reported significantly higher MLQ-SF scores than men (t (1995) = 2.12, terjemahan - reported significantly higher MLQ-SF scores than men (t (1995) = 2.12, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

reported significantly higher MLQ-S

reported significantly higher MLQ-SF scores than men (t (1995) = 2.12, p < .05), although the magnitude of this difference was less than small (d = .09). Although the omnibus F-test for differences among married, single, widowed, divorced, annulled, and cohabitating respondents was significant (F(6, 1990) = 5.56, p < .05), Tukey’s B post hoc tests did not reveal any significant subsets of respondents, and widely differing numbers of respondents in each category (ranging from 2 to 1308) interfered with any conclusions that might be drawn from the omnibus test. Thus, although there were significant relations with demographic factors, the effect sizes were less than small, suggesting that the influence of demographic factors was limited.
3.5 Meaning in life and wellbeing
After employing sample weights, correlation coefficients were calculated among meaning in life, the basic psychological needs, and the indicators of satisfaction. As can be seen in Table 1, meaning in life, the three psychological needs, and overall life satisfaction were intercorrelated with medium to large effect sizes. The largest correlate of meaning in life was autonomy (r = .68). This finding was echoed in the correlations with domain satisfaction ratings (see Table 2), where satisfaction with free choice and control over life was the strongest correlate of meaning in life (r =.44), with the rest of the correlations with domain satisfaction ranging from .20 to .39. The pattern of correlations indicated that eudaimonic variables were related more strongly with each other than they were with hedonic variables, and vice versa.
Table 1. Correlations among meaning, psychological need satisfaction, and overall life satisfaction
1. Meaning in Life
2. Relatedness .50
3. Autonomy
4. Competence
5. Life Satisfaction
.68 .53
.53 .67 .60
.43 .34 .44 .40
Note. All correlation coefficients are significant at p < .001 level.
4. Discussion
The wellbeing of nations is of abiding interest across diverse disciplines, spanning sociology, economics, and epidemiology on one end and psychology, medicine, and philosophy on the other end. Increasingly sophisticated efforts are being made to model wellbeing for research and policy purposes (e.g., Alkire & Santos 2010; Gallup, Inc., 2007; Kobau et al., 2010). Although these new approaches are increasingly multidimensional, the inclusion of meaning in life in these efforts has been hampered by the lack of a solid measure with high utility. The present study builds on previous national-level research showing that the MLQ-Presence short form scale can be effectively used in large-scale research (Kobau et al., 2010). We were able to show that the MLQ-SF has a strong structure, that the factor structure was invariant across gender and age, that it is factorially distinct from psychological need satisfaction and life and domain satisfaction, and that meaning in life is positively associated with other components of wellbeing, in a previously unexplored national context. We believe that this is an important first step in deploying the MLQ-SF in national and cross-national studies of health and wellbeing.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
melaporkan nilai MLQ-SF yang secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada laki-laki (t (1995) = 2.12, p < 05), meskipun besarnya perbedaan ini kurang dari kecil (d =.09 mendapat Meskipun Omnibus film F-test untuk perbedaan antara menikah, tunggal, janda cerai, dibatalkan, dan cohabitating responden adalah signifikan (F (6, 1990) 5,56, p = < 05), Tukey's B post hoc tes tidak mengungkapkan setiap subset yang signifikan dari responden, dan jumlah responden di setiap kategori (mulai dari 2 sampai 1308) yang banyak berbeda mengganggu setiap kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari kumpulan karangan Vaccine tes. Dengan demikian, walaupun ada hubungan signifikan dengan faktor demografi, ukuran efek yang kurang dari kecil, menyarankan bahwa pengaruh faktor Demografi adalah terbatas.3.5 arti dalam hidup dan kesejahteraanAfter employing sample weights, correlation coefficients were calculated among meaning in life, the basic psychological needs, and the indicators of satisfaction. As can be seen in Table 1, meaning in life, the three psychological needs, and overall life satisfaction were intercorrelated with medium to large effect sizes. The largest correlate of meaning in life was autonomy (r = .68). This finding was echoed in the correlations with domain satisfaction ratings (see Table 2), where satisfaction with free choice and control over life was the strongest correlate of meaning in life (r =.44), with the rest of the correlations with domain satisfaction ranging from .20 to .39. The