A major and minor lipase from the fungus O. piliferum were copurified  terjemahan - A major and minor lipase from the fungus O. piliferum were copurified  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A major and minor lipase from the f

A major and minor lipase from the fungus O. piliferum were copurified by hydrophobic
interaction chromatography on octyl sepharose FF, followed by ion exchange chromatography
on Q sepharose FF (Brush et al., 1999). This protocol resulted in a 1000-fold
purification of the lipase. The major lipase had a molecular mass of approximately 60 kDa
and a pI of 3.79. The minor lipase had a molecular mass of 5 kDa and a pI of 3.6. Diogo et al.
(1999) reported the fractionation of Chromobacterium viscosum lipase using a polypropylene
glycol Sepharose gel. Adsorption of the lipase on the gel depended on the salt concentration
and the ionic strength of the mobile phase (Diogo et al., 1999). A mobile phase of 20% (wt/
vol) ammonium sulfate in phosphate buffer produced total retention of lipase on the column.
The lipase could be desorbed easily by decreasing the ionic strength of the buffer (Diogo
et al., 1999).
An extracellular lipase from Pseudomonas sp. could be purified to homogeneity by
extraction, Bio-gel P-10 chromatography, and Superose 12B chromatography (Dong et al.,
1999). The overall purification factor was 37. SDS-PAGE indicated a molecular mass of
30 kDa for this lipase and its isoelectric point was pH 4.5. The pH and temperature optima for
hydrolysis were pH 7.0–9.0 and 45–60 C, respectively. The enzyme was stable between pH
values of 6 and 12 and at less than 60 C.
Two lipases were purified using a DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column and preparative
electrophoresis (Kaminishi et al., 1999). The purified enzymes from A. repens and Eurotrium
hebariorum NU-2 had molecular masses of 38 and 65 kDa, respectively, as determined by
SDS-PAGE (Kaminishi et al., 1999). Lipase from A. repens had a pH optimum of 5.3 and
temperature optimum of 27 C. The NU-2 lipase had a pH optimum of 5.2 and a temperature
optimum of 37 C (Kaminishi et al., 1999). A three-step procedure involving ammonium
sulfate precipitation, DEAE Sephacel ion exchange chromatography, and Sephacryl S-200
gel filtration chromatography was used to purify a lipase from a thermophilic B. thermoleovorans
ID-1 to homogeneity (Lee et al., 1999). The protein was purified 223-fold. The
molecular mass of the lipase was 34 kDa (SDS-PAGE). The enzyme showed optimal activity
at 70–75 C and pH 7.5. The enzyme retained 50% of its original activity after 1-h
incubation at 60 C and 30-min incubation at 70 C (Lee et al., 1999).
Pe. cyclopium grown in stationary culture produced a Type I lipase specific for
triacylglycerols (Chahinian et al., 2000). In agitated culture, the fungus produced a Type II
lipase that was only active on partial acylglycerols (Chahinian et al., 2000). Lipase II was
purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation and two chromatographic steps. The enzyme
existed in several glycosylated forms (40–43 kDa molecular masses), which could be
converted to a single protein of 37 kDa by enzymatic deglycosylation (Chahinian et al.,
2000). Activity of Lipase II was maximal at pH 7.0 and 40 C. The enzyme was stable
between pH values of 4.5 and 7.0. Activity was rapidly lost at temperatures greater than 50 C
(Chahinian et al., 2000).
