Look out for the bats. As you don't have the LIGHTER anymore, you'llha terjemahan - Look out for the bats. As you don't have the LIGHTER anymore, you'llha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Look out for the bats. As you don't

Look out for the bats. As you don't have the LIGHTER anymore, you'll
have to just run past them. They don't cause much damage, so don't
worry too much. Head to the door at the very end.
Torture Room 2

Yikes, another torture room, full of zombies too. Kill them all, and then
head down the stairs in the back corner of the room. Head through the
Torture Room 3

Grab the RUSTED SWORD from the large shield on one wall. The middle statue
will then rise and gas will begin to spread throughout the room. Quickly
push the bar protruding from the statue counter clock-wise and the gas
will stop. If you are too slow, the gas will kill Claire instantly.

Next up, the statue you got the RUSTED SWORD from will rotate. Insert the
RUSTED SWORD in the hole that appears, and a zombie will suddenly burst
out from the armor and attack you. Kill it completely and collect the
PIANO ROLL from where the zombie was hiding. You have now explored every
room in the Prison, so we ought to get out of here once and for all. Go
back to the Torture Room 2.
Torture Room 2

Go up the stairs and return to the Secret Hallway. Note that if you
didn't kill the zombie with the rusted sword stabbed through it, then
it'll follow you in here. However, it will be so far behind that you
can continue to ignore it, and it'll stop following you here.

Secret Hallway

Run back to the Doctor Room, avoiding the bats as usual.

Doctor Room

Run to the area behind the Guillotine.

Behind The Guillotine
Head to the Guillotine.


Head to the Barrack.


Head to the Prison Courtyard.
Prison Courtyard

Head to the Iron Bridge.

Iron Bridge

Cross the bridge, head past the crates and up the stairs. Run all the
way to the Passage.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Look out for the bats. As you don't have the LIGHTER anymore, you'llhave to just run past them. They don't cause much damage, so don'tworry too much. Head to the door at the very end.Torture Room 2--------------Yikes, another torture room, full of zombies too. Kill them all, and thenhead down the stairs in the back corner of the room. Head through thedoor.Torture Room 3--------------Grab the RUSTED SWORD from the large shield on one wall. The middle statuewill then rise and gas will begin to spread throughout the room. Quicklypush the bar protruding from the statue counter clock-wise and the gaswill stop. If you are too slow, the gas will kill Claire instantly.Next up, the statue you got the RUSTED SWORD from will rotate. Insert theRUSTED SWORD in the hole that appears, and a zombie will suddenly burstout from the armor and attack you. Kill it completely and collect thePIANO ROLL from where the zombie was hiding. You have now explored everyroom in the Prison, so we ought to get out of here once and for all. Goback to the Torture Room 2.Torture Room 2--------------Go up the stairs and return to the Secret Hallway. Note that if youdidn't kill the zombie with the rusted sword stabbed through it, thenit'll follow you in here. However, it will be so far behind that youcan continue to ignore it, and it'll stop following you here.Secret Hallway--------------Run back to the Doctor Room, avoiding the bats as usual.Doctor Room-----------Run to the area behind the Guillotine.Behind The Guillotine---------------------Head to the Guillotine.Guillotine----------Head to the Barrack.Barrack-------Head to the Prison Courtyard.Prison Courtyard----------------Head to the Iron Bridge.Iron Bridge-----------Cross the bridge, head past the crates and up the stairs. Run all theway to the Passage.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Carilah kelelawar. Ketika Anda tidak memiliki RINGAN lagi, Anda akan
harus hanya menjalankan melewati mereka. Mereka tidak menyebabkan banyak kerusakan, jadi jangan
terlalu khawatir. Kepala ke pintu di akhir.
Penyiksaan Kamar 2
-------------- Astaga, ruang penyiksaan lain, penuh dengan zombie juga. Membunuh mereka semua, dan kemudian kepala menuruni tangga di sudut belakang ruangan. Kepala melalui pintu. Penyiksaan Room 3 -------------- Ambil berkarat SWORD dari perisai besar di salah satu dinding. Patung tengah kemudian akan naik dan gas akan mulai menyebar ke seluruh ruangan. Cepat mendorong bar menonjol dari patung kontra jam-bijaksana dan gas akan berhenti. Jika Anda terlalu lambat, gas akan membunuh Claire langsung. Selanjutnya, patung Anda mendapat berkarat SWORD dari akan berputar. Masukkan berkarat SWORD di lubang yang muncul, dan zombie tiba-tiba akan meledak keluar dari baju besi dan menyerang Anda. Bunuh benar dan mengumpulkan ROLL PIANO dari mana zombie itu bersembunyi. Anda telah dieksplorasi sekarang setiap kamar di Penjara, jadi kami harus keluar dari sini sekali dan untuk semua. Pergi kembali ke Penyiksaan 2. Kamar Penyiksaan Room 2 -------------- Naik tangga dan kembali ke Rahasia Hallway. Catatan bahwa jika Anda tidak membunuh zombie dengan pedang berkarat ditusuk melalui itu, maka itu akan mengikuti Anda di sini. Namun, itu akan sangat jauh di belakang Anda dapat terus mengabaikannya, dan itu akan berhenti mengikuti Anda di sini. Rahasia Lorong -------------- Jalankan kembali ke Ruang Dokter, menghindari kelelawar seperti biasa. Dokter Room ----------- Jalankan ke daerah belakang Guillotine tersebut. Behind The Guillotine --------------------- Kepala untuk Guillotine ini. Guillotine ---------- Kepala ke Barrack. Barrack ------- Kepala ke Penjara Courtyard. Penjara Courtyard -------------- - Kepala ke Iron Bridge. Jembatan Besi ----------- Menyeberangi jembatan, kepala melewati peti dan menaiki tangga. Jalankan semua jalan ke Passage itu.

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