pattern of correlations indicated that eudaimonic variables were related more strongly with each other than they were with hedonic variables, and vice versa.Table 1. Correlations among meaning, psychological need satisfaction, and overall life satisfaction12341. Meaning in Life2. Relatedness .503. Autonomy4. Competence5. Life Satisfaction.68 .53.53 .67 .60.43 .34 .44 .40Note. All correlation coefficients are significant at p < .001 level.4. DiscussionThe wellbeing of nations is of abiding interest across diverse disciplines, spanning sociology, economics, and epidemiology on one end and psychology, medicine, and philosophy on the other end. Increasingly sophisticated efforts are being made to model wellbeing for research and policy purposes (e.g., Alkire & Santos 2010; Gallup, Inc., 2007; Kobau et al., 2010). Although these new approaches are increasingly multidimensional, the inclusion of meaning in life in these efforts has been hampered by the lack of a solid measure with high utility. The present study builds on previous national-level research showing that the MLQ-Presence short form scale can be effectively used in large-scale research (Kobau et al., 2010). We were able to show that the MLQ-SF has a strong structure, that the factor structure was invariant across gender and age, that it is factorially distinct from psychological need satisfaction and life and domain satisfaction, and that meaning in life is positively associated with other components of wellbeing, in a previously unexplored national context. We believe that this is an important first step in deploying the MLQ-SF in national and cross-national studies of health and wellbeing.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
melaporkan secara signifikan lebih tinggi skor MLQ-SF daripada laki-laki (t (1995) = 2.12, p <0,05), meskipun besarnya perbedaan ini adalah kurang dari kecil (d = 0,09). Meskipun omnibus F-test untuk perbedaan antara menikah, tunggal, janda, bercerai, dibatalkan, dan responden cohabitating signifikan (F (6, 1990) = 5.56, p <0,05), B pasca tes hoc Tukey tidak mengungkapkan signifikan himpunan bagian dari responden, dan nomor yang sangat berbeda dari responden di setiap kategori (mulai 2-1308) mengganggu kesimpulan yang mungkin bisa ditarik dari uji omnibus. Jadi, meskipun ada hubungan yang signifikan dengan faktor demografi, ukuran efek yang kurang dari kecil, menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh faktor demografi terbatas.
3,5 Makna dalam hidup dan kesejahteraan
Setelah menggunakan bobot sampel, koefisien korelasi dihitung antara makna dalam hidup, kebutuhan psikologis dasar, dan indikator kepuasan. Seperti dapat dilihat pada Tabel 1, yang berarti dalam hidup, tiga kebutuhan psikologis, dan kepuasan hidup secara keseluruhan yang intercorrelated dengan media untuk efek ukuran besar. The berkorelasi terbesar makna dalam hidup adalah otonomi (r = 0,68). Temuan ini bergema di korelasi dengan penilaian kepuasan domain (lihat Tabel 2), di mana kepuasan dengan pilihan bebas dan kontrol atas kehidupan adalah korelasi terkuat makna hidup (r = 0,44), dengan sisa korelasi dengan kepuasan domain mulai 0,20-0,39. Pola korelasi menunjukkan bahwa variabel eudaimonic berhubungan lebih kuat dengan satu sama lain daripada mereka dengan variabel hedonis, dan sebaliknya.
Tabel 1. Korelasi antara makna, kepuasan kebutuhan psikologis, dan kehidupan secara keseluruhan kepuasan
1. Arti Hidup
2. Keterkaitan 0,50
3. Otonomi
4. Kompetensi
5. Hidup Kepuasan
0,68 0,53
0,53 0,67 0,60
0,43 0,34 0,44 0,40
Note. Semua koefisien korelasi adalah signifikan pada p <0,001 tingkat.
4. Diskusi
The kesejahteraan bangsa adalah mematuhi bunga di seluruh disiplin ilmu yang beragam, mencakup sosiologi, ekonomi, dan epidemiologi di satu ujung dan psikologi, kedokteran, dan filsafat di ujung. Upaya semakin canggih yang dilakukan untuk model kesejahteraan untuk penelitian dan kebijakan tujuan (misalnya, Alkire & Santos 2010; Gallup, Inc., 2007; Kobau et al, 2010.). Meskipun pendekatan baru yang semakin multidimensi, masuknya makna hidup dalam upaya ini telah terhambat oleh kurangnya ukuran solid dengan utilitas tinggi. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada penelitian tingkat nasional sebelumnya yang menunjukkan bahwa MLQ-Kehadiran skala bentuk pendek dapat secara efektif digunakan dalam penelitian skala besar (Kobau et al., 2010). Kami mampu menunjukkan bahwa MLQ-SF memiliki struktur yang kuat, bahwa struktur faktor adalah invarian di jenis kelamin dan usia, bahwa itu adalah faktorial berbeda dari kepuasan kebutuhan psikologis dan kehidupan dan domain kepuasan, dan makna dalam kehidupan secara positif terkait dengan komponen lain dari kesejahteraan, dalam konteks nasional yang sebelumnya belum diselidiki. Kami percaya bahwa ini merupakan langkah pertama yang penting dalam menyebarkan MLQ-SF dalam studi nasional dan lintas-nasional kesehatan dan kesejahteraan.
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