ar­rives at the Sky Pro­found peak, took Tyrant Em­peror Dan. He is also pre­sent age light one gen­er­a­tion of all Guardian Clan and in palace, only took the Tyrant Em­peror Dan per­son thus until now, same gen­er­a­tion un­mannedBut enemy.There­fore, even if in the eye of Guardian Clan and palace, Tyrant Em­peror Dan sim­i­larly is the price­less trea­sure.Each Demon Em­peror main hall, Tyrant Em­peror Dan also only Tyrant Em­peror Dan will then be­stow, which in­flu­ence can ob­tain, in the next gen­er­a­tion, must leave one to dom­i­nate in the major part, even the char­ac­ters of all peers.Pro­found Strength of Yun Che Sky Pro­found Realm peak, the strength then has shocked merely every­body, the break­through that if Tyrant Em­peror Dan, will not hin­der in the fu­ture into the bound­ary of Tyrant Em­peror, is un­able to imag­ine him to be for­mi­da­ble to what de­gree sim­ply.Yun Fam­ily high and low all de­lighted, Mu Feiyan opens the mouth to laugh im­me­di­ately, Mu Yurou joy­ful [say / way]: „Che Er, is not quicker thanks the Lit­tle Demon Em­press kind­ness.”
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