Hiol et al. (2000) purified an extracellular lipase produced by Rhizop. oryzae by
ammonium sulfate precipitation, sulfopropyl Sepharose chromatography, Sephadex G-75
gel filtration, and a second sulfopropyl Sepharose chromatography step. The enzyme was
purified 1200-fold and had a molecular mass of 32 kDa by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration (Hiol
et al., 2000). The enzyme had an isoelectric point of pH 7.6. A thermostable lipase produced
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A major and minor lipase from the fungus O. piliferum were copurified by hydrophobicinteraction chromatography on octyl sepharose FF, followed by ion exchange chromatographyon Q sepharose FF (Brush et al., 1999). This protocol resulted in a 1000-foldpurification of the lipase. The major lipase had a molecular mass of approximately 60 kDaand a pI of 3.79. The minor lipase had a molecular mass of 5 kDa and a pI of 3.6. Diogo et al.(1999) reported the fractionation of Chromobacterium viscosum lipase using a polypropyleneglycol Sepharose gel. Adsorption of the lipase on the gel depended on the salt concentrationand the ionic strength of the mobile phase (Diogo et al., 1999). A mobile phase of 20% (wt/vol) ammonium sulfate in phosphate buffer produced total retention of lipase on the column.The lipase could be desorbed easily by decreasing the ionic strength of the buffer (Diogoet al., 1999).An extracellular lipase from Pseudomonas sp. could be purified to homogeneity byextraction, Bio-gel P-10 chromatography, and Superose 12B chromatography (Dong et al.,1999). The overall purification factor was 37. SDS-PAGE indicated a molecular mass of30 kDa for this lipase and its isoelectric point was pH 4.5. The pH and temperature optima forhydrolysis were pH 7.0–9.0 and 45–60 C, respectively. The enzyme was stable between pHvalues of 6 and 12 and at less than 60 C.Two lipases were purified using a DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column and preparativeElektroforesis (Kaminishi et al., 1999). Enzim dimurnikan dari A. repens dan Eurotriumhebariorum NU-2 memiliki massa molekul 38 dan 65 kDa, masing-masing, seperti yang ditentukan olehSDS-halaman (Kaminishi et al., 1999). Lipase dari A. repens memiliki pH optimal 5.3 dansuhu optimal 27 c. Lipase NU-2 memiliki pH optimal 5.2 dan suhuoptimum dari 37 C (Kaminishi et al., 1999). Prosedur tiga langkah yang melibatkan amoniumcurah hujan sulfat, kromatografi pertukaran ion DEAE Sephacel dan Sephacryl S-200Kromatografi filtrasi gel digunakan untuk memurnikan lipase dari thermoleovorans B. thermophilicID-1 untuk keseragaman (Lee et al., 1999). Protein yang telah dimurnikan 223-fold. TheMassa molekul lipase adalah 34 kDa (SDS-halaman). Enzim menunjukkan aktivitas yang optimaldi C 70-75 dan pH 7,5. Enzim dipertahankan 50% aktivitas asli setelah 1-hinkubasi 60 C dan 30 menit inkubasi 70 c (Lee et al., 1999).PE. cyclopium tumbuh dalam kultur stasioner diproduksi sejenis saya lipase spesifiktrigliserida (Chahinian et al., 2000). Dalam budaya gelisah, jamur diproduksi tipe IILipase itu hanya aktif pada acylglycerols parsial (Chahinian et al., 2000). Lipase II adalahdimurnikan oleh amonium sulfat curah hujan dan dua langkah kromatografi. Enzimada dalam beberapa bentuk glikosilasi (40-43 kDa massa molekul), yang bisadikonversi ke sebuah unsur protein 37 kDa oleh enzim deglycosylation (Chahinian et al.,2000). Activity of Lipase II was maximal at pH 7.0 and 40 C. The enzyme was stablebetween pH values of 4.5 and 7.0. Activity was rapidly lost at temperatures greater than 50 C(Chahinian et al., 2000).Hiol et al. (2000) purified an extracellular lipase produced by Rhizop. oryzae byammonium sulfate precipitation, sulfopropyl Sepharose chromatography, Sephadex G-75gel filtration, and a second sulfopropyl Sepharose chromatography step. The enzyme waspurified 1200-fold and had a molecular mass of 32 kDa by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration (Hiolet al., 2000). The enzyme had an isoelectric point of pH 7.6. A thermostable lipase produced
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebuah lipase mayor dan minor dari jamur O. piliferum yang copurified oleh hidrofobik
kromatografi interaksi pada oktil sepharosa FF, diikuti dengan kromatografi pertukaran ion
pada Q Sepharose FF (Brush et al., 1999). Protokol ini menghasilkan 1.000 kali lipat
pemurnian lipase. Lipase utama memiliki massa molekul sekitar 60 kDa
dan pI dari 3,79. Lipase kecil memiliki massa molekul dari 5 kDa dan pI 3,6. Diogo et al.
(1999) melaporkan fraksinasi Chromobacterium viscosum lipase menggunakan polypropylene
gel glikol Sepharose. Adsorpsi lipase pada gel tergantung pada konsentrasi garam
dan kekuatan ionik dari fase gerak (Diogo et al., 1999). Sebuah fase gerak dari 20% (wt /
vol) amonium sulfat dalam buffer fosfat yang diproduksi Total retensi lipase pada kolom.
lipase yang dapat diserap dengan mudah dengan mengurangi kekuatan ion buffer (Diogo
et al., 1999).
Sebuah ekstraseluler lipase dari Pseudomonas sp. dapat dimurnikan untuk homogenitas dengan
ekstraksi, Bio-gel P-10 kromatografi, dan kromatografi Superose 12B (Dong et al.,
1999). Faktor pemurnian secara keseluruhan adalah 37. SDS-PAGE menunjukkan massa molekul
30 kDa untuk lipase ini dan titik isoelektrik yang adalah pH 4,5. PH dan suhu optimal untuk
hidrolisis adalah pH 7,0-9,0 dan 45-60? C, masing-masing. Enzim stabil antara pH
nilai 6 dan 12 dan kurang dari 60 ° C.
Dua lipase dimurnikan menggunakan DEAE-Sephadex A-50 kolom dan preparatif
elektroforesis (Kaminishi et al., 1999). Enzim dimurnikan dari A. repens dan Eurotrium
hebariorum NU-2 memiliki massa molekul 38 dan 65 kDa, masing-masing, sebagaimana ditentukan oleh
SDS-PAGE (Kaminishi et al., 1999). Lipase dari A. repens memiliki optimum pH 5,3 dan
suhu optimum 27 ° C. NU-2 lipase memiliki pH optimum 5,2 dan suhu
optimum 37? C (Kaminishi et al., 1999). Prosedur tiga langkah yang melibatkan amonium
sulfat curah hujan, DEAE sephacel kromatografi pertukaran ion, dan Sephacryl S-200
kromatografi filtrasi gel digunakan untuk memurnikan lipase dari B. termofilik thermoleovorans
ID-1 untuk homogenitas (Lee et al., 1999). Protein dimurnikan 223 kali lipat. The
massa molekul lipase adalah 34 kDa (SDS-PAGE). Enzim menunjukkan aktivitas optimal
pada 70-75? C dan pH 7,5. Enzim mempertahankan 50% dari aktivitas semula setelah 1-jam
inkubasi pada 60? C dan 30-menit inkubasi pada 70? C (Lee et al., 1999).
Pe. cyclopium tumbuh dalam budaya stasioner menghasilkan Tipe I lipase spesifik untuk
triasilgliserol (Chahinian et al., 2000). Dalam budaya gelisah, jamur menghasilkan Tipe II
lipase yang hanya aktif di acylglycerols parsial (Chahinian et al., 2000). Lipase II
dimurnikan dengan pengendapan amonium sulfat dan dua langkah kromatografi. Enzim
ada dalam beberapa bentuk glikosilasi (40-43 massa molekul kDa), yang dapat
dikonversi menjadi protein tunggal 37 kDa dengan deglycosylation enzimatik (Chahinian et al.,
2000). Kegiatan Lipase II adalah maksimal pada pH 7,0 dan 40? C. Enzim stabil
antara nilai pH 4.5 dan 7.0. Kegiatan itu cepat hilang pada suhu lebih besar dari 50? C
(Chahinian et al., 2000).
Hiol et al. (2000) dimurnikan sebuah lipase ekstraseluler yang dihasilkan oleh Rhizop. oryzae dengan
amonium sulfat curah hujan, kromatografi sulfopropyl Sepharose, Sephadex G-75
gel filtrasi, dan sulfopropyl Sepharose kromatografi langkah kedua. Enzim adalah
murni 1200 kali lipat dan memiliki massa molekul 32 kDa dengan SDS-PAGE dan filtrasi gel (Hiol
et al., 2000). Enzim memiliki titik isoelektrik pH 7,6. Sebuah lipase termostabil yang dihasilkan